/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.registry.populator; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode; import com.google.common.collect.Multimap; import com.google.common.collect.MultimapBuilder; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMap; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtMapBuilder; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtType; import com.nukkitx.nbt.NbtUtils; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.SoundEvent; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ComponentItemData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.StartGamePacket; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.v527.Bedrock_v527; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.v534.Bedrock_v534; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.v544.Bedrock_v544; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.Int2IntMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntArrayList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.*; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull; import org.geysermc.geyser.GeyserBootstrap; import org.geysermc.geyser.GeyserImpl; import org.geysermc.geyser.api.item.custom.CustomItemData; import org.geysermc.geyser.api.item.custom.CustomItemOptions; import org.geysermc.geyser.api.item.custom.NonVanillaCustomItemData; import org.geysermc.geyser.event.type.GeyserDefineCustomItemsEventImpl; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.item.StoredItemMappings; import org.geysermc.geyser.item.GeyserCustomMappingData; import org.geysermc.geyser.item.mappings.MappingsConfigReader; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.BlockRegistries; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.Registries; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.type.*; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.ItemUtils; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.collection.FixedInt2IntMap; import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.util.*; /** * Populates the item registries. */ public class ItemRegistryPopulator { private record PaletteVersion(int protocolVersion, Map additionalTranslatedItems) { } public static void populate() { Map paletteVersions = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); paletteVersions.put("1_19_0", new PaletteVersion(Bedrock_v527.V527_CODEC.getProtocolVersion(), Collections.singletonMap("minecraft:trader_llama_spawn_egg", "minecraft:llama_spawn_egg"))); paletteVersions.put("1_19_10", new PaletteVersion(Bedrock_v534.V534_CODEC.getProtocolVersion(), Collections.emptyMap())); paletteVersions.put("1_19_20", new PaletteVersion(Bedrock_v544.V544_CODEC.getProtocolVersion(), Collections.emptyMap())); GeyserBootstrap bootstrap = GeyserImpl.getInstance().getBootstrap(); TypeReference> mappingItemsType = new TypeReference<>() { }; Map items; try (InputStream stream = bootstrap.getResource("mappings/items.json")) { // Load item mappings from Java Edition to Bedrock Edition items = GeyserImpl.JSON_MAPPER.readValue(stream, mappingItemsType); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to load Java runtime item IDs", e); } boolean customItemsAllowed = GeyserImpl.getInstance().getConfig().isAddNonBedrockItems(); // List values here is important compared to HashSet - we need to preserve the order of what's given to us // (as of 1.19.2 Java) to replicate some edge cases in Java predicate behavior where it checks from the bottom // of the list first, then ascends. Multimap customItems = MultimapBuilder.hashKeys().arrayListValues().build(); List nonVanillaCustomItems; MappingsConfigReader mappingsConfigReader = new MappingsConfigReader(); if (customItemsAllowed) { // Load custom items from mappings files mappingsConfigReader.loadMappingsFromJson((key, item) -> { if (CustomItemRegistryPopulator.initialCheck(key, item, items)) { customItems.get(key).add(item); } }); nonVanillaCustomItems = new ObjectArrayList<>(); GeyserImpl.getInstance().eventBus().fire(new GeyserDefineCustomItemsEventImpl(customItems, nonVanillaCustomItems) { @Override public boolean register(@NonNull String