package com.linecorp.apng.decoder; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Trace; import androidx.annotation.IntRange; import com.linecorp.apng.decoder.ApngException; import d0.t.k; import d0.z.d.m; import; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; /* compiled from: Apng.kt */ public final class Apng { public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); public final Bitmap a; @IntRange(from = 0, to = 2147483647L) public final int b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ public final int f2398c; public final int d; public final int e; public final int f; public final int[] g; public final int h; public final long i; /* compiled from: Apng.kt */ public static final class Companion { public Companion() { } public Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { } public final Apng copy(Apng apng) throws ApngException { m.checkNotNullParameter(apng, "apng"); DecodeResult decodeResult = new DecodeResult(); Trace.beginSection("Apng#copy"); try { int copy = ApngDecoderJni.copy(Apng.access$getId$p(apng), decodeResult); Trace.endSection(); if (copy >= 0) { try { return new Apng(copy, decodeResult.getWidth(), decodeResult.getHeight(), decodeResult.getFrameCount(), decodeResult.getFrameDurations(), decodeResult.getLoopCount(), decodeResult.getAllFrameByteCount()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ApngException(th); } } else { throw new ApngException(ApngException.ErrorCode.Companion.fromErrorCode$apng_drawable_release(copy), null, 2, null); } } catch (Throwable th2) { Trace.endSection(); throw th2; } } public final Apng decode(InputStream inputStream) throws ApngException { m.checkNotNullParameter(inputStream, "stream"); DecodeResult decodeResult = new DecodeResult(); Trace.beginSection("Apng#decode"); try { int decode = ApngDecoderJni.decode(inputStream, decodeResult); Trace.endSection(); if (decode >= 0) { try { return new Apng(decode, decodeResult.getWidth(), decodeResult.getHeight(), decodeResult.getFrameCount(), decodeResult.getFrameDurations(), decodeResult.getLoopCount(), decodeResult.getAllFrameByteCount()); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ApngException(th); } } else { throw new ApngException(ApngException.ErrorCode.Companion.fromErrorCode$apng_drawable_release(decode), null, 2, null); } } catch (Throwable th2) { Trace.endSection(); throw th2; } } public final boolean isApng(InputStream inputStream) throws ApngException { m.checkNotNullParameter(inputStream, "stream"); try { return ApngDecoderJni.isApng(inputStream); } catch (Throwable th) { throw new ApngException(th); } } } /* compiled from: Apng.kt */ public static final class DecodeResult { private long allFrameByteCount; private int frameCount; private int[] frameDurations = new int[0]; private int height; private int loopCount; private int width; public final long getAllFrameByteCount() { return this.allFrameByteCount; } public final int getFrameCount() { return this.frameCount; } public final int[] getFrameDurations() { return this.frameDurations; } public final int getHeight() { return this.height; } public final int getLoopCount() { return this.loopCount; } public final int getWidth() { return this.width; } public final void setAllFrameByteCount(long j) { this.allFrameByteCount = j; } public final void setFrameCount(int i) { this.frameCount = i; } public final void setFrameDurations(int[] iArr) { m.checkNotNullParameter(iArr, ""); this.frameDurations = iArr; } public final void setHeight(int i) { this.height = i; } public final void setLoopCount(int i) { this.loopCount = i; } public final void setWidth(int i) { this.width = i; } } public Apng(int i, int i2, int i3, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 2147483647L) int i4, int[] iArr, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 2147483647L) int i5, @IntRange(from = 0, to = 2147483647L) long j) { m.checkNotNullParameter(iArr, "frameDurations"); this.f2398c = i; this.d = i2; this.e = i3; this.f = i4; this.g = iArr; this.h = i5; this.i = j; Bitmap createBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(i2, i3, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(createBitmap, "Bitmap.createBitmap(widt… Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888)"); this.a = createBitmap; Trace.beginSection("Apng#draw"); ApngDecoderJni.draw(i, 0, createBitmap); Trace.endSection(); this.b = k.sum(iArr); } public static final /* synthetic */ int access$getId$p(Apng apng) { return apng.f2398c; } public final Apng copy() { return Companion.copy(this); } public final void drawWithIndex(int i, Canvas canvas, Rect rect, Rect rect2, Paint paint) { m.checkNotNullParameter(canvas, "canvas"); m.checkNotNullParameter(rect2, "dst"); m.checkNotNullParameter(paint, "paint"); Trace.beginSection("Apng#draw"); ApngDecoderJni.draw(this.f2398c, i, this.a); Trace.endSection(); canvas.drawBitmap(this.a, rect, rect2, paint); } public final void finalize() { recycle(); } public final long getAllFrameByteCount() { return this.i; } public final int getByteCount() { return this.a.getAllocationByteCount(); } public final Bitmap.Config getConfig() { Bitmap.Config config = this.a.getConfig(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(config, "bitmap.config"); return config; } public final int getDuration() { return this.b; } public final int getFrameCount() { return this.f; } public final int[] getFrameDurations() { return this.g; } public final int getHeight() { return this.e; } public final int getLoopCount() { return this.h; } public final int getWidth() { return this.d; } public final boolean isRecycled() { return this.a.isRecycled(); } public final void recycle() { ApngDecoderJni.recycle(this.f2398c); } }