import htm from '' const html = htm.bind(m); var root = document.body var currentUser = null; try { currentUser = JSON.parse(Cookies.get("currentUser")) } catch {} var loggingIn = false; var logInError = "" var PlayerHead = { oncreate: function (vnode) { const ctx = vnode.dom.getContext('2d'); ctx.imageSmoothingEnabled = false let img = new Image(); img.src = `/getTexture/${currentUser.uuid}?type=skin` img.onload = function(){ ctx.drawImage(img, 8, 8, 8, 8, 0, 0, 32, 32); } }, view: function(vnode) { return html ` ` } } var Header = { view: function() { return html`
` } } var ErrorText = { view: function(vnode) { return html` ${vnode.attrs.error.errorMessage} ` } } m.route(root, "/", { "/": { view: function() { return html` <${Header} /> ${currentUser ? html`
Change skin
` : html`Please log in to continue.` } ` } }, "/skinchanger": function SkinChanger() { var pageError = null; var success = false; return { view: function() { if (!currentUser) { m.route.set("/login") } return html` <${Header} /> ${currentUser ? success ? html `
Texture successfully uploaded!

Go back
` : html`
Select Skin/Cape (only .PNG supported)

{ pageError = null }} /> ${pageError && html`<${ErrorText} error=${pageError}/>`}
` : html`Please log in to continue.` } ` } } }, "/login": { view: function() { if (currentUser) { m.route.set("/") } let oninput = () => { logInError = null } return html` <${Header} />
${logInError && html` <${ErrorText} error=${logInError} /> `}
` } } })