That should get you up and running. Note that this installs the files for your user, not globally for the system. It should support Linux, Unix/BSD/Darwin, Windows, and Haiku out of the box.
## What is supported
The current state of the syntax covers all items officially supported by the [gemini spec](
- Links get colored in three parts:
- =>
- Link text
- Headings
- Up to three levels
- Lines that start with one, two, or three _\#_ characters
- List items
- Lines that start with _*_
- Preformatted text blocks
- Handled as a range that starts and ends with _\`\`\`_
I plan to update the syntax when and if the spec adds more items to *text/gemini*.
It is possible that Windows users may find that the syntax does not work. I do not have a machine to test it on and would love some feedback. If it is not working it likely has to do with line endings. Windows uses \<cairrage-return\><\<line-feed\> andlinux/unixusejust \<line-feed\>.Thereareanumberofwaystosolvethisproblemrangingfromjustreplacingthenewlinesmanuallytousingsoftware.Ineithercaseitshouldn'tbetoodifficult.
## License
All source files are provided under the [unlicense](