package j; import android.content.Context; import android.content.ContextWrapper; import android.content.res.AssetManager; import android.content.res.Configuration; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.os.Build; import android.view.LayoutInflater; import e.i; /* compiled from: */ /* loaded from: classes.dex */ public class d extends ContextWrapper { /* renamed from: a reason: collision with root package name */ private int f14466a; /* renamed from: b reason: collision with root package name */ private Resources.Theme f14467b; /* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */ private LayoutInflater f14468c; /* renamed from: d reason: collision with root package name */ private Configuration f14469d; /* renamed from: e reason: collision with root package name */ private Resources f14470e; public d() { super(null); } public d(Context context, int i10) { super(context); this.f14466a = i10; } public d(Context context, Resources.Theme theme) { super(context); this.f14467b = theme; } private Resources b() { if (this.f14470e == null) { Configuration configuration = this.f14469d; if (configuration == null) { this.f14470e = super.getResources(); } else if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 17) { this.f14470e = createConfigurationContext(configuration).getResources(); } else { Resources resources = super.getResources(); Configuration configuration2 = new Configuration(resources.getConfiguration()); configuration2.updateFrom(this.f14469d); this.f14470e = new Resources(resources.getAssets(), resources.getDisplayMetrics(), configuration2); } } return this.f14470e; } private void d() { boolean z10 = this.f14467b == null; if (z10) { this.f14467b = getResources().newTheme(); Resources.Theme theme = getBaseContext().getTheme(); if (theme != null) { this.f14467b.setTo(theme); } } e(this.f14467b, this.f14466a, z10); } public void a(Configuration configuration) { if (this.f14470e != null) { throw new IllegalStateException("getResources() or getAssets() has already been called"); } else if (this.f14469d == null) { this.f14469d = new Configuration(configuration); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Override configuration has already been set"); } } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper protected void attachBaseContext(Context context) { super.attachBaseContext(context); } public int c() { return this.f14466a; } protected void e(Resources.Theme theme, int i10, boolean z10) { theme.applyStyle(i10, true); } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper, android.content.Context public AssetManager getAssets() { return getResources().getAssets(); } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper, android.content.Context public Resources getResources() { return b(); } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper, android.content.Context public Object getSystemService(String str) { if (!"layout_inflater".equals(str)) { return getBaseContext().getSystemService(str); } if (this.f14468c == null) { this.f14468c = LayoutInflater.from(getBaseContext()).cloneInContext(this); } return this.f14468c; } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper, android.content.Context public Resources.Theme getTheme() { Resources.Theme theme = this.f14467b; if (theme != null) { return theme; } if (this.f14466a == 0) { this.f14466a = i.f10337d; } d(); return this.f14467b; } @Override // android.content.ContextWrapper, android.content.Context public void setTheme(int i10) { if (this.f14466a != i10) { this.f14466a = i10; d(); } } }