package androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget; import; import android.util.Log; import android.util.SparseArray; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.utils.CurveFit; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.utils.Easing; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.utils.VelocityMatrix; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.KeyCycleOscillator; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.SplineSet; import androidx.constraintlayout.motion.widget.TimeCycleSplineSet; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.ConstraintWidget; import androidx.constraintlayout.solver.widgets.analyzer.BasicMeasure; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintAttribute; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintLayout; import androidx.constraintlayout.widget.ConstraintSet; import b.d.b.a.a; import; import java.lang.reflect.Array; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class MotionController { private static final boolean DEBUG = false; public static final int DRAW_PATH_AS_CONFIGURED = 4; public static final int DRAW_PATH_BASIC = 1; public static final int DRAW_PATH_CARTESIAN = 3; public static final int DRAW_PATH_NONE = 0; public static final int DRAW_PATH_RECTANGLE = 5; public static final int DRAW_PATH_RELATIVE = 2; public static final int DRAW_PATH_SCREEN = 6; private static final boolean FAVOR_FIXED_SIZE_VIEWS = false; public static final int HORIZONTAL_PATH_X = 2; public static final int HORIZONTAL_PATH_Y = 3; public static final int PATH_PERCENT = 0; public static final int PATH_PERPENDICULAR = 1; private static final String TAG = "MotionController"; public static final int VERTICAL_PATH_X = 4; public static final int VERTICAL_PATH_Y = 5; public String[] attributeTable; private CurveFit mArcSpline; private int[] mAttributeInterpCount; private String[] mAttributeNames; private HashMap mAttributesMap; public String mConstraintTag; private HashMap mCycleMap; public int mId; private double[] mInterpolateData; private int[] mInterpolateVariables; private double[] mInterpolateVelocity; private KeyTrigger[] mKeyTriggers; private CurveFit[] mSpline; private HashMap mTimeCycleAttributesMap; public View mView; private int mCurveFitType = -1; private MotionPaths mStartMotionPath = new MotionPaths(); private MotionPaths mEndMotionPath = new MotionPaths(); private MotionConstrainedPoint mStartPoint = new MotionConstrainedPoint(); private MotionConstrainedPoint mEndPoint = new MotionConstrainedPoint(); public float mMotionStagger = Float.NaN; public float mStaggerOffset = 0.0f; public float mStaggerScale = 1.0f; private int MAX_DIMENSION = 4; private float[] mValuesBuff = new float[4]; private ArrayList mMotionPaths = new ArrayList<>(); private float[] mVelocity = new float[1]; private ArrayList mKeyList = new ArrayList<>(); private int mPathMotionArc = Key.UNSET; public MotionController(View view) { setView(view); } private float getAdjustedPosition(float f, float[] fArr) { float f2 = 0.0f; float f3 = 1.0f; if (fArr != null) { fArr[0] = 1.0f; } else { float f4 = this.mStaggerScale; if (f4 != 1.0d) { float f5 = this.mStaggerOffset; if (f < f5) { f = 0.0f; } if (f > f5 && f < 1.0d) { f = (f - f5) * f4; } } } Easing easing = this.mStartMotionPath.mKeyFrameEasing; float f6 = Float.NaN; Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MotionPaths next =; Easing easing2 = next.mKeyFrameEasing; if (easing2 != null) { float f7 = next.time; if (f7 < f) { easing = easing2; f2 = f7; } else if (Float.isNaN(f6)) { f6 = next.time; } } } if (easing != null) { if (!Float.isNaN(f6)) { f3 = f6; } float f8 = f3 - f2; double d = (f - f2) / f8; f = (((float) easing.get(d)) * f8) + f2; if (fArr != null) { fArr[0] = (float) easing.getDiff(d); } } return f; } private float getPreCycleDistance() { float f; float[] fArr = new float[2]; float f2 = 1.0f / 99; double d = ShadowDrawableWrapper.COS_45; double d2 = 0.0d; int i = 0; float f3 = 0.0f; while (i < 100) { float f4 = i * f2; double d3 = f4; Easing easing = this.mStartMotionPath.mKeyFrameEasing; float f5 = Float.NaN; Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); float f6 = 0.0f; while (it.hasNext()) { MotionPaths next =; Easing easing2 = next.mKeyFrameEasing; if (easing2 != null) { float f7 = next.time; if (f7 < f4) { f6 = f7; easing = easing2; } else if (Float.isNaN(f5)) { f5 = next.time; } } f2 = f2; } if (easing != null) { if (Float.isNaN(f5)) { f5 = 1.0f; } d3 = (((float) easing.get((f4 - f6) / f)) * (f5 - f6)) + f6; } this.mSpline[0].getPos(d3, this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, 0); if (i > 0) { f3 = (float) (Math.hypot(d2 - fArr[1], d - fArr[0]) + f3); } d = fArr[0]; d2 = fArr[1]; i++; f2 = f2; } return f3; } private void insertKey(MotionPaths motionPaths) { int binarySearch = Collections.binarySearch(this.mMotionPaths, motionPaths); if (binarySearch == 0) { StringBuilder R = a.R(" KeyPath positon \""); R.append(motionPaths.position); R.append("\" outside of range"); Log.e(TAG, R.toString()); } this.mMotionPaths.add((-binarySearch) - 1, motionPaths); } private void readView(MotionPaths motionPaths) { motionPaths.setBounds((int) this.mView.getX(), (int) this.mView.getY(), this.mView.getWidth(), this.mView.getHeight()); } public void addKey(Key key) { this.mKeyList.add(key); } public void addKeys(ArrayList arrayList) { this.mKeyList.addAll(arrayList); } public void buildBounds(float[] fArr, int i) { float f; float f2 = 1.0f / (i - 1); HashMap hashMap = this.mAttributesMap; if (hashMap != null) { hashMap.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); } HashMap hashMap2 = this.mAttributesMap; if (hashMap2 != null) { hashMap2.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); } HashMap hashMap3 = this.mCycleMap; if (hashMap3 != null) { hashMap3.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); } HashMap hashMap4 = this.mCycleMap; if (hashMap4 != null) { hashMap4.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { float f3 = i2 * f2; float f4 = this.mStaggerScale; float f5 = 0.0f; if (f4 != 1.0f) { float f6 = this.mStaggerOffset; if (f3 < f6) { f3 = 0.0f; } if (f3 > f6 && f3 < 1.0d) { f3 = (f3 - f6) * f4; } } double d = f3; Easing easing = this.mStartMotionPath.mKeyFrameEasing; float f7 = Float.NaN; Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { MotionPaths next =; Easing easing2 = next.mKeyFrameEasing; if (easing2 != null) { float f8 = next.time; if (f8 < f3) { easing = easing2; f5 = f8; } else if (Float.isNaN(f7)) { f7 = next.time; } } } if (easing != null) { if (Float.isNaN(f7)) { f7 = 1.0f; } d = (((float) easing.get((f3 - f5) / f)) * (f7 - f5)) + f5; } this.mSpline[0].getPos(d, this.mInterpolateData); CurveFit curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { double[] dArr = this.mInterpolateData; if (dArr.length > 0) { curveFit.getPos(d, dArr); } } this.mStartMotionPath.getBounds(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i2 * 2); } } public int buildKeyBounds(float[] fArr, int[] iArr) { if (fArr == null) { return 0; } double[] timePoints = this.mSpline[0].getTimePoints(); if (iArr != null) { Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { i++; iArr[i] =; } } int i2 = 0; for (double d : timePoints) { this.mSpline[0].getPos(d, this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getBounds(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i2); i2 += 2; } return i2 / 2; } public int buildKeyFrames(float[] fArr, int[] iArr) { if (fArr == null) { return 0; } double[] timePoints = this.mSpline[0].getTimePoints(); if (iArr != null) { Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); int i = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { i++; iArr[i] =; } } int i2 = 0; for (double d : timePoints) { this.mSpline[0].getPos(d, this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i2); i2 += 2; } return i2 / 2; } /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:33:0x007e */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:43:0x00a2 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:49:0x00c8 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:54:0x00dd */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:55:0x00e7 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:59:0x00f9 */ /* JADX WARN: Removed duplicated region for block: B:60:0x0105 */ /* Code decompiled incorrectly, please refer to instructions dump. */ public void buildPath(float[] fArr, int i) { SplineSet splineSet; Easing easing; Iterator it; CurveFit curveFit; float f; int i2 = i; float f2 = 1.0f; float f3 = 1.0f / (i2 - 1); HashMap hashMap = this.mAttributesMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator = null; SplineSet splineSet2 = hashMap == null ? null : hashMap.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); HashMap hashMap2 = this.mAttributesMap; SplineSet splineSet3 = hashMap2 == null ? null : hashMap2.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); HashMap hashMap3 = this.mCycleMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator2 = hashMap3 == null ? null : hashMap3.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); HashMap hashMap4 = this.mCycleMap; if (hashMap4 != null) { keyCycleOscillator = hashMap4.