identifier, @NonNull CustomItemData customItemData) { if (CustomItemRegistryPopulator.initialCheck(identifier, customItemData, items)) { customItems.get(identifier).add(customItemData); return true; } return false; } @Override public boolean register(@NonNull NonVanillaCustomItemData customItemData) { if (customItemData.identifier().startsWith("minecraft:")) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("The custom item " + customItemData.identifier() + " is attempting to masquerade as a vanilla Minecraft item!"); return false; } if (customItemData.javaId() < items.size()) { // Attempting to overwrite an item that already exists in the protocol GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("The custom item " + customItemData.identifier() + " is attempting to overwrite a vanilla Minecraft item!"); return false; } nonVanillaCustomItems.add(customItemData); return true; } }); } else { nonVanillaCustomItems = Collections.emptyList(); } int customItemCount = customItems.size() + nonVanillaCustomItems.size(); if (customItemCount > 0) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().info("Registered " + customItemCount + " custom items"); } // We can reduce some operations as Java information is the same across all palette versions boolean firstMappingsPass = true; Int2IntMap dyeColors = new FixedInt2IntMap(); /* Load item palette */ for (Map.Entry palette : paletteVersions.entrySet()) { TypeReference> paletteEntriesType = new TypeReference<>() {}; // Used to get the Bedrock namespaced ID (in instances where there are small differences) Object2IntMap bedrockIdentifierToId = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>(); bedrockIdentifierToId.defaultReturnValue(Short.MIN_VALUE); List itemNames = new ArrayList<>(); List itemEntries; try (InputStream stream = bootstrap.getResource(String.format("bedrock/runtime_item_states.%s.json", palette.getKey()))) { itemEntries = GeyserImpl.JSON_MAPPER.readValue(stream, paletteEntriesType); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to load Bedrock runtime item IDs", e); } // Used for custom items int nextFreeBedrockId = 0; List componentItemData = new ObjectArrayList<>(); Map entries = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); for (PaletteItem entry : itemEntries) { int id = entry.getId(); if (id >= nextFreeBedrockId) { nextFreeBedrockId = id + 1; } entries.put(entry.getName(), new StartGamePacket.ItemEntry(entry.getName(), (short) id)); bedrockIdentifierToId.put(entry.getName(), id); } Object2IntMap bedrockBlockIdOverrides = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>(); Object2IntMap blacklistedIdentifiers = new Object2IntOpenHashMap<>(); // Load creative items // We load this before item mappings to get overridden block runtime ID mappings JsonNode creativeItemEntries; try (InputStream stream = bootstrap.getResource(String.format("bedrock/creative_items.%s.json", palette.getKey()))) { creativeItemEntries = GeyserImpl.JSON_MAPPER.readTree(stream).get("items"); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Unable to load creative items", e); } IntList boats = new IntArrayList(); IntList buckets = new IntArrayList(); IntList spawnEggs = new IntArrayList(); List carpets = new ObjectArrayList<>(); List mappings = new ObjectArrayList<>(); // Temporary mapping to create stored items Map identifierToMapping = new Object2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); int netId = 1; List creativeItems = new ArrayList<>(); for (JsonNode itemNode : creativeItemEntries) { int count = 1; int damage = 0; int blockRuntimeId = 0; NbtMap tag = null; JsonNode damageNode = itemNode.get("damage"); if (damageNode != null) { damage = damageNode.asInt(); } JsonNode countNode = itemNode.get("count"); if (countNode != null) { count = countNode.asInt(); } JsonNode blockRuntimeIdNode = itemNode.get("blockRuntimeId"); if (blockRuntimeIdNode != null) { blockRuntimeId = blockRuntimeIdNode.asInt(); } JsonNode nbtNode = itemNode.get("nbt_b64"); if (nbtNode != null) { byte[] bytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(nbtNode.asText()); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); try { tag = (NbtMap) NbtUtils.createReaderLE(bais).readTag(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } String identifier = itemNode.get("id").textValue(); if (identifier.equals("minecraft:debug_stick")) { // Just shows an empty texture; either way it doesn't exist in the creative menu on Java continue; } else if (identifier.equals("minecraft:empty_map") && damage == 2) { // Bedrock-only as its own item continue; } else if (identifier.equals("minecraft:bordure_indented_banner_pattern") || identifier.equals("minecraft:field_masoned_banner_pattern")) { // Bedrock-only banner patterns continue; } StartGamePacket.ItemEntry entry = entries.get(identifier); int id = -1; if (entry != null) { id = entry.getId(); } if (id == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find matching Bedrock item for " + identifier); } creativeItems.add(ItemData.builder() .id(id) .damage(damage) .count(count) .blockRuntimeId(blockRuntimeId) .tag(tag) .netId(netId++) .build()); if (blockRuntimeId != 0) { // Add override for item mapping, unless it already exists... then we know multiple states can exist if (!blacklistedIdentifiers.containsKey(identifier)) { if (bedrockBlockIdOverrides.containsKey(identifier)) { bedrockBlockIdOverrides.removeInt(identifier); // Save this as a blacklist, but also as knowledge of what the block state name should be blacklistedIdentifiers.put(identifier, blockRuntimeId); } else { // Unless there's multiple possibilities for this one state, let this be bedrockBlockIdOverrides.put(identifier, blockRuntimeId); } } } } BlockMappings blockMappings = BlockRegistries.BLOCKS.forVersion(palette.getValue().protocolVersion()); int itemIndex = 0; int javaFurnaceMinecartId = 0; Set javaOnlyItems = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(); Collections.addAll(javaOnlyItems, "minecraft:spectral_arrow", "minecraft:debug_stick", "minecraft:knowledge_book", "minecraft:tipped_arrow", "minecraft:bundle"); if (!customItemsAllowed) { javaOnlyItems.add("minecraft:furnace_minecart"); } // Java-only items for this version javaOnlyItems.addAll(palette.getValue().additionalTranslatedItems().keySet()); Int2ObjectMap customIdMappings = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); Set registeredItemNames = new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(); // This is used to check for duplicate item names for (Map.Entry entry : items.entrySet()) { String javaIdentifier = entry.getKey().intern(); GeyserMappingItem mappingItem; String replacementItem = palette.getValue().additionalTranslatedItems().get(javaIdentifier); if (replacementItem != null) { mappingItem = items.get(replacementItem); } else { // This items has a mapping specifically for this version of the game mappingItem = entry.getValue(); } if (customItemsAllowed && javaIdentifier.equals("minecraft:furnace_minecart")) { javaFurnaceMinecartId = itemIndex; itemIndex++; // Will be added later mappings.add(null); continue; } String bedrockIdentifier = mappingItem.getBedrockIdentifier(); int bedrockId = bedrockIdentifierToId.getInt(bedrockIdentifier); if (bedrockId == Short.MIN_VALUE) { throw new RuntimeException("Missing Bedrock ID in mappings: " + bedrockIdentifier); } int stackSize = mappingItem.getStackSize(); int bedrockBlockId = -1; Integer firstBlockRuntimeId = entry.getValue().getFirstBlockRuntimeId(); if (firstBlockRuntimeId != null) { int blockIdOverride = bedrockBlockIdOverrides.getOrDefault(bedrockIdentifier, -1); if (blockIdOverride != -1) { // Straight from BDS is our best chance of getting an item that doesn't run into issues bedrockBlockId = blockIdOverride; } else { // Try to get an example block runtime ID from the creative contents packet, for Bedrock identifier obtaining int aValidBedrockBlockId = blacklistedIdentifiers.getOrDefault(bedrockIdentifier, -1); if (aValidBedrockBlockId == -1) { // Fallback bedrockBlockId = blockMappings.getBedrockBlockId(firstBlockRuntimeId); } else { // As of 1.16.220, every item requires a block runtime ID attached to it. // This is mostly for identifying different blocks with the same item ID - wool, slabs, some walls. // However, in order for some