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2021-07-24 02:37:17 +00:00
package c.i.a.c;
import android.net.Uri;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import c.i.a.c.d2.j0.a;
import c.i.a.c.i2.f0;
import c.i.a.c.v0;
import com.airbnb.lottie.parser.AnimatableValueParser;
import java.util.Objects;
/* compiled from: Timeline */
public abstract class r1 {
public static final r1 a = new a();
/* compiled from: Timeline */
public class a extends r1 {
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public int b(Object obj) {
return -1;
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public b g(int i, b bVar, boolean z2) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public int i() {
return 0;
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public Object m(int i) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public c o(int i, c cVar, long j) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
@Override // c.i.a.c.r1
public int p() {
return 0;
/* compiled from: Timeline */
public static final class b {
public Object a;
public Object b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public int f951c;
public long d;
public long e;
public c.i.a.c.d2.j0.a f = c.i.a.c.d2.j0.a.a;
public long a(int i, int i2) {
a.C0086a aVar = this.f.e[i];
if (aVar.a != -1) {
return aVar.d[i2];
return -9223372036854775807L;
public int b(long j) {
c.i.a.c.d2.j0.a aVar = this.f;
long j2 = this.d;
if (j == Long.MIN_VALUE) {
return -1;
if (j2 != -9223372036854775807L && j >= j2) {
return -1;
int i = 0;
while (true) {
long[] jArr = aVar.d;
if (i >= jArr.length || jArr[i] == Long.MIN_VALUE || (j < jArr[i] && aVar.e[i].b())) {
if (i < aVar.d.length) {
return i;
return -1;
public int c(long j) {
c.i.a.c.d2.j0.a aVar = this.f;
long j2 = this.d;
int length = aVar.d.length - 1;
while (length >= 0) {
boolean z2 = false;
if (j != Long.MIN_VALUE) {
long j3 = aVar.d[length];
if (j3 != Long.MIN_VALUE ? j < j3 : !(j2 != -9223372036854775807L && j >= j2)) {
z2 = true;
if (!z2) {
if (length < 0 || !aVar.e[length].b()) {
return -1;
return length;
public long d(int i) {
return this.f.d[i];
public int e(int i) {
return this.f.e[i].a(-1);
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || !b.class.equals(obj.getClass())) {
return false;
b bVar = (b) obj;
return f0.a(this.a, bVar.a) && f0.a(this.b, bVar.b) && this.f951c == bVar.f951c && this.d == bVar.d && this.e == bVar.e && f0.a(this.f, bVar.f);
public int hashCode() {
Object obj = this.a;
int i = 0;
int hashCode = (217 + (obj == null ? 0 : obj.hashCode())) * 31;
Object obj2 = this.b;
if (obj2 != null) {
i = obj2.hashCode();
long j = this.d;
long j2 = this.e;
return this.f.hashCode() + ((((((((hashCode + i) * 31) + this.f951c) * 31) + ((int) (j ^ (j >>> 32)))) * 31) + ((int) (j2 ^ (j2 >>> 32)))) * 31);
/* compiled from: Timeline */
public static final class c {
public static final Object a = new Object();
public static final v0 b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
public Object f952c = a;
public Object d;
public v0 e = b;
public Object f;
public long g;
public long h;
public long i;
public boolean j;
public boolean k;
public boolean l;
public v0.f m;
public boolean n;
public int o;
public int p;
public long q;
public long r;
/* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */
public long f953s;
static {
v0.c cVar = new v0.c();
cVar.a = "com.google.android.exoplayer2.Timeline";
cVar.b = Uri.EMPTY;
b = cVar.a();
public long a() {
return h0.b(this.q);
public long b() {
return h0.b(this.r);
public boolean c() {
AnimatableValueParser.D(this.l == (this.m != null));
return this.m != null;
public c d(Object obj, @Nullable v0 v0Var, @Nullable Object obj2, long j, long j2, long j3, boolean z2, boolean z3, @Nullable v0.f fVar, long j4, long j5, int i, int i2, long j6) {
v0.g gVar;
this.f952c = obj;
this.e = v0Var != null ? v0Var : b;
this.d = (v0Var == null || (gVar = v0Var.b) == null) ? null : gVar.h;
this.f = obj2;
this.g = j;
this.h = j2;
this.i = j3;
this.j = z2;
