package i0; import androidx.browser.trusted.sharing.ShareTarget; import b.d.b.a.a; import f0.e; import i0.c0; import i0.f0.b; import i0.f0.c; import i0.f0.d; import i0.f0.e; import i0.f0.f; import i0.f0.g; import i0.f0.h; import i0.f0.i; import i0.f0.j; import i0.f0.k; import i0.f0.l; import i0.f0.m; import i0.f0.n; import i0.f0.o; import i0.f0.p; import i0.f0.q; import i0.f0.r; import i0.f0.s; import i0.f0.u; import i0.f0.v; import i0.f0.x; import i0.f0.y; import i0.j; import i0.t; import i0.w; import java.lang.annotation.Annotation; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.ParameterizedType; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.lang.reflect.WildcardType; import; import java.util.Map; import kotlin.coroutines.Continuation; import okhttp3.Headers; import okhttp3.MediaType; import okhttp3.MultipartBody; import okhttp3.RequestBody; import okhttp3.ResponseBody; import retrofit2.Response; /* compiled from: ServiceMethod */ public abstract class z { public static z b(y yVar, Method method) { Type type; boolean z2; int i; int i2; t tVar; int i3; int i4; int i5; t tVar2; t tVar3; int i6; t tVar4; t tVar5; t cVar; w.a aVar = new w.a(yVar, method); Annotation[] annotationArr = aVar.e; for (Annotation annotation : annotationArr) { if (annotation instanceof b) { aVar.b("DELETE", ((b) annotation).value(), false); } else if (annotation instanceof f) { aVar.b(ShareTarget.METHOD_GET, ((f) annotation).value(), false); } else if (annotation instanceof g) { aVar.b("HEAD", ((g) annotation).value(), false); } else if (annotation instanceof n) { aVar.b("PATCH", ((n) annotation).value(), true); } else if (annotation instanceof o) { aVar.b(ShareTarget.METHOD_POST, ((o) annotation).value(), true); } else if (annotation instanceof p) { aVar.b("PUT", ((p) annotation).value(), true); } else if (annotation instanceof m) { aVar.b("OPTIONS", ((m) annotation).value(), false); } else if (annotation instanceof h) { h hVar = (h) annotation; aVar.b(hVar.method(), hVar.path(), hVar.hasBody()); } else if (annotation instanceof k) { String[] value = ((k) annotation).value(); if (value.length != 0) { Headers.a aVar2 = new Headers.a(); for (String str : value) { int indexOf = str.indexOf(58); if (indexOf == -1 || indexOf == 0 || indexOf == str.length() - 1) { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "@Headers value must be in the form \"Name: Value\". Found: \"%s\"", str); } String substring = str.substring(0, indexOf); String trim = str.substring(indexOf + 1).trim(); if ("Content-Type".equalsIgnoreCase(substring)) { try { aVar.v = MediaType.b(trim); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw c0.k(aVar.d, e, "Malformed content type: %s", trim); } } else { aVar2.a(substring, trim); } } aVar.u = aVar2.c(); } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "@Headers annotation is empty.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation instanceof l) { if (!aVar.r) { aVar.f3741s = true; } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Only one encoding annotation is allowed.", new Object[0]); } } else if (!(annotation instanceof e)) { continue; } else if (!aVar.f3741s) { aVar.r = true; } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Only one encoding annotation is allowed.", new Object[0]); } } if (aVar.p != null) { if (!aVar.q) { if (aVar.f3741s) { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Multipart can only be specified on HTTP methods with request body (e.g., @POST).", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.r) { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "FormUrlEncoded can only be specified on HTTP methods with request body (e.g., @POST).", new Object[0]); } } int length = aVar.f.length; aVar.f3742x = new t[length]; int i7 = length - 1; int i8 = 0; while (i8 < length) { t[] tVarArr = aVar.f3742x; Type type2 = aVar.g[i8]; Annotation[] annotationArr2 = aVar.f[i8]; boolean z3 = i8 == i7; if (annotationArr2 != null) { int length2 = annotationArr2.length; tVar = null; int i9 = 0; while (i9 < length2) { Annotation annotation2 = annotationArr2[i9]; if (annotation2 instanceof y) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.o) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Multiple @Url method annotations found.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.k) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Path parameters may not be used with @Url.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.l) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Url parameter must not come after a @Query.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.m) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Url parameter must not come after a @QueryName.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.n) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Url parameter must not come after a @QueryMap.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.t == null) { aVar.o = true; if (type2 == f0.w.class || type2 == String.class || type2 == URI.class || ((type2 instanceof Class) && "".equals(((Class) type2).getName()))) { tVar2 = new t.n(aVar.d, i8); i5 = i7; i3 = i9; i4 = length2; } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Url must be okhttp3.HttpUrl, String,, or type.