package androidx.core.view; import android.os.Build; import android.view.WindowInsetsAnimationController; import androidx.annotation.FloatRange; import androidx.annotation.NonNull; import androidx.annotation.Nullable; import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi; import; import b.d.b.a.a; import; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public final class WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat { private final Impl mImpl; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class Impl { public void finish(boolean z2) { } public float getCurrentAlpha() { return 0.0f; } @FloatRange(from = ShadowDrawableWrapper.COS_45, to = 1.0d) public float getCurrentFraction() { return 0.0f; } @NonNull public Insets getCurrentInsets() { return Insets.NONE; } @NonNull public Insets getHiddenStateInsets() { return Insets.NONE; } @NonNull public Insets getShownStateInsets() { return Insets.NONE; } public int getTypes() { return 0; } public boolean isCancelled() { return true; } public boolean isFinished() { return false; } public boolean isReady() { return false; } public void setInsetsAndAlpha(@Nullable Insets insets, @FloatRange(from = 0.0d, to = 1.0d) float f, @FloatRange(from = 0.0d, to = 1.0d) float f2) { } } @RequiresApi(30) /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public static class Impl30 extends Impl { private final WindowInsetsAnimationController mController; public Impl30(@NonNull WindowInsetsAnimationController windowInsetsAnimationController) { this.mController = windowInsetsAnimationController; } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public void finish(boolean z2) { this.mController.finish(z2); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public float getCurrentAlpha() { return this.mController.getCurrentAlpha(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public float getCurrentFraction() { return this.mController.getCurrentFraction(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl @NonNull public Insets getCurrentInsets() { return Insets.toCompatInsets(this.mController.getCurrentInsets()); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl @NonNull public Insets getHiddenStateInsets() { return Insets.toCompatInsets(this.mController.getHiddenStateInsets()); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl @NonNull public Insets getShownStateInsets() { return Insets.toCompatInsets(this.mController.getShownStateInsets()); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public int getTypes() { return this.mController.getTypes(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public boolean isCancelled() { return this.mController.isCancelled(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public boolean isFinished() { return this.mController.isFinished(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public boolean isReady() { return this.mController.isReady(); } @Override // androidx.core.view.WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat.Impl public void setInsetsAndAlpha(@Nullable Insets insets, float f, float f2) { this.mController.setInsetsAndAlpha(insets == null ? null : insets.toPlatformInsets(), f, f2); } } public WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat() { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 30) { this.mImpl = new Impl(); return; } StringBuilder S = a.S("On API 30+, the constructor taking a "); S.append(WindowInsetsAnimationController.class.getSimpleName()); S.append(" as parameter"); throw new UnsupportedOperationException(S.toString()); } @RequiresApi(30) public WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompat(@NonNull WindowInsetsAnimationController windowInsetsAnimationController) { this.mImpl = new Impl30(windowInsetsAnimationController); } public void finish(boolean z2) { this.mImpl.finish(z2); } public float getCurrentAlpha() { return this.mImpl.getCurrentAlpha(); } @FloatRange(from = ShadowDrawableWrapper.COS_45, to = 1.0d) public float getCurrentFraction() { return this.mImpl.getCurrentFraction(); } @NonNull public Insets getCurrentInsets() { return this.mImpl.getCurrentInsets(); } @NonNull public Insets getHiddenStateInsets() { return this.mImpl.getHiddenStateInsets(); } @NonNull public Insets getShownStateInsets() { return this.mImpl.getShownStateInsets(); } public int getTypes() { return this.mImpl.getTypes(); } public boolean isCancelled() { return this.mImpl.isCancelled(); } public boolean isFinished() { return this.mImpl.isFinished(); } public boolean isReady() { return !isFinished() && !isCancelled(); } public void setInsetsAndAlpha(@Nullable Insets insets, @FloatRange(from = 0.0d, to = 1.0d) float f, @FloatRange(from = 0.0d, to = 1.0d) float f2) { this.mImpl.setInsetsAndAlpha(insets, f, f2); } }