package r6; import f6.c0; import f8.p0; import f8.r; import f8.y; import l6.y; import l6.z; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes4.dex */ final class h implements g { /* renamed from: a reason: collision with root package name */ private final long[] f21489a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ private final long[] f21490b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ private final long f21491c; /* renamed from: d reason: collision with root package name */ private final long f21492d; private h(long[] jArr, long[] jArr2, long j10, long j11) { this.f21489a = jArr; this.f21490b = jArr2; this.f21491c = j10; this.f21492d = j11; } public static h b(long j10, long j11, c0.a aVar, y yVar) { int i10; yVar.Q(10); int n10 = yVar.n(); if (n10 <= 0) { return null; } int i11 = aVar.f11022d; long I0 = p0.I0(n10, 1000000 * (i11 >= 32000 ? 1152 : 576), i11); int J = yVar.J(); int J2 = yVar.J(); int J3 = yVar.J(); yVar.Q(2); long j12 = j11 + aVar.f11021c; long[] jArr = new long[J]; long[] jArr2 = new long[J]; int i12 = 0; long j13 = j11; while (i12 < J) { jArr[i12] = (i12 * I0) / J; jArr2[i12] = Math.max(j13, j12); if (J3 == 1) { i10 = yVar.D(); } else if (J3 == 2) { i10 = yVar.J(); } else if (J3 == 3) { i10 = yVar.G(); } else if (J3 != 4) { return null; } else { i10 = yVar.H(); } j13 += i10 * J2; i12++; j12 = j12; J2 = J2; } if (!(j10 == -1 || j10 == j13)) { r.h("VbriSeeker", "VBRI data size mismatch: " + j10 + ", " + j13); } return new h(jArr, jArr2, I0, j13); } @Override // r6.g public long a(long j10) { return this.f21489a[p0.i(this.f21490b, j10, true, true)]; } @Override // r6.g public long d() { return this.f21492d; } @Override // l6.y public boolean e() { return true; } @Override // l6.y public y.a h(long j10) { int i10 = p0.i(this.f21489a, j10, true, true); z zVar = new z(this.f21489a[i10], this.f21490b[i10]); if (zVar.f16523a >= j10 || i10 == this.f21489a.length - 1) { return new y.a(zVar); } int i11 = i10 + 1; return new y.a(zVar, new z(this.f21489a[i11], this.f21490b[i11])); } @Override // l6.y public long i() { return this.f21491c; } }