
1363 lines
49 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
package c.o.a.n;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.graphics.PointF;
import android.graphics.Rect;
import android.graphics.SurfaceTexture;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraAccessException;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCharacteristics;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraManager;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.TotalCaptureResult;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.StreamConfigurationMap;
import android.location.Location;
import android.media.Image;
import android.media.ImageReader;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.util.Range;
import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceHolder;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import c.o.a.l;
import c.o.a.n.i;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.Task;
import com.google.android.gms.tasks.TaskCompletionSource;
import com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraException;
import com.otaliastudios.cameraview.CameraView;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Callable;
import java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class d extends g implements ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener, c.o.a.n.o.c {
/* renamed from: c0 reason: collision with root package name */
public final CameraManager f1477c0;
/* renamed from: d0 reason: collision with root package name */
public String f1478d0;
/* renamed from: e0 reason: collision with root package name */
public CameraDevice f1479e0;
/* renamed from: f0 reason: collision with root package name */
public CameraCharacteristics f1480f0;
/* renamed from: g0 reason: collision with root package name */
public CameraCaptureSession f1481g0;
/* renamed from: h0 reason: collision with root package name */
public CaptureRequest.Builder f1482h0;
/* renamed from: i0 reason: collision with root package name */
public TotalCaptureResult f1483i0;
/* renamed from: j0 reason: collision with root package name */
public final c.o.a.n.q.b f1484j0;
public ImageReader k0;
public Surface l0;
public Surface m0;
public ImageReader n0;
public final List<c.o.a.n.o.a> o0;
public c.o.a.n.r.g p0;
public final CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback q0;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class a implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.m.f i;
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.m.f j;
public a(c.o.a.m.f fVar, c.o.a.m.f fVar2) {
this.i = fVar;
this.j = fVar2;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
boolean h1 = dVar.h1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i);
d dVar2 = d.this;
if (dVar2.m.f == c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW) {
dVar2.v = c.o.a.m.f.OFF;
dVar2.h1(dVar2.f1482h0, this.i);
try {
d dVar3 = d.this;
dVar3.f1481g0.capture(dVar3.f1482h0.build(), null, null);
d dVar4 = d.this;
dVar4.v = this.j;
dVar4.h1(dVar4.f1482h0, this.i);
} catch (CameraAccessException e) {
throw d.this.o1(e);
} else if (h1) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class b implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ Location i;
public b(Location location) {
this.i = location;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
CaptureRequest.Builder builder = dVar.f1482h0;
Location location = dVar.B;
if (location != null) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.JPEG_GPS_LOCATION, location);
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class c implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.m.m i;
public c(c.o.a.m.m mVar) {
this.i = mVar;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.m1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i)) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
/* renamed from: c.o.a.n.d$d reason: collision with other inner class name */
public class RunnableC0161d implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.m.h i;
public RunnableC0161d(c.o.a.m.h hVar) {
this.i = hVar;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.i1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i)) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class e implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ float i;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean j;
public final /* synthetic */ float k;
public final /* synthetic */ PointF[] l;
public e(float f, boolean z2, float f2, PointF[] pointFArr) {
this.i = f;
this.j = z2;
this.k = f2;
this.l = pointFArr;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.n1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i)) {
if (this.j) {
