/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.entity.type; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.EntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.Pose; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.type.BooleanEntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.type.ByteEntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.type.IntEntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.Hand; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.type.EntityType; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.Setter; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; import org.cloudburstmc.math.vector.Vector2f; import org.cloudburstmc.math.vector.Vector3f; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityDataTypes; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityEventType; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityFlag; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.AddEntityPacket; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.EntityEventPacket; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.MoveEntityAbsolutePacket; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.MoveEntityDeltaPacket; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.RemoveEntityPacket; import org.cloudburstmc.protocol.bedrock.packet.SetEntityDataPacket; import org.geysermc.geyser.api.entity.type.GeyserEntity; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.EntityDefinition; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.GeyserDirtyMetadata; import org.geysermc.geyser.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.text.MessageTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.EntityUtils; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.InteractionResult; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.InteractiveTag; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.MathUtils; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; @Getter @Setter public class Entity implements GeyserEntity { protected final GeyserSession session; protected int entityId; protected final long geyserId; protected UUID uuid; protected Vector3f position; protected Vector3f motion; /** * x = Yaw, y = Pitch, z = HeadYaw */ protected float yaw; protected float pitch; protected float headYaw; /** * Saves if the entity should be on the ground. Otherwise entities like parrots are flapping when rotating */ protected boolean onGround; protected EntityDefinition definition; /** * Indicates if the entity has been initialized and spawned */ protected boolean valid; /* Metadata about this specific entity */ @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) private float boundingBoxHeight; @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) private float boundingBoxWidth; @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) protected String nametag = ""; @Setter(AccessLevel.NONE) protected boolean silent = false; /* Metadata end */ protected List passengers = Collections.emptyList(); protected Entity vehicle; /** * A container to store temporary metadata before it's sent to Bedrock. */ protected final GeyserDirtyMetadata dirtyMetadata = new GeyserDirtyMetadata(); /** * The entity flags for the Bedrock entity. * These must always be saved - if flags are updated and the other values aren't present, the Bedrock client will * think they are set to false. */ @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) protected final EnumSet flags = EnumSet.noneOf(EntityFlag.class); /** * Indicates if flags have been updated and need to be sent to the client. */ @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) @Setter(AccessLevel.PROTECTED) // For players private boolean flagsDirty = false; public Entity(GeyserSession session, int entityId, long geyserId, UUID uuid, EntityDefinition definition, Vector3f position, Vector3f motion, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw) { this.session = session; this.entityId = entityId; this.geyserId = geyserId; this.uuid = uuid; this.definition = definition; this.motion = motion; this.yaw = yaw; this.pitch = pitch; this.headYaw = headYaw; this.valid = false; setPosition(position); setAirSupply(getMaxAir()); initializeMetadata(); } /** * Called on entity spawn. Used to populate the entity metadata and flags with default values. */ protected void initializeMetadata() { dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.SCALE, 1f); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.COLOR, (byte) 0); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.AIR_SUPPLY_MAX, getMaxAir()); setDimensions(Pose.STANDING); setFlag(EntityFlag.HAS_GRAVITY, true); setFlag(EntityFlag.HAS_COLLISION, true); setFlag(EntityFlag.CAN_SHOW_NAME, true); setFlag(EntityFlag.CAN_CLIMB, true); // Let the Java server (or us) supply all sounds for an entity setClientSideSilent(); } protected void setClientSideSilent() { setFlag(EntityFlag.SILENT, true); } public void spawnEntity() { AddEntityPacket addEntityPacket = new AddEntityPacket(); addEntityPacket.setIdentifier(definition.identifier()); addEntityPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); addEntityPacket.setUniqueEntityId(geyserId); addEntityPacket.setPosition(position); addEntityPacket.setMotion(motion); addEntityPacket.setRotation(Vector2f.from(pitch, yaw)); addEntityPacket.setHeadRotation(headYaw); addEntityPacket.setBodyRotation(yaw); // TODO: This should be bodyYaw addEntityPacket.getMetadata().putFlags(flags); dirtyMetadata.apply(addEntityPacket.getMetadata()); addAdditionalSpawnData(addEntityPacket); valid = true; session.sendUpstreamPacket(addEntityPacket); flagsDirty = false; if (session.getGeyser().getConfig().isDebugMode()) { EntityType type = definition.entityType(); String name = type != null ? type.name() : getClass().getSimpleName(); session.getGeyser().getLogger().debug("Spawned entity " + name + " at location " + position + " with id " + geyserId + " (java id " + entityId + ")"); } } /** * To be overridden in other entity classes, if additional things need to be done to the spawn entity packet. */ public void addAdditionalSpawnData(AddEntityPacket addEntityPacket) { } /** * Despawns the entity */ public void despawnEntity() { if (!valid) return; for (Entity passenger : passengers) { // Make sure all passengers on the despawned entity are updated if (passenger == null) continue; passenger.setVehicle(null); passenger.setFlag(EntityFlag.RIDING, false); passenger.updateBedrockMetadata(); } RemoveEntityPacket removeEntityPacket = new RemoveEntityPacket(); removeEntityPacket.setUniqueEntityId(geyserId); session.sendUpstreamPacket(removeEntityPacket); valid = false; } public void moveRelative(double relX, double relY, double relZ, float yaw, float pitch, boolean isOnGround) { moveRelative(relX, relY, relZ, yaw, pitch, getHeadYaw(), isOnGround); } public void moveRelative(double relX, double relY, double relZ, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, boolean isOnGround) { position = Vector3f.from(position.getX() + relX, position.getY() + relY, position.getZ() + relZ); MoveEntityDeltaPacket moveEntityPacket = new MoveEntityDeltaPacket(); moveEntityPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); if (relX != 0.0) { moveEntityPacket.setX(position.getX()); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_X); } if (relY != 0.0) { moveEntityPacket.setY(position.getY()); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_Y); } if (relZ != 0.0) { moveEntityPacket.setZ(position.getZ()); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_Z); } if (pitch != this.pitch) { this.pitch = pitch; moveEntityPacket.setPitch(pitch); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_PITCH); } if (yaw != this.yaw) { this.yaw = yaw; moveEntityPacket.setYaw(yaw); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_YAW); } if (headYaw != this.headYaw) { this.headYaw = headYaw; moveEntityPacket.setHeadYaw(headYaw); moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.HAS_HEAD_YAW); } setOnGround(isOnGround); if (isOnGround) { moveEntityPacket.getFlags().add(MoveEntityDeltaPacket.Flag.ON_GROUND); } session.sendUpstreamPacket(moveEntityPacket); } public void moveAbsolute(Vector3f position, float yaw, float pitch, boolean isOnGround, boolean teleported) { moveAbsolute(position, yaw, pitch, getHeadYaw(), isOnGround, teleported); } public void moveAbsolute(Vector3f position, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, boolean isOnGround, boolean teleported) { setPosition(position); // Setters are intentional so it can be overridden in places like AbstractArrowEntity setYaw(yaw); setPitch(pitch); setHeadYaw(headYaw); setOnGround(isOnGround); MoveEntityAbsolutePacket moveEntityPacket = new MoveEntityAbsolutePacket(); moveEntityPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); moveEntityPacket.setPosition(position); moveEntityPacket.setRotation(getBedrockRotation()); moveEntityPacket.setOnGround(isOnGround); moveEntityPacket.setTeleported(teleported); session.sendUpstreamPacket(moveEntityPacket); } /** * Teleports an entity to a new location. Used in JavaTeleportEntityTranslator. * @param position The new position of the entity. * @param yaw The new yaw of the entity. * @param pitch