/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.entity.type.living; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.EntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.Rotation; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.type.ByteEntityMetadata; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.GameMode; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.player.Hand; import com.nukkitx.math.vector.Vector3f; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityFlag; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.MoveEntityAbsolutePacket; import lombok.Getter; import net.kyori.adventure.text.Component; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.EntityDefinition; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.EntityDefinitions; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.type.LivingEntity; import org.geysermc.geyser.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.InteractionResult; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.MathUtils; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.UUID; public class ArmorStandEntity extends LivingEntity { // These are used to store the state of the armour stand for use when handling invisibility @Getter private boolean isMarker = false; private boolean isInvisible = false; private boolean isSmall = false; /** * On Java Edition, armor stands always show their name. Invisibility hides the name on Bedrock. * By having a second entity, we can allow an invisible entity with the name tag. * (This lets armor on armor stands still show) */ private ArmorStandEntity secondEntity = null; /** * Whether this is the primary armor stand that holds the armor and not the name tag. */ private boolean primaryEntity = true; /** * Whether the entity's position must be updated to included the offset. * * This should be true when the Java server marks the armor stand as invisible, but we shrink the entity * to allow the nametag to appear. Basically: * - Is visible: this is irrelevant (false) * - Has armor, no name: false * - Has armor, has name: false, with a second entity * - No armor, no name: false * - No armor, yes name: true */ private boolean positionRequiresOffset = false; /** * Whether we should update the position of this armor stand after metadata updates. */ private boolean positionUpdateRequired = false; public ArmorStandEntity(GeyserSession session, int entityId, long geyserId, UUID uuid, EntityDefinition definition, Vector3f position, Vector3f motion, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw) { super(session, entityId, geyserId, uuid, definition, position, motion, yaw, pitch, headYaw); } @Override public void spawnEntity() { super.spawnEntity(); } @Override public boolean despawnEntity() { if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.despawnEntity(); } return super.despawnEntity(); } @Override public void moveRelative(double relX, double relY, double relZ, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, boolean isOnGround) { if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.moveRelative(relX, relY, relZ, yaw, pitch, headYaw, isOnGround); } super.moveRelative(relX, relY, relZ, yaw, pitch, headYaw, isOnGround); } @Override public void moveAbsolute(Vector3f position, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, boolean isOnGround, boolean teleported) { if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.moveAbsolute(applyOffsetToPosition(position), yaw, pitch, headYaw, isOnGround, teleported); } else if (positionRequiresOffset) { // Fake the height to be above where it is so the nametag appears in the right location for invisible non-marker armour stands position = applyOffsetToPosition(position); } super.moveAbsolute(position, yaw, yaw, yaw, isOnGround, teleported); } @Override public void setDisplayName(EntityMetadata, ?