/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2021 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.connector.network.session; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.data.GameProfile; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.exception.request.AuthPendingException; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.exception.request.InvalidCredentialsException; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.exception.request.RequestException; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.service.AuthenticationService; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.service.MojangAuthenticationService; import com.github.steveice10.mc.auth.service.MsaAuthenticationService; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.MinecraftConstants; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.MinecraftProtocol; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.SubProtocol; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.UnexpectedEncryptionException; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.Pose; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.GameMode; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.recipe.Recipe; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.statistic.Statistic; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.handshake.serverbound.ClientIntentionPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.serverbound.player.ServerboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.serverbound.player.ServerboundMovePlayerPosPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.serverbound.player.ServerboundMovePlayerPosRotPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.ingame.serverbound.level.ServerboundAcceptTeleportationPacket; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.packet.login.serverbound.ServerboundCustomQueryPacket; import com.github.steveice10.packetlib.BuiltinFlags; import com.github.steveice10.packetlib.event.session.*; import com.github.steveice10.packetlib.packet.Packet; import com.github.steveice10.packetlib.tcp.TcpClientSession; import com.github.steveice10.packetlib.tcp.TcpSession; import com.nukkitx.math.GenericMath; import com.nukkitx.math.vector.*; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.BedrockPacket; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.BedrockServerSession; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.*; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.command.CommandPermission; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityFlag; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.*; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.v471.Bedrock_v471; import io.netty.channel.Channel; import io.netty.channel.EventLoop; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.Long2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2ObjectOpenHashMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectIterator; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.ObjectOpenHashSet; import lombok.AccessLevel; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.NonNull; import lombok.Setter; import org.geysermc.common.PlatformType; import org.geysermc.connector.GeyserConnector; import org.geysermc.connector.command.CommandSender; import org.geysermc.connector.common.AuthType; import org.geysermc.connector.common.connection.LocalSession; import org.geysermc.connector.configuration.EmoteOffhandWorkaroundOption; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.Entity; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.ItemFrameEntity; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.Tickable; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.attribute.GeyserAttributeType; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.player.SessionPlayerEntity; import org.geysermc.connector.entity.player.SkullPlayerEntity; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.Inventory; import org.geysermc.connector.inventory.PlayerInventory; import org.geysermc.connector.network.session.auth.AuthData; import org.geysermc.connector.network.session.auth.BedrockClientData; import org.geysermc.connector.network.session.cache.*; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.PacketTranslatorRegistry; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.chat.MessageTranslator; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.collision.CollisionManager; import org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.inventory.InventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.connector.registry.Registries; import org.geysermc.connector.registry.type.BlockMappings; import org.geysermc.connector.registry.type.ItemMappings; import org.geysermc.connector.skin.FloodgateSkinUploader; import org.geysermc.connector.utils.*; import org.geysermc.cumulus.Form; import org.geysermc.cumulus.util.FormBuilder; import org.geysermc.floodgate.crypto.FloodgateCipher; import org.geysermc.floodgate.util.BedrockData; import java.net.ConnectException; import java.net.InetAddress; import java.net.InetSocketAddress; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import java.util.concurrent.CompletionException; import java.util.concurrent.ScheduledFuture; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; @Getter public class GeyserSession implements CommandSender { private final GeyserConnector connector; private final UpstreamSession upstream; /** * The loop where all packets and ticking is processed to prevent concurrency issues. * If this is manually called, ensure that any exceptions are properly handled. */ private final EventLoop eventLoop; private TcpSession downstream; @Setter private AuthData authData; @Setter private BedrockClientData clientData; /* Setter for GeyserConnect */ @Setter private String remoteAddress; @Setter private int remotePort; @Setter private AuthType remoteAuthType; /* Setter for GeyserConnect */ @Deprecated @Setter private boolean microsoftAccount; private