package com.discord.stores; import c.d.b.a.a; import com.discord.api.voice.state.VoiceState; import; import com.discord.gateway.GatewaySocket; import com.discord.models.domain.ModelPayload; import com.discord.utilities.logging.Logger; import com.discord.utilities.time.Clock; import d0.o; import d0.t.h0; import d0.z.d.m; /* compiled from: ConnectionTimeStats.kt */ public final class ConnectionTimeStats { private final Stat connectionStreamFirstFrame; private final Stat connectionVideoFirstFrame; private final Stat gatewayConnection; private final Stat gatewayHello; private final Stat mediaEngineConnection; private Long myUserId; private final Stat streamConnection; private final Stat streamFirstFrame; private final Stat streamRequested; private final Stat videoFirstFrame; private final Stat voiceConnection; /* compiled from: ConnectionTimeStats.kt */ public static final class Stat { private final Clock clock; private Long endTime; private Long startTime; private final StatType type; public Stat(Clock clock, StatType statType) { m.checkNotNullParameter(clock, "clock"); m.checkNotNullParameter(statType, "type"); this.clock = clock; this.type = statType; } public static /* synthetic */ void end$default(Stat stat, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } stat.end(z2); } public static /* synthetic */ void start$default(Stat stat, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } stat.start(z2); } public final void clear() { this.startTime = null; this.endTime = null; } public final void end(boolean z2) { if (this.endTime == null) { Long l = this.startTime; long currentTimeMillis = this.clock.currentTimeMillis(); if (l == null) { AppLog appLog = AppLog.g; StringBuilder K = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K.append(this.type); K.append("\" ended without starting!"); Logger.w$default(appLog, K.toString(), null, 2, null); return; } long longValue = currentTimeMillis - l.longValue(); if (longValue < 0) { AppLog appLog2 = AppLog.g; StringBuilder K2 = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K2.append(this.type); K2.append("\" has a negative time!"); Logger.e$default(appLog2, K2.toString(), null, h0.mapOf(, "type"),, "elapsedMs"),, "start"),, "end")), 2, null); return; } this.endTime = Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis); StringBuilder K3 = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K3.append(this.type); K3.append("\" took "); K3.append(longValue); K3.append(" ms ("); K3.append(l); K3.append(" to "); K3.append(currentTimeMillis); K3.append(')'); AppLog.i(K3.toString()); } else if (!z2) { AppLog appLog3 = AppLog.g; StringBuilder K4 = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K4.append(this.type); K4.append("\" attempting to end while endTime is set!"); Logger.w$default(appLog3, K4.toString(), null, 2, null); } } public final void start(boolean z2) { if (this.startTime != null) { if (!z2) { AppLog appLog = AppLog.g; StringBuilder K = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K.append(this.type); K.append("\" attempting to re-start without reset!"); Logger.w$default(appLog, K.toString(), null, 2, null); } } else if (this.endTime != null) { AppLog appLog2 = AppLog.g; StringBuilder K2 = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K2.append(this.type); K2.append("\" attempting to re-start while endTime is set!"); Logger.w$default(appLog2, K2.toString(), null, 2, null); } else { long currentTimeMillis = this.clock.currentTimeMillis(); this.startTime = Long.valueOf(currentTimeMillis); StringBuilder K3 = a.K("ConnectionTimeStats: \""); K3.append(this.type); K3.append("\" started @ "); K3.append(currentTimeMillis); AppLog.i(K3.toString()); } } } /* compiled from: ConnectionTimeStats.kt */ public enum StatType { GatewayConnection, GatewayHello, VoiceConnection, StreamRequested, StreamConnection, MediaEngineConnection, StreamFirstFrame, VideoFirstFrame, ConnectionStreamFirstFrame, ConnectionVideoFirstFrame } public ConnectionTimeStats(Clock clock) { m.checkNotNullParameter(clock, "clock"); this.gatewayConnection = new Stat(clock, StatType.GatewayConnection); this.gatewayHello = new Stat(clock, StatType.GatewayHello); this.voiceConnection = new Stat(clock, StatType.VoiceConnection); this.streamRequested = new Stat(clock, StatType.StreamRequested); this.streamConnection = new Stat(clock, StatType.StreamConnection); this.streamFirstFrame = new Stat(clock, StatType.StreamFirstFrame); this.videoFirstFrame = new Stat(clock, StatType.VideoFirstFrame); this.mediaEngineConnection = new Stat(clock, StatType.MediaEngineConnection); this.connectionVideoFirstFrame = new Stat(clock, StatType.ConnectionVideoFirstFrame); this.connectionStreamFirstFrame = new Stat(clock, StatType.ConnectionStreamFirstFrame); } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getConnectionStreamFirstFrame$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.connectionStreamFirstFrame; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getConnectionVideoFirstFrame$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.connectionVideoFirstFrame; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getGatewayConnection$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.gatewayConnection; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getGatewayHello$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.gatewayHello; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getMediaEngineConnection$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.mediaEngineConnection; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getStreamConnection$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.streamConnection; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getStreamFirstFrame$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.streamFirstFrame; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getStreamRequested$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.streamRequested; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getVideoFirstFrame$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.videoFirstFrame; } public static final /* synthetic */ Stat access$getVoiceConnection$p(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats) { return connectionTimeStats.voiceConnection; } private final void clear(boolean z2) { if (!z2) { this.gatewayConnection.clear(); this.gatewayHello.clear(); } this.voiceConnection.clear(); this.streamRequested.clear(); this.streamConnection.clear(); this.streamFirstFrame.clear(); this.videoFirstFrame.clear(); this.mediaEngineConnection.clear(); this.connectionVideoFirstFrame.clear(); this.connectionStreamFirstFrame.clear(); } public static /* synthetic */ void clear$default(ConnectionTimeStats connectionTimeStats, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { z2 = false; } connectionTimeStats.clear(z2); } public final void addListener(GatewaySocket gatewaySocket) { m.checkNotNullParameter(gatewaySocket, "socket"); gatewaySocket.getListeners().add(new ConnectionTimeStats$addListener$1(this)); } public final void addListener(StoreMediaEngine storeMediaEngine) { m.checkNotNullParameter(storeMediaEngine, "storeMediaEngine"); storeMediaEngine.getListeners().add(new ConnectionTimeStats$addListener$4(this)); } public final void addListener(StoreRtcConnection storeRtcConnection) { m.checkNotNullParameter(storeRtcConnection, "rtcConnection"); storeRtcConnection.getListeners().add(new ConnectionTimeStats$addListener$2(this)); } public final void addListener(StoreStreamRtcConnection storeStreamRtcConnection) { m.checkNotNullParameter(storeStreamRtcConnection, "streamRtcConnection"); storeStreamRtcConnection.getListeners().add(new ConnectionTimeStats$addListener$3(this)); } public final void handleApplicationStreamUpdate(long j, Integer num) { this.streamFirstFrame.start(true); } public final void handleConnectionOpen(ModelPayload modelPayload) { m.checkNotNullParameter(modelPayload, "payload"); clear$default(this, false, 1, null); this.myUserId = Long.valueOf(modelPayload.getMe().i()); } public final void handleStreamWatch(String str) { m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "streamKey"); Stat.start$default(this.streamRequested, false, 1, null); } public final void handleVideoStreamUpdate(long j, Integer num, int i, int i2, int i3) { if (i2 != 0) { this.videoFirstFrame.start(true); } } public final void handleVoiceStateUpdate(VoiceState voiceState) { m.checkNotNullParameter(voiceState, "voiceState"); long m = voiceState.m(); Long l = this.myUserId; if (l != null && m == l.longValue() && voiceState.a() == null) { clear(true); } } }