<p>Managing routines is a very important part of me being able to function as a person. In trying to do this, there's one major problem I'd consistently come across.</p>
<p>In every system I make to manage my routines, I would create it for one version of me. It would work best for my headspace and energy level at the time, and when that headspace would shift the system would fall apart.</p>
<imgwidth="100%"src="./res/stoplight-habit-v2.png"alt="Habit Tracker with additional energy level indicators, and markers to associate tasks with energy levels.">
<p>These stoplights here represent your energy level. Green being high-energy, yellow being mid-energy, and red being low-energy. You'll see these next to spots where you can write a task, and above each date.</p>
<p>Here's how you use it:</p>
<li>Write each task on the list in the space provided.</li>
<li>Mark the energy level associated with each task.
<li>Red items are things that must be done, like brushing your teeth or taking medicine.</li>
<li>Yellow items are things that should be done, like showering or applying deodorant.</li>
<li>Green items are things that can be done, like applying lotion or planning for tomorrow.</li>
<li>Each day, mark your energy level when you start the routine (or day in the habit tracker version).</li>
<li>You are only required to do things at or below the energy level you marked down.</li>
<p>This system has benefit me in allowing my routines to be as flexible as I require, and by allowing me to be kinder to myself for not getting everything done every day; especially cutting myself some slack on low-energy days.</p>
<p>Feel free to take elements from this or modify it however you wish, hope you're able to find some benefit from it as well!</p>