> entityMetadata) { super.setDisplayName(entityMetadata); updateSecondEntityStatus(false); } public void setArmorStandFlags(ByteEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { byte xd = entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue(); // isSmall boolean newIsSmall = (xd & 0x01) == 0x01; if (newIsSmall != isSmall) { if (positionRequiresOffset) { // Fix new inconsistency with offset this.position = fixOffsetForSize(position, newIsSmall); positionUpdateRequired = true; } isSmall = newIsSmall; if (!isMarker && !isInvisible) { // Addition for isInvisible check caused by https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser/issues/2780 toggleSmallStatus(); } } // setMarker boolean oldIsMarker = isMarker; isMarker = (xd & 0x10) == 0x10; if (oldIsMarker != isMarker) { if (isMarker) { setBoundingBoxWidth(0.0f); setBoundingBoxHeight(0.0f); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.SCALE, 0f); } else { toggleSmallStatus(); } updateMountOffset(); updateSecondEntityStatus(false); } // The following values don't do anything on normal Bedrock. // But if given a resource pack, then we can use these values to control armor stand visual properties setFlag(EntityFlag.ANGRY, (xd & 0x04) != 0x04); // Has arms setFlag(EntityFlag.ADMIRING, (xd & 0x08) == 0x08); // Has no baseplate } public void setHeadRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.MARK_VARIANT, EntityFlag.INTERESTED, EntityFlag.CHARGED, EntityFlag.POWERED, entityMetadata.getValue()); } public void setBodyRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.VARIANT, EntityFlag.IN_LOVE, EntityFlag.CELEBRATING, EntityFlag.CELEBRATING_SPECIAL, entityMetadata.getValue()); } public void setLeftArmRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.TRADE_TIER, EntityFlag.CHARGING, EntityFlag.CRITICAL, EntityFlag.DANCING, entityMetadata.getValue()); } public void setRightArmRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.MAX_TRADE_TIER, EntityFlag.ELDER, EntityFlag.EMOTING, EntityFlag.IDLING, entityMetadata.getValue()); } public void setLeftLegRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.SKIN_ID, EntityFlag.IS_ILLAGER_CAPTAIN, EntityFlag.IS_IN_UI, EntityFlag.LINGERING, entityMetadata.getValue()); } public void setRightLegRotation(EntityMetadata entityMetadata) { onRotationUpdate(EntityData.HURT_DIRECTION, EntityFlag.IS_PREGNANT, EntityFlag.SHEARED, EntityFlag.STALKING, entityMetadata.getValue()); } /** * Updates rotation on the armor stand by hijacking other unused Bedrock entity data/flags. * Do note: as of recent Bedrock versions there is a custom entity data system that can be replaced with this, * but at this time there is no need to implement this. * * @param dataLeech the entity data to "leech" off of that stores a compressed version of the rotation * @param negativeXToggle the flag to set true if the X value of rotation is negative * @param negativeYToggle the flag to set true if the Y value of rotation is negative * @param negativeZToggle the flag to set true if the Z value of rotation is negative * @param rotation the Java rotation value */ private void onRotationUpdate(EntityData dataLeech, EntityFlag negativeXToggle, EntityFlag negativeYToggle, EntityFlag negativeZToggle, Rotation rotation) { // Indicate that rotation should be checked setFlag(EntityFlag.BRIBED, true); int rotationX = MathUtils.wrapDegreesToInt(rotation.getPitch()); int rotationY = MathUtils.wrapDegreesToInt(rotation.getYaw()); int rotationZ = MathUtils.wrapDegreesToInt(rotation.getRoll()); // The top bit acts like binary and determines if each rotation goes above 100 // We don't do this for the negative values out of concerns of the number being too big int topBit = (Math.abs(rotationX) >= 100 ? 4 : 0) + (Math.abs(rotationY) >= 100 ? 2 : 0) + (Math.abs(rotationZ) >= 100 ? 1 : 0); int value = (topBit * 1000000) + ((Math.abs(rotationX) % 100) * 10000) + ((Math.abs(rotationY) % 100) * 100) + (Math.abs(rotationZ) % 100); dirtyMetadata.put(dataLeech, value); // Set the entity flags if a value is negative setFlag(negativeXToggle, rotationX < 0); setFlag(negativeYToggle, rotationY < 0); setFlag(negativeZToggle, rotationZ < 0); } @Override public void updateBedrockMetadata() { if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.updateBedrockMetadata(); } super.updateBedrockMetadata(); if (positionUpdateRequired) { positionUpdateRequired = false; updatePosition(); } } @Override protected void setInvisible(boolean value) { // Check if the armour stand is invisible and store accordingly if (primaryEntity) { isInvisible = value; updateSecondEntityStatus(false); } } @Override public InteractionResult interactAt(Hand hand) { if (!isMarker && session.getPlayerInventory().getItemInHand(hand).getJavaId() != session.getItemMappings().getStoredItems().nameTag()) { // Java Edition returns SUCCESS if in spectator mode, but this is overrided with an earlier check on the client return InteractionResult.CONSUME; } else { return InteractionResult.PASS; } } @Override public void setHelmet(ItemData helmet) { super.setHelmet(helmet); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } @Override public void