The new pitch of the entity. * @param isOnGround Whether the entity is currently on the ground. */ public void teleport(Vector3f position, float yaw, float pitch, boolean isOnGround) { // teleport will always set the headYaw to yaw moveAbsolute(position, yaw, pitch, yaw, isOnGround, false); } /** * Updates an entity's head position. Used in JavaRotateHeadTranslator. * @param headYaw The new head rotation of the entity. */ public void updateHeadLookRotation(float headYaw) { moveRelative(0, 0, 0, getYaw(), getPitch(), headYaw, isOnGround()); } /** * Updates an entity's position and rotation. Used in JavaMoveEntityPosRotTranslator. * @param moveX The new X offset of the current position. * @param moveY The new Y offset of the current position. * @param moveZ The new Z offset of the current position. * @param yaw The new yaw of the entity. * @param pitch The new pitch of the entity. * @param isOnGround Whether the entity is currently on the ground. */ public void updatePositionAndRotation(double moveX, double moveY, double moveZ, float yaw, float pitch, boolean isOnGround) { moveRelative(moveX, moveY, moveZ, yaw, pitch, getHeadYaw(), isOnGround); } /** * Updates an entity's rotation. Used in JavaMoveEntityRotTranslator. * @param yaw The new yaw of the entity. * @param pitch The new pitch of the entity. * @param isOnGround Whether the entity is currently on the ground. */ public void updateRotation(float yaw, float pitch, boolean isOnGround) { updatePositionAndRotation(0, 0, 0, yaw, pitch, isOnGround); } public final boolean getFlag(EntityFlag flag) { return this.flags.contains(flag); } /** * Updates a flag value and determines if the flags would need synced with the Bedrock client. */ public final void setFlag(EntityFlag flag, boolean value) { flagsDirty |= value ? this.flags.add(flag) : this.flags.remove(flag); } /** * Sends the Bedrock metadata to the client */ public void updateBedrockMetadata() { if (!valid) { return; } if (dirtyMetadata.hasEntries() || flagsDirty) { SetEntityDataPacket entityDataPacket = new SetEntityDataPacket(); entityDataPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); if (flagsDirty) { entityDataPacket.getMetadata().putFlags(flags); flagsDirty = false; } dirtyMetadata.apply(entityDataPacket.getMetadata()); session.sendUpstreamPacket(entityDataPacket); } } public void setFlags(ByteEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { byte xd = entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue(); setFlag(EntityFlag.ON_FIRE, ((xd & 0x01) == 0x01) && !getFlag(EntityFlag.FIRE_IMMUNE)); // Otherwise immune entities sometimes flicker onfire setFlag(EntityFlag.SNEAKING, (xd & 0x02) == 0x02); setFlag(EntityFlag.SPRINTING, (xd & 0x08) == 0x08); // Swimming is ignored here and instead we rely on the pose setFlag(EntityFlag.GLIDING, (xd & 0x80) == 0x80); setInvisible((xd & 0x20) == 0x20); } /** * Set a boolean - whether the entity is invisible or visible * * @param value true if the entity is invisible */ protected void setInvisible(boolean value) { setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, value); } /** * Set an int from 0 - this entity's maximum air - (air / maxAir) represents the percentage of bubbles left */ public final void setAir(IntEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { setAirSupply(entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue()); } protected void setAirSupply(int amount) { dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.AIR_SUPPLY, (short) MathUtils.constrain(amount, 0, getMaxAir())); } protected short getMaxAir() { return 300; } public void setDisplayName(EntityMetadata, ?> entityMetadata) { Optional name = entityMetadata.getValue(); if (name.isPresent()) { nametag = MessageTranslator.convertMessage(name.get(), session.locale()); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.NAME, nametag); } else if (!nametag.isEmpty()) { // Clear nametag dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.NAME, ""); } } public void setDisplayNameVisible(BooleanEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.NAMETAG_ALWAYS_SHOW, (byte) (entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue() ? 