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); } int i3 = 0; while (i3 < i2) { float f4 = i3 * f3; float f5 = this.mStaggerScale; if (f5 != f2) { float f6 = this.mStaggerOffset; if (f4 < f6) { f4 = 0.0f; } if (f4 > f6) { splineSet = splineSet2; if (f4 < 1.0d) { f4 = (f4 - f6) * f5; } double d = f4; easing = this.mStartMotionPath.mKeyFrameEasing; float f7 = Float.NaN; it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); float f8 = 0.0f; while (it.hasNext()) { MotionPaths next =; Easing easing2 = next.mKeyFrameEasing; if (easing2 != null) { float f9 = next.time; if (f9 < f4) { f8 = f9; easing = easing2; } else if (Float.isNaN(f7)) { f7 = next.time; } } } if (easing != null) { if (Float.isNaN(f7)) { f7 = 1.0f; } d = (((float) easing.get((f4 - f8) / f)) * (f7 - f8)) + f8; } this.mSpline[0].getPos(d, this.mInterpolateData); curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { double[] dArr = this.mInterpolateData; if (dArr.length > 0) { curveFit.getPos(d, dArr); } } int i4 = i3 * 2; this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i4); if (keyCycleOscillator2 == null) { fArr[i4] = keyCycleOscillator2.get(f4) + fArr[i4]; } else if (splineSet != null) { splineSet2 = splineSet; fArr[i4] = splineSet2.get(f4) + fArr[i4]; if (keyCycleOscillator != null) { int i5 = i4 + 1; fArr[i5] = keyCycleOscillator.get(f4) + fArr[i5]; } else if (splineSet3 != null) { int i6 = i4 + 1; fArr[i6] = splineSet3.get(f4) + fArr[i6]; } i3++; i2 = i; f2 = 1.0f; } splineSet2 = splineSet; if (keyCycleOscillator != null) { } i3++; i2 = i; f2 = 1.0f; } } splineSet = splineSet2; double d2 = f4; easing = this.mStartMotionPath.mKeyFrameEasing; float f72 = Float.NaN; it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); float f82 = 0.0f; while (it.hasNext()) { } if (easing != null) { } this.mSpline[0].getPos(d2, this.mInterpolateData); curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { } int i42 = i3 * 2; this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i42); if (keyCycleOscillator2 == null) { } splineSet2 = splineSet; if (keyCycleOscillator != null) { } i3++; i2 = i; f2 = 1.0f; } } public void buildRect(float f, float[] fArr, int i) { this.mSpline[0].getPos(getAdjustedPosition(f, null), this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getRect(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i); } public void buildRectangles(float[] fArr, int i) { float f = 1.0f / (i - 1); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i; i2++) { this.mSpline[0].getPos(getAdjustedPosition(i2 * f, null), this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getRect(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i2 * 8); } } public int getAttributeValues(String str, float[] fArr, int i) { SplineSet splineSet = this.mAttributesMap.get(str); if (splineSet == null) { return -1; } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < fArr.length; i2++) { fArr[i2] = splineSet.get(i2 / (fArr.length - 1)); } return fArr.length; } public void getDpDt(float f, float f2, float f3, float[] fArr) { double[] dArr; float adjustedPosition = getAdjustedPosition(f, this.mVelocity); CurveFit[] curveFitArr = this.mSpline; int i = 0; if (curveFitArr != null) { double d = adjustedPosition; curveFitArr[0].getSlope(d, this.mInterpolateVelocity); this.mSpline[0].getPos(d, this.mInterpolateData); float f4 = this.mVelocity[0]; while (true) { dArr = this.mInterpolateVelocity; if (i >= dArr.length) { break; } dArr[i] = dArr[i] * f4; i++; } CurveFit curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { double[] dArr2 = this.mInterpolateData; if (dArr2.length > 0) { curveFit.getPos(d, dArr2); this.mArcSpline.getSlope(d, this.mInterpolateVelocity); this.mStartMotionPath.setDpDt(f2, f3, fArr, this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateVelocity, this.mInterpolateData); return; } return; } this.mStartMotionPath.setDpDt(f2, f3, fArr, this.mInterpolateVariables, dArr, this.mInterpolateData); return; } MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mEndMotionPath; float f5 = motionPaths.f28x; MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mStartMotionPath; float f6 = f5 - motionPaths2.f28x; float f7 = motionPaths.f29y - motionPaths2.f29y; fArr[0] = (((motionPaths.width - motionPaths2.width) + f6) * f2) + ((1.0f - f2) * f6); fArr[1] = (((motionPaths.height - motionPaths2.height) + f7) * f3) + ((1.0f - f3) * f7); } public int getDrawPath() { int i = this.mStartMotionPath.mDrawPath; Iterator it = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { i = Math.max(i,; } return Math.max(i, this.mEndMotionPath.mDrawPath); } public float getFinalX() { return this.mEndMotionPath.f28x; } public float getFinalY() { return this.mEndMotionPath.f29y; } public MotionPaths getKeyFrame(int i) { return this.mMotionPaths.get(i); } public int getKeyFrameInfo(int i, int[] iArr) { float[] fArr = new float[2]; Iterator it = this.mKeyList.iterator(); int i2 = 0; int i3 = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Key next =; int i4 = next.mType; if (i4 == i || i != -1) { iArr[i3] = 0; int i5 = i3 + 1; iArr[i5] = i4; int i6 = i5 + 1; int i7 = next.mFramePosition; iArr[i6] = i7; this.mSpline[0].getPos(i7 / 100.0f, this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, 0); int i8 = i6 + 1; iArr[i8] = Float.floatToIntBits(fArr[0]); int i9 = i8 + 1; iArr[i9] = Float.floatToIntBits(fArr[1]); if (next instanceof KeyPosition) { KeyPosition keyPosition = (KeyPosition) next; int i10 = i9 + 1; iArr[i10] = keyPosition.mPositionType; int i11 = i10 + 1; iArr[i11] = Float.floatToIntBits(keyPosition.mPercentX); i9 = i11 + 1; iArr[i9] = Float.floatToIntBits(keyPosition.mPercentY); } int i12 = i9 + 1; iArr[i3] = i12 - i3; i2++; i3 = i12; } } return i2; } public float getKeyFrameParameter(int i, float f, float f2) { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mEndMotionPath; float f3 = motionPaths.f28x; MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mStartMotionPath; float f4 = motionPaths2.f28x; float f5 = f3 - f4; float f6 = motionPaths.f29y; float f7 = motionPaths2.f29y; float f8 = f6 - f7; float f9 = (motionPaths2.width / 2.0f) + f4; float f10 = (motionPaths2.height / 2.0f) + f7; float hypot = (float) Math.hypot(f5, f8); if (hypot < 1.0E-7d) { return Float.NaN; } float f11 = f - f9; float f12 = f2 - f10; if (((float) Math.hypot(f11, f12)) == 0.0f) { return 0.0f; } float f13 = (f12 * f8) + (f11 * f5); if (i == 0) { return f13 / hypot; } if (i == 1) { return (float) Math.sqrt((hypot * hypot) - (f13 * f13)); } if (i == 2) { return f11 / f5; } if (i == 3) { return f12 / f5; } if (i == 4) { return f11 / f8; } if (i != 5) { return 0.0f; } return f12 / f8; } public KeyPositionBase getPositionKeyframe(int i, int i2, float f, float f2) { RectF rectF = new RectF(); MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mStartMotionPath; float f3 = motionPaths.f28x; rectF.left = f3; float f4 = motionPaths.f29y; = f4; rectF.right = f3 + motionPaths.width; rectF.bottom = f4 + motionPaths.height; RectF rectF2 = new RectF(); MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mEndMotionPath; float f5 = motionPaths2.f28x; rectF2.left = f5; float f6 = motionPaths2.f29y; = f6; rectF2.right = f5 + motionPaths2.width; rectF2.bottom = f6 + motionPaths2.height; Iterator it = this.mKeyList.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Key next =; if (next instanceof KeyPositionBase) { KeyPositionBase keyPositionBase = (KeyPositionBase) next; if (keyPositionBase.intersects(i, i2, rectF, rectF2, f, f2)) { return keyPositionBase; } } } return null; } public void getPostLayoutDvDp(float f, int i, int i2, float f2, float f3, float[] fArr) { float adjustedPosition = getAdjustedPosition(f, this.mVelocity); HashMap hashMap = this.mAttributesMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator = null; SplineSet splineSet = hashMap == null ? null : hashMap.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); HashMap hashMap2 = this.mAttributesMap; SplineSet splineSet2 = hashMap2 == null ? null : hashMap2.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); HashMap hashMap3 = this.mAttributesMap; SplineSet splineSet3 = hashMap3 == null ? null : hashMap3.get(Key.ROTATION); HashMap hashMap4 = this.mAttributesMap; SplineSet splineSet4 = hashMap4 == null ? null : hashMap4.get(Key.SCALE_X); HashMap hashMap5 = this.mAttributesMap; SplineSet splineSet5 = hashMap5 == null ? null : hashMap5.get(Key.SCALE_Y); HashMap hashMap6 = this.mCycleMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator2 = hashMap6 == null ? null : hashMap6.get(Key.TRANSLATION_X); HashMap hashMap7 = this.mCycleMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator3 = hashMap7 == null ? null : hashMap7.get(Key.TRANSLATION_Y); HashMap hashMap8 = this.mCycleMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator4 = hashMap8 == null ? null : hashMap8.get(Key.ROTATION); HashMap hashMap9 = this.mCycleMap; KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator5 = hashMap9 == null ? null : hashMap9.get(Key.SCALE_X); HashMap hashMap10 = this.mCycleMap; if (hashMap10 != null) { keyCycleOscillator = hashMap10.get(Key.SCALE_Y); } VelocityMatrix velocityMatrix = new VelocityMatrix(); velocityMatrix.clear(); velocityMatrix.setRotationVelocity(splineSet3, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setTranslationVelocity(splineSet, splineSet2, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setScaleVelocity(splineSet4, splineSet5, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setRotationVelocity(keyCycleOscillator4, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setTranslationVelocity(keyCycleOscillator2, keyCycleOscillator3, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setScaleVelocity(keyCycleOscillator5, keyCycleOscillator, adjustedPosition); CurveFit curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { double[] dArr = this.mInterpolateData; if (dArr.length > 0) { double d = adjustedPosition; curveFit.getPos(d, dArr); this.mArcSpline.getSlope(d, this.mInterpolateVelocity); this.mStartMotionPath.setDpDt(f2, f3, fArr, this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateVelocity, this.mInterpolateData); } velocityMatrix.applyTransform(f2, f3, i, i2, fArr); return; } int i3 = 0; if (this.mSpline != null) { double adjustedPosition2 = getAdjustedPosition(adjustedPosition, this.mVelocity); this.mSpline[0].getSlope(adjustedPosition2, this.mInterpolateVelocity); this.mSpline[0].getPos(adjustedPosition2, this.mInterpolateData); float f4 = this.mVelocity[0]; while (true) { double[] dArr2 = this.mInterpolateVelocity; if (i3 < dArr2.length) { dArr2[i3] = dArr2[i3] * f4; i3++; } else { this.mStartMotionPath.setDpDt(f2, f3, fArr, this.mInterpolateVariables, dArr2, this.mInterpolateData); velocityMatrix.applyTransform(f2, f3, i, i2, fArr); return; } } } else { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mEndMotionPath; float f5 = motionPaths.f28x; MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mStartMotionPath; float f6 = f5 - motionPaths2.f28x; float f7 = motionPaths.f29y - motionPaths2.f29y; fArr[0] = (((motionPaths.width - motionPaths2.width) + f6) * f2) + ((1.0f - f2) * f6); fArr[1] = (((motionPaths.height - motionPaths2.height) + f7) * f3) + ((1.0f - f3) * f7); velocityMatrix.clear(); velocityMatrix.setRotationVelocity(splineSet3, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setTranslationVelocity(splineSet, splineSet2, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setScaleVelocity(splineSet4, splineSet5, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setRotationVelocity(keyCycleOscillator4, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setTranslationVelocity(keyCycleOscillator2, keyCycleOscillator3, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.setScaleVelocity(keyCycleOscillator5, keyCycleOscillator, adjustedPosition); velocityMatrix.applyTransform(f2, f3, i, i2, fArr); } } public float getStartX() { return this.mStartMotionPath.f28x; } public float getStartY() { return this.mStartMotionPath.f29y; } public int getkeyFramePositions(int[] iArr, float[] fArr) { Iterator it = this.mKeyList.iterator(); int i = 0; int i2 = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { Key next =; i++; int i3 = next.mFramePosition; iArr[i] = (next.mType * 1000) + i3; this.mSpline[0].getPos(i3 / 100.0f, this.mInterpolateData); this.mStartMotionPath.getCenter(this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, fArr, i2); i2 += 2; } return i; } public boolean interpolate(View view, float f, long j, KeyCache keyCache) { boolean z2; TimeCycleSplineSet.PathRotate pathRotate; double d; float adjustedPosition = getAdjustedPosition(f, null); HashMap hashMap = this.mAttributesMap; if (hashMap != null) { for (SplineSet splineSet : hashMap.values()) { splineSet.setProperty(view, adjustedPosition); } } HashMap hashMap2 = this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap; if (hashMap2 != null) { pathRotate = null; boolean z3 = false; for (TimeCycleSplineSet timeCycleSplineSet : hashMap2.values()) { if (timeCycleSplineSet instanceof TimeCycleSplineSet.PathRotate) { pathRotate = (TimeCycleSplineSet.PathRotate) timeCycleSplineSet; } else { z3 |= timeCycleSplineSet.setProperty(view, adjustedPosition, j, keyCache); } } z2 = z3; } else { pathRotate = null; z2 = false; } CurveFit[] curveFitArr = this.mSpline; if (curveFitArr != null) { double d2 = adjustedPosition; curveFitArr[0].getPos(d2, this.mInterpolateData); this.mSpline[0].getSlope(d2, this.mInterpolateVelocity); CurveFit curveFit = this.mArcSpline; if (curveFit != null) { double[] dArr = this.mInterpolateData; if (dArr.length > 0) { curveFit.getPos(d2, dArr); this.mArcSpline.getSlope(d2, this.mInterpolateVelocity); } } this.mStartMotionPath.setView(view, this.mInterpolateVariables, this.mInterpolateData, this.mInterpolateVelocity, null); HashMap hashMap3 = this.mAttributesMap; if (hashMap3 != null) { for (SplineSet splineSet2 : hashMap3.values()) { if (splineSet2 instanceof SplineSet.PathRotate) { double[] dArr2 = this.mInterpolateVelocity; ((SplineSet.PathRotate) splineSet2).setPathRotate(view, adjustedPosition, dArr2[0], dArr2[1]); } } } if (pathRotate != null) { double[] dArr3 = this.mInterpolateVelocity; d = d2; z2 = pathRotate.setPathRotate(view, keyCache, adjustedPosition, j, dArr3[0], dArr3[1]) | z2; } else { d = d2; } int i = 1; while (true) { CurveFit[] curveFitArr2 = this.mSpline; if (i >= curveFitArr2.length) { break; } curveFitArr2[i].getPos(d, this.mValuesBuff); this.mStartMotionPath.attributes.get(this.mAttributeNames[i - 1]).setInterpolatedValue(view, this.mValuesBuff); i++; } MotionConstrainedPoint motionConstrainedPoint = this.mStartPoint; if (motionConstrainedPoint.mVisibilityMode == 0) { if (adjustedPosition <= 0.0f) { view.setVisibility(motionConstrainedPoint.visibility); } else if (adjustedPosition >= 1.0f) { view.setVisibility(this.mEndPoint.visibility); } else if (this.mEndPoint.visibility != motionConstrainedPoint.visibility) { view.setVisibility(0); } } if (this.mKeyTriggers != null) { int i2 = 0; while (true) { KeyTrigger[] keyTriggerArr = this.mKeyTriggers; if (i2 >= keyTriggerArr.length) { break; } keyTriggerArr[i2].conditionallyFire(adjustedPosition, view); i2++; } } } else { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mStartMotionPath; float f2 = motionPaths.f28x; MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mEndMotionPath; float a = a.a(motionPaths2.f28x, f2, adjustedPosition, f2); float f3 = motionPaths.f29y; float a2 = a.a(motionPaths2.f29y, f3, adjustedPosition, f3); float f4 = motionPaths.width; float f5 = motionPaths2.width; float a3 = a.a(f5, f4, adjustedPosition, f4); float f6 = motionPaths.height; float f7 = motionPaths2.height; float f8 = a + 0.5f; int i3 = (int) f8; float f9 = a2 + 0.5f; int i4 = (int) f9; int i5 = (int) (f8 + a3); int a4 = (int) (f9 + a.a(f7, f6, adjustedPosition, f6)); int i6 = i5 - i3; int i7 = a4 - i4; if (!(f5 == f4 && f7 == f6)) { view.measure(View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i6, BasicMeasure.EXACTLY), View.MeasureSpec.makeMeasureSpec(i7, BasicMeasure.EXACTLY)); } view.layout(i3, i4, i5, a4); } HashMap hashMap4 = this.mCycleMap; if (hashMap4 != null) { for (KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator : hashMap4.values()) { if (keyCycleOscillator instanceof KeyCycleOscillator.PathRotateSet) { double[] dArr4 = this.mInterpolateVelocity; ((KeyCycleOscillator.PathRotateSet) keyCycleOscillator).setPathRotate(view, adjustedPosition, dArr4[0], dArr4[1]); } else { keyCycleOscillator.setProperty(view, adjustedPosition); } } } return z2; } public String name() { return this.mView.getContext().getResources().getResourceEntryName(this.mView.getId()); } public void positionKeyframe(View view, KeyPositionBase keyPositionBase, float f, float f2, String[] strArr, float[] fArr) { RectF rectF = new RectF(); MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mStartMotionPath; float f3 = motionPaths.f28x; rectF.left = f3; float f4 = motionPaths.f29y; = f4; rectF.right = f3 + motionPaths.width; rectF.bottom = f4 + motionPaths.height; RectF rectF2 = new RectF(); MotionPaths motionPaths2 = this.mEndMotionPath; float f5 = motionPaths2.f28x; rectF2.left = f5; float f6 = motionPaths2.f29y; = f6; rectF2.right = f5 + motionPaths2.width; rectF2.bottom = f6 + motionPaths2.height; keyPositionBase.positionAttributes(view, rectF, rectF2, f, f2, strArr, fArr); } public void setDrawPath(int i) { this.mStartMotionPath.mDrawPath = i; } public void setEndState(ConstraintWidget constraintWidget, ConstraintSet constraintSet) { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mEndMotionPath; motionPaths.time = 1.0f; motionPaths.position = 1.0f; readView(motionPaths); this.mEndMotionPath.setBounds(constraintWidget.getX(), constraintWidget.getY(), constraintWidget.getWidth(), constraintWidget.getHeight()); this.mEndMotionPath.applyParameters(constraintSet.getParameters(this.mId)); this.mEndPoint.setState(constraintWidget, constraintSet, this.mId); } public void setPathMotionArc(int i) { this.mPathMotionArc = i; } public void setStartCurrentState(View view) { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mStartMotionPath; motionPaths.time = 0.0f; motionPaths.position = 0.0f; motionPaths.setBounds(view.getX(), view.getY(), view.getWidth(), view.getHeight()); this.mStartPoint.setState(view); } public void setStartState(ConstraintWidget constraintWidget, ConstraintSet constraintSet) { MotionPaths motionPaths = this.mStartMotionPath; motionPaths.time = 0.0f; motionPaths.position = 0.0f; readView(motionPaths); this.mStartMotionPath.setBounds(constraintWidget.getX(), constraintWidget.getY(), constraintWidget.getWidth(), constraintWidget.getHeight()); ConstraintSet.Constraint parameters = constraintSet.getParameters(this.mId); this.mStartMotionPath.applyParameters(parameters); this.mMotionStagger = parameters.motion.mMotionStagger; this.mStartPoint.setState(constraintWidget, constraintSet, this.mId); } public