import subprocess import asyncio import lightbulb import hikari from lib.config import load_config config = load_config() plugin = lightbulb.Plugin("SystemPlugin") async def create_subprocess(*args): proc = await asyncio.create_subprocess_exec(*args, stdout=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE, stderr=asyncio.subprocess.PIPE ) stdout, _ = await proc.communicate() return stdout.decode("utf-8").strip() async def get_git_latest_commit_id(): return await create_subprocess("git", "rev-parse", "--short", "HEAD") async def get_git_branch(): return await create_subprocess("git", "rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD") async def get_git_remote(): return await create_subprocess("git", "branch", "-r") async def get_git_head_diff_branch(branch: str) -> str: # diff HEAD to remote return await create_subprocess("git", "diff", "head", branch) async def get_git_index_diff_branch(branch: str) -> str: # diff index to remote return await create_subprocess("git", "diff", branch) async def get_git_commits_ahead_behind(branch: str, remote: str) -> tuple[int, int]: # commits ahead/behind remote output = await create_subprocess("git", "rev-list", "--left-right", "--count", branch+"..."+remote) commits_ahead = int(output.split()[0]) commits_behind = int(output.split()[1]) return commits_ahead, commits_behind async def get_git_dev(remote: str, branch: str) -> bool: # dev environment tests if await get_git_head_diff_branch(remote) != "": # difference between HEAD and remote return True elif config.git_branch != branch: # branch has been changed return True elif await get_git_index_diff_branch(remote) != "": # difference between index and remote return True elif (await get_git_commits_ahead_behind(branch, remote))[0] > 0: # ahead in commits return True return False async def get_git_update(dev_status: bool, branch, remote) -> bool: commits_behind, _ = await get_git_commits_ahead_behind(branch, remote) if not dev_status and commits_behind > 0: return True return False async def get_git_status() -> dict: output = {} output["commit_id"] = await get_git_latest_commit_id() output["branch"] = await get_git_branch() output["remote"] = await get_git_remote() output["dev"] = await get_git_dev(output['remote'], output['branch']) output['update'] = await get_git_update(output['dev'], output['branch'], output['remote']) return output @plugin.command @lightbulb.command("ping", "pong!", ephemeral=True) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def ping(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None: embed = hikari.Embed(title="Pong!", description=f"latency: {round( * 1000, ndigits=2)}ms" ) await ctx.respond(embed) @plugin.command @lightbulb.command("info", "get bot information such as the version, and repository link.", ephemeral=True) @lightbulb.implements(lightbulb.SlashCommand) async def info(ctx: lightbulb.Context) -> None: git_status = await get_git_status() embed = hikari.Embed(title="About Me!") embed.add_field("Git Repository", config.git_url) embed.add_field("Version", git_status['commit_id'], inline=True) embed.add_field("Branch", git_status['branch'], inline=True) embed.add_field("Remote", git_status['remote'], inline=True) embed.add_field("In Dev-Env?", git_status['dev']) embed.add_field("Needs Update?", git_status['update']) await ctx.respond(embed) def load(bot: lightbulb.BotApp): bot.add_plugin(plugin) def unload(bot: lightbulb.BotApp): bot.remove_plugin(plugin)