((CameraView.b) d.this.l).f(this.k, this.l);
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class f implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ float i;
public final /* synthetic */ boolean j;
public final /* synthetic */ float k;
public final /* synthetic */ float[] l;
public final /* synthetic */ PointF[] m;
public f(float f, boolean z2, float f2, float[] fArr, PointF[] pointFArr) {
this.i = f;
this.j = z2;
this.k = f2;
this.l = fArr;
this.m = pointFArr;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.g1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i)) {
if (this.j) {
((CameraView.b) d.this.l).c(this.k, this.l, this.m);
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class g implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ float i;
public g(float f) {
this.i = f;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.j1(dVar.f1482h0, this.i)) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class h implements Runnable {
public h() {
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class i extends CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback {
public i() {
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback
public void onCaptureCompleted(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession, @NonNull CaptureRequest captureRequest, @NonNull TotalCaptureResult totalCaptureResult) {
d dVar = d.this;
dVar.f1483i0 = totalCaptureResult;
for (c.o.a.n.o.a aVar : dVar.o0) {
aVar.b(d.this, captureRequest, totalCaptureResult);
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback
public void onCaptureProgressed(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession, @NonNull CaptureRequest captureRequest, @NonNull CaptureResult captureResult) {
for (c.o.a.n.o.a aVar : d.this.o0) {
aVar.d(d.this, captureRequest, captureResult);
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.CaptureCallback
public void onCaptureStarted(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession, @NonNull CaptureRequest captureRequest, long j, long j2) {
for (c.o.a.n.o.a aVar : d.this.o0) {
aVar.c(d.this, captureRequest);
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class j implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ boolean i;
public j(boolean z2) {
this.i = z2;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
c.o.a.n.v.e eVar = d.this.m.f;
c.o.a.n.v.e eVar2 = c.o.a.n.v.e.BIND;
if (!eVar.f(eVar2) || !d.this.O()) {
d dVar = d.this;
dVar.u = this.i;
if (dVar.m.f.f(eVar2)) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class k implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ int i;
public k(int i) {
this.i = i;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
c.o.a.n.v.e eVar = d.this.m.f;
c.o.a.n.v.e eVar2 = c.o.a.n.v.e.BIND;
if (!eVar.f(eVar2) || !d.this.O()) {
d dVar = d.this;
int i = this.i;
if (i <= 0) {
i = 35;
dVar.t = i;
if (dVar.m.f.f(eVar2)) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class l implements Runnable {
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.q.a i;
public final /* synthetic */ PointF j;
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.t.b k;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class a extends c.o.a.n.o.f {
public final /* synthetic */ c.o.a.n.r.g a;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
/* renamed from: c.o.a.n.d$l$a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */
public class RunnableC0162a implements Runnable {
public RunnableC0162a() {
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
public a(c.o.a.n.r.g gVar) {
this.a = gVar;
@Override // c.o.a.n.o.f
public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.a aVar) {
boolean z2;
l lVar = l.this;
i.g gVar = d.this.l;
c.o.a.q.a aVar2 = lVar.i;
Iterator<c.o.a.n.r.a> it = this.a.f.iterator();
while (true) {
z2 = true;
if (it.hasNext()) {
if (!it.next().g) {
c.o.a.n.r.g.e.a(1, "isSuccessful:", "returning false.");
z2 = false;
} else {
c.o.a.n.r.g.e.a(1, "isSuccessful:", "returning true.");
((CameraView.b) gVar).d(aVar2, z2, l.this.j);
d.this.m.e("reset metering", 0);
if (d.this.a1()) {
d dVar = d.this;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = dVar.m;
fVar.c("reset metering", true, dVar.V, new c.o.a.n.v.i(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW, new RunnableC0162a()));
public l(c.o.a.q.a aVar, PointF pointF, c.o.a.t.b bVar) {
this.i = aVar;
this.j = pointF;
this.k = bVar;
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
d dVar = d.this;
if (dVar.o.o) {
((CameraView.b) dVar.l).e(this.i, this.j);
c.o.a.n.r.g p1 = d.this.p1(this.k);
c.o.a.n.o.i iVar = new c.o.a.n.o.i(5000, p1);
iVar.f(new a(p1));
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class m extends CameraDevice.StateCallback {
