# general shit if $HOSTNAME != "riley-laptop": $PROMPT = '{RED} <> {RESET}| {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ' else: $PROMPT = '{RED} <3 {RESET}| {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ' $XONSH_COLOR_STYLE = 'default' xontrib load argcomplete autovox jedi z bashisms class CommandNotFoundException(Exception): def __init__(self, command): super().__init__(f"Command '{command}' not found.") # Windows Subsystem for Linux stuff def in_wsl() -> bool: version = p'/proc/version'.read_text() if "microsoft" in version: return True return False if in_wsl(): $GPG_TTY=$(tty) def to_clipboard(text: str): if in_wsl(): $(echo -n @(text) | clip.exe) else: requires("xclip") $(echo -n @(text) | xclip -sel clipboard) def requires(command: str): if not !(which @(command)): raise CommandNotFoundException(command) return True # path stuff def load_path(): import sys $PATH.extend([ '~/addins', '~/.local/bin', '~/bin', '~/go/bin', '~/.deno/bin', ]) sys.path.insert(0, '') load_path() # TODO: Fix with Arch-based distros # import addins # my extra stuffs :p def _colortest(): import sys for i in range(256): sys.stdout.write(f"\033[48;5;{i}m ") if (i+1) % 16 == 0: sys.stdout.write("\033[0m\n") # tmux try: requires("tmux") if $TERM != 'tmux-256color': folder = p'.' tmux -2 new-session -A -s @(folder.resolve().name) exit except CommandNotFoundException: pass # debug def _debug(): if $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = False print("Debug mode disabled.") else: $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK = True print("Debug mode enabled.") # bitwarden shit def bw_get(object: str, bw_id: str, nulled: bool = False): if nulled: return !(bw get @(object) @(bw_id) a> /dev/null) return $(bw get @(object) @(bw_id)) def _bwc(args: list): requires("bw") if not p'~/.bw_session'.exists(): raise FileNotFoundError("~/.bw_session") source ~/.bw_session if args[0] == "full": # determine which keys to search for. items = ["username", "password", "totp"] elif args[0] == "password": items = ["password", "totp"] else: items = [args[0]] for i in items: # removes keys that don't exist for the object. if not bw_get(i, args[1], True): items.remove(i) print(f"found: {', '.join(items)}") for i in items: # actually copy the info to clipboard. output = bw_get(i, args[1]) to_clipboard(output) if items.index(i) < len(items) - 1: input(f"copied {i}, press enter to continue") else: print(f"copied {i}") def _ensure_tmux(args: list): if $XONSH_SHOW_TRACEBACK: print(args) if not $(tmux has-session -t @(args[0])): tmux new-session -d -s @(args[0]) all> /dev/null $(tmux send-keys -t @(args[0]) @(f"cd {args[1]}") C-m) $(tmux send-keys -t @(args[0]) @(f"{args[2]}") C-m) def _alias(): for alias in aliases: if callable(aliases[alias]): print(alias + " = ", aliases[alias].__name__) else: print(alias + " =", " ".join(aliases[alias])) def _mcrcon(args: list): if p"~/.mcrcon".exists(): source "~/.mcrcon" else: raise FileNotFoundError("~/.mcrcon") $(mcrcon @(" ".join(args))) def _mcterm(): if p"~/.mcrcon".exists(): source "~/.mcrcon" else: raise FileNotFoundError("~/.mcrcon") mcrcon -t def _add_system_user(args: list): """used to add a system user for systemd services""" $(adduser --system --home @(args[1])) $(addgroup --system @(args[0])) $(adduser @(args[0]) @(args[0])) # aliases aliases.update({ 'bwg': _bwc, 'bwc': _bwc, 'colortest': _colortest, 'config': '/usr/bin/git --git-dir=$HOME/.cfg/ --work-tree=$HOME', 'debug': _debug, 'ls': 'ls -alhs --color=auto', 'mc': _mcrcon, 'mct': _mcterm, ':q': 'exit', 'owo': 'echo uwu', 'awa': 'echo ewe', 'ewe': 'echo iwi', 'iwi': 'echo awa', 'uwu': 'echo owo', 'ywy': 'echo whywhy', 'ensure-tmux': _ensure_tmux, 'alias': _alias, 'asu': _add_system_user, 'l': '/home/riley/programs/light_controller/main.py' }) # man page colors :O $LESS_TERMCAP_mb = "\033[01;31m" # begin blinking $LESS_TERMCAP_md = "\033[01;31m" # begin bold $LESS_TERMCAP_me = "\033[0m" # end mode $LESS_TERMCAP_so = "\033[01;44;36m" # begin standout-mode (bottom of screen) $LESS_TERMCAP_se = "\033[0m" # end standout-mode