
73 lines
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Raw Normal View History

package c.a.u.a;
import com.discord.models.domain.ModelAuditLogEntry;
import com.discord.simpleast.core.node.Node;
import com.discord.simpleast.core.node.StyleNode;
import d0.g0.i;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
import kotlin.text.Regex;
/* compiled from: Kotlin.kt */
public final class m {
public static final String[] a = {"public|private|internal|inline|lateinit|abstract|open|reified", "import|package", "class|interface|data|enum|sealed|object|typealias", "fun|override|this|super|where|constructor|init|param|delegate", "const|val|var|get|final|vararg|it", "return|break|continue|suspend", "for|while|do|if|else|when|try|catch|finally|throw", "in|out|is|as|typeof", "shr|ushr|shl|ushl", "true|false|null"};
public static final String[] b = {"true|false|Boolean|String|Char", "Int|UInt|Long|ULong|Float|Double|Byte|UByte|Short|UShort", "Self|Set|Map|MutableMap|List|MutableList|Array|Runnable|Unit", "arrayOf|listOf|mapOf|setOf|let|also|apply|run"};
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
2021-08-10 10:47:20 +00:00
public static final Pattern f236c = Pattern.compile("^(?:(?://.*?(?=\\n|$))|(/\\*.*?\\*/))", 32);
public static final Pattern d = Pattern.compile("^@(\\w+)");
public static final Pattern e = Pattern.compile("^\"[\\s\\S]*?(?<!\\\\)\"(?=\\W|\\s|$)");
public static final m f = null;
/* compiled from: Kotlin.kt */
public static final class a<RC> extends Node.a<RC> {
public static final Pattern a = Pattern.compile("^(val|var)(\\s+\\w+)", 32);
public static final C0044a b = new C0044a(null);
/* compiled from: Kotlin.kt */
/* renamed from: c.a.u.a.m$a$a reason: collision with other inner class name */
public static final class C0044a {
public C0044a(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public a(String str, String str2, f<RC> fVar) {
super(new StyleNode.b(str, fVar.d), new StyleNode.b(str2, fVar.e));
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "definition");
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str2, ModelAuditLogEntry.CHANGE_KEY_NAME);
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(fVar, "codeStyleProviders");
/* compiled from: Kotlin.kt */
public static final class b<RC> extends Node.a<RC> {
public static final Pattern a = new Regex("^(fun)( *<.*>)?( \\w+)( *\\(.*?\\))", i.DOT_MATCHES_ALL).toPattern();
public static final a b = new a(null);
/* compiled from: Kotlin.kt */
public static final class a {
public a(DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
/* JADX DEBUG: Can't convert new array creation: APUT found in different block: 0x0030: APUT
(r0v5 com.discord.simpleast.core.node.Node[])
(1 ??[boolean, int, float, short, byte, char])
(r1v1 com.discord.simpleast.core.node.StyleNode$b)
/* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
public b(String str, String str2, String str3, String str4, f<RC> fVar) {
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str, "pre");
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str3, "signature");
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(str4, "params");
d0.z.d.m.checkNotNullParameter(fVar, "codeStyleProviders");
Node[] nodeArr = new Node[4];
nodeArr[0] = new StyleNode.b(str, fVar.d);
nodeArr[1] = str2 != null ? new StyleNode.b(str2, fVar.g) : null;
nodeArr[2] = new StyleNode.b(str3, fVar.e);
nodeArr[3] = new StyleNode.b(str4, fVar.h);