/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.updater; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.GameMode; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.serverbound.inventory.ServerboundRenameItemPacket; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.CompoundTag; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.ListTag; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.StringTag; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMap; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMapBuilder; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ContainerId; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.InventorySlotPacket; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntMaps; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2IntOpenHashMap; import org.geysermc.geyser.GeyserImpl; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.AnvilContainer; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.GeyserItemStack; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.Inventory; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.item.Enchantment.JavaEnchantment; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.Registries; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.type.EnchantmentData; import org.geysermc.geyser.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.InventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.text.MessageTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.ItemUtils; import java.util.Objects; import java.util.Set; public class AnvilInventoryUpdater extends InventoryUpdater { public static final AnvilInventoryUpdater INSTANCE = new AnvilInventoryUpdater(); private static final int MAX_LEVEL_COST = 40; @Override public void updateInventory(InventoryTranslator translator, GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory) { super.updateInventory(translator, session, inventory); AnvilContainer anvilContainer = (AnvilContainer) inventory; updateInventoryState(session, anvilContainer); int targetSlot = getTargetSlot(session, anvilContainer); for (int i = 0; i < translator.size; i++) { final int bedrockSlot = translator.javaSlotToBedrock(i); if (bedrockSlot == 50) continue; if (i == targetSlot) { updateTargetSlot(translator, session, anvilContainer, targetSlot); } else { InventorySlotPacket slotPacket = new InventorySlotPacket(); slotPacket.setContainerId(ContainerId.UI); slotPacket.setSlot(bedrockSlot); slotPacket.setItem(inventory.getItem(i).getItemData(session)); session.sendUpstreamPacket(slotPacket); } } } @Override public boolean updateSlot(InventoryTranslator translator, GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, int javaSlot) { if (super.updateSlot(translator, session, inventory, javaSlot)) return true; AnvilContainer anvilContainer = (AnvilContainer) inventory; updateInventoryState(session, anvilContainer); int lastTargetSlot = anvilContainer.getLastTargetSlot(); int targetSlot = getTargetSlot(session, anvilContainer); if (targetSlot != javaSlot) { // Update the requested slot InventorySlotPacket slotPacket = new InventorySlotPacket(); slotPacket.setContainerId(ContainerId.UI); slotPacket.setSlot(translator.javaSlotToBedrock(javaSlot)); slotPacket.setItem(inventory.getItem(javaSlot).getItemData(session)); session.sendUpstreamPacket(slotPacket); } else if (lastTargetSlot != javaSlot) { // Update the previous target slot to remove repair cost changes InventorySlotPacket slotPacket = new InventorySlotPacket(); slotPacket.setContainerId(ContainerId.UI); slotPacket.setSlot(translator.javaSlotToBedrock(lastTargetSlot)); slotPacket.setItem(inventory.getItem(lastTargetSlot).getItemData(session)); session.sendUpstreamPacket(slotPacket); } updateTargetSlot(translator, session, anvilContainer, targetSlot); return true; } private void updateInventoryState(GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer) { GeyserItemStack input = anvilContainer.getInput(); if (!input.equals(anvilContainer.getLastInput())) { anvilContainer.setLastInput(input.copy()); anvilContainer.setUseJavaLevelCost(false); // Changing the item in the input slot resets the name field on Bedrock, but // does not result in a FilterTextPacket String originalName = MessageTranslator.convertToPlainText(ItemUtils.getCustomName(input.getNbt()), session.locale()); ServerboundRenameItemPacket renameItemPacket = new ServerboundRenameItemPacket(originalName); session.sendDownstreamPacket(renameItemPacket); anvilContainer.setNewName(null); } GeyserItemStack material = anvilContainer.getMaterial(); if (!material.equals(anvilContainer.getLastMaterial())) { anvilContainer.setLastMaterial(material.copy()); anvilContainer.setUseJavaLevelCost(false); } } /** * @param anvilContainer the anvil inventory * @return the slot to change the repair cost */ private int getTargetSlot(GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer) { GeyserItemStack input = anvilContainer.getInput(); GeyserItemStack material = anvilContainer.getMaterial(); if (!material.isEmpty()) { if (!input.isEmpty() && isRepairing(session, input, material)) { // Changing the repair cost on the material item makes it non-stackable return 0; } // Prefer changing the material item because it does not reset the name field