visuals and crafting to work, we need to send the first matching block state // as indexed by Bedrock's block palette // There are exceptions! But, ideally, the block ID override should take care of those. NbtMapBuilder requiredBlockStatesBuilder = NbtMap.builder(); String correctBedrockIdentifier = blockMappings.getBedrockBlockStates().get(aValidBedrockBlockId).getString("name"); boolean firstPass = true; // Block states are all grouped together. In the mappings, we store the first block runtime ID in order, // and the last, if relevant. We then iterate over all those values and get their Bedrock equivalents Integer lastBlockRuntimeId = entry.getValue().getLastBlockRuntimeId() == null ? firstBlockRuntimeId : entry.getValue().getLastBlockRuntimeId(); for (int i = firstBlockRuntimeId; i <= lastBlockRuntimeId; i++) { int bedrockBlockRuntimeId = blockMappings.getBedrockBlockId(i); NbtMap blockTag = blockMappings.getBedrockBlockStates().get(bedrockBlockRuntimeId); String bedrockName = blockTag.getString("name"); if (!bedrockName.equals(correctBedrockIdentifier)) { continue; } NbtMap states = blockTag.getCompound("states"); if (firstPass) { firstPass = false; if (states.size() == 0) { // No need to iterate and find all block states - this is the one, as there can't be any others bedrockBlockId = bedrockBlockRuntimeId; break; } requiredBlockStatesBuilder.putAll(states); continue; } for (Map.Entry nbtEntry : states.entrySet()) { Object value = requiredBlockStatesBuilder.get(nbtEntry.getKey()); if (value != null && !nbtEntry.getValue().equals(value)) { // Null means this value has already been removed/deemed as unneeded // This state can change between different block states, and therefore is not required // to build a successful block state of this requiredBlockStatesBuilder.remove(nbtEntry.getKey()); } } if (requiredBlockStatesBuilder.size() == 0) { // There are no required block states // E.G. there was only a direction property that is no longer in play // (States that are important include color for glass) break; } } NbtMap requiredBlockStates = requiredBlockStatesBuilder.build(); if (bedrockBlockId == -1) { int i = -1; // We need to loop around again (we can't cache the block tags above) because Bedrock can include states that we don't have a pairing for // in it's "preferred" block state - I.E. the first matching block state in the list for (NbtMap blockTag : blockMappings.getBedrockBlockStates()) { i++; if (blockTag.getString("name").equals(correctBedrockIdentifier)) { NbtMap states = blockTag.getCompound("states"); boolean valid = true; for (Map.Entry nbtEntry : requiredBlockStates.entrySet()) { if (!states.get(nbtEntry.getKey()).equals(nbtEntry.getValue())) { // A required block state doesn't match - this one is not valid valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { bedrockBlockId = i; break; } } } if (bedrockBlockId == -1) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find a block match for " + entry.getKey()); } } // Because we have replaced the Bedrock block ID, we also need to replace the creative contents block runtime ID // That way, creative items work correctly for these blocks for (int j = 0; j < creativeItems.size(); j++) { ItemData itemData = creativeItems.get(j); if (itemData.getId() == bedrockId) { if (itemData.getDamage() != 0) { break; } NbtMap states = blockMappings.getBedrockBlockStates().get(itemData.getBlockRuntimeId()).getCompound("states"); boolean valid = true; for (Map.Entry nbtEntry : requiredBlockStates.entrySet()) { if (!states.get(nbtEntry.getKey()).equals(nbtEntry.getValue())) { // A required block state doesn't match - this one is not valid valid = false; break; } } if (valid) { creativeItems.set(j, itemData.toBuilder().blockRuntimeId(bedrockBlockId).build()); break; } } } } } } ItemMapping.ItemMappingBuilder mappingBuilder = ItemMapping.builder() .javaIdentifier(javaIdentifier) .javaId(itemIndex) .bedrockIdentifier(bedrockIdentifier.intern()) .bedrockId(bedrockId) .bedrockData(mappingItem.getBedrockData()) .bedrockBlockId(bedrockBlockId) .stackSize(stackSize) .maxDamage(mappingItem.getMaxDamage()) .hasSuspiciousStewEffect(mappingItem.isHasSuspiciousStewEffect()); if (mappingItem.getRepairMaterials() != null) { mappingBuilder = mappingBuilder.repairMaterials(new ObjectOpenHashSet<>(mappingItem.getRepairMaterials())); } if (mappingItem.getToolType() != null) { if (mappingItem.getToolTier() != null) { mappingBuilder = mappingBuilder.toolType(mappingItem.getToolType().intern()) .toolTier(mappingItem.getToolTier().intern()); } else { mappingBuilder = mappingBuilder.toolType(mappingItem.getToolType().intern()) .toolTier(""); } } if (javaOnlyItems.contains(javaIdentifier)) { // These items don't exist on Bedrock, so set up a variable that indicates they should have custom names mappingBuilder = mappingBuilder.translationString((bedrockBlockId != -1 ? "block." : "item.") + entry.getKey().replace(":", ".")); GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().debug("Adding " + entry.getKey() + " as an item that needs to be translated."); } // Add the custom item properties, if applicable List> customItemOptions; Collection customItemsToLoad = customItems.get(javaIdentifier); if (customItemsAllowed && !customItemsToLoad.isEmpty()) { customItemOptions = new ObjectArrayList<>(customItemsToLoad.size()); for (CustomItemData customItem : customItemsToLoad) { int customProtocolId = nextFreeBedrockId++; String customItemName = "geyser_custom:" + customItem.name(); if (!registeredItemNames.add(customItemName)) { if (firstMappingsPass) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Custom item name '" + customItem.name() + "' already exists and was registered again! Skipping..."); } continue; } GeyserCustomMappingData customMapping = CustomItemRegistryPopulator.registerCustomItem( customItemName, mappingItem, customItem, customProtocolId ); // StartGamePacket entry - needed for Bedrock to recognize the item through the protocol entries.put(customMapping.stringId(), customMapping.startGamePacketItemEntry()); // ComponentItemData - used to register some custom properties componentItemData.add(customMapping.componentItemData()); customItemOptions.add(ObjectIntPair.of(customItem.customItemOptions(), customProtocolId)); customIdMappings.put(customMapping.integerId(), customMapping.stringId()); } // Important for later to find the best match and accurately replicate Java behavior Collections.reverse(customItemOptions); } else { customItemOptions = Collections.emptyList(); } mappingBuilder.customItemOptions(customItemOptions); ItemMapping mapping = mappingBuilder.build(); if (javaIdentifier.contains("boat")) { boats.add(bedrockId); } else if (javaIdentifier.contains("bucket") && !javaIdentifier.contains("milk")) { buckets.add(bedrockId); } else if (javaIdentifier.contains("_carpet") && !javaIdentifier.contains("moss")) { // This should be the numerical order Java sends as an integer value for llamas carpets.add(ItemData.builder() .id(mapping.getBedrockId()) .damage(mapping.getBedrockData()) .count(1) .blockRuntimeId(mapping.getBedrockBlockId()) .build()); } else if (javaIdentifier.startsWith("minecraft:music_disc_")) { // The Java record level event uses the item ID as the "key" to play the record Registries.RECORDS.register(itemIndex, SoundEvent.valueOf("RECORD_" + javaIdentifier.replace("minecraft:music_disc_", "").toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH))); } else if (javaIdentifier.endsWith("_spawn_egg")) { spawnEggs.add(mapping.getBedrockId()); } mappings.add(mapping); identifierToMapping.put(javaIdentifier, mapping); itemNames.add(javaIdentifier); if (firstMappingsPass && mappingItem.getDyeColor() != -1) { dyeColors.put(itemIndex, mappingItem.getDyeColor()); } itemIndex++; } itemNames.add("minecraft:furnace_minecart"); int lodestoneCompassId = entries.get("minecraft:lodestone_compass").getId(); if (lodestoneCompassId == 0) { throw new RuntimeException("Lodestone compass not found in item palette!"); } // Add the lodestone compass since it doesn't exist on java but we need it for item conversion ItemMapping lodestoneEntry = ItemMapping.builder() .javaIdentifier("") .bedrockIdentifier("minecraft:lodestone_compass") .javaId(-1) .bedrockId(lodestoneCompassId) .bedrockData(0) .bedrockBlockId(-1) .stackSize(1) .customItemOptions(Collections.emptyList()) .build(); if (customItemsAllowed) { // Add the furnace minecart as a custom item int furnaceMinecartId = nextFreeBedrockId++; entries.put("geysermc:furnace_minecart", new StartGamePacket.ItemEntry("geysermc:furnace_minecart", (short) furnaceMinecartId, true)); mappings.set(javaFurnaceMinecartId, ItemMapping.builder() .javaIdentifier("minecraft:furnace_minecart") .bedrockIdentifier("geysermc:furnace_minecart") .javaId(javaFurnaceMinecartId) .bedrockId(furnaceMinecartId) .bedrockData(0) .bedrockBlockId(-1) .stackSize(1) .customItemOptions(Collections.emptyList()) // TODO check for custom items with furnace minecart .build()); creativeItems.add(ItemData.builder() .netId(netId++) .id(furnaceMinecartId) .count(1).build()); NbtMapBuilder builder = NbtMap.builder(); builder.putString("name", "geysermc:furnace_minecart") .putInt("id", furnaceMinecartId); NbtMapBuilder itemProperties = NbtMap.builder(); NbtMapBuilder componentBuilder = NbtMap.builder(); // Conveniently, as of 1.16.200, the furnace minecart has a texture AND translation string already. itemProperties.putCompound("minecraft:icon", NbtMap.builder() .putString("texture", "minecart_furnace") .putString("frame", "0.000000") .putInt("frame_version", 1) .putString("legacy_id", "").build()); componentBuilder.putCompound("minecraft:display_name", NbtMap.builder().putString("value", "item.minecartFurnace.name").build()); // Indicate that the arm animation should play on rails List useOnTag = Collections.singletonList(NbtMap.builder().putString("tags", "q.any_tag('rail')").build()); componentBuilder.putCompound("minecraft:entity_placer", NbtMap.builder() .putList("dispense_on", NbtType.COMPOUND, useOnTag) .putString("entity", "minecraft:minecart") .putList("use_on", NbtType.COMPOUND, useOnTag) .build()); // We always want to allow offhand usage when we can - matches Java Edition itemProperties.putBoolean("allow_off_hand", true); itemProperties.putBoolean("hand_equipped", false); itemProperties.putInt("max_stack_size", 1); itemProperties.putString("creative_group", "itemGroup.name.minecart"); itemProperties.putInt("creative_category", 4); // 4 - "Items" componentBuilder.putCompound("item_properties", itemProperties.build()); builder.putCompound("components", componentBuilder.build()); componentItemData.add(new ComponentItemData("geysermc:furnace_minecart", builder.build())); // Register any completely custom items given to us IntSet registeredJavaIds = new IntOpenHashSet(); // Used to check for duplicate item java ids for (NonVanillaCustomItemData customItem : nonVanillaCustomItems) { if (!registeredJavaIds.add(customItem.javaId())) { if (firstMappingsPass) { GeyserImpl.getInstance().getLogger().error("Custom item java id " + customItem.javaId() + " already exists and was registered again! Skipping..."); } continue; } int customItemId = nextFreeBedrockId++; NonVanillaItemRegistration registration = CustomItemRegistryPopulator.registerCustomItem(customItem, customItemId); componentItemData.add(registration.componentItemData()); ItemMapping mapping = registration.mapping(); while (mapping.getJavaId() >= mappings.size()) { // Fill with empty to get to the correct size mappings.add(ItemMapping.AIR); } mappings.set(mapping.getJavaId(), mapping); if (customItem.creativeGroup() != null || customItem.creativeCategory().isPresent()) { creativeItems.add(ItemData.builder() .id(customItemId) .netId(netId++) .count(1).build()); } } } ItemMappings itemMappings = ItemMappings.builder() .items(mappings.toArray(new ItemMapping[0])) .creativeItems(creativeItems.toArray(new ItemData[0])) .itemEntries(List.copyOf(entries.values())) .itemNames(itemNames.toArray(new String[0])) .storedItems(new StoredItemMappings(identifierToMapping)) .javaOnlyItems(javaOnlyItems) .bucketIds(buckets) .boatIds(boats) .spawnEggIds(spawnEggs) .carpets(carpets) .componentItemData(componentItemData) .lodestoneCompass(lodestoneEntry) .customIdMappings(customIdMappings) .build(); Registries.ITEMS.register(palette.getValue().protocolVersion(), itemMappings); firstMappingsPass = false; } ItemUtils.setDyeColors(dyeColors); } }