plugins { // Allow blossom to mark sources root of templates idea alias(libs.plugins.blossom) id("geyser.publish-conventions") } dependencies { constraints { implementation(libs.raknet) // Ensure protocol does not override the RakNet version } api(projects.common) api(projects.api) // Jackson JSON and YAML serialization api(libs.bundles.jackson) api(libs.guava) // Fastutil Maps implementation(libs.bundles.fastutil) // Network libraries implementation(libs.websocket) api(libs.bundles.protocol) api(libs.mcauthlib) api(libs.mcprotocollib) { exclude("io.netty", "netty-all") exclude("com.github.GeyserMC", "packetlib") exclude("com.github.GeyserMC", "mcauthlib") } implementation(libs.raknet) { exclude("io.netty", "*") } implementation(libs.netty.resolver.dns) implementation(libs.netty.resolver.dns.native.macos) { artifact { classifier = "osx-x86_64" } } implementation(libs.netty.codec.haproxy) // Network dependencies we are updating ourselves api(libs.netty.handler) implementation(libs.netty.transport.native.epoll) { artifact { classifier = "linux-x86_64" } } implementation(libs.netty.transport.native.epoll) { artifact { classifier = "linux-aarch_64" } } implementation(libs.netty.transport.native.kqueue) { artifact { classifier = "osx-x86_64" } } implementation( { artifact { classifier = "linux-x86_64" } } implementation( { artifact { classifier = "linux-aarch_64" } } // Adventure text serialization api(libs.bundles.adventure) api(libs.erosion.common) { isTransitive = false } // Test testImplementation(libs.junit) // Annotation Processors compileOnly(projects.ap) annotationProcessor(projects.ap) api( } tasks.processResources { // This is solely for backwards compatibility for other programs that used this file before the switch to gradle. // It used to be generated by the maven Git-Commit-Id-Plugin filesMatching("") { val info = GitInfo() expand( "branch" to info.branch, "buildNumber" to info.buildNumber, "projectVersion" to project.version, "commit" to info.commit, "commitAbbrev" to info.commitAbbrev, "commitMessage" to info.commitMessage, "repository" to info.repository ) } } sourceSets { main { blossom { val info = GitInfo() javaSources { property("version", "${project.version} (${info.gitVersion})") property("gitVersion", info.gitVersion) property("buildNumber", info.buildNumber.toString()) property("branch", info.branch) property("commit", info.commit) property("repository", info.repository) } } } } fun Project.buildNumber(): Int = (System.getenv("BUILD_NUMBER"))?.let { Integer.parseInt(it) } ?: -1 inner class GitInfo { val branch: String val commit: String val commitAbbrev: String val gitVersion: String val version: String val buildNumber: Int val commitMessage: String val repository: String init { // On Jenkins, a detached head is checked out, so indra cannot determine the branch. // Fortunately, this environment variable is available. branch = indraGit.branchName() ?: System.getenv("BRANCH_NAME") ?: "DEV" val commit = indraGit.commit() this.commit = commit?.name ?: "0".repeat(40) commitAbbrev = commit?.name?.substring(0, 7) ?: "0".repeat(7) gitVersion = "git-${branch}-${commitAbbrev}" version = "${project.version} ($gitVersion)" buildNumber = buildNumber() val git = indraGit.git() commitMessage = git?.commit()?.message ?: "" repository = git?.repository?.config?.getString("remote", "origin", "url") ?: "" } } // Manual task to download the bedrock data files from the CloudburstMC/Data repository // Invoke with ./gradlew :core:downloadBedrockData --suffix=1_20_70 // Set suffix to the current Bedrock version tasks.register("downloadBedrockData") { urls = listOf( "", "", "", "", "" ) suffixedFiles = listOf("block_palette.nbt", "creative_items.json", "runtime_item_states.json") destinationDir = "$projectDir/src/main/resources/bedrock" }