final SessionPlayerEntity playerEntity; private final AdvancementsCache advancementsCache; private final BookEditCache bookEditCache; private final ChunkCache chunkCache; private final EntityCache entityCache; private final EntityEffectCache effectCache; private final FormCache formCache; private final LodestoneCache lodestoneCache; private final PistonCache pistonCache; private final PreferencesCache preferencesCache; private final TagCache tagCache; private final WorldCache worldCache; private final Int2ObjectMap teleportMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); private final WorldBorder worldBorder; /** * Whether simulated fog has been sent to the client or not. */ private boolean isInWorldBorderWarningArea = false; private final PlayerInventory playerInventory; @Setter private Inventory openInventory; @Setter private boolean closingInventory; @Setter private InventoryTranslator inventoryTranslator = InventoryTranslator.PLAYER_INVENTORY_TRANSLATOR; /** * Use {@link #getNextItemNetId()} instead for consistency */ @Getter(AccessLevel.NONE) private final AtomicInteger itemNetId = new AtomicInteger(2); @Setter private ScheduledFuture craftingGridFuture; /** * Stores session collision */ private final CollisionManager collisionManager; /** * Stores the block mappings for this specific version. */ @Setter private BlockMappings blockMappings; /** * Stores the item translations for this specific version. */ @Setter private ItemMappings itemMappings; private final Map skullCache = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); private final Long2ObjectMap storedMaps = new Long2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); /** * Stores the map between Java and Bedrock biome network IDs. */ private final Int2IntMap biomeTranslations = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); /** * A map of Vector3i positions to Java entities. * Used for translating Bedrock block actions to Java entity actions. */ private final Map itemFrameCache = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); /** * Stores a list of all lectern locations and their block entity tags. * See {@link org.geysermc.connector.network.translators.world.WorldManager#getLecternDataAt(GeyserSession, int, int, int, boolean)} * for more information. */ private final Set lecternCache; @Setter private boolean droppingLecternBook; @Setter private Vector2i lastChunkPosition = null; private int renderDistance; private boolean loggedIn; private boolean loggingIn; @Setter private boolean spawned; /** * Accessed on the initial Java and Bedrock packet processing threads */ private volatile boolean closed; @Setter private GameMode gameMode = GameMode.SURVIVAL; /** * Keeps track of the world name for respawning. */ @Setter private String worldName = null; private boolean sneaking; /** * Stores the Java pose that the server and/or Geyser believes the player currently has. */ @Setter private Pose pose = Pose.STANDING; @Setter private boolean sprinting; /** * Whether the player is swimming in water. * Used to update speed when crawling. */ @Setter private boolean swimmingInWater; /** * Tracks the original speed attribute. * * We need to do this in order to emulate speeds when sneaking under 1.5-blocks-tall areas if the player isn't sneaking, * and when crawling. */ @Setter private float originalSpeedAttribute; /** * The dimension of the player. * As all entities are in the same world, this can be safely applied to all other entities. */ @Setter private String dimension = DimensionUtils.OVERWORLD; @Setter private int breakingBlock; @Setter private Vector3i lastBlockPlacePosition; @Setter private String lastBlockPlacedId; @Setter private boolean interacting; /** * Stores the last position of the block the player interacted with. This can either be a block that the client * placed or an existing block the player interacted with (for example, a chest).
* Initialized as (0, 0, 0) so it is always not-null. */ @Setter private Vector3i lastInteractionBlockPosition = Vector3i.ZERO; /** * Stores the position of the player the last time they interacted. * Used to verify that the player did not move since their last interaction.
* Initialized as (0, 0, 0) so it is always not-null. */ @Setter private Vector3f lastInteractionPlayerPosition = Vector3f.ZERO; @Setter private Entity ridingVehicleEntity; /** * The entity that the client is currently looking at. */ @Setter private Entity mouseoverEntity; @Setter private Int2ObjectMap craftingRecipes; private final Set unlockedRecipes; private final AtomicInteger lastRecipeNetId; /** * Saves a list of all stonecutter recipes, for use in a stonecutter inventory. * The key is the Java ID of the item; the values are all the possible outputs' Java IDs sorted by their string identifier */ @Setter private Int2ObjectMap stonecutterRecipes; /** * The current attack speed of the player. Used for sending proper cooldown timings. * Setting a default fixes cooldowns not showing up on a fresh world. */ @Setter private double attackSpeed = 4.0d; /** * The time of the last hit. Used to gauge how long the cooldown is taking. * This is a session variable in order to prevent more scheduled threads than necessary. */ @Setter private long lastHitTime; /** * Saves if the client is steering left on a boat. */ @Setter private boolean steeringLeft; /** * Saves if the client is steering right on a boat. */ @Setter private boolean steeringRight; /** * Store the last time the player interacted. Used to fix a right-click spam bug. * See https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/issues/503 for context. */ @Setter private long lastInteractionTime; /** * Stores a future interaction to place a bucket. Will be cancelled if the client instead intended to * interact with a block. */ @Setter private ScheduledFuture bucketScheduledFuture; /** * Used to send a movement packet every three seconds if the player hasn't moved. Prevents timeouts when AFK in certain instances. */ @Setter private long lastMovementTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * Used to send a ServerboundMoveVehiclePacket for every PlayerInputPacket after idling on a boat/horse for more than 100ms */ @Setter private long lastVehicleMoveTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * Controls whether the daylight cycle gamerule has been sent to the client, so the sun/moon remain motionless. */ private boolean daylightCycle = true; private boolean reducedDebugInfo = false; /** * The op permission level set by the server */ @Setter private int opPermissionLevel = 0; /** * If the current player can fly */ @Setter private boolean canFly = false; /** * If the current player is flying */ private boolean flying = false; /** * Caches current rain status. */ @Setter private boolean raining = false; /** * Caches current thunder status. */ @Setter private boolean thunder = false; /** * Stores the last text inputted into a sign. *

* Bedrock sends packets every time you update the sign, Java only wants the final packet. * Until we determine that the user has finished editing, we save the sign's current status. */ @Setter private String lastSignMessage; /** * Stores a map of all statistics sent from the server. * The server only sends new statistics back to us, so in order to show all statistics we need to cache existing ones. */ private final Map statistics = new HashMap<>(); /** * Whether we're expecting statistics to be sent back to us. */ @Setter private boolean waitingForStatistics = false; private final Set emotes; /** * The thread that will run every 50 milliseconds - one Minecraft tick. */ private ScheduledFuture tickThread = null; private MinecraftProtocol protocol; public GeyserSession(GeyserConnector connector, BedrockServerSession bedrockServerSession, EventLoop eventLoop) { this.connector = connector; this.upstream = new UpstreamSession(bedrockServerSession); this.eventLoop = eventLoop; this.advancementsCache = new AdvancementsCache(this); this.bookEditCache = new BookEditCache(this); this.chunkCache = new ChunkCache(this); this.entityCache = new EntityCache(this); this.effectCache = new EntityEffectCache(); this.formCache = new FormCache(this); this.lodestoneCache = new LodestoneCache(); this.pistonCache = new PistonCache(this); this.preferencesCache = new PreferencesCache(this); this.tagCache = new TagCache(); this.worldCache = new WorldCache(this); this.worldBorder = new WorldBorder(this); this.collisionManager = new CollisionManager(this); this.playerEntity = new SessionPlayerEntity(this); collisionManager.updatePlayerBoundingBox(this.playerEntity.getPosition()); this.playerInventory = new PlayerInventory(); this.openInventory = null; this.craftingRecipes = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); this.unlockedRecipes = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(); this.lastRecipeNetId = new AtomicInteger(1); this.spawned = false; this.loggedIn = false; if (connector.getWorldManager().shouldExpectLecternHandled()) { // Unneeded on these platforms this.lecternCache = null; } else { this.lecternCache = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(); } if (connector.getConfig().getEmoteOffhandWorkaround() != EmoteOffhandWorkaroundOption.NO_EMOTES) { this.emotes = new HashSet<>(); connector.getSessionManager().getSessions().values().forEach(player -> this.emotes.addAll(player.getEmotes())); } else { this.emotes = null; } bedrockServerSession.addDisconnectHandler(disconnectReason -> { InetAddress address = bedrockServerSession.getRealAddress().getAddress(); connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.disconnect", address, disconnectReason)); disconnect(disconnectReason.name()); connector.getSessionManager().removeSession(this); }); } /** * Send all necessary packets to load Bedrock into the server */ public void connect() { startGame(); this.remoteAddress = connector.getConfig().getRemote().getAddress(); this.remotePort = connector.getConfig().getRemote().getPort(); this.remoteAuthType = connector.getConfig().getRemote().getAuthType(); // Set the hardcoded shield ID to the ID we just defined in StartGamePacket upstream.getSession().getHardcodedBlockingId().set(this.itemMappings.getStoredItems().shield().getBedrockId()); if (this.itemMappings.getFurnaceMinecartData() != null) { ItemComponentPacket componentPacket = new ItemComponentPacket(); componentPacket.getItems().add(this.itemMappings.getFurnaceMinecartData()); upstream.sendPacket(componentPacket); } ChunkUtils.sendEmptyChunks(this, playerEntity.getPosition().toInt(), 0, false); BiomeDefinitionListPacket biomeDefinitionListPacket = new BiomeDefinitionListPacket(); biomeDefinitionListPacket.setDefinitions(Registries.BIOMES_NBT.get()); upstream.sendPacket(biomeDefinitionListPacket); AvailableEntityIdentifiersPacket entityPacket = new AvailableEntityIdentifiersPacket(); entityPacket.setIdentifiers(Registries.ENTITY_IDENTIFIERS.get()); upstream.sendPacket(entityPacket); CreativeContentPacket creativePacket = new CreativeContentPacket(); creativePacket.setContents(this.itemMappings.getCreativeItems()); upstream.sendPacket(creativePacket); PlayStatusPacket playStatusPacket = new PlayStatusPacket(); playStatusPacket.setStatus(PlayStatusPacket.Status.PLAYER_SPAWN); upstream.sendPacket(playStatusPacket); UpdateAttributesPacket attributesPacket = new UpdateAttributesPacket(); attributesPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(getPlayerEntity().getGeyserId()); // Default move speed // Bedrock clients move very fast by default until they get an attribute packet correcting the speed attributesPacket.setAttributes(Collections.singletonList( new AttributeData("minecraft:movement", 0.0f, 1024f, 0.1f, 0.1f))); upstream.sendPacket(attributesPacket); GameRulesChangedPacket gamerulePacket = new GameRulesChangedPacket(); // Only allow the server to send health information // Setting this to false allows natural regeneration to work false but doesn't break it being true