package com.discord.stores; import c.d.b.a.a; import; import com.discord.api.thread.ThreadListing; import com.discord.api.thread.ThreadMetadata; import com.discord.stores.updates.ObservationDeck; import com.discord.stores.updates.ObservationDeckProvider; import; import d0.t.u; import d0.z.d.m; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import kotlin.Pair; import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker; import rx.Observable; import rx.Subscription; /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public final class ArchivedThreadsStore extends StoreV2 { private final Dispatcher dispatcher; private Map, Subscription> fetchSubscriptions; private Map, ThreadListingState> listings; private Map, ? extends ThreadListingState> listingsSnapshot; private final ObservationDeck observationDeck; private final StoreStream storeStream; /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static abstract class ThreadListingState { /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class Error extends ThreadListingState { public static final Error INSTANCE = new Error(); private Error() { super(null); } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class Listing extends ThreadListingState { private final boolean hasMore; private final boolean isLoadingMore; private final List threads; /* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public Listing(List list, boolean z2, boolean z3) { super(null); m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "threads"); this.threads = list; this.hasMore = z2; this.isLoadingMore = z3; } /* JADX DEBUG: Multi-variable search result rejected for r0v0, resolved type: com.discord.stores.ArchivedThreadsStore$ThreadListingState$Listing */ /* JADX WARN: Multi-variable type inference failed */ public static /* synthetic */ Listing copy$default(Listing listing, List list, boolean z2, boolean z3, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 1) != 0) { list = listing.threads; } if ((i & 2) != 0) { z2 = listing.hasMore; } if ((i & 4) != 0) { z3 = listing.isLoadingMore; } return listing.copy(list, z2, z3); } public final List component1() { return this.threads; } public final boolean component2() { return this.hasMore; } public final boolean component3() { return this.isLoadingMore; } public final Listing copy(List list, boolean z2, boolean z3) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "threads"); return new Listing(list, z2, z3); } public boolean equals(Object obj) { if (this == obj) { return true; } if (!(obj instanceof Listing)) { return false; } Listing listing = (Listing) obj; return m.areEqual(this.threads, listing.threads) && this.hasMore == listing.hasMore && this.isLoadingMore == listing.isLoadingMore; } public final boolean getHasMore() { return this.hasMore; } public final List getThreads() { return this.threads; } public int hashCode() { List list = this.threads; int hashCode = (list != null ? list.hashCode() : 0) * 31; boolean z2 = this.hasMore; int i = 1; if (z2) { z2 = true; } int i2 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i3 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i4 = z2 ? 1 : 0; int i5 = (hashCode + i2) * 31; boolean z3 = this.isLoadingMore; if (!z3) { i = z3 ? 1 : 0; } return i5 + i; } public final boolean isLoadingMore() { return this.isLoadingMore; } public String toString() { StringBuilder K = a.K("Listing(threads="); K.append(this.threads); K.append(", hasMore="); K.append(this.hasMore); K.append(", isLoadingMore="); return a.F(K, this.isLoadingMore, ")"); } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class Uninitialized extends ThreadListingState { public static final Uninitialized INSTANCE = new Uninitialized(); private Uninitialized() { super(null); } } private ThreadListingState() { } public /* synthetic */ ThreadListingState(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ /* JADX INFO: Failed to restore enum class, 'enum' modifier removed */ public static final class ThreadListingType extends Enum { private static final /* synthetic */ ThreadListingType[] $VALUES; public static final ThreadListingType ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS; public static final ThreadListingType ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS; public static final Companion Companion = new Companion(null); public static final ThreadListingType MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS; /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS extends ThreadListingType { public ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS(String str, int i) { super(str, i, null); } @Override // com.discord.stores.ArchivedThreadsStore.ThreadListingType public Observable fetchNext(long j, List list) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "threads"); try { return RestAPI.Companion.getApi().getAllPrivateArchivedThreads(j, Companion.access$getLastArchiveTimestamp(ThreadListingType.Companion, list)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Observable w = Observable.w(e); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(w, "Observable.error(e)"); return w; } } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS extends ThreadListingType { public ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS(String str, int i) { super(str, i, null); } @Override // com.discord.stores.ArchivedThreadsStore.ThreadListingType public Observable fetchNext(long j, List list) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "threads"); try { return RestAPI.Companion.getApi().getAllPublicArchivedThreads(j, Companion.access$getLastArchiveTimestamp(ThreadListingType.Companion, list)); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { Observable w = Observable.w(e); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(w, "Observable.error(e)"); return w; } } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class Companion { private Companion() { } public /* synthetic */ Companion(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(); } public static final /* synthetic */ String access$getLastArchiveTimestamp(Companion companion, List list) { return