return 1; } return 0; } private void updateTargetSlot(InventoryTranslator translator, GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer, int slot) { ItemData itemData = anvilContainer.getItem(slot).getItemData(session); itemData = hijackRepairCost(session, anvilContainer, itemData); if (slot == 0 && isRenaming(session, anvilContainer, true)) { // Can't change the RepairCost because it resets the name field on Bedrock return; } anvilContainer.setLastTargetSlot(slot); InventorySlotPacket slotPacket = new InventorySlotPacket(); slotPacket.setContainerId(ContainerId.UI); slotPacket.setSlot(translator.javaSlotToBedrock(slot)); slotPacket.setItem(itemData); session.sendUpstreamPacket(slotPacket); } private ItemData hijackRepairCost(GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer, ItemData itemData) { if (itemData.isNull()) { return itemData; } // Fix level count by adjusting repair cost int newRepairCost; if (anvilContainer.isUseJavaLevelCost()) { newRepairCost = anvilContainer.getJavaLevelCost(); } else { // Did not receive a ServerWindowPropertyPacket with the level cost newRepairCost = calcLevelCost(session, anvilContainer, false); } int bedrockLevelCost = calcLevelCost(session, anvilContainer, true); if (bedrockLevelCost == -1) { // Bedrock is unable to combine/repair the items return itemData; } newRepairCost -= bedrockLevelCost; if (newRepairCost == 0) { // No change to the repair cost needed return itemData; } NbtMapBuilder tagBuilder = NbtMap.builder(); if (itemData.getTag() != null) { newRepairCost += itemData.getTag().getInt("RepairCost", 0); tagBuilder.putAll(itemData.getTag()); } tagBuilder.put("RepairCost", newRepairCost); return itemData.toBuilder().tag(tagBuilder.build()).build(); } /** * Calculate the number of levels needed to combine/rename an item * * @param session the geyser session * @param anvilContainer the anvil container * @param bedrock True to count enchantments like Bedrock * @return the number of levels needed */ public int calcLevelCost(GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer, boolean bedrock) { GeyserItemStack input = anvilContainer.getInput(); GeyserItemStack material = anvilContainer.getMaterial(); if (input.isEmpty()) { return 0; } int totalRepairCost = getRepairCost(input); int cost = 0; if (!material.isEmpty()) { totalRepairCost += getRepairCost(material); if (isCombining(session, input, material)) { if (hasDurability(session, input) && input.getJavaId() == material.getJavaId()) { cost += calcMergeRepairCost(session, input, material); } int enchantmentLevelCost = calcMergeEnchantmentCost(session, input, material, bedrock); if (enchantmentLevelCost != -1) { cost += enchantmentLevelCost; } else if (cost == 0) { // Can't repair or merge enchantments return -1; } } else if (hasDurability(session, input) && isRepairing(session, input, material)) { cost = calcRepairLevelCost(session, input, material); if (cost == -1) { // No damage to repair return -1; } } else { return -1; } } int totalCost = totalRepairCost + cost; if (isRenaming(session, anvilContainer, bedrock)) { totalCost++; if (cost == 0 && totalCost >= MAX_LEVEL_COST) { // Items can still be renamed when the level cost for renaming exceeds 40 totalCost = MAX_LEVEL_COST - 1; } } return totalCost; } /** * Calculate the levels needed to repair an item with its repair material * E.g. iron_sword + iron_ingot * * @param session Geyser session * @param input an item with durability * @param material the item's respective repair material * @return the number of levels needed or 0 if it is not possible to repair any further */ private int calcRepairLevelCost(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack input, GeyserItemStack material) { int newDamage = getDamage(input); int unitRepair = Math.min(newDamage, input.getMapping(session).getMaxDamage() / 4); if (unitRepair <= 0) { // No damage to repair return -1; } for (int i = 0; i < material.getAmount(); i++) { newDamage -= unitRepair; unitRepair = Math.min(newDamage, input.getMapping(session).getMaxDamage() / 4); if (unitRepair <= 0) { return i + 1; } } return material.getAmount(); } /** * Calculate the levels cost for repairing items by combining two of the same item * * @param session Geyser session * @param input an item with durability * @param material a matching item * @return the number of levels needed or 0 if it is not possible to repair any further */ private int calcMergeRepairCost(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack input, GeyserItemStack material) { // If the material item is damaged 112% or more, then the input item will not be repaired if (getDamage(input) > 0 && getDamage(material) < (material.getMapping(session).getMaxDamage() * 112 / 100)) { return 2; } return 0; } /** * Calculate the levels needed for combining the enchantments of two items * * @param session Geyser session * @param input an item with durability * @param material a matching item * @param bedrock True to count enchantments like Bedrock, False to count like Java * @return the number of levels needed or -1 if no enchantments can be applied */ private int calcMergeEnchantmentCost(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack input, GeyserItemStack material, boolean bedrock) { boolean