gamerulePacket.getGameRules().add(new GameRuleData<>("naturalregeneration", false)); // Don't let the client modify the inventory on death // Setting this to true allows keep inventory to work if enabled but doesn't break functionality being false gamerulePacket.getGameRules().add(new GameRuleData<>("keepinventory", true)); // Ensure client doesn't try and do anything funky; the server handles this for us gamerulePacket.getGameRules().add(new GameRuleData<>("spawnradius", 0)); upstream.sendPacket(gamerulePacket); } public void login() { if (this.remoteAuthType != AuthType.ONLINE) { if (this.remoteAuthType == AuthType.OFFLINE) { connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.login.offline")); } else { connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.login.floodgate")); } authenticate(authData.getName()); } } public void authenticate(String username) { authenticate(username, ""); } public void authenticate(String username, String password) { if (loggedIn) { connector.getLogger().severe(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.already_loggedin", username)); return; } loggingIn = true; // Use a future to prevent timeouts as all the authentication is handled sync // This will be changed with the new protocol library. CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { try { if (password != null && !password.isEmpty()) { AuthenticationService authenticationService; if (microsoftAccount) { authenticationService = new MsaAuthenticationService(GeyserConnector.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID); } else { authenticationService = new MojangAuthenticationService(); } authenticationService.setUsername(username); authenticationService.setPassword(password); authenticationService.login(); GameProfile profile = authenticationService.getSelectedProfile(); if (profile == null) { // Java account is offline disconnect(LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.remote.invalid_account", clientData.getLanguageCode())); return null; } protocol = new MinecraftProtocol(profile, authenticationService.getAccessToken()); } else { // always replace spaces when using Floodgate, // as usernames with spaces cause issues with Bungeecord's login cycle. // However, this doesn't affect the final username as Floodgate is still in charge of that. // So if you have (for example) replace spaces enabled on Floodgate the spaces will re-appear. String validUsername = username; if (remoteAuthType == AuthType.FLOODGATE) { validUsername = username.replace(' ', '_'); } protocol = new MinecraftProtocol(validUsername); } } catch (InvalidCredentialsException | IllegalArgumentException e) { connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.login.invalid", username)); disconnect(LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.auth.login.invalid.kick", getClientData().getLanguageCode())); } catch (RequestException ex) { disconnect(ex.getMessage()); } return null; }).whenComplete((aVoid, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { disconnect(ex.toString()); } if (this.closed) { if (ex != null) { connector.getLogger().error("", ex); } // Client disconnected during the authentication attempt return; } connectDownstream(); }); } /** * Present a form window to the user asking to log in with another web browser */ public void authenticateWithMicrosoftCode() { if (loggedIn) { connector.getLogger().severe(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.already_loggedin", getAuthData().getName())); return; } loggingIn = true; // This just looks cool SetTimePacket packet = new SetTimePacket(); packet.setTime(16000); sendUpstreamPacket(packet); // new thread so clients don't timeout MsaAuthenticationService msaAuthenticationService = new MsaAuthenticationService(GeyserConnector.OAUTH_CLIENT_ID); // Use a future to prevent timeouts as all the authentication is handled sync // This will be changed with the new protocol library. CompletableFuture.supplyAsync(() -> { try { return msaAuthenticationService.getAuthCode(); } catch (RequestException e) { throw new CompletionException(e); } }).whenComplete((response, ex) -> { if (ex != null) { ex.printStackTrace(); disconnect(ex.toString()); return; } LoginEncryptionUtils.buildAndShowMicrosoftCodeWindow(this, response); attemptCodeAuthentication(msaAuthenticationService); }); } /** * Poll every second to see if the user has successfully signed in */ private void attemptCodeAuthentication(MsaAuthenticationService msaAuthenticationService) { if (loggedIn || closed) { return; } try { msaAuthenticationService.login(); GameProfile profile = msaAuthenticationService.getSelectedProfile(); if (profile == null) { // Java account is offline disconnect(LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.remote.invalid_account", clientData.getLanguageCode())); return; } protocol = new MinecraftProtocol(profile, msaAuthenticationService.getAccessToken()); connectDownstream(); } catch (RequestException e) { if (!(e instanceof AuthPendingException)) { connector.getLogger().error("Failed to log in with Microsoft code!", e); disconnect(e.toString()); } else { // Wait one second before trying again connector.getGeneralThreadPool().schedule(() -> attemptCodeAuthentication(msaAuthenticationService), 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } } } /** * After getting whatever credentials needed, we attempt to join the Java server. */ private void connectDownstream() { boolean floodgate = this.remoteAuthType == AuthType.FLOODGATE; // Start ticking tickThread = eventLoop.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::tick, 50, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); if (connector.getBootstrap().getSocketAddress() != null) { // We're going to connect through the JVM and not through TCP downstream = new LocalSession(this.remoteAddress, this.remotePort, connector.getBootstrap().getSocketAddress(), upstream.