
497 lines
20 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
package com.discord.views.steps;
import android.content.Context;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.ImageView;
import android.widget.LinearLayout;
import android.widget.RelativeLayout;
import android.widget.TextView;
import androidx.annotation.LayoutRes;
import androidx.fragment.app.Fragment;
import androidx.viewpager2.adapter.FragmentStateAdapter;
import androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2;
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
import c.a.i.m3;
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import com.discord.app.AppFragment;
import com.discord.views.LoadingButton;
import com.google.android.material.button.MaterialButton;
import d0.z.d.m;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import kotlin.Unit;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function0;
import kotlin.jvm.functions.Function1;
import kotlin.jvm.internal.DefaultConstructorMarker;
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public final class StepsView extends RelativeLayout {
public static final /* synthetic */ int i = 0;
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
public final m3 j;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
public d k;
public ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback l;
/* compiled from: java-style lambda group */
public static final class a implements View.OnClickListener {
public final /* synthetic */ int i;
public final /* synthetic */ int j;
public final /* synthetic */ Object k;
public final /* synthetic */ Object l;
public a(int i, int i2, Object obj, Object obj2) {
this.i = i;
this.j = i2;
this.k = obj;
this.l = obj2;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
int i = this.i;
if (i == 0) {
Function1<View, Unit> function1 = ((b) ((List) this.l).get(this.j)).d;
if (function1 != null) {
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(view, "it");
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = ((StepsView) this.k).j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager2, "binding.stepsViewpager");
int currentItem = viewPager2.getCurrentItem();
d dVar = ((StepsView) this.k).k;
if (dVar == null || currentItem != dVar.getItemCount() - 1) {
ViewPager2 viewPager22 = ((StepsView) this.k).j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager22, "binding.stepsViewpager");
ViewPager2 viewPager23 = ((StepsView) this.k).j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager23, "binding.stepsViewpager");
viewPager22.setCurrentItem(viewPager23.getCurrentItem() + 1);
} else if (i == 1) {
Function1<View, Unit> function12 = ((b) ((List) this.k).get(this.j)).f;
if (function12 != null) {
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(view, "it");
((Function0) this.l).mo1invoke();
} else {
throw null;
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static abstract class b {
public final int a;
public final int b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
public final int f2140c;
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public final Function1<View, Unit> d;
public final Function1<View, Unit> e;
public final Function1<View, Unit> f;
public final boolean g;
public final boolean h;
public final boolean i;
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class a extends b {
public final Class<? extends Fragment> j;
public final int k;
public final int l;
public final int m;
public final Function1<View, Unit> n;
public final Function1<View, Unit> o;
public final Function1<View, Unit> p;
public final boolean q;
public final boolean r;
/* renamed from: s reason: collision with root package name */
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
public final boolean f2141s;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
/* JADX WARNING: Illegal instructions before constructor call */
public a(Class cls, int i, int i2, int i3, Function1 function1, Function1 function12, Function1 function13, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, int i4) {
super(r13, r14, r15, null, null, r8, r7, r6, r5, null);
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
int i5 = (i4 & 2) != 0 ? 2131891505 : i;
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int i6 = (i4 & 4) != 0 ? 2131886808 : i2;
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int i7 = (i4 & 8) != 0 ? 2131888176 : i3;
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int i8 = i4 & 16;
int i9 = i4 & 32;
Function1 function14 = (i4 & 64) != 0 ? null : function13;
boolean z5 = (i4 & 128) != 0 ? true : z2;
boolean z6 = (i4 & 256) != 0 ? true : z3;
boolean z7 = (i4 & 512) != 0 ? true : z4;
m.checkNotNullParameter(cls, "fragment");
this.j = cls;
this.k = i5;
this.l = i6;
this.m = i7;
this.n = null;
this.o = null;
this.p = function14;
this.q = z5;
this.r = z6;
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this.f2141s = z7;
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public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof a)) {
return false;
a aVar = (a) obj;
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
return m.areEqual(this.j, aVar.j) && this.k == aVar.k && this.l == aVar.l && this.m == aVar.m && m.areEqual(this.n, aVar.n) && m.areEqual(this.o, aVar.o) && m.areEqual(this.p, aVar.p) && this.q == aVar.q && this.r == aVar.r && this.f2141s == aVar.f2141s;
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public int hashCode() {
Class<? extends Fragment> cls = this.j;
int i = 0;
int hashCode = (((((((cls != null ? cls.hashCode() : 0) * 31) + this.k) * 31) + this.l) * 31) + this.m) * 31;
Function1<View, Unit> function1 = this.n;
int hashCode2 = (hashCode + (function1 != null ? function1.hashCode() : 0)) * 31;
Function1<View, Unit> function12 = this.o;
int hashCode3 = (hashCode2 + (function12 != null ? function12.hashCode() : 0)) * 31;
Function1<View, Unit> function13 = this.p;
if (function13 != null) {
i = function13.hashCode();
int i2 = (hashCode3 + i) * 31;
boolean z2 = this.q;
int i3 = 1;
if (z2) {
z2 = true;