public final /* synthetic */ TaskCompletionSource a;
public m(TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource) {
this.a = taskCompletionSource;
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.StateCallback
public void onDisconnected(@NonNull CameraDevice cameraDevice) {
CameraException cameraException = new CameraException(3);
if (!this.a.a.o()) {
} else {
i.i.a(1, "CameraDevice.StateCallback reported disconnection.");
throw cameraException;
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.StateCallback
public void onError(@NonNull CameraDevice cameraDevice, int i) {
int i2 = 1;
if (!this.a.a.o()) {
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = this.a;
if (!(i == 1 || i == 2 || i == 3 || i == 4 || i == 5)) {
i2 = 0;
taskCompletionSource.a(new CameraException(i2));
i.i.a(3, "CameraDevice.StateCallback reported an error:", Integer.valueOf(i));
throw new CameraException(3);
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice.StateCallback
public void onOpened(@NonNull CameraDevice cameraDevice) {
int i;
d.this.f1479e0 = cameraDevice;
try {
i.i.a(1, "onStartEngine:", "Opened camera device.");
d dVar = d.this;
dVar.f1480f0 = dVar.f1477c0.getCameraCharacteristics(dVar.f1478d0);
boolean b = d.this.K.b(c.o.a.n.t.b.SENSOR, c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW);
int ordinal = d.this.A.ordinal();
if (ordinal == 0) {
i = 256;
} else if (ordinal == 1) {
i = 32;
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown format:" + d.this.A);
d dVar2 = d.this;
dVar2.o = new c.o.a.n.u.b(dVar2.f1477c0, dVar2.f1478d0, b, i);
d dVar3 = d.this;
} catch (CameraAccessException e) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class n implements Callable<Void> {
public final /* synthetic */ Object i;
public n(Object obj) {
this.i = obj;
/* Return type fixed from 'java.lang.Object' to match base method */
@Override // java.util.concurrent.Callable
public Void call() throws Exception {
c.o.a.x.b bVar = d.this.r;
((SurfaceHolder) this.i).setFixedSize(bVar.i, bVar.j);
return null;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class o extends CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback {
public final /* synthetic */ TaskCompletionSource a;
public o(TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource) {
this.a = taskCompletionSource;
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback
public void onConfigureFailed(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession) {
throw new RuntimeException(i.i.a(3, "onConfigureFailed! Session", cameraCaptureSession));
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback
public void onConfigured(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession) {
d.this.f1481g0 = cameraCaptureSession;
i.i.a(1, "onStartBind:", "Completed");
@Override // android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback
public void onReady(@NonNull CameraCaptureSession cameraCaptureSession) {
i.i.a(1, "CameraCaptureSession.StateCallback reported onReady.");
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class p extends c.o.a.n.o.e {
public final /* synthetic */ TaskCompletionSource e;
public p(d dVar, TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource) {
this.e = taskCompletionSource;
@Override // c.o.a.n.o.e, c.o.a.n.o.a
public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.c cVar, @NonNull CaptureRequest captureRequest, @NonNull TotalCaptureResult totalCaptureResult) {
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class q extends c.o.a.n.o.f {
public final /* synthetic */ l.a a;
public q(l.a aVar) {
this.a = aVar;
@Override // c.o.a.n.o.f
public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.a aVar) {
d dVar = d.this;
dVar.G = false;
d.this.G = true;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class r extends c.o.a.n.o.f {
public final /* synthetic */ l.a a;
public r(l.a aVar) {
this.a = aVar;
@Override // c.o.a.n.o.f
public void b(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.a aVar) {
d dVar = d.this;
dVar.F = false;
d.this.F = true;
/* compiled from: Camera2Engine */
public class s implements Runnable {
public s() {
@Override // java.lang.Runnable
public void run() {
public d(i.g gVar) {
if (c.o.a.n.q.b.a == null) {
c.o.a.n.q.b.a = new c.o.a.n.q.b();
this.f1484j0 = c.o.a.n.q.b.a;
this.o0 = new CopyOnWriteArrayList();
this.q0 = new i();
this.f1477c0 = (CameraManager) ((CameraView.b) this.l).g().getSystemService("camera");
new c.o.a.n.o.g().e(this);
public static void b1(d dVar) {
new c.o.a.n.o.h(Arrays.asList(new f(dVar), new c.o.a.n.r.h())).e(dVar);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void F0(@NonNull c.o.a.m.m mVar) {
