# general shit if $HOSTNAME == "riley-laptop": $PROMPT = '{RED} <3 {RESET}| {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ' elif $HOSTNAME == "riley-server": $PROMPT = '{RED} <> {RESET}| {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ' elif $HOSTNAME == "riley-desktop": $PROMPT = '{RED} >< {RESET}| {BOLD_GREEN}{cwd_base}{RESET} ) ' $XONSH_COLOR_STYLE = 'default' xontrib load argcomplete autovox jedi z bashisms source "~/xsh/functions.xsh" source "~/xsh/exceptions.xsh" source "~/xsh/aliases.xsh" # TODO: Fix with Arch-based distros # import addins # my extra stuffs :p # Windows Subsystem for Linux stuff if in_wsl(): $GPG_TTY=$(tty) # allows gpg to work inside WSL # path stuff append_path("~/addins") append_path("~/.local/bin") append_path("~/bin") append_path("~/go/bin") if in_win(): append_path("F:/programs/installed/micro") xontrib load ps1 # tmux try: requires("tmux") if $TERM != 'tmux-256color': folder = p'.' tmux -2 new-session -A -s @(folder.resolve().name) exit except CommandNotFoundException: pass # man page colors :O $LESS_TERMCAP_mb = "\033[01;31m" # begin blinking $LESS_TERMCAP_md = "\033[01;31m" # begin bold $LESS_TERMCAP_me = "\033[0m" # end mode $LESS_TERMCAP_so = "\033[01;44;36m" # begin standout-mode (bottom of screen) $LESS_TERMCAP_se = "\033[0m" # end standout-mode load_aliases()