int i4 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i5 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i6 = z2 ? 1 : 0;
int i7 = (i2 + i4) * 31;
boolean z3 = this.r;
if (z3) {
z3 = true;
int i8 = z3 ? 1 : 0;
int i9 = z3 ? 1 : 0;
int i10 = z3 ? 1 : 0;
int i11 = (i7 + i8) * 31;
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boolean z4 = this.f2141s;
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if (!z4) {
i3 = z4 ? 1 : 0;
return i11 + i3;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder L = c.d.b.a.a.L("FragmentStep(fragment=");
L.append(", nextText=");
L.append(", cancelText=");
L.append(", doneText=");
L.append(", onNext=");
L.append(", onCancel=");
L.append(", onDone=");
L.append(", canNext=");
L.append(", canCancel=");
L.append(", allowScroll=");
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
return c.d.b.a.a.G(L, this.f2141s, ")");
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
/* renamed from: com.discord.views.steps.StepsView$b$b reason: collision with other inner class name */
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
public static final class C0184b extends b {
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public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
if (!(obj instanceof C0184b)) {
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
return false;
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
Objects.requireNonNull((C0184b) obj);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
return m.areEqual(null, null) && m.areEqual(null, null) && m.areEqual(null, null);
public int hashCode() {
return (((((((((((((((((0 * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0) * 31) + 0;
public String toString() {
return "ViewStep(layoutId=0, nextText=0, cancelText=0, doneText=0, onNext=null, onCancel=null, onDone=null, canNext=false, canCancel=false, allowScroll=false)";
public b(int i, int i2, int i3, Function1 function1, Function1 function12, Function1 function13, boolean z2, boolean z3, boolean z4, DefaultConstructorMarker defaultConstructorMarker) {
this.a = i;
this.b = i2;
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
this.f2140c = i3;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
this.d = function1;
this.e = function12;
this.f = function13;
this.g = z2;
this.h = z3;
this.i = z4;
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class c extends AppFragment {
public c(@LayoutRes int i) {
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class d extends FragmentStateAdapter {
public List<? extends b> a;
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public d(Fragment fragment, List<? extends b> list) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(fragment, "fragment");
m.checkNotNullParameter(list, "steps");
this.a = list;
@Override // androidx.viewpager2.adapter.FragmentStateAdapter
public Fragment createFragment(int i) {
b bVar = (b) this.a.get(i);
if (bVar instanceof b.a) {
Object newInstance = ((b.a) bVar).j.newInstance();
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(newInstance, "currentStep.fragment.newInstance()");
return (Fragment) newInstance;
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
} else if (!(bVar instanceof b.C0184b)) {
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
return new Fragment();
} else {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
Objects.requireNonNull((b.C0184b) bVar);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
return new c(0);
@Override // androidx.recyclerview.widget.RecyclerView.Adapter
public int getItemCount() {
return this.a.size();
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class e extends ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback {
public final /* synthetic */ StepsView a;
public final /* synthetic */ Function1 b;
/* renamed from: c reason: collision with root package name */
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
public final /* synthetic */ Function0 f2142c;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
public e(StepsView stepsView, Function1 function1, Function0 function0) {
this.a = stepsView;
this.b = function1;
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this.f2142c = function0;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
@Override // androidx.viewpager2.widget.ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback
public void onPageSelected(int i) {
StepsView stepsView = this.a;
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Function0<Unit> function0 = this.f2142c;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
int i2 = StepsView.i;
stepsView.c(i, function0);
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class f implements View.OnClickListener {
public final /* synthetic */ Function0 i;
public f(Function0 function0) {
this.i = function0;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
/* compiled from: StepsView.kt */
public static final class g implements View.OnClickListener {
public final /* synthetic */ StepsView i;
public final /* synthetic */ List j;
public final /* synthetic */ int k;
public final /* synthetic */ Function0 l;
public g(StepsView stepsView, List list, int i, Function0 function0) {
this.i = stepsView;
this.j = list;
this.k = i;
this.l = function0;
@Override // android.view.View.OnClickListener
public final void onClick(View view) {
Function1<View, Unit> function1 = ((b) this.j.get(this.k)).e;
if (function1 != null) {
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(view, "it");
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = this.i.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager2, "binding.stepsViewpager");
if (viewPager2.getCurrentItem() == 0) {
ViewPager2 viewPager22 = this.i.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager22, "binding.stepsViewpager");
ViewPager2 viewPager23 = this.i.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager23, "binding.stepsViewpager");
viewPager22.setCurrentItem(viewPager23.getCurrentItem() - 1);
/* JADX INFO: super call moved to the top of the method (can break code semantics) */
public StepsView(Context context, AttributeSet attributeSet) {