1 : 0)); } public final void setSilent(BooleanEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { silent = entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue(); } public void setGravity(BooleanEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { setFlag(EntityFlag.HAS_GRAVITY, !entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue()); } /** * Usually used for bounding box and not animation. */ public void setPose(Pose pose) { setFlag(EntityFlag.SLEEPING, pose.equals(Pose.SLEEPING)); // Triggered when crawling setFlag(EntityFlag.SWIMMING, pose.equals(Pose.SWIMMING)); setDimensions(pose); } /** * Set the height and width of the entity's bounding box */ protected void setDimensions(Pose pose) { // No flexibility options for basic entities setBoundingBoxHeight(definition.height()); setBoundingBoxWidth(definition.width()); } public boolean setBoundingBoxHeight(float height) { if (height != boundingBoxHeight) { boundingBoxHeight = height; dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.HEIGHT, boundingBoxHeight); updatePassengerOffsets(); return true; } return false; } public void setBoundingBoxWidth(float width) { if (width != boundingBoxWidth) { boundingBoxWidth = width; dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.WIDTH, boundingBoxWidth); } } /** * Set a float from 0-1 - how strong the "frozen" overlay should be on screen. */ public float setFreezing(IntEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { // The value that Java edition gives us is in ticks, but Bedrock uses a float percentage of the strength 0.0 -> 1.0 // The Java client caps its freezing tick percentage at 140 int freezingTicks = Math.min(entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue(), 140); float freezingPercentage = freezingTicks / 140f; dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.FREEZING_EFFECT_STRENGTH, freezingPercentage); return freezingPercentage; } public void setRiderSeatPosition(Vector3f position) { dirtyMetadata.put(EntityDataTypes.SEAT_OFFSET, position); } /** * If true, the entity should be shaking on the client's end. * * @return whether {@link EntityFlag#SHAKING} should be set to true. */ protected boolean isShaking() { return false; } /** * x = Pitch, y = Yaw, z = HeadYaw * * @return the bedrock rotation */ public Vector3f getBedrockRotation() { return Vector3f.from(getPitch(), getYaw(), getHeadYaw()); } /** * Update the mount offsets of each passenger on this vehicle */ protected void updatePassengerOffsets() { for (int i = 0; i < passengers.size(); i++) { Entity passenger = passengers.get(i); if (passenger != null) { boolean rider = i == 0; EntityUtils.updateMountOffset(passenger, this, rider, true, passengers.size() > 1); passenger.updateBedrockMetadata(); } } } /** * Update this entity's mount offset */ protected void updateMountOffset() { if (vehicle != null) { boolean rider = vehicle.getPassengers().get(0) == this; EntityUtils.updateMountOffset(this, vehicle, rider, true, vehicle.getPassengers().size() > 1); updateBedrockMetadata(); } } @Override public int javaId() { return entityId; } public boolean isAlive() { return this.valid; } /** * Update the suggestion that the client currently has on their screen for this entity (for example, "Feed" or "Ride") */ public final void updateInteractiveTag() { InteractiveTag tag = InteractiveTag.NONE; for (Hand hand: EntityUtils.HANDS) { tag = testInteraction(hand); if (tag != InteractiveTag.NONE) { break; } } session.getPlayerEntity().getDirtyMetadata().put(EntityDataTypes.INTERACT_TEXT, tag.getValue()); session.getPlayerEntity().updateBedrockMetadata(); } /** * Test interacting with the given hand to see if we should send a tag to the Bedrock client. * Should usually mirror {@link #interact(Hand)} without any side effects. */ protected InteractiveTag testInteraction(Hand hand) { return InteractiveTag.NONE; } /** * Simulates interacting with an entity. The code here should mirror Java Edition code to the best of its ability, * to ensure packet parity as well as functionality parity (such as sound effect responses). */ public InteractionResult interact(Hand hand) { return InteractionResult.PASS; } /** * Simulates interacting with this entity at a specific click point. As of Java Edition 1.18.1, this is only used for armor stands. */ public InteractionResult interactAt(Hand hand) { return InteractionResult.PASS; } /** * Send an entity event of the specified type to the Bedrock player from this entity. */ public final void playEntityEvent(EntityEventType type) { playEntityEvent(type, 0); } /** * Send an entity event of the specified type with the specified data to the Bedrock player from this entity. */ public final void playEntityEvent(EntityEventType type, int data) { EntityEventPacket packet = new EntityEventPacket(); packet.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); packet.setType(type); packet.setData(data); session.sendUpstreamPacket(packet); } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public @Nullable I as(Class entityClass) { return entityClass.isInstance(this) ? (I) this : null; } }