void setView(View view) { this.mView = view; this.mId = view.getId(); ViewGroup.LayoutParams layoutParams = view.getLayoutParams(); if (layoutParams instanceof ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) { this.mConstraintTag = ((ConstraintLayout.LayoutParams) layoutParams).getConstraintTag(); } } public void setup(int i, int i2, float f, long j) { ArrayList arrayList; String[] strArr; TimeCycleSplineSet timeCycleSplineSet; ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute; SplineSet splineSet; ConstraintAttribute constraintAttribute2; new HashSet(); HashSet hashSet = new HashSet<>(); HashSet hashSet2 = new HashSet<>(); HashSet hashSet3 = new HashSet<>(); HashMap hashMap = new HashMap<>(); int i3 = this.mPathMotionArc; if (i3 != Key.UNSET) { this.mStartMotionPath.mPathMotionArc = i3; } this.mStartPoint.different(this.mEndPoint, hashSet2); ArrayList arrayList2 = this.mKeyList; if (arrayList2 != null) { Iterator it = arrayList2.iterator(); arrayList = null; while (it.hasNext()) { Key next =; if (next instanceof KeyPosition) { KeyPosition keyPosition = (KeyPosition) next; insertKey(new MotionPaths(i, i2, keyPosition, this.mStartMotionPath, this.mEndMotionPath)); int i4 = keyPosition.mCurveFit; if (i4 != Key.UNSET) { this.mCurveFitType = i4; } } else if (next instanceof KeyCycle) { next.getAttributeNames(hashSet3); } else if (next instanceof KeyTimeCycle) { next.getAttributeNames(hashSet); } else if (next instanceof KeyTrigger) { if (arrayList == null) { arrayList = new ArrayList(); } arrayList.add((KeyTrigger) next); } else { next.setInterpolation(hashMap); next.getAttributeNames(hashSet2); } } } else { arrayList = null; } char c = 0; if (arrayList != null) { this.mKeyTriggers = (KeyTrigger[]) arrayList.toArray(new KeyTrigger[0]); } char c2 = 1; if (!hashSet2.isEmpty()) { this.mAttributesMap = new HashMap<>(); Iterator it2 = hashSet2.iterator(); while (it2.hasNext()) { String next2 =; if (next2.startsWith("CUSTOM,")) { SparseArray sparseArray = new SparseArray(); String str = next2.split(",")[c2]; Iterator it3 = this.mKeyList.iterator(); while (it3.hasNext()) { Key next3 =; HashMap hashMap2 = next3.mCustomConstraints; if (!(hashMap2 == null || (constraintAttribute2 = hashMap2.get(str)) == null)) { sparseArray.append(next3.mFramePosition, constraintAttribute2); } } splineSet = SplineSet.makeCustomSpline(next2, sparseArray); } else { splineSet = SplineSet.makeSpline(next2); } if (splineSet != null) { splineSet.setType(next2); this.mAttributesMap.put(next2, splineSet); } c2 = 1; } ArrayList arrayList3 = this.mKeyList; if (arrayList3 != null) { Iterator it4 = arrayList3.iterator(); while (it4.hasNext()) { Key next4 =; if (next4 instanceof KeyAttributes) { next4.addValues(this.mAttributesMap); } } } this.mStartPoint.addValues(this.mAttributesMap, 0); this.mEndPoint.addValues(this.mAttributesMap, 100); for (String str2 : this.mAttributesMap.keySet()) { this.mAttributesMap.get(str2).setup(hashMap.containsKey(str2) ? hashMap.get(str2).intValue() : 0); } } if (!hashSet.isEmpty()) { if (this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap == null) { this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap = new HashMap<>(); } Iterator it5 = hashSet.iterator(); while (it5.hasNext()) { String next5 =; if (!this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap.containsKey(next5)) { if (next5.startsWith("CUSTOM,")) { SparseArray sparseArray2 = new SparseArray(); String str3 = next5.split(",")[1]; Iterator it6 = this.mKeyList.iterator(); while (it6.hasNext()) { Key next6 =; HashMap hashMap3 = next6.mCustomConstraints; if (!(hashMap3 == null || (constraintAttribute = hashMap3.get(str3)) == null)) { sparseArray2.append(next6.mFramePosition, constraintAttribute); } } timeCycleSplineSet = TimeCycleSplineSet.makeCustomSpline(next5, sparseArray2); } else { timeCycleSplineSet = TimeCycleSplineSet.makeSpline(next5, j); } if (timeCycleSplineSet != null) { timeCycleSplineSet.setType(next5); this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap.put(next5, timeCycleSplineSet); } } } ArrayList arrayList4 = this.mKeyList; if (arrayList4 != null) { Iterator it7 = arrayList4.iterator(); while (it7.hasNext()) { Key next7 =; if (next7 instanceof KeyTimeCycle) { ((KeyTimeCycle) next7).addTimeValues(this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap); } } } for (String str4 : this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap.keySet()) { this.mTimeCycleAttributesMap.get(str4).setup(hashMap.containsKey(str4) ? hashMap.get(str4).intValue() : 0); } } int i5 = 2; int size = this.mMotionPaths.size() + 2; MotionPaths[] motionPathsArr = new