this.k = z3;
this.l = fVar != null;
this.m = fVar;
this.q = j4;
this.r = j5;
this.o = i;
this.p = i2;
this.f953s = j6;
this.n = false;
return this;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj == null || !c.class.equals(obj.getClass())) {
return false;
c cVar = (c) obj;
return f0.a(this.f952c, cVar.f952c) && f0.a(this.e, cVar.e) && f0.a(this.f, cVar.f) && f0.a(this.m, cVar.m) && this.g == cVar.g && this.h == cVar.h && this.i == cVar.i && this.j == cVar.j && this.k == cVar.k && this.n == cVar.n && this.q == cVar.q && this.r == cVar.r && this.o == cVar.o && this.p == cVar.p && this.f953s == cVar.f953s;
public int hashCode() {
int hashCode = (this.e.hashCode() + ((this.f952c.hashCode() + 217) * 31)) * 31;
Object obj = this.f;
int i = 0;
int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (obj == null ? 0 : obj.hashCode())) * 31;
v0.f fVar = this.m;
if (fVar != null) {
i = fVar.hashCode();
long j = this.g;
long j2 = this.h;
long j3 = this.i;
long j4 = this.q;
long j5 = this.r;
long j6 = this.f953s;
return ((((((((((((((((((((((hashCode2 + i) * 31) + ((int) (j ^ (j >>> 32)))) * 31) + ((int) (j2 ^ (j2 >>> 32)))) * 31) + ((int) (j3 ^ (j3 >>> 32)))) * 31) + (this.j ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.k ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + (this.n ? 1 : 0)) * 31) + ((int) (j4 ^ (j4 >>> 32)))) * 31) + ((int) (j5 ^ (j5 >>> 32)))) * 31) + this.o) * 31) + this.p) * 31) + ((int) (j6 ^ (j6 >>> 32)));
public int a(boolean z2) {
return q() ? -1 : 0;
public abstract int b(Object obj);
public int c(boolean z2) {
if (q()) {
return -1;
return p() - 1;
public final int d(int i, b bVar, c cVar, int i2, boolean z2) {
int i3 = g(i, bVar, false).f951c;
if (n(i3, cVar).p != i) {
return i + 1;
int e = e(i3, i2, z2);
if (e == -1) {
return -1;
return n(e, cVar).o;
public int e(int i, int i2, boolean z2) {
if (i2 != 0) {
if (i2 == 1) {
return i;
if (i2 == 2) {
return i == c(z2) ? a(z2) : i + 1;
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else if (i == c(z2)) {
return -1;
} else {
return i + 1;
public boolean equals(@Nullable Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof r1)) {
return false;
r1 r1Var = (r1) obj;
if (!(r1Var.p() == p() && r1Var.i() == i())) {
return false;
c cVar = new c();
b bVar = new b();
c cVar2 = new c();
b bVar2 = new b();
for (int i = 0; i < p(); i++) {
if (!n(i, cVar).equals(r1Var.n(i, cVar2))) {
return false;
for (int i2 = 0; i2 < i(); i2++) {
if (!g(i2, bVar, true).equals(r1Var.g(i2, bVar2, true))) {
return false;
return true;
public final b f(int i, b bVar) {
return g(i, bVar, false);
public abstract b g(int i, b bVar, boolean z2);
public b h(Object obj, b bVar) {
return g(b(obj), bVar, true);
public int hashCode() {
c cVar = new c();
b bVar = new b();
int p = p() + 217;
for (int i = 0; i < p(); i++) {
p = (p * 31) + n(i, cVar).hashCode();
int i2 = i() + (p * 31);
for (int i3 = 0; i3 < i(); i3++) {
i2 = (i2 * 31) + g(i3, bVar, true).hashCode();
return i2;
public abstract int i();
public final Pair<Object, Long> j(c cVar, b bVar, int i, long j) {
Pair<Object, Long> k = k(cVar, bVar, i, j, 0);
return k;
public final Pair<Object, Long> k(c cVar, b bVar, int i, long j, long j2) {
AnimatableValueParser.t(i, 0, p());
o(i, cVar, j2);
if (j == -9223372036854775807L) {
j = cVar.q;
if (j == -9223372036854775807L) {
return null;
int i2 = cVar.o;
long j3 = cVar.f953s + j;
long j4 = g(i2, bVar, true).d;
while (j4 != -9223372036854775807L && j3 >= j4 && i2 < cVar.p) {
j3 -= j4;
j4 = g(i2, bVar, true).d;
Object obj = bVar.b;
return Pair.create(obj, Long.valueOf(j3));
public int l(int i, int i2, boolean z2) {
if (i2 != 0) {
if (i2 == 1) {
return i;
if (i2 == 2) {
return i == a(z2) ? c(z2) : i - 1;
throw new IllegalStateException();
} else if (i == a(z2)) {
return -1;
} else {
return i - 1;
public abstract Object m(int i);
public final c n(int i, c cVar) {
return o(i, cVar, 0);
public abstract c o(int i, c cVar, long j);
public abstract int p();
public final boolean q() {
return p() == 0;