from __future__ import annotations from datetime import datetime, time from pathlib import Path import json import pytz from aiogoogle import Aiogoogle from lib.config import load_config config = load_config() class GoogleCalendarAPI(): def __init__(self, creds_path: Path = Path("token.json"), calendar_id = config.google_calendar_id): self._creds_path = creds_path self._calendar_id = calendar_id def get_user_creds(self) -> dict: with Path(self._creds_path).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: creds = json.load(fp) output = {"access_token": creds['token'], 'refresh_token': creds['refresh_token']} return output def get_client_creds(self) -> dict: """Taken from an Installed App credentials file""" with Path(self._creds_path).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as fp: creds = json.load(fp) output = { 'client_id': creds['client_id'], 'client_secret': creds['client_secret'], 'scopes': creds['scopes'] } return output async def get_event(self, event_id) -> dict: async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=self.get_user_creds(), client_creds=self.get_client_creds()) as aiogoogle: api = await"calendar", "v3") result = await aiogoogle.as_user(, eventId=event_id)) return result async def get_events(self, start_time = datetime.combine(, time.min, tzinfo=pytz.timezone(config.time_zone)).isoformat(), end_time = datetime.combine(, time.max, tzinfo=pytz.timezone(config.time_zone)).isoformat() ): async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=self.get_user_creds(), client_creds=self.get_client_creds()) as aiogoogle: api = await"calendar", "v3") result = await aiogoogle.as_user( = self._calendar_id, timeMin = start_time, timeMax = end_time)) return result['items'] async def create_event(self, name: str, start_time: datetime, end_time: datetime): async with Aiogoogle(user_creds=self.get_user_creds(), client_creds=self.get_client_creds()) as aiogoogle: api = await"calendar", "v3") event = { "summary": "", "start": {}, "end": {} } event['summary'] = name event['start']['dateTime'] = start_time.isoformat().strip() event['end']['dateTime'] = end_time.isoformat().strip() await aiogoogle.as_user(, json=event))