c.o.a.m.m mVar2 = this.w;
this.w = mVar;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("white balance (" + mVar + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new c(mVar2)));
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void G0(float f2, @Nullable PointF[] pointFArr, boolean z2) {
float f3 = this.C;
this.C = f2;
this.m.e("zoom", 20);
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("zoom", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new e(f3, z2, f2, pointFArr)));
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void I0(@Nullable c.o.a.q.a aVar, @NonNull c.o.a.t.b bVar, @NonNull PointF pointF) {
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("autofocus (" + aVar + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW, new l(aVar, pointF, bVar)));
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<Void> P() {
Handler handler;
int i2;
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
bVar.a(1, "onStartBind:", "Started");
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
this.q = Q0(this.P);
this.r = R0();
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
Class j2 = this.n.j();
Object i3 = this.n.i();
if (j2 == SurfaceHolder.class) {
try {
bVar.a(1, "onStartBind:", "Waiting on UI thread...");
c.i.a.f.e.o.c.c(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.g(c.i.a.f.n.g.a, new n(i3)));
this.m0 = ((SurfaceHolder) i3).getSurface();
} catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e2) {
throw new CameraException(e2, 1);
} else if (j2 == SurfaceTexture.class) {
SurfaceTexture surfaceTexture = (SurfaceTexture) i3;
c.o.a.x.b bVar2 = this.r;
surfaceTexture.setDefaultBufferSize(bVar2.i, bVar2.j);
this.m0 = new Surface(surfaceTexture);
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Unknown CameraPreview output class.");
if (this.P == c.o.a.m.i.PICTURE) {
int ordinal = this.A.ordinal();
if (ordinal == 0) {
i2 = 256;
} else if (ordinal == 1) {
i2 = 32;
} else {
StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("Unknown format:");
throw new IllegalArgumentException(L.toString());
c.o.a.x.b bVar3 = this.q;
ImageReader newInstance = ImageReader.newInstance(bVar3.i, bVar3.j, i2, 2);
this.n0 = newInstance;
if (this.u) {
List<c.o.a.x.b> s1 = s1();
boolean b2 = this.K.b(c.o.a.n.t.b.SENSOR, c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW);
ArrayList arrayList2 = (ArrayList) s1;
ArrayList arrayList3 = new ArrayList(arrayList2.size());
Iterator it = arrayList2.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
c.o.a.x.b bVar4 = (c.o.a.x.b) it.next();
if (b2) {
bVar4 = bVar4.f();
c.o.a.x.b bVar5 = this.r;
c.o.a.x.a f2 = c.o.a.x.a.f(bVar5.i, bVar5.j);
if (b2) {
f2 = c.o.a.x.a.f(f2.k, f2.j);
int i4 = this.Y;
int i5 = this.Z;
if (i4 <= 0 || i4 == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
i4 = 640;
if (i5 <= 0 || i5 == Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
i5 = 640;
c.o.a.x.b bVar6 = new c.o.a.x.b(i4, i5);
c.o.a.b bVar7 = i.i;
bVar7.a(1, "computeFrameProcessingSize:", "targetRatio:", f2, "targetMaxSize:", bVar6);
c.o.a.x.c p0 = c.i.a.f.e.o.c.p0(new c.o.a.x.d(f2.i(), 0.0f));
c.o.a.x.c b3 = c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Y(i5), c.i.a.f.e.o.c.Z(i4), new c.o.a.x.e());
c.o.a.x.b bVar8 = ((c.o.a.x.l) c.i.a.f.e.o.c.d0(c.i.a.f.e.o.c.b(p0, b3), b3, new c.o.a.x.f())).a(arrayList3).get(0);
if (arrayList3.contains(bVar8)) {
if (b2) {
bVar8 = bVar8.f();
bVar7.a(1, "computeFrameProcessingSize:", "result:", bVar8, "flip:", Boolean.valueOf(b2));
this.f1487s = bVar8;
ImageReader newInstance2 = ImageReader.newInstance(bVar8.i, bVar8.j, this.t, this.f1485a0 + 1);
this.k0 = newInstance2;
handler = null;
newInstance2.setOnImageAvailableListener(this, null);
Surface surface = this.k0.getSurface();
this.l0 = surface;
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("SizeSelectors must not return Sizes other than those in the input list.");
} else {
handler = null;
this.k0 = null;
this.f1487s = null;
this.l0 = null;
try {
this.f1479e0.createCaptureSession(arrayList, new o(taskCompletionSource), handler);
return taskCompletionSource.a;
} catch (CameraAccessException e3) {
throw o1(e3);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<c.o.a.c> Q() {
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
try {
this.f1477c0.openCamera(this.f1478d0, new m(taskCompletionSource), (Handler) null);
return taskCompletionSource.a;
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw o1(e2);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<Void> R() {
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
bVar.a(1, "onStartPreview:", "Dispatching onCameraPreviewStreamSizeChanged.");
((CameraView.b) this.l).h();
