package com.discord.utilities.textprocessing; import c.d.b.a.a; import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.AnimatableValueParser; import; import com.discord.simpleast.core.node.Node; import com.discord.simpleast.core.parser.ParseSpec; import com.discord.simpleast.core.parser.Parser; import com.discord.simpleast.core.parser.Rule; import; import d0.g0.s; import d0.z.d.m; import java.util.Map; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; /* compiled from: MessageUnparser.kt */ public final class MessageUnparser$getChannelMentionRule$1 extends Rule, S> { public final /* synthetic */ Map $channels; public final /* synthetic */ MessageUnparser this$0; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public MessageUnparser$getChannelMentionRule$1(MessageUnparser messageUnparser, Map map, Pattern pattern) { super(pattern); this.this$0 = messageUnparser; this.$channels = map; } @Override // com.discord.simpleast.core.parser.Rule public ParseSpec parse(Matcher matcher, Parser, S> parser, S s2) { String str; Long longOrNull; m.checkNotNullParameter(matcher, "matcher"); m.checkNotNullParameter(parser, "parser"); String group =; Channel channel = (Channel) this.$channels.get(Long.valueOf((group == null || (longOrNull = s.toLongOrNull(group)) == null) ? -1 : longOrNull.longValue())); if (channel != null) { StringBuilder J = a.J(MentionUtilsKt.CHANNELS_CHAR); J.append(AnimatableValueParser.y0(channel)); str = J.toString(); } else { str =; } m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(str, "content"); c.a.t.b.a.a aVar = new c.a.t.b.a.a(str); m.checkNotNullParameter(aVar, "node"); return new ParseSpec<>(aVar, s2); } }