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Url cannot be used with @%s URL", aVar.p); } } else { i5 = i7; if (annotation2 instanceof s) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.l) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Path parameter must not come after a @Query.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.m) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Path parameter must not come after a @QueryName.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.n) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "A @Path parameter must not come after a @QueryMap.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.o) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Path parameters may not be used with @Url.", new Object[0]); } else if (aVar.t != null) { aVar.k = true; s sVar = (s) annotation2; String value2 = sVar.value(); if (!w.a.f3740b.matcher(value2).matches()) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Path parameter name must match %s. Found: %s", w.a.a.pattern(), value2); } else if (aVar.w.contains(value2)) { i3 = i9; i6 = length2; tVar3 = new t.i<>(aVar.d, i8, value2, aVar.c.e(type2, annotationArr2), sVar.encoded()); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "URL \"%s\" does not contain \"{%s}\".", aVar.t, value2); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Path can only be used with relative url on @%s", aVar.p); } } else { i3 = i9; i6 = length2; if (annotation2 instanceof i0.f0.t) { aVar.c(i8, type2); i0.f0.t tVar6 = (i0.f0.t) annotation2; String value3 = tVar6.value(); boolean encoded = tVar6.encoded(); Class f = c0.f(type2); aVar.l = true; if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f)) { if (type2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { tVar3 = new r(new t.j(value3, aVar.c.e(c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2), annotationArr2), encoded)); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } } else if (f.isArray()) { tVar3 = new s(new t.j(value3, aVar.c.e(w.a.a(f.getComponentType()), annotationArr2), encoded)); } else { tVar4 = new t.j<>(value3, aVar.c.e(type2, annotationArr2), encoded); } } else { if (annotation2 instanceof v) { aVar.c(i8, type2); boolean encoded2 = ((v) annotation2).encoded(); Class f2 = c0.f(type2); aVar.m = true; if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f2)) { if (type2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { tVar3 = new r(new t.l(aVar.c.e(c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2), annotationArr2), encoded2)); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f2, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } } else if (f2.isArray()) { tVar3 = new s(new t.l(aVar.c.e(w.a.a(f2.getComponentType()), annotationArr2), encoded2)); } else { cVar = new t.l<>(aVar.c.e(type2, annotationArr2), encoded2); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof u) { aVar.c(i8, type2); Class f3 = c0.f(type2); aVar.n = true; if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(f3)) { Type g = c0.g(type2, f3, Map.class); if (g instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType = (ParameterizedType) g; Type e2 = c0.e(0, parameterizedType); if (String.class == e2) { cVar = new t.k<>(aVar.d, i8, aVar.c.e(c0.e(1, parameterizedType), annotationArr2), ((u) annotation2).encoded()); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.y("@QueryMap keys must be of type String: ", e2), new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map)", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@QueryMap parameter type must be Map.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof i) { aVar.c(i8, type2); String value4 = ((i) annotation2).value(); Class f4 = c0.f(type2); if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f4)) { if (type2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { tVar3 = new r(new t.d(value4, aVar.c.e(c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2), annotationArr2))); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f4, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } } else if (f4.isArray()) { tVar3 = new s(new t.d(value4, aVar.c.e(w.a.a(f4.getComponentType()), annotationArr2))); } else { cVar = new t.d<>(value4, aVar.c.e(type2, annotationArr2)); } } else { if (annotation2 instanceof j) { if (type2 == Headers.class) { tVar3 = new t.f(aVar.d, i8); } else { aVar.c(i8, type2); Class f5 = c0.f(type2); if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(f5)) { Type g2 = c0.g(type2, f5, Map.class); if (g2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType2 = (ParameterizedType) g2; Type e3 = c0.e(0, parameterizedType2); if (String.class == e3) { tVar5 = new t.e<>(aVar.d, i8, aVar.c.e(c0.e(1, parameterizedType2), annotationArr2)); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.y("@HeaderMap keys must be of type String: ", e3), new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map)", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@HeaderMap parameter type must be Map.", new Object[0]); } } } else