c.o.a.n.t.b bVar2 = c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW;
c.o.a.x.b C = C(bVar2);
if (C != null) {
this.n.s(C.i, C.j);
this.n.r(this.K.c(c.o.a.n.t.b.BASE, bVar2, 1));
if (this.u) {
S0().e(this.t, this.f1487s, this.K);
bVar.a(1, "onStartPreview:", "Starting preview.");
c1(new Surface[0]);
l1(false, 2);
bVar.a(1, "onStartPreview:", "Started preview.");
TaskCompletionSource taskCompletionSource = new TaskCompletionSource();
new p(this, taskCompletionSource).e(this);
return taskCompletionSource.a;
throw new IllegalStateException("previewStreamSize should not be null at this point.");
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<Void> S() {
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
bVar.a(1, "onStopBind:", "About to clean up.");
this.l0 = null;
this.m0 = null;
this.r = null;
this.q = null;
this.f1487s = null;
ImageReader imageReader = this.k0;
if (imageReader != null) {
this.k0 = null;
ImageReader imageReader2 = this.n0;
if (imageReader2 != null) {
this.n0 = null;
this.f1481g0 = null;
bVar.a(1, "onStopBind:", "Returning.");
return c.i.a.f.e.o.c.F(null);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<Void> T() {
try {
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
bVar.a(1, "onStopEngine:", "Clean up.", "Releasing camera.");
bVar.a(1, "onStopEngine:", "Clean up.", "Released camera.");
} catch (Exception e2) {
i.i.a(2, "onStopEngine:", "Clean up.", "Exception while releasing camera.", e2);
this.f1479e0 = null;
i.i.a(1, "onStopEngine:", "Aborting actions.");
for (c.o.a.n.o.a aVar : this.o0) {
this.f1480f0 = null;
this.o = null;
this.f1482h0 = null;
i.i.a(2, "onStopEngine:", "Returning.");
return c.i.a.f.e.o.c.F(null);
@Override // c.o.a.n.g
public List<c.o.a.x.b> T0() {
try {
StreamConfigurationMap streamConfigurationMap = (StreamConfigurationMap) this.f1477c0.getCameraCharacteristics(this.f1478d0).get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP);
if (streamConfigurationMap != null) {
Size[] outputSizes = streamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes(this.n.j());
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(outputSizes.length);
for (Size size : outputSizes) {
c.o.a.x.b bVar = new c.o.a.x.b(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
if (!arrayList.contains(bVar)) {
return arrayList;
throw new RuntimeException("StreamConfigurationMap is null. Should not happen.");
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw o1(e2);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public Task<Void> U() {
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
bVar.a(1, "onStopPreview:", "Started.");
this.p = null;
if (this.u) {
Surface surface = this.l0;
if (surface != null) {
this.f1483i0 = null;
bVar.a(1, "onStopPreview:", "Returning.");
return c.i.a.f.e.o.c.F(null);
@Override // c.o.a.n.g
public c.o.a.p.c V0(int i2) {
return new c.o.a.p.e(i2);
@Override // c.o.a.n.g
public void X0() {
i.i.a(1, "onPreviewStreamSizeChanged:", "Calling restartBind().");
@Override // c.o.a.n.g
public void Y0(@NonNull l.a aVar, boolean z2) {
if (z2) {
i.i.a(1, "onTakePicture:", "doMetering is true. Delaying.");
c.o.a.n.o.i iVar = new c.o.a.n.o.i(2500, p1(null));
iVar.f(new r(aVar));
i.i.a(1, "onTakePicture:", "doMetering is false. Performing.");
c.o.a.n.t.a aVar2 = this.K;
c.o.a.n.t.b bVar = c.o.a.n.t.b.SENSOR;
c.o.a.n.t.b bVar2 = c.o.a.n.t.b.OUTPUT;
aVar.f1473c = aVar2.c(bVar, bVar2, 2);
aVar.d = w(bVar2);
try {
CaptureRequest.Builder createCaptureRequest = this.f1479e0.createCaptureRequest(2);
d1(createCaptureRequest, this.f1482h0);
c.o.a.v.b bVar3 = new c.o.a.v.b(aVar, this, createCaptureRequest, this.n0);
this.p = bVar3;
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw o1(e2);
@Override // c.o.a.n.g
public void Z0(@NonNull l.a aVar, @NonNull c.o.a.x.a aVar2, boolean z2) {
if (z2) {
i.i.a(1, "onTakePictureSnapshot:", "doMetering is true. Delaying.");
c.o.a.n.o.i iVar = new c.o.a.n.o.i(2500, p1(null));
iVar.f(new q(aVar));
i.i.a(1, "onTakePictureSnapshot:", "doMetering is false. Performing.");
if (this.n instanceof c.o.a.w.e) {
c.o.a.n.t.b bVar = c.o.a.n.t.b.OUTPUT;
aVar.d = F(bVar);
aVar.f1473c = this.K.c(c.o.a.n.t.b.VIEW, bVar, 1);
c.o.a.v.f fVar = new c.o.a.v.f(aVar, this, (c.o.a.w.e) this.n, aVar2);
this.p = fVar;
throw new RuntimeException("takePictureSnapshot with Camera2 is only supported with Preview.GL_SURFACE");
@Override // c.o.a.n.g, c.o.a.v.d.a
public void a(@Nullable l.a aVar, @Nullable Exception exc) {
boolean z2 = this.p instanceof c.o.a.v.b;
super.a(aVar, exc);
if ((z2 && this.F) || (!z2 && this.G)) {
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("reset metering after picture", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW, new s()));
