/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2020 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.connector.utils; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ItemStack; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.GameMode; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.client.window.ClientCreativeInventoryActionPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.client.window.ClientMoveItemToHotbarPacket; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMap; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMapBuilder; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtType; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ContainerId; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.InventorySlotPacket; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.PlayerHotbarPacket; import org.geysermc.connector.GeyserConnector; import org.geysermc.connector.common.ChatColor; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.GeyserItemStack; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.Inventory; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.PlayerInventory; import org.geysermc.connector.network.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.inventory.InventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.inventory.translators.chest.DoubleChestInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.item.ItemEntry; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.item.ItemRegistry; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; public class InventoryUtils { public static final ItemStack REFRESH_ITEM = new ItemStack(1, 127, new CompoundTag("")); public static void openInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { InventoryTranslator translator = session.getInventoryTranslator(); if (translator != null) { session.setOpenInventory(inventory); translator.prepareInventory(session, inventory); //Ensure at least half a second passes between closing and opening a new window //The client will not open the new window if it is still closing the old one long delay = 700 - (System.currentTimeMillis() - session.getLastWindowCloseTime()); if (translator instanceof DoubleChestInventoryTranslator) { delay = Math.max(delay, 200); } if (delay > 0) { GeyserConnector.getInstance().getGeneralThreadPool().schedule(() -> { translator.openInventory(session, inventory); translator.updateInventory(session, inventory); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } else { translator.openInventory(session, inventory); translator.updateInventory(session, inventory); } } } public static void closeInventory(GeyserSession session, int windowId) { session.getPlayerInventory().setCursor(GeyserItemStack.EMPTY, session); updateCursor(session); Inventory inventory = getInventory(session, windowId); if (inventory != null) { InventoryTranslator translator = session.getInventoryTranslator(); translator.closeInventory(session, inventory); session.setLastWindowCloseTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } session.setInventoryTranslator(InventoryTranslator.PLAYER_INVENTORY_TRANSLATOR); session.setOpenInventory(null); } public static Inventory getInventory(GeyserSession session, int windowId) { if (windowId == 0) { return session.getPlayerInventory(); } else { Inventory openInventory = session.getOpenInventory(); if (openInventory != null && windowId == openInventory.getId()) { return openInventory; } return null; } } public static void updateCursor(GeyserSession session) { InventorySlotPacket cursorPacket = new InventorySlotPacket(); cursorPacket.setContainerId(ContainerId.UI); cursorPacket.setSlot(0); cursorPacket.setItem(session.getPlayerInventory().getCursor().getItemData(session)); session.sendUpstreamPacket(cursorPacket); } public static boolean canStack(GeyserItemStack item1, GeyserItemStack item2) { if (item1.isEmpty() || item2.isEmpty()) return false; return item1.getJavaId() == item2.getJavaId() && Objects.equals(item1.getNbt(), item2.getNbt()); } public static boolean canStack(ItemStack item1, ItemStack item2) { if (item1 == null || item2 == null) return false; return item1.getId() == item2.getId() && Objects.equals(item1.getNbt(), item2.getNbt()); } public static boolean canStack(ItemData item1, ItemData item2) { if (item1 == null || item2 == null) return false; return item1.equals(item2, false, true, true); } /** * Returns a barrier block with custom name and lore to explain why * part of the inventory is unusable. * * @param description the description * @return the unusable space block */ public static ItemData createUnusableSpaceBlock(String description) { NbtMapBuilder root = NbtMap.builder(); NbtMapBuilder display = NbtMap.builder(); // Not ideal to use log here but we dont get a session display.putString("Name", ChatColor.RESET + LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.inventory.unusable_item.name")); display.putList("Lore", NbtType.STRING, Collections.singletonList(ChatColor.RESET + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE + description)); root.put("display", display.build()); return ItemData.of(ItemRegistry.ITEM_ENTRIES.get(ItemRegistry.BARRIER_INDEX).getBedrockId(), (short) 0, 1, root.build()); } /** * Attempt to find the specified item name in the session's inventory. * If it is found and in the hotbar, set the user's held item to that slot. * If it is found in another part of the inventory, move it. * If it is not found and the user is in creative mode, create the item, * overriding the current item slot if no other hotbar slots are empty, or otherwise selecting the empty slot. * * This attempts to mimic Java Edition behavior as best as it can. * @param session the Bedrock client's session * @param itemName the Java identifier of the item to search/select */ public static void findOrCreateItem(GeyserSession session, String itemName) { // Get the inventory to choose a slot to pick PlayerInventory inventory = session.getPlayerInventory(); if (itemName.equals("minecraft:air")) { return; } // Check hotbar for item for (int i = 36; i < 45; i++) { GeyserItemStack geyserItem = inventory.getItem(i); if (geyserItem.isEmpty()) { continue; } // If this isn't the item we're looking for if (!geyserItem.getItemEntry().getJavaIdentifier().equals(itemName)) { continue; } setHotbarItem(session, i); // Don't check inventory if item was in hotbar return; } // Check inventory for item for (int i = 9; i < 36; i++) { GeyserItemStack geyserItem = inventory.getItem(i); if (geyserItem.isEmpty()) { continue; } // If this isn't the item we're looking for if (!geyserItem.getItemEntry().getJavaIdentifier().equals(itemName)) { continue; } ClientMoveItemToHotbarPacket packetToSend = new ClientMoveItemToHotbarPacket(i); // https://wiki.vg/Protocol#Pick_Item session.sendDownstreamPacket(packetToSend); return; } // If we still have not found the item, and we're in creative, ask for the item from the server. if (session.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE) { int slot = inventory.getHeldItemSlot() + 36; if (!inventory.getItemInHand().isEmpty()) { // Otherwise we should just use the current slot for (int i = 36; i < 45; i++) { if (inventory.getItem(i).isEmpty()) { slot = i; break; } } } ItemEntry entry = ItemRegistry.getItemEntry(itemName); if (entry != null) { ClientCreativeInventoryActionPacket actionPacket = new ClientCreativeInventoryActionPacket(slot, new ItemStack(entry.getJavaId())); if ((slot - 36) != inventory.getHeldItemSlot()) { setHotbarItem(session, slot); } session.sendDownstreamPacket(actionPacket); } else { session.getConnector().getLogger().debug("Cannot find item for block " + itemName); } } } /** * Changes the held item slot to the specified slot * @param session GeyserSession * @param slot inventory slot to be selected */ private static void setHotbarItem(GeyserSession session, int slot) { PlayerHotbarPacket hotbarPacket = new PlayerHotbarPacket(); hotbarPacket.setContainerId(0); // Java inventory slot to hotbar slot ID hotbarPacket.setSelectedHotbarSlot(slot - 36); hotbarPacket.setSelectHotbarSlot(true); session.sendUpstreamPacket(hotbarPacket); // No need to send a Java packet as Bedrock sends a confirmation packet back that we translate } }