hasCompatible = false; Object2IntMap combinedEnchantments = getEnchantments(session, input, bedrock); int cost = 0; for (Object2IntMap.Entry entry : getEnchantments(session, material, bedrock).object2IntEntrySet()) { JavaEnchantment enchantment = entry.getKey(); EnchantmentData data = Registries.ENCHANTMENTS.get(enchantment); if (data == null) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().debug("Java enchantment not in registry: " + enchantment); continue; } boolean canApply = isEnchantedBook(session, input) || data.validItems().contains(input.getJavaId()); for (JavaEnchantment incompatible : data.incompatibleEnchantments()) { if (combinedEnchantments.containsKey(incompatible)) { canApply = false; if (!bedrock) { cost++; } } } if (canApply || (!bedrock && session.getGameMode() == GameMode.CREATIVE)) { int currentLevel = combinedEnchantments.getOrDefault(enchantment, 0); int newLevel = entry.getIntValue(); if (newLevel == currentLevel) { newLevel++; } newLevel = Math.max(currentLevel, newLevel); if (newLevel > data.maxLevel()) { newLevel = data.maxLevel(); } combinedEnchantments.put(enchantment, newLevel); int rarityMultiplier = data.rarityMultiplier(); if (isEnchantedBook(session, material) && rarityMultiplier > 1) { rarityMultiplier /= 2; } if (bedrock) { if (newLevel > currentLevel) { hasCompatible = true; } if (enchantment == JavaEnchantment.IMPALING) { // Multiplier is halved on Bedrock for some reason rarityMultiplier /= 2; } else if (enchantment == JavaEnchantment.SWEEPING) { // Doesn't exist on Bedrock rarityMultiplier = 0; } cost += rarityMultiplier * (newLevel - currentLevel); } else { hasCompatible = true; cost += rarityMultiplier * newLevel; } } } if (!hasCompatible) { return -1; } return cost; } private Object2IntMap getEnchantments(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack itemStack, boolean bedrock) { if (itemStack.getNbt() == null) { return Object2IntMaps.emptyMap(); } Object2IntMap enchantments = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>(); Tag enchantmentTag; if (isEnchantedBook(session, itemStack)) { enchantmentTag = itemStack.getNbt().get("StoredEnchantments"); } else { enchantmentTag = itemStack.getNbt().get("Enchantments"); } if (enchantmentTag instanceof ListTag listTag) { for (Tag tag : listTag.getValue()) { if (tag instanceof CompoundTag enchantTag) { if (enchantTag.get("id") instanceof StringTag javaEnchId) { JavaEnchantment enchantment = JavaEnchantment.getByJavaIdentifier(javaEnchId.getValue()); if (enchantment == null) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().debug("Unknown Java enchantment in anvil: " + javaEnchId.getValue()); continue; } Tag javaEnchLvl = enchantTag.get("lvl"); if (javaEnchLvl == null || !(javaEnchLvl.getValue() instanceof Number number)) continue; // Handle duplicate enchantments if (bedrock) { enchantments.putIfAbsent(enchantment, number.intValue()); } else { enchantments.mergeInt(enchantment, number.intValue(), Math::max); } } } } } return enchantments; } private boolean isEnchantedBook(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack itemStack) { return itemStack.getJavaId() == session.getItemMappings().getStoredItems().enchantedBook().getJavaId(); } private boolean isCombining(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack input, GeyserItemStack material) { return isEnchantedBook(session, material) || (input.getJavaId() == material.getJavaId() && hasDurability(session, input)); } private boolean isRepairing(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack input, GeyserItemStack material) { Set repairMaterials = input.getMapping(session).getRepairMaterials(); return repairMaterials != null && repairMaterials.contains(material.getMapping(session).getJavaIdentifier()); } private boolean isRenaming(GeyserSession session, AnvilContainer anvilContainer, boolean bedrock) { if (anvilContainer.getResult().isEmpty()) { return false; } // This should really check the name field in all cases, but that requires the localized name // of the item which can change depending on NBT and Minecraft Edition String originalName = ItemUtils.getCustomName(anvilContainer.getInput().getNbt()); if (bedrock && originalName != null && anvilContainer.getNewName() != null) { // Check text and formatting String legacyOriginalName = MessageTranslator.convertMessageLenient(originalName, session.locale()); return !legacyOriginalName.equals(anvilContainer.getNewName()); } return !Objects.equals(originalName, ItemUtils.getCustomName(anvilContainer.getResult().getNbt())); } private int getTagIntValueOr(GeyserItemStack itemStack, String tagName, int defaultValue) { if (itemStack.getNbt() != null) { Tag tag = itemStack.getNbt().get(tagName); if (tag != null && tag.getValue() instanceof Number value) { return value.intValue(); } } return defaultValue; } private int getRepairCost(GeyserItemStack itemStack) { return getTagIntValueOr(itemStack, "RepairCost", 0); } private boolean hasDurability(GeyserSession session, GeyserItemStack itemStack) { if (itemStack.getMapping(session).getMaxDamage() > 0) { return getTagIntValueOr(itemStack, "Unbreakable", 0) == 0; } return false; } private int getDamage(GeyserItemStack itemStack) { return getTagIntValueOr(itemStack, "Damage", 0); } }