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public final boolean c(@NonNull c.o.a.m.e eVar) {
int intValue = c.o.a.n.q.b.b.get(eVar).intValue();
try {
String[] cameraIdList = this.f1477c0.getCameraIdList();
i.i.a(1, "collectCameraInfo", "Facing:", eVar, "Internal:", Integer.valueOf(intValue), "Cameras:", Integer.valueOf(cameraIdList.length));
for (String str : cameraIdList) {
try {
CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics = this.f1477c0.getCameraCharacteristics(str);
if (intValue == ((Integer) u1(cameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.LENS_FACING, -99)).intValue()) {
this.f1478d0 = str;
this.K.f(eVar, ((Integer) u1(cameraCharacteristics, CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_ORIENTATION, 0)).intValue());
return true;
} catch (CameraAccessException unused) {
return false;
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw o1(e2);
public final void c1(@NonNull Surface... surfaceArr) {
Surface surface = this.l0;
if (surface != null) {
for (Surface surface2 : surfaceArr) {
if (surface2 != null) {
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Should not add a null surface.");
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void d0(float f2, @NonNull float[] fArr, @Nullable PointF[] pointFArr, boolean z2) {
float f3 = this.D;
this.D = f2;
this.m.e("exposure correction", 20);
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("exposure correction", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new f(f3, z2, f2, fArr, pointFArr)));
public final void d1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, @Nullable CaptureRequest.Builder builder2) {
i.i.a(1, "applyAllParameters:", "called for tag", builder.build().getTag());
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_MODE, 1);
h1(builder, c.o.a.m.f.OFF);
Location location = this.B;
if (location != null) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.JPEG_GPS_LOCATION, location);
m1(builder, c.o.a.m.m.AUTO);
i1(builder, c.o.a.m.h.OFF);
n1(builder, 0.0f);
g1(builder, 0.0f);
j1(builder, 0.0f);
if (builder2 != null) {
CaptureRequest.Key key = CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_REGIONS;
builder.set(key, builder2.get(key));
CaptureRequest.Key key2 = CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_REGIONS;
builder.set(key2, builder2.get(key2));
CaptureRequest.Key key3 = CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_REGIONS;
builder.set(key3, builder2.get(key3));
CaptureRequest.Key key4 = CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE;
builder.set(key4, builder2.get(key4));
public void e1(@NonNull c.o.a.n.o.a aVar, @NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder) throws CameraAccessException {
if (this.m.f == c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW && !O()) {
this.f1481g0.capture(builder.build(), this.q0, null);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void f0(@NonNull c.o.a.m.f fVar) {
c.o.a.m.f fVar2 = this.v;
this.v = fVar;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar3 = this.m;
fVar3.b("flash (" + fVar + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar3, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new a(fVar2, fVar)));
public void f1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder) {
int[] iArr = (int[]) t1(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AF_AVAILABLE_MODES, new int[0]);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
for (int i2 : iArr) {
if (this.P == c.o.a.m.i.VIDEO && arrayList.contains(3)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 3);
} else if (arrayList.contains(4)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 4);
} else if (arrayList.contains(1)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 1);
} else if (arrayList.contains(0)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 0);
builder.set(CaptureRequest.LENS_FOCUS_DISTANCE, Float.valueOf(0.0f));
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void g0(int i2) {
if (this.t == 0) {
this.t = 35;
this.m.b(c.d.b.a.a.n("frame processing format (", i2, ")"), true, new k(i2));
public boolean g1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, float f2) {
if (this.o.l) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_EXPOSURE_COMPENSATION, Integer.valueOf(Math.round(((Rational) t1(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AE_COMPENSATION_STEP, new Rational(1, 1))).floatValue() * this.D)));
return true;
this.D = f2;
return false;
public boolean h1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, @NonNull c.o.a.m.f fVar) {
if (this.o.c(this.v)) {
int[] iArr = (int[]) t1(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_MODES, new int[0]);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