if (annotation2 instanceof c) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.r) { c cVar2 = (c) annotation2; String value5 = cVar2.value(); boolean encoded3 = cVar2.encoded(); aVar.h = true; Class f6 = c0.f(type2); if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f6)) { if (type2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { tVar3 = new r(new t.b(value5, aVar.c.e(c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2), annotationArr2), encoded3)); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f6, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } } else if (f6.isArray()) { tVar3 = new s(new t.b(value5, aVar.c.e(w.a.a(f6.getComponentType()), annotationArr2), encoded3)); } else { tVar4 = new t.b<>(value5, aVar.c.e(type2, annotationArr2), encoded3); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Field parameters can only be used with form encoding.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof d) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.r) { Class f7 = c0.f(type2); if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(f7)) { Type g3 = c0.g(type2, f7, Map.class); if (g3 instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType3 = (ParameterizedType) g3; Type e4 = c0.e(0, parameterizedType3); if (String.class == e4) { h e5 = aVar.c.e(c0.e(1, parameterizedType3), annotationArr2); aVar.h = true; cVar = new t.c<>(aVar.d, i8, e5, ((d) annotation2).encoded()); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.y("@FieldMap keys must be of type String: ", e4), new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map)", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@FieldMap parameter type must be Map.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@FieldMap parameters can only be used with form encoding.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof q) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.f3741s) { q qVar = (q) annotation2; aVar.i = true; String value6 = qVar.value(); Class f8 = c0.f(type2); if (!value6.isEmpty()) { i4 = i6; Headers c = Headers.j.c("Content-Disposition", a.w("form-data; name=\"", value6, "\""), "Content-Transfer-Encoding", qVar.encoding()); if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f8)) { if (type2 instanceof ParameterizedType) { Type e6 = c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2); if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(c0.f(e6))) { tVar2 = new r(new t.g(aVar.d, i8, c, aVar.c.c(e6, annotationArr2, aVar.e))); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not include a part name in the annotation.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f8, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } } else if (f8.isArray()) { Class a = w.a.a(f8.getComponentType()); if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(a)) { tVar2 = new s(new t.g(aVar.d, i8, c, aVar.c.c(a, annotationArr2, aVar.e))); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not include a part name in the annotation.", new Object[0]); } } else if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(f8)) { tVar3 = new t.g<>(aVar.d, i8, c, aVar.c.c(type2, annotationArr2, aVar.e)); tVar2 = tVar3; } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part parameters using the MultipartBody.Part must not include a part name in the annotation.", new Object[0]); } } else if (Iterable.class.isAssignableFrom(f8)) { if (!(type2 instanceof ParameterizedType)) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.o(f8, new StringBuilder(), " must include generic type (e.g., ", ")"), new Object[0]); } else if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(c0.f(c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type2)))) { tVar5 = new r(t.m.a); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.", new Object[0]); } } else if (f8.isArray()) { if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(f8.getComponentType())) { tVar5 = new s(t.m.a); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.", new Object[0]); } } else if (MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(f8)) { tVar3 = t.m.a; } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part annotation must supply a name or use MultipartBody.Part parameter type.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Part parameters can only be used with multipart encoding.", new Object[0]); } } else { i4 = i6; if (annotation2 instanceof r) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.f3741s) { aVar.i = true; Class f9 = c0.f(type2); if (Map.class.isAssignableFrom(f9)) { Type g4 = c0.g(type2, f9, Map.class); if (g4 instanceof ParameterizedType) { ParameterizedType parameterizedType4 = (ParameterizedType) g4; Type e7 = c0.e(0, parameterizedType4); if (String.class == e7) { Type e8 = c0.e(1, parameterizedType4); if (!MultipartBody.Part.class.isAssignableFrom(c0.f(e8))) { tVar2 = new t.h<>(aVar.d, i8, aVar.c.c(e8, annotationArr2, aVar.e), ((r) annotation2).encoding()); } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@PartMap values cannot be MultipartBody.Part. Use @Part List or a different value type instead.