MotionPaths[size]; motionPathsArr[0] = this.mStartMotionPath; motionPathsArr[size - 1] = this.mEndMotionPath; if (this.mMotionPaths.size() > 0 && this.mCurveFitType == -1) { this.mCurveFitType = 0; } Iterator it8 = this.mMotionPaths.iterator(); int i6 = 1; while (it8.hasNext()) { i6++; motionPathsArr[i6] =; } HashSet hashSet4 = new HashSet(); for (String str5 : this.mEndMotionPath.attributes.keySet()) { if (this.mStartMotionPath.attributes.containsKey(str5)) { if (!hashSet2.contains("CUSTOM," + str5)) { hashSet4.add(str5); } } } String[] strArr2 = (String[]) hashSet4.toArray(new String[0]); this.mAttributeNames = strArr2; this.mAttributeInterpCount = new int[strArr2.length]; int i7 = 0; while (true) { strArr = this.mAttributeNames; if (i7 >= strArr.length) { break; } String str6 = strArr[i7]; this.mAttributeInterpCount[i7] = 0; int i8 = 0; while (true) { if (i8 >= size) { break; } else if (motionPathsArr[i8].attributes.containsKey(str6)) { int[] iArr = this.mAttributeInterpCount; iArr[i7] = motionPathsArr[i8].attributes.get(str6).noOfInterpValues() + iArr[i7]; break; } else { i8++; } } i7++; } boolean z2 = motionPathsArr[0].mPathMotionArc != Key.UNSET; int length = 18 + strArr.length; boolean[] zArr = new boolean[length]; for (int i9 = 1; i9 < size; i9++) { motionPathsArr[i9].different(motionPathsArr[i9 - 1], zArr, this.mAttributeNames, z2); } int i10 = 0; for (int i11 = 1; i11 < length; i11++) { if (zArr[i11]) { i10++; } } int[] iArr2 = new int[i10]; this.mInterpolateVariables = iArr2; this.mInterpolateData = new double[iArr2.length]; this.mInterpolateVelocity = new double[iArr2.length]; int i12 = 0; for (int i13 = 1; i13 < length; i13++) { if (zArr[i13]) { i12++; this.mInterpolateVariables[i12] = i13; } } double[][] dArr = (double[][]) Array.newInstance(double.class, size, this.mInterpolateVariables.length); double[] dArr2 = new double[size]; for (int i14 = 0; i14 < size; i14++) { motionPathsArr[i14].fillStandard(dArr[i14], this.mInterpolateVariables); dArr2[i14] = motionPathsArr[i14].time; } int i15 = 0; while (true) { int[] iArr3 = this.mInterpolateVariables; if (i15 >= iArr3.length) { break; } if (iArr3[i15] < MotionPaths.names.length) { String H = a.H(new StringBuilder(), MotionPaths.names[this.mInterpolateVariables[i15]], " ["); for (int i16 = 0; i16 < size; i16++) { StringBuilder R = a.R(H); R.append(dArr[i16][i15]); H = R.toString(); } } i15++; } this.mSpline = new CurveFit[this.mAttributeNames.length + 1]; int i17 = 0; while (true) { String[] strArr3 = this.mAttributeNames; if (i17 >= strArr3.length) { break; } String str7 = strArr3[i17]; int i18 = 0; double[] dArr3 = null; int i19 = 0; double[][] dArr4 = null; while (i18 < size) { if (motionPathsArr[i18].hasCustomData(str7)) { if (dArr4 == null) { dArr3 = new double[size]; int[] iArr4 = new int[i5]; iArr4[1] = motionPathsArr[i18].getCustomDataCount(str7); iArr4[c] = size; dArr4 = (double[][]) Array.newInstance(double.class, iArr4); } dArr3[i19] = motionPathsArr[i18].time; motionPathsArr[i18].getCustomData(str7, dArr4[i19], 0); i19++; } i18++; i5 = 2; c = 0; } i17++; this.mSpline[i17] = CurveFit.get(this.mCurveFitType, Arrays.copyOf(dArr3, i19), (double[][]) Arrays.copyOf(dArr4, i19)); i5 = 2; c = 0; } this.mSpline[0] = CurveFit.get(this.mCurveFitType, dArr2, dArr); if (motionPathsArr[0].mPathMotionArc != Key.UNSET) { int[] iArr5 = new int[size]; double[] dArr5 = new double[size]; double[][] dArr6 = (double[][]) Array.newInstance(double.class, size, 2); for (int i20 = 0; i20 < size; i20++) { iArr5[i20] = motionPathsArr[i20].mPathMotionArc; dArr5[i20] = motionPathsArr[i20].time; dArr6[i20][0] = motionPathsArr[i20].f28x; dArr6[i20][1] = motionPathsArr[i20].f29y; } this.mArcSpline = CurveFit.getArc(iArr5, dArr5, dArr6); } float f2 = Float.NaN; this.mCycleMap = new HashMap<>(); if (this.mKeyList != null) { Iterator it9 = hashSet3.iterator(); while (it9.hasNext()) { String next8 =; KeyCycleOscillator makeSpline = KeyCycleOscillator.makeSpline(next8); if (makeSpline != null) { if (makeSpline.variesByPath() && Float.isNaN(f2)) { f2 = getPreCycleDistance(); } makeSpline.setType(next8); this.mCycleMap.put(next8, makeSpline); } } Iterator it10 = this.mKeyList.iterator(); while (it10.hasNext()) { Key next9 =; if (next9 instanceof KeyCycle) { ((KeyCycle) next9).addCycleValues(this.mCycleMap); } } for (KeyCycleOscillator keyCycleOscillator : this.mCycleMap.values()) { keyCycleOscillator.setup(f2); } } } public String toString() { StringBuilder R = a.R(" start: x: "); R.append(this.mStartMotionPath.f28x); R.append(" y: "); R.append(this.mStartMotionPath.f29y); R.append(" end: x: "); R.append(this.mEndMotionPath.f28x); R.append(" y: "); R.append(this.mEndMotionPath.f29y); return R.toString(); } }