for (int i2 : iArr) {
c.o.a.n.q.b bVar = this.f1484j0;
c.o.a.m.f fVar2 = this.v;
ArrayList arrayList2 = new ArrayList();
int ordinal = fVar2.ordinal();
if (ordinal == 0) {
arrayList2.add(new Pair(1, 0));
arrayList2.add(new Pair(0, 0));
} else if (ordinal == 1) {
arrayList2.add(new Pair(3, 0));
} else if (ordinal == 2) {
arrayList2.add(new Pair(2, 0));
arrayList2.add(new Pair(4, 0));
} else if (ordinal == 3) {
arrayList2.add(new Pair(1, 2));
arrayList2.add(new Pair(0, 2));
Iterator it = arrayList2.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Pair pair = (Pair) it.next();
if (arrayList.contains(pair.first)) {
c.o.a.b bVar2 = i.i;
bVar2.a(1, "applyFlash: setting CONTROL_AE_MODE to", pair.first);
bVar2.a(1, "applyFlash: setting FLASH_MODE to", pair.second);
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_MODE, pair.first);
builder.set(CaptureRequest.FLASH_MODE, pair.second);
return true;
this.v = fVar;
return false;
public boolean i1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, @NonNull c.o.a.m.h hVar) {
if (this.o.c(this.f1490z)) {
c.o.a.n.q.b bVar = this.f1484j0;
c.o.a.m.h hVar2 = this.f1490z;
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_SCENE_MODE, Integer.valueOf(c.o.a.n.q.b.d.get(hVar2).intValue()));
return true;
this.f1490z = hVar;
return false;
/* JADX WARNING: Removed duplicated region for block: B:11:0x0038 */
public boolean j1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, float f2) {
Range<Integer>[] rangeArr = (Range[]) t1(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AE_AVAILABLE_TARGET_FPS_RANGES, new Range[0]);
Arrays.sort(rangeArr, new e(this, this.I && this.H != 0.0f));
float f3 = this.H;
if (f3 == 0.0f) {
Iterator it = ((ArrayList) r1(rangeArr)).iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
Range range = (Range) it.next();
if (range.contains((Range) 30) || range.contains((Range) 24)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, range);
return true;
while (it.hasNext()) {
} else {
float min = Math.min(f3, this.o.q);
this.H = min;
this.H = Math.max(min, this.o.p);
Iterator it2 = ((ArrayList) r1(rangeArr)).iterator();
while (it2.hasNext()) {
Range range2 = (Range) it2.next();
if (range2.contains((Range) Integer.valueOf(Math.round(this.H)))) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AE_TARGET_FPS_RANGE, range2);
return true;
this.H = f2;
return false;
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void k0(boolean z2) {
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("has frame processors (" + z2 + ")", true, new j(z2));
public void k1() {
l1(true, 3);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void l0(@NonNull c.o.a.m.h hVar) {
c.o.a.m.h hVar2 = this.f1490z;
this.f1490z = hVar;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("hdr (" + hVar + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new RunnableC0161d(hVar2)));
public final void l1(boolean z2, int i2) {
if ((this.m.f == c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW && !O()) || !z2) {
try {
this.f1481g0.setRepeatingRequest(this.f1482h0.build(), this.q0, null);
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw new CameraException(e2, i2);
} catch (IllegalStateException e3) {
c.o.a.b bVar = i.i;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
bVar.a(3, "applyRepeatingRequestBuilder: session is invalid!", e3, "checkStarted:", Boolean.valueOf(z2), "currentThread:", Thread.currentThread().getName(), "state:", fVar.f, "targetState:", fVar.g);
throw new CameraException(3);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void m0(@Nullable Location location) {
Location location2 = this.B;
this.B = location;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("location", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new b(location2)));
public boolean m1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, @NonNull c.o.a.m.m mVar) {
if (this.o.c(this.w)) {
c.o.a.n.q.b bVar = this.f1484j0;
c.o.a.m.m mVar2 = this.w;
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AWB_MODE, Integer.valueOf(c.o.a.n.q.b.f1493c.get(mVar2).intValue()));
return true;
this.w = mVar;
return false;
public boolean n1(@NonNull CaptureRequest.Builder builder, float f2) {
if (this.o.k) {
float floatValue = ((Float) t1(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_AVAILABLE_MAX_DIGITAL_ZOOM, Float.valueOf(1.0f))).floatValue();
float f3 = floatValue - 1.0f;
Rect rect = (Rect) t1(CameraCharacteristics.SENSOR_INFO_ACTIVE_ARRAY_SIZE, new Rect());
int height = (int) (((float) rect.height()) / floatValue);
int width = rect.width() - ((int) (((float) rect.width()) / floatValue));
int height2 = rect.height() - height;
float f4 = ((this.C * f3) + 1.0f) - 1.0f;
