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2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
package b.i.a.f.j.b.e;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
import b.c.a.a0.d;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.a;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.b;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.j.c0;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.j.d0;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.j.g;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.j.k;
import b.i.a.f.e.h.j.n0;
import b.i.a.f.e.k.c;
import com.google.android.gms.common.api.Status;
import com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.Message;
import com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessageListener;
import com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessagesClient;
import com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.PublishOptions;
import com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.SubscribeOptions;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.Task;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.TaskCompletionSource;
import java.util.Objects;
2022-03-01 22:12:19 +00:00
/* loaded from: classes3.dex */
public final class i extends MessagesClient {
public static final a.g<f> j;
2022-03-01 22:12:19 +00:00
public static final a.AbstractC0111a<f, b.i.a.f.j.b.a> k;
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public static final a<b.i.a.f.j.b.a> l;
public final int m = 1;
static {
a.g<f> gVar = new a.g<>();
j = gVar;
q qVar = new q();
k = qVar;
l = new a<>("Nearby.MESSAGES_API", qVar, gVar);
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
public i(Activity activity, @Nullable b.i.a.f.j.b.a aVar) {
super(activity, l, aVar, b.a.a);
activity.getApplication().registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new z(activity, this, null));
public static k j(i iVar, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource) {
t tVar = new t(taskCompletionSource);
String name = Status.class.getName();
Looper looper = iVar.e;
2021-10-11 07:48:45 +00:00
d.z(tVar, "Listener must not be null");
d.z(looper, "Looper must not be null");
d.z(name, "Listener type must not be null");
return new k(looper, tVar, name);
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
@Override // b.i.a.f.e.h.b
public final c.a a() {
return super.a();
@Override // com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessagesClient
public final Task<Void> f(Message message, PublishOptions publishOptions) {
k m = m(message);
2022-03-11 01:20:22 +00:00
return k(m, new j(this, message, new r(this, m(publishOptions.f2990b), m), publishOptions), new k(message));
@Override // com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessagesClient
public final Task<Void> g(MessageListener messageListener, SubscribeOptions subscribeOptions) {
2022-03-11 01:20:22 +00:00
d.o(subscribeOptions.a.f2991s == 0, "Strategy.setBackgroundScanMode() is only supported by background subscribe (the version which takes a PendingIntent).");
k m = m(messageListener);
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
return k(m, new l(this, m, new s(this, m(subscribeOptions.c), m), subscribeOptions), new m(m));
@Override // com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessagesClient
public final Task<Void> h(Message message) {
return l(message);
@Override // com.google.android.gms.nearby.messages.MessagesClient
public final Task<Void> i(MessageListener messageListener) {
return l(messageListener);
public final <T> Task<Void> k(k<T> kVar, a0 a0Var, a0 a0Var2) {
v vVar = new v(this, kVar, a0Var);
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
k.a<T> aVar = kVar.c;
x xVar = new x(this, aVar, a0Var2);
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
d.z(kVar.c, "Listener has already been released.");
2021-10-11 07:48:45 +00:00
d.z(aVar, "Listener has already been released.");
2022-01-17 16:29:36 +00:00
d.o(d.h0(kVar.c, aVar), "Listener registration and unregistration methods must be constructed with the same ListenerHolder.");
g gVar = this.i;
2021-12-17 22:01:24 +00:00
Runnable runnable = b.i.a.f.e.h.k.j;
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
2021-09-07 07:54:21 +00:00
n0 n0Var = new n0(new d0(vVar, xVar, runnable), taskCompletionSource);
2022-01-31 08:58:36 +00:00
Handler handler = gVar.f1356x;
handler.sendMessage(handler.obtainMessage(8, new c0(n0Var, gVar.f1355s.get(), this)));
return taskCompletionSource.a;
public final <T> Task<Void> l(T t) {
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
String name = t.getClass().getName();
2021-10-11 07:48:45 +00:00
d.z(t, "Listener must not be null");
d.z(name, "Listener type must not be null");
d.v(name, "Listener type must not be empty");
2022-01-17 16:29:36 +00:00
b(new k.a<>(t, name)).b(new u(taskCompletionSource));
return taskCompletionSource.a;
public final <T> k<T> m(T t) {
if (t == null) {
return null;
String name = t.getClass().getName();
Looper looper = this.e;
2021-10-11 07:48:45 +00:00
d.z(t, "Listener must not be null");
d.z(looper, "Looper must not be null");
d.z(name, "Listener type must not be null");
return new k<>(looper, t, name);