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(), this.protocol); } else { downstream = new TcpClientSession(this.remoteAddress, this.remotePort, this.protocol); disableSrvResolving(); } if (connector.getConfig().getRemote().isUseProxyProtocol()) { downstream.setFlag(BuiltinFlags.ENABLE_CLIENT_PROXY_PROTOCOL, true); downstream.setFlag(BuiltinFlags.CLIENT_PROXIED_ADDRESS, upstream.getAddress()); } if (connector.getConfig().isForwardPlayerPing()) { // Let Geyser handle sending the keep alive downstream.setFlag(MinecraftConstants.AUTOMATIC_KEEP_ALIVE_MANAGEMENT, false); } downstream.addListener(new SessionAdapter() { @Override public void packetSending(PacketSendingEvent event) { //todo move this somewhere else if (event.getPacket() instanceof ClientIntentionPacket) { String addressSuffix; if (floodgate) { byte[] encryptedData; try { FloodgateSkinUploader skinUploader = connector.getSkinUploader(); FloodgateCipher cipher = connector.getCipher(); encryptedData = cipher.encryptFromString(BedrockData.of( clientData.getGameVersion(), authData.getName(), authData.getXboxUUID(), clientData.getDeviceOs().ordinal(), clientData.getLanguageCode(), clientData.getUiProfile().ordinal(), clientData.getCurrentInputMode().ordinal(), upstream.getAddress().getAddress().getHostAddress(), skinUploader.getId(), skinUploader.getVerifyCode(), connector.getTimeSyncer() ).toString()); if (!connector.getTimeSyncer().hasUsefulOffset()) { connector.getLogger().warning( "We couldn't make sure that your system clock is accurate. " + "This can cause issues with logging in." ); } } catch (Exception e) { connector.getLogger().error(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.auth.floodgate.encrypt_fail"), e); disconnect(LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.auth.floodgate.encryption_fail", getClientData().getLanguageCode())); return; } addressSuffix = '\0' + new String(encryptedData, StandardCharsets.UTF_8); } else { addressSuffix = ""; } ClientIntentionPacket intentionPacket = event.getPacket(); String address; if (connector.getConfig().getRemote().isForwardHost()) { address = clientData.getServerAddress().split(":")[0]; } else { address = intentionPacket.getHostname(); } event.setPacket(intentionPacket.withHostname(address + addressSuffix)); } } @Override public void connected(ConnectedEvent event) { loggingIn = false; loggedIn = true; if (downstream instanceof LocalSession) { // Connected directly to the server connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.remote.connect_internal", authData.getName(), protocol.getProfile().getName())); } else { // Connected to an IP address connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.remote.connect", authData.getName(), protocol.getProfile().getName(), remoteAddress)); } UUID uuid = protocol.getProfile().getId(); if (uuid == null) { // Set what our UUID *probably* is going to be if (remoteAuthType == AuthType.FLOODGATE) { uuid = new UUID(0, Long.parseLong(authData.getXboxUUID())); } else { uuid = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + protocol.getProfile().getName()).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } } playerEntity.setUuid(uuid); playerEntity.setUsername(protocol.getProfile().getName()); String locale = clientData.getLanguageCode(); // Let the user know there locale may take some time to download // as it has to be extracted from a JAR if (locale.equalsIgnoreCase("en_us") && !LocaleUtils.LOCALE_MAPPINGS.containsKey("en_us")) { // This should probably be left hardcoded as it will only show for en_us clients sendMessage("Loading your locale (en_us); if this isn't already downloaded, this may take some time"); } // Download and load the language for the player LocaleUtils.downloadAndLoadLocale(locale); } @Override public void disconnected(DisconnectedEvent event) { loggingIn = false; loggedIn = false; String disconnectMessage; Throwable cause = event.getCause(); if (cause instanceof UnexpectedEncryptionException) { if (remoteAuthType != AuthType.FLOODGATE) { // Server expects online mode disconnectMessage = LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.remote.authentication_type_mismatch", getLocale()); // Explain that they may be looking for Floodgate. connector.getLogger().warning(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog( connector.getPlatformType() == PlatformType.STANDALONE ? "geyser.network.remote.floodgate_explanation_standalone" : "geyser.network.remote.floodgate_explanation_plugin", Constants.FLOODGATE_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION )); } else { // Likely that Floodgate is not configured correctly. disconnectMessage = LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.remote.floodgate_login_error", getLocale()); if (connector.getPlatformType() == PlatformType.STANDALONE) { connector.getLogger().warning(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.remote.floodgate_login_error_standalone")); } } } else if (cause instanceof ConnectException) { // Server is offline, probably disconnectMessage = LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.remote.server_offline", getLocale()); } else { disconnectMessage = MessageTranslator.convertMessageLenient(event.getReason()); } if (downstream instanceof LocalSession) { connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.remote.disconnect_internal", authData.getName(), disconnectMessage)); } else { connector.getLogger().info(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.remote.disconnect", authData.getName(), remoteAddress, disconnectMessage)); } if (cause != null) { cause.printStackTrace(); } upstream.disconnect(disconnectMessage); } @Override public void packetReceived(PacketReceivedEvent event) { Packet packet = event.getPacket(); PacketTranslatorRegistry.JAVA_TRANSLATOR.translate(packet.getClass(), packet, GeyserSession.this); } @Override public void packetError(PacketErrorEvent event) { connector.getLogger().warning(LanguageUtils.getLocaleStringLog("geyser.network.downstream_error", event.getCause().getMessage())); if (connector.getConfig().isDebugMode()) event.getCause().printStackTrace(); event.setSuppress(true); } }); if (!daylightCycle) { setDaylightCycle(true); } downstream.connect(); } public void disconnect(String reason) { if (!closed) { loggedIn = false; if (downstream != null) { downstream.disconnect(reason); } if (upstream != null && !upstream.isClosed()) { connector.getSessionManager().removeSession(this); upstream.disconnect(reason); } } if (tickThread != null) { tickThread.cancel(false); } closed = true; } public void close() { disconnect(LanguageUtils.getPlayerLocaleString("geyser.network.close", getClientData().getLanguageCode())); } /** * Executes a task and prints a stack trace if an error occurs. */ public void executeInEventLoop(Runnable runnable) { eventLoop.execute(() -> { try { runnable.run(); } catch (Throwable e) { connector.getLogger().error("Error thrown in " + getName() + "'s event loop!", e); } }); } /** * Schedules a task and prints a stack trace if an error occurs. */ public ScheduledFuture scheduleInEventLoop(Runnable runnable, long duration, TimeUnit timeUnit) { return eventLoop.schedule(() -> { try { runnable.run(); } catch (Throwable e) { connector.getLogger().error("Error thrown in " + getName() + "'s event loop!", e); } }, duration, timeUnit); } /** * Called every 50 milliseconds - one Minecraft tick. */ protected void tick() { try { pistonCache.tick(); // Check to see if the player's position needs updating - a position update should be sent once every 3 seconds if (spawned && (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastMovementTimestamp) > 3000) { // Recalculate in case something else changed position Vector3d position = collisionManager.adjustBedrockPosition(playerEntity.getPosition(), playerEntity.isOnGround(), false); // A null return value cancels the packet if (position != null) { ServerboundMovePlayerPosPacket packet = new ServerboundMovePlayerPosPacket(playerEntity.isOnGround(), position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()); sendDownstreamPacket(packet); } lastMovementTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis(); } if (worldBorder.isResizing()) { worldBorder.resize(); } if (!worldBorder.isWithinWarningBoundaries()) { // Show particles representing where the world border is worldBorder.drawWall(); // Set the mood if (!isInWorldBorderWarningArea) { isInWorldBorderWarningArea = true; WorldBorder.sendFog(this, "minecraft:fog_crimson_forest"); } } else if (isInWorldBorderWarningArea) { // Clear fog as we are outside the world border now WorldBorder.removeFog(this); isInWorldBorderWarningArea = false; } for (Tickable entity : entityCache.getTickableEntities()) { entity.tick(this); } } catch (Throwable throwable) { throwable.printStackTrace(); } } public void setAuthenticationData(AuthData authData) { this.authData = authData; } public void setSneaking(boolean sneaking) { this.sneaking = sneaking; // Update pose and bounding box on our end AttributeData speedAttribute; if (!sneaking && (speedAttribute = adjustSpeed()) != null) { // Update attributes since we're still "sneaking" under a 1.5-block-tall area UpdateAttributesPacket attributesPacket = new UpdateAttributesPacket(); attributesPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(playerEntity.getGeyserId()); attributesPacket.setAttributes(Collections.singletonList(speedAttribute)); sendUpstreamPacket(attributesPacket); // the server *should* update our pose once it has returned to normal } else { if (!flying) { // The pose and bounding box should not be updated if the player is flying setSneakingPose(sneaking); } collisionManager.updateScaffoldingFlags(false); } playerEntity.updateBedrockMetadata(this); if (mouseoverEntity != null) { // Horses, etc can change their property depending on if you're sneaking InteractiveTagManager.updateTag(this, mouseoverEntity); } } private void setSneakingPose(boolean sneaking) { this.pose = sneaking ? Pose.SNEAKING : Pose.STANDING; playerEntity.getMetadata().put(EntityData.BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT, sneaking ? 1.5f : playerEntity.getEntityType().getHeight()); playerEntity.getMetadata().getFlags().setFlag(EntityFlag.SNEAKING, sneaking); collisionManager.updatePlayerBoundingBox(); } public void setSwimming(boolean swimming) { this.pose = swimming ? Pose.SWIMMING : Pose.STANDING; playerEntity.getMetadata().put(EntityData.BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT, swimming ? 0.6f : playerEntity.getEntityType().getHeight()); playerEntity.getMetadata().getFlags().setFlag(EntityFlag.SWIMMING, swimming); playerEntity.updateBedrockMetadata(this); } public void setFlying(boolean flying) { this.flying = flying; if (sneaking) { // update bounding box as it is not reduced when flying setSneakingPose(!flying); playerEntity.updateBedrockMetadata(this); } } /** * Adjusts speed if the player is crawling. * * @return not null if attributes should be updated. */ public AttributeData adjustSpeed() { AttributeData currentPlayerSpeed = playerEntity.getAttributes().get(GeyserAttributeType.MOVEMENT_SPEED); if (currentPlayerSpeed != null) { if ((pose.equals(Pose.SNEAKING) && !sneaking && collisionManager.isUnderSlab()) || (!swimmingInWater && playerEntity.getMetadata().getFlags().getFlag(EntityFlag.SWIMMING) && !collisionManager.isPlayerInWater())) { // Either of those conditions means that Bedrock goes zoom when they shouldn't be AttributeData speedAttribute = GeyserAttributeType.MOVEMENT_SPEED.getAttribute(originalSpeedAttribute / 3.32f); playerEntity.getAttributes().put(GeyserAttributeType.MOVEMENT_SPEED, speedAttribute); return speedAttribute; } else if (originalSpeedAttribute != currentPlayerSpeed.getValue()) { // Speed has reset to normal AttributeData speedAttribute = GeyserAttributeType.MOVEMENT_SPEED.getAttribute(originalSpeedAttribute); playerEntity.getAttributes().put(GeyserAttributeType.MOVEMENT_SPEED, speedAttribute); return speedAttribute; } } return null; } /** * Will be overwritten for GeyserConnect. */ protected void