int i2 = (int) (((((float) width) * f4) / f3) / 2.0f);
int i3 = (int) (((((float) height2) * f4) / f3) / 2.0f);
builder.set(CaptureRequest.SCALER_CROP_REGION, new Rect(i2, i3, rect.width() - i2, rect.height() - i3));
return true;
this.C = f2;
return false;
public final CameraException o1(@NonNull CameraAccessException cameraAccessException) {
int reason = cameraAccessException.getReason();
int i2 = 3;
if (reason != 1) {
if (!(reason == 2 || reason == 3)) {
if (!(reason == 4 || reason == 5)) {
i2 = 0;
return new CameraException(cameraAccessException, i2);
i2 = 1;
return new CameraException(cameraAccessException, i2);
@Override // android.media.ImageReader.OnImageAvailableListener
public void onImageAvailable(ImageReader imageReader) {
i.i.a(0, "onImageAvailable:", "trying to acquire Image.");
Image image = null;
try {
image = imageReader.acquireLatestImage();
} catch (Exception unused) {
if (image == null) {
i.i.a(2, "onImageAvailable:", "failed to acquire Image!");
} else if (this.m.f != c.o.a.n.v.e.PREVIEW || O()) {
i.i.a(1, "onImageAvailable:", "Image acquired in wrong state. Closing it now.");
} else {
c.o.a.p.b a2 = S0().a(image, System.currentTimeMillis());
if (a2 != null) {
i.i.a(0, "onImageAvailable:", "Image acquired, dispatching.");
((CameraView.b) this.l).b(a2);
i.i.a(1, "onImageAvailable:", "Image acquired, but no free frames. DROPPING.");
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void p0(@NonNull c.o.a.m.j jVar) {
if (jVar != this.A) {
this.A = jVar;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("picture format (" + jVar + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new h()));
public final c.o.a.n.r.g p1(@Nullable c.o.a.t.b bVar) {
c.o.a.n.r.g gVar = this.p0;
if (gVar != null) {
CaptureRequest.Builder builder = this.f1482h0;
boolean z2 = false;
int[] iArr = (int[]) t1(CameraCharacteristics.CONTROL_AF_AVAILABLE_MODES, new int[0]);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
for (int i2 : iArr) {
if (arrayList.contains(1)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 1);
} else if (this.P == c.o.a.m.i.VIDEO && arrayList.contains(3)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 3);
} else if (arrayList.contains(4)) {
builder.set(CaptureRequest.CONTROL_AF_MODE, 4);
if (bVar == null) {
z2 = true;
c.o.a.n.r.g gVar2 = new c.o.a.n.r.g(this, bVar, z2);
this.p0 = gVar2;
return gVar2;
public final CaptureRequest.Builder q1(int i2) throws CameraAccessException {
CaptureRequest.Builder builder = this.f1482h0;
CaptureRequest.Builder createCaptureRequest = this.f1479e0.createCaptureRequest(i2);
this.f1482h0 = createCaptureRequest;
d1(this.f1482h0, builder);
return this.f1482h0;
public List<Range<Integer>> r1(@NonNull Range<Integer>[] rangeArr) {
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList();
int round = Math.round(this.o.p);
int round2 = Math.round(this.o.q);
for (Range<Integer> range : rangeArr) {
if (range.contains((Range<Integer>) Integer.valueOf(round)) && range.contains((Range<Integer>) Integer.valueOf(round2))) {
c.o.a.b bVar = c.o.a.r.b.a;
String str = Build.MODEL;
boolean z2 = true;
String str2 = Build.MANUFACTURER;
bVar.a(1, "Build.MODEL:", str, "Build.BRAND:", Build.BRAND, "Build.MANUFACTURER:", str2);
List<Range<Integer>> list = c.o.a.r.b.b.get(str2 + " " + str);
if (list != null && list.contains(range)) {
bVar.a(1, "Dropping range:", range);
z2 = false;
if (z2) {
return arrayList;
public List<c.o.a.x.b> s1() {
try {
StreamConfigurationMap streamConfigurationMap = (StreamConfigurationMap) this.f1477c0.getCameraCharacteristics(this.f1478d0).get(CameraCharacteristics.SCALER_STREAM_CONFIGURATION_MAP);
if (streamConfigurationMap != null) {
Size[] outputSizes = streamConfigurationMap.getOutputSizes(this.t);
ArrayList arrayList = new ArrayList(outputSizes.length);
for (Size size : outputSizes) {
c.o.a.x.b bVar = new c.o.a.x.b(size.getWidth(), size.getHeight());
if (!arrayList.contains(bVar)) {
return arrayList;
throw new RuntimeException("StreamConfigurationMap is null. Should not happen.");
} catch (CameraAccessException e2) {
throw o1(e2);
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void t0(boolean z2) {
this.E = z2;
public <T> T t1(@NonNull CameraCharacteristics.Key<T> key, @NonNull T t) {
T t2 = (T) this.f1480f0.get(key);
return t2 == null ? t : t2;
public final <T> T u1(@NonNull CameraCharacteristics cameraCharacteristics, @NonNull CameraCharacteristics.Key<T> key, @NonNull T t) {
T t2 = (T) cameraCharacteristics.get(key);
return t2 == null ? t : t2;
@Override // c.o.a.n.i
public void v0(float f2) {
float f3 = this.H;
this.H = f2;
c.o.a.n.v.f fVar = this.m;
fVar.b("preview fps (" + f2 + ")", true, new c.o.a.n.v.h(fVar, c.o.a.n.v.e.ENGINE, new g(f3)));