Thank for for considering a contribution! Generally, Geyser welcomes PRs from everyone. There are some guidelines about what features should go where: *Pull requests that may not get accepted:* Niche features that apply to a specific group, for example integration with a specific plugin. For now, please create a separate plugin if possible. *Pull requests for Floodgate:* Anything that opens up information within the game for developers to use. *Pull requests for Geyser:* Anything that fixes compatibility between Java or Bedrock, or improves the quality of play for Bedrock players. The exception is wherever direct server access is required; in this case it may be better for Floodgate. We have some general style guides that should be applied throughout the code: ```java public class LongClassName { private static final int AIR_ITEM = 0; // Static item names should be capitalized public Int2IntMap items = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); // Use the interface as the class type but initialize with the implementation. public int nameWithMultipleWords = 0; /** * Javadoc comment to explain what a function does. */ @RandomAnnotation(stuff = true, moreStuff = "might exist") public void applyStuff() { Variable variable = new Variable(); Variable otherVariable = new Variable(); if (condition) { // Do stuff. } else if (anotherCondition) { // Do something else. } switch (value) { case 0: stuff(); break; case 1: differentStuff(); break; } } } ``` Make sure to comment your code where possible. The nature of our software requires a lot of arrays and maps to be stored - where possible, use Fastutil's specialized maps. For example, if you're storing block state translations, use an `Int2IntMap`. We have a rundown of all the tools you need to develop over on our [wiki]( If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to our [Discord](!