companion.getLastArchiveTimestamp(list); } private final String getLastArchiveTimestamp(List list) { String a; if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } ThreadMetadata y2 = ((Channel) u.last((List) list)).y(); if (y2 != null && (a = y2.a()) != null) { return a; } throw new IllegalStateException("Thread missing threadMetadata"); } } /* compiled from: ArchivedThreadsStore.kt */ public static final class MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS extends ThreadListingType { public MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS(String str, int i) { super(str, i, null); } @Override // com.discord.stores.ArchivedThreadsStore.ThreadListingType public Observable fetchNext(long j, List list) { m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "threads"); Channel channel = (Channel) u.lastOrNull((List) list); return RestAPI.Companion.getApi().getMyPrivateArchivedThreads(j, channel != null ? Long.valueOf(channel.h()) : null); } } static { MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS my_archived_private_threads = new MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS("MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS", 0); MY_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS = my_archived_private_threads; ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS all_archived_public_threads = new ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS("ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS", 1); ALL_ARCHIVED_PUBLIC_THREADS = all_archived_public_threads; ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS all_archived_private_threads = new ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS("ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS", 2); ALL_ARCHIVED_PRIVATE_THREADS = all_archived_private_threads; $VALUES = new ThreadListingType[]{my_archived_private_threads, all_archived_public_threads, all_archived_private_threads}; } private ThreadListingType(String str, int i) { } public /* synthetic */ ThreadListingType(String str, int i, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(str, i); } public static ThreadListingType valueOf(String str) { return (ThreadListingType) Enum.valueOf(ThreadListingType.class, str); } public static ThreadListingType[] values() { return (ThreadListingType[]) $VALUES.clone(); } public abstract Observable fetchNext(long j, List list); } public ArchivedThreadsStore(StoreStream storeStream, Dispatcher dispatcher, ObservationDeck observationDeck) { m.checkNotNullParameter(storeStream, "storeStream"); m.checkNotNullParameter(dispatcher, "dispatcher"); m.checkNotNullParameter(observationDeck, "observationDeck"); this.storeStream = storeStream; this.dispatcher = dispatcher; this.observationDeck = observationDeck; this.listings = new HashMap(); this.listingsSnapshot = new HashMap(); this.fetchSubscriptions = new HashMap(); } /* JADX INFO: this call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */ public /* synthetic */ ArchivedThreadsStore(StoreStream storeStream, Dispatcher dispatcher, ObservationDeck observationDeck, int i, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) { this(storeStream, dispatcher, (i & 4) != 0 ? ObservationDeckProvider.get() : observationDeck); } public static final /* synthetic */ Dispatcher access$getDispatcher$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore) { return archivedThreadsStore.dispatcher; } public static final /* synthetic */ Map access$getFetchSubscriptions$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore) { return archivedThreadsStore.fetchSubscriptions; } public static final /* synthetic */ Map access$getListings$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore) { return archivedThreadsStore.listings; } public static final /* synthetic */ Map access$getListingsSnapshot$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore) { return archivedThreadsStore.listingsSnapshot; } public static final /* synthetic */ StoreStream access$getStoreStream$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore) { return archivedThreadsStore.storeStream; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setFetchSubscriptions$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore, Map map) { archivedThreadsStore.fetchSubscriptions = map; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setListings$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore, Map map) { archivedThreadsStore.listings = map; } public static final /* synthetic */ void access$setListingsSnapshot$p(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore, Map map) { archivedThreadsStore.listingsSnapshot = map; } public static /* synthetic */ void fetchListing$default(ArchivedThreadsStore archivedThreadsStore, long j, ThreadListingType threadListingType, boolean z2, int i, Object obj) { if ((i & 4) != 0) { z2 = false; } archivedThreadsStore.fetchListing(j, threadListingType, z2); } public final void fetchListing(long j, ThreadListingType threadListingType, boolean z2) { m.checkNotNullParameter(threadListingType, "threadListingType"); this.dispatcher.schedule(new ArchivedThreadsStore$fetchListing$1(this, j, threadListingType, z2)); } @StoreThread public final void handleConnectionOpen() { this.listings = new HashMap(); for (Subscription subscription : this.fetchSubscriptions.values()) { subscription.unsubscribe(); } this.fetchSubscriptions = new HashMap(); markChanged(); } public final Observable loadAndObserveThreadListing(long j, ThreadListingType threadListingType) { m.checkNotNullParameter(threadListingType, "threadListingType"); fetchListing(j, threadListingType, true); Observable r = ObservationDeck.connectRx$default(this.observationDeck, new ObservationDeck.UpdateSource[]{this}, false, null, null, new ArchivedThreadsStore$loadAndObserveThreadListing$1(this, j, threadListingType), 14, null).r(); m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(r, "observationDeck.connectR… }.distinctUntilChanged()"); return r; } @Override // com.discord.stores.StoreV2 @StoreThread public void snapshotData() { this.listingsSnapshot = new HashMap(this.listings); } }