disableSrvResolving() { this.downstream.setFlag(BuiltinFlags.ATTEMPT_SRV_RESOLVE, false); } @Override public String getName() { return authData.getName(); } @Override public void sendMessage(String message) { TextPacket textPacket = new TextPacket(); textPacket.setPlatformChatId(""); textPacket.setSourceName(""); textPacket.setXuid(""); textPacket.setType(TextPacket.Type.CHAT); textPacket.setNeedsTranslation(false); textPacket.setMessage(message); upstream.sendPacket(textPacket); } @Override public boolean isConsole() { return false; } @Override public String getLocale() { return clientData.getLanguageCode(); } public void setRenderDistance(int renderDistance) { renderDistance = GenericMath.ceil(++renderDistance * MathUtils.SQRT_OF_TWO); //square to circle this.renderDistance = renderDistance; ChunkRadiusUpdatedPacket chunkRadiusUpdatedPacket = new ChunkRadiusUpdatedPacket(); chunkRadiusUpdatedPacket.setRadius(renderDistance); upstream.sendPacket(chunkRadiusUpdatedPacket); } public InetSocketAddress getSocketAddress() { return this.upstream.getAddress(); } public void sendForm(Form form) { formCache.showForm(form); } public void sendForm(FormBuilder formBuilder) { formCache.showForm(formBuilder.build()); } private void startGame() { StartGamePacket startGamePacket = new StartGamePacket(); startGamePacket.setUniqueEntityId(playerEntity.getGeyserId()); startGamePacket.setRuntimeEntityId(playerEntity.getGeyserId()); startGamePacket.setPlayerGameType(GameType.SURVIVAL); startGamePacket.setPlayerPosition(Vector3f.from(0, 69, 0)); startGamePacket.setRotation(Vector2f.from(1, 1)); startGamePacket.setSeed(-1); startGamePacket.setDimensionId(DimensionUtils.javaToBedrock(dimension)); startGamePacket.setGeneratorId(1); startGamePacket.setLevelGameType(GameType.SURVIVAL); startGamePacket.setDifficulty(1); startGamePacket.setDefaultSpawn(Vector3i.ZERO); startGamePacket.setAchievementsDisabled(!connector.getConfig().isXboxAchievementsEnabled()); startGamePacket.setCurrentTick(-1); startGamePacket.setEduEditionOffers(0); startGamePacket.setEduFeaturesEnabled(false); startGamePacket.setRainLevel(0); startGamePacket.setLightningLevel(0); startGamePacket.setMultiplayerGame(true); startGamePacket.setBroadcastingToLan(true); startGamePacket.setPlatformBroadcastMode(GamePublishSetting.PUBLIC); startGamePacket.setXblBroadcastMode(GamePublishSetting.PUBLIC); startGamePacket.setCommandsEnabled(!connector.getConfig().isXboxAchievementsEnabled()); startGamePacket.setTexturePacksRequired(false); startGamePacket.setBonusChestEnabled(false); startGamePacket.setStartingWithMap(false); startGamePacket.setTrustingPlayers(true); startGamePacket.setDefaultPlayerPermission(PlayerPermission.MEMBER); startGamePacket.setServerChunkTickRange(4); startGamePacket.setBehaviorPackLocked(false); startGamePacket.setResourcePackLocked(false); startGamePacket.setFromLockedWorldTemplate(false); startGamePacket.setUsingMsaGamertagsOnly(false); startGamePacket.setFromWorldTemplate(false); startGamePacket.setWorldTemplateOptionLocked(false); String serverName = connector.getConfig().getBedrock().getServerName(); startGamePacket.setLevelId(serverName); startGamePacket.setLevelName(serverName); startGamePacket.setPremiumWorldTemplateId("00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000"); // startGamePacket.setCurrentTick(0); startGamePacket.setEnchantmentSeed(0); startGamePacket.setMultiplayerCorrelationId(""); startGamePacket.setItemEntries(this.itemMappings.getItemEntries()); startGamePacket.setVanillaVersion("*"); startGamePacket.setInventoriesServerAuthoritative(true); startGamePacket.setServerEngine(""); // Do we want to fill this in? SyncedPlayerMovementSettings settings = new SyncedPlayerMovementSettings(); settings.setMovementMode(AuthoritativeMovementMode.CLIENT); settings.setRewindHistorySize(0); settings.setServerAuthoritativeBlockBreaking(false); startGamePacket.setPlayerMovementSettings(settings); if (upstream.getProtocolVersion() <= Bedrock_v471.V471_CODEC.getProtocolVersion()) { startGamePacket.getExperiments().add(new ExperimentData("caves_and_cliffs", true)); } upstream.sendPacket(startGamePacket); } /** * @return the next Bedrock item network ID to use for a new item */ public int getNextItemNetId() { return itemNetId.getAndIncrement(); } public void addTeleport(TeleportCache teleportCache) { teleportMap.put(teleportCache.getTeleportConfirmId(), teleportCache); ObjectIterator> it = teleportMap.int2ObjectEntrySet().iterator(); // Remove any teleports with a higher number - maybe this is a world change that reset the ID to 0? while (it.hasNext()) { Int2ObjectMap.Entry entry = it.next(); int nextID = entry.getValue().getTeleportConfirmId(); if (nextID > teleportCache.getTeleportConfirmId()) { it.remove(); } } } public void confirmTeleport(Vector3d position) { if (teleportMap.size() == 0) { return; } int teleportID = -1; for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry entry : teleportMap.int2ObjectEntrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().canConfirm(position)) { if (entry.getValue().getTeleportConfirmId() > teleportID) { teleportID = entry.getValue().getTeleportConfirmId(); } } } if (teleportID != -1) { ObjectIterator> it = teleportMap.int2ObjectEntrySet().iterator(); // Confirm the current teleport and any earlier ones while (it.hasNext()) { TeleportCache entry = it.next().getValue(); int nextID = entry.getTeleportConfirmId(); if (nextID <= teleportID) { ServerboundAcceptTeleportationPacket teleportConfirmPacket = new ServerboundAcceptTeleportationPacket(nextID); sendDownstreamPacket(teleportConfirmPacket); // Servers (especially ones like Hypixel) expect exact coordinates given back to them. ServerboundMovePlayerPosRotPacket positionPacket = new ServerboundMovePlayerPosRotPacket(playerEntity.isOnGround(), entry.getX(), entry.getY(), entry.getZ(), entry.getYaw(), entry.getPitch()); sendDownstreamPacket(positionPacket); it.remove(); connector.getLogger().debug("Confirmed teleport " + nextID); } } } if (teleportMap.size() > 0) { int resendID = -1; for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry entry : teleportMap.int2ObjectEntrySet()) { TeleportCache teleport = entry.getValue(); teleport.incrementUnconfirmedFor(); if (teleport.shouldResend()) { if (teleport.getTeleportConfirmId() >= resendID) { resendID = teleport.getTeleportConfirmId(); } } } if (resendID != -1) { connector.getLogger().debug("Resending teleport " + resendID); TeleportCache teleport = teleportMap.get(resendID); getPlayerEntity().moveAbsolute(this, Vector3f.from(teleport.getX(), teleport.getY(), teleport.getZ()), teleport.getYaw(), teleport.getPitch(), playerEntity.isOnGround(), true); } } } /** * Queue a packet to be sent to player. * * @param packet the bedrock packet from the NukkitX protocol lib */ public void sendUpstreamPacket(BedrockPacket packet) { upstream.sendPacket(packet); } /** * Send a packet immediately to the player. * * @param packet the bedrock packet from the NukkitX protocol lib */ public void sendUpstreamPacketImmediately(BedrockPacket packet) { upstream.sendPacketImmediately(packet); } /** * Send a packet to the remote server. * * @param packet the java edition packet from MCProtocolLib */ public void sendDownstreamPacket(Packet packet) { if (!closed && this.downstream != null) { Channel channel = this.downstream.getChannel(); if (channel == null) { // Channel is only null before the connection has initialized connector.getLogger().warning("Tried to send a packet to the Java server too early!"); if (connector.getConfig().isDebugMode()) { Thread.dumpStack(); } return; } EventLoop eventLoop = channel.eventLoop(); if (eventLoop.inEventLoop()) { sendDownstreamPacket0(packet); } else { eventLoop.execute(() -> sendDownstreamPacket0(packet)); } } } private void sendDownstreamPacket0(Packet packet) { if (protocol.getSubProtocol().equals(SubProtocol.GAME) || packet.getClass() == ServerboundCustomQueryPacket.class) { downstream.send(packet); } else { connector.getLogger().debug("Tried to send downstream packet " + packet.getClass().getSimpleName() + " before connected to the server"); } } /** * Update the cached value for the reduced debug info gamerule. * If enabled, also hides the player's coordinates. * * @param value The new value for reducedDebugInfo */ public void setReducedDebugInfo(boolean value) { reducedDebugInfo = value; // Set the showCoordinates data. This is done because updateShowCoordinates() uses this gamerule as a variable. preferencesCache.updateShowCoordinates(); } /** * Changes the daylight cycle gamerule on the client * This is used in the login screen along-side normal usage * * @param doCycle If the cycle should continue */ public void setDaylightCycle(boolean doCycle) { sendGameRule("dodaylightcycle", doCycle); // Save the value so we don't have to constantly send a daylight cycle gamerule update this.daylightCycle = doCycle; } /** * Send a gamerule value to the client * * @param gameRule The gamerule to send * @param value The value of the gamerule */ public void sendGameRule(String gameRule, Object value) { GameRulesChangedPacket gameRulesChangedPacket = new GameRulesChangedPacket(); gameRulesChangedPacket.getGameRules().add(new GameRuleData<>(gameRule, value)); upstream.sendPacket(gameRulesChangedPacket); } /** * Checks if the given session's player has a permission * * @param permission The permission node to check * @return true if the player has the requested permission, false if not */ @Override public boolean hasPermission(String permission) { return connector.getWorldManager().hasPermission(this, permission); } /** * Send an AdventureSettingsPacket to the client with the latest flags */ public void sendAdventureSettings() { AdventureSettingsPacket adventureSettingsPacket = new AdventureSettingsPacket(); adventureSettingsPacket.setUniqueEntityId(playerEntity.getGeyserId()); // Set command permission if OP permission level is high enough // This allows mobile players access to a GUI for doing commands. The commands there do not change above OPERATOR // and all commands there are accessible with OP permission level 2 adventureSettingsPacket.setCommandPermission(opPermissionLevel >= 2 ? CommandPermission.OPERATOR : CommandPermission.NORMAL); // Required to make command blocks destroyable adventureSettingsPacket.setPlayerPermission(opPermissionLevel >= 2 ? PlayerPermission.OPERATOR : PlayerPermission.MEMBER); // Update the noClip and worldImmutable values based on the current gamemode boolean spectator = gameMode == GameMode.SPECTATOR; boolean worldImmutable = gameMode == GameMode.ADVENTURE || spectator; Set flags = adventureSettingsPacket.getSettings(); if (canFly || spectator) { flags.add(AdventureSetting.MAY_FLY); } if (flying || spectator) { if (spectator && !flying) { // We're "flying locked" in this gamemode flying = true; ServerboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket abilitiesPacket = new ServerboundPlayerAbilitiesPacket(true); sendDownstreamPacket(abilitiesPacket); } flags.add(AdventureSetting.FLYING); } if (worldImmutable) { flags.add(AdventureSetting.WORLD_IMMUTABLE); } if (spectator) { flags.add(AdventureSetting.NO_CLIP); } flags.add(AdventureSetting.AUTO_JUMP); sendUpstreamPacket(adventureSettingsPacket); } /** * Used for updating statistic values since we only get changes from the server * * @param statistics Updated statistics values */ public void updateStatistics(@NonNull Map statistics) { this.statistics.putAll(statistics); } public void refreshEmotes(List emotes) { this.emotes.addAll(emotes); for (GeyserSession player : connector.getSessionManager().getSessions().values()) { List pieces = new ArrayList<>(); for (UUID piece : emotes) { if (!player.getEmotes().contains(piece)) { pieces.add(piece); } player.getEmotes().add(piece); } EmoteListPacket emoteList = new EmoteListPacket(); emoteList.setRuntimeEntityId(player.getPlayerEntity().getGeyserId()); emoteList.getPieceIds().addAll(pieces); player.sendUpstreamPacket(emoteList); } } }