super(context, attributeSet, 0);
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
m.checkNotNullParameter(context, "context");
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
View inflate = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(2131558824, (ViewGroup) this, false);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
int i2 = 2131365170;
LinearLayout linearLayout = (LinearLayout) inflate.findViewById(2131365170);
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if (linearLayout != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
i2 = 2131365171;
TextView textView = (TextView) inflate.findViewById(2131365171);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
if (textView != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
i2 = 2131365172;
ImageView imageView = (ImageView) inflate.findViewById(2131365172);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
if (imageView != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
i2 = 2131365173;
LoadingButton loadingButton = (LoadingButton) inflate.findViewById(2131365173);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
if (loadingButton != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
i2 = 2131365174;
MaterialButton materialButton = (MaterialButton) inflate.findViewById(2131365174);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
if (materialButton != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
i2 = 2131365175;
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = (ViewPager2) inflate.findViewById(2131365175);
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
if (viewPager2 != null) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
m3 m3Var = new m3((RelativeLayout) inflate, linearLayout, textView, imageView, loadingButton, materialButton, viewPager2);
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(m3Var, "ViewStepsBinding.inflate…rom(context), this, true)");
this.j = m3Var;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
throw new NullPointerException("Missing required view with ID: ".concat(inflate.getResources().getResourceName(i2)));
public final void a(d dVar, Function0<Unit> function0, Function1<? super Integer, Unit> function1) {
m.checkNotNullParameter(dVar, "adapter");
m.checkNotNullParameter(function0, "onClose");
m.checkNotNullParameter(function1, "onPageSelected");
this.k = dVar;
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = this.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager2, "binding.stepsViewpager");
ViewPager2.OnPageChangeCallback onPageChangeCallback = this.l;
if (onPageChangeCallback != null) {
ViewPager2 viewPager22 = this.j.g;
e eVar = new e(this, function1, function0);
this.l = eVar;
c(0, function0);
public final void b(int i2) {
if (i2 >= 0) {
d dVar = this.k;
if (i2 < (dVar != null ? dVar.getItemCount() : 0)) {
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = this.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager2, "binding.stepsViewpager");
public final void c(int i2, Function0<Unit> function0) {
List<? extends b> list;
this.j.d.setOnClickListener(new f(function0));
d dVar = this.k;
if (dVar != null && (list = dVar.a) != null) {
ViewPager2 viewPager2 = this.j.g;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(viewPager2, "binding.stepsViewpager");
viewPager2.setUserInputEnabled(((b) list.get(i2)).i);
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
TextView textView = this.j.f127c;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(textView, "binding.stepsCancel");
textView.setText(getContext().getString(((b) list.get(i2)).b));
2021-07-19 11:38:20 +00:00
this.j.e.setText(getContext().getString(((b) list.get(i2)).f2140c));
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
MaterialButton materialButton = this.j.f;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(materialButton, "binding.stepsNext");
materialButton.setText(getContext().getString(((b) list.get(i2)).a));
int i3 = 0;
this.j.f.setOnClickListener(new a(0, i2, this, list));
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
this.j.f127c.setOnClickListener(new g(this, list, i2, function0));
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
boolean z2 = true;
this.j.e.setOnClickListener(new a(1, i2, list, function0));
d dVar2 = this.k;
boolean z3 = dVar2 != null && i2 == dVar2.getItemCount() - 1;
MaterialButton materialButton2 = this.j.f;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(materialButton2, "binding.stepsNext");
materialButton2.setVisibility(!z3 && ((b) list.get(i2)).g ? 0 : 8);
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
TextView textView2 = this.j.f127c;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(textView2, "binding.stepsCancel");
textView2.setVisibility(!z3 && ((b) list.get(i2)).h ? 0 : 8);
LoadingButton loadingButton = this.j.e;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(loadingButton, "binding.stepsDone");
loadingButton.setVisibility(z3 ? 0 : 8);
LinearLayout linearLayout = this.j.b;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(linearLayout, "binding.stepsButtonContainer");
MaterialButton materialButton3 = this.j.f;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(materialButton3, "binding.stepsNext");
if (!(materialButton3.getVisibility() == 0)) {
2021-07-13 20:23:20 +00:00
TextView textView3 = this.j.f127c;
2021-06-27 20:44:35 +00:00
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(textView3, "binding.stepsCancel");
if (!(textView3.getVisibility() == 0)) {
LoadingButton loadingButton2 = this.j.e;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(loadingButton2, "binding.stepsDone");
if (!(loadingButton2.getVisibility() == 0)) {
z2 = false;
if (!z2) {
i3 = 8;
public final void setIsDoneButtonEnabled(boolean z2) {
LoadingButton loadingButton = this.j.e;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(loadingButton, "binding.stepsDone");
public final void setIsLoading(boolean z2) {
public final void setIsNextButtonEnabled(boolean z2) {
MaterialButton materialButton = this.j.f;
m.checkNotNullExpressionValue(materialButton, "binding.stepsNext");