main: org.geysermc.platform.spigot.GeyserSpigotPlugin name: ${outputName}-Spigot author: ${} website: ${project.organization.url} version: ${project.version} softdepend: ["ViaVersion", "floodgate"] api-version: 1.13 commands: geyser: description: The main command for Geyser. usage: /geyser help permissions: description: Shows help for all registered commands. geyser.command.advancement: description: Shows the advancements of the player on the server. geyser.command.dump: description: Dumps Geyser debug information for bug reports. geyser.command.list: description: List all players connected through Geyser. geyser.command.offhand: description: Puts an items in your offhand. geyser.command.reload: description: Reloads the Geyser configurations. Kicks all players when used! geyser.command.shutdown: description: Shuts down Geyser. geyser.command.statistics: description: Shows the statistics of the player on the server. geyser.command.version: description: Shows the current Geyser version and checks for updates.