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, a.y("@PartMap keys must be of type String: ", e7), new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Map must include generic types (e.g., Map)", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@PartMap parameter type must be Map.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@PartMap parameters can only be used with multipart encoding.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof i0.f0.a) { aVar.c(i8, type2); if (aVar.r || aVar.f3741s) { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "@Body parameters cannot be used with form or multi-part encoding.", new Object[0]); } else if (!aVar.j) { try { h c2 = aVar.c.c(type2, annotationArr2, aVar.e); aVar.j = true; tVar2 = new t.a<>(aVar.d, i8, c2); } catch (RuntimeException e9) { throw c0.m(aVar.d, e9, i8, "Unable to create @Body converter for %s", type2); } } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Multiple @Body method annotations found.", new Object[0]); } } else if (annotation2 instanceof x) { aVar.c(i8, type2); Class f10 = c0.f(type2); for (int i10 = i8 - 1; i10 >= 0; i10--) { t tVar7 = aVar.f3742x[i10]; if ((tVar7 instanceof t.o) && ((t.o) tVar7).a.equals(f10)) { Method method2 = aVar.d; StringBuilder R = a.R("@Tag type "); R.append(f10.getName()); R.append(" is duplicate of parameter #"); R.append(i10 + 1); R.append(" and would always overwrite its value."); throw c0.l(method2, i8, R.toString(), new Object[0]); } } tVar2 = new t.o<>(f10); } else { tVar2 = null; } } i4 = i6; tVar2 = tVar5; } i4 = i6; tVar2 = cVar; } i4 = i6; tVar2 = tVar4; } i4 = i6; tVar2 = tVar3; } if (tVar2 != null) { if (tVar == null) { tVar = tVar2; } else { throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "Multiple Retrofit annotations found, only one allowed.", new Object[0]); } } i9 = i3 + 1; length = length; i7 = i5; length2 = i4; } i2 = length; i = i7; } else { i2 = length; i = i7; tVar = null; } if (tVar == null) { if (z3) { try { if (c0.f(type2) == Continuation.class) { aVar.f3743y = true; tVar = null; } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError unused) { } } throw c0.l(aVar.d, i8, "No Retrofit annotation found.", new Object[0]); } tVarArr[i8] = tVar; i8++; length = i2; i7 = i; } if (aVar.t != null || aVar.o) { boolean z4 = aVar.r; if (!z4 && !aVar.f3741s && !aVar.q && aVar.j) { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Non-body HTTP method cannot contain @Body.", new Object[0]); } else if (z4 && !aVar.h) { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Form-encoded method must contain at least one @Field.", new Object[0]); } else if (!aVar.f3741s || aVar.i) { w wVar = new w(aVar); Type genericReturnType = method.getGenericReturnType(); if (c0.h(genericReturnType)) { throw c0.j(method, "Method return type must not include a type variable or wildcard: %s", genericReturnType); } else if (genericReturnType != Void.TYPE) { boolean z5 = wVar.k; Annotation[] annotations = method.getAnnotations(); if (z5) { Type[] genericParameterTypes = method.getGenericParameterTypes(); Type type3 = ((ParameterizedType) genericParameterTypes[genericParameterTypes.length - 1]).getActualTypeArguments()[0]; if (type3 instanceof WildcardType) { type3 = ((WildcardType) type3).getLowerBounds()[0]; } if (c0.f(type3) != Response.class || !(type3 instanceof ParameterizedType)) { z2 = false; } else { type3 = c0.e(0, (ParameterizedType) type3); z2 = true; } type = new c0.b(null, d.class, type3); if (!c0.i(annotations, a0.class)) { Annotation[] annotationArr3 = new Annotation[(annotations.length + 1)]; annotationArr3[0] = b0.a; System.arraycopy(annotations, 0, annotationArr3, 1, annotations.length); annotations = annotationArr3; } } else { type = method.getGenericReturnType(); z2 = false; } try { e a2 = yVar.a(type, annotations); Type a3 = a2.a(); if (a3 == okhttp3.Response.class) { StringBuilder R2 = a.R("'"); R2.append(c0.f(a3).getName()); R2.append("' is not a valid response body type. Did you mean ResponseBody?"); throw c0.j(method, R2.toString(), new Object[0]); } else if (a3 == Response.class) { throw c0.j(method, "Response must include generic type (e.g., Response)", new Object[0]); } else if (!wVar.c.equals("HEAD") || Void.class.equals(a3)) { try { h d = yVar.d(a3, method.getAnnotations()); e.a aVar3 = yVar.f3745b; return !z5 ? new j.a(wVar, aVar3, d, a2) : z2 ? new j.c(wVar, aVar3, d, a2) : new j.b(wVar, aVar3, d, a2, false); } catch (RuntimeException e10) { throw c0.k(method, e10, "Unable to create converter for %s", a3); } } else { throw c0.j(method, "HEAD method must use Void as response type.", new Object[0]); } } catch (RuntimeException e11) { throw c0.k(method, e11, "Unable to create call adapter for %s", type); } } else { throw c0.j(method, "Service methods cannot return void.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Multipart method must contain at least one @Part.", new Object[0]); } } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "Missing either @%s URL or @Url parameter.", aVar.p); } } else { throw c0.j(aVar.d, "HTTP method annotation is required (e.g., @GET, @POST, etc.).", new Object[0]); } } public abstract T a(Object[] objArr); }