setChestplate(ItemData chestplate) { super.setChestplate(chestplate); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } @Override public void setLeggings(ItemData leggings) { super.setLeggings(leggings); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } @Override public void setBoots(ItemData boots) { super.setBoots(boots); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } @Override public void setHand(ItemData hand) { super.setHand(hand); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } @Override public void setOffHand(ItemData offHand) { super.setOffHand(offHand); updateSecondEntityStatus(true); } /** * Determine if we need to load or unload the second entity. * * @param sendMetadata whether to send a metadata update after a change. */ private void updateSecondEntityStatus(boolean sendMetadata) { // A secondary entity always has to have the offset applied, so it remains invisible and the nametag shows. if (!primaryEntity) return; if (!isInvisible || isMarker) { // It is either impossible to show armor, or the armor stand isn't invisible. We good. setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, false); updateOffsetRequirement(false); if (positionUpdateRequired) { positionUpdateRequired = false; updatePosition(); } if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.despawnEntity(); secondEntity = null; } return; } boolean isNametagEmpty = nametag.isEmpty(); if (!isNametagEmpty && (!helmet.equals(ItemData.AIR) || !chestplate.equals(ItemData.AIR) || !leggings.equals(ItemData.AIR) || !boots.equals(ItemData.AIR) || !hand.equals(ItemData.AIR) || !offHand.equals(ItemData.AIR))) { // If the second entity exists, no need to recreate it. // We can't stuff this check above or else it'll fall into another else case and delete the second entity if (secondEntity != null) return; // Create the second entity. It doesn't need to worry about the items, but it does need to worry about // the metadata as it will hold the name tag. secondEntity = new ArmorStandEntity(session, 0, session.getEntityCache().getNextEntityId().incrementAndGet(), null, EntityDefinitions.ARMOR_STAND, position, motion, getYaw(), getPitch(), getHeadYaw()); secondEntity.primaryEntity = false; if (!this.positionRequiresOffset) { // Ensure the offset is applied for the 0 scale secondEntity.position = secondEntity.applyOffsetToPosition(secondEntity.position); } // Copy metadata secondEntity.isSmall = isSmall; //secondEntity.getDirtyMetadata().putAll(dirtyMetadata); //TODO check secondEntity.flags.merge(this.flags); // Guarantee this copy is NOT invisible secondEntity.setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, false); // Scale to 0 to show nametag secondEntity.getDirtyMetadata().put(EntityData.SCALE, 0.0f); // No bounding box as we don't want to interact with this entity secondEntity.getDirtyMetadata().put(EntityData.BOUNDING_BOX_WIDTH, 0.0f); secondEntity.getDirtyMetadata().put(EntityData.BOUNDING_BOX_HEIGHT, 0.0f); secondEntity.spawnEntity(); // Reset scale of the proper armor stand this.dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.SCALE, isSmall ? 0.55f : 1f); // Set the proper armor stand to invisible to show armor setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, true); // Update the position of the armor stand updateOffsetRequirement(false); } else if (isNametagEmpty) { // We can just make an invisible entity // Reset scale of the proper armor stand dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.SCALE, isSmall ? 0.55f : 1f); // Set the proper armor stand to invisible to show armor setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, true); // Update offset updateOffsetRequirement(false); if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.despawnEntity(); secondEntity = null; } } else { // Nametag is not empty and there is no armor // We don't need to make a new entity setFlag(EntityFlag.INVISIBLE, false); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.SCALE, 0.0f); // As the above is applied, we need an offset updateOffsetRequirement(true); if (secondEntity != null) { secondEntity.despawnEntity(); secondEntity = null; } } if (sendMetadata) { this.updateBedrockMetadata(); } } /** * If this armor stand is not a marker, set its bounding box size and scale. */ private void toggleSmallStatus() { setBoundingBoxWidth(isSmall ? 0.25f : definition.width()); setBoundingBoxHeight(isSmall ? 0.9875f : definition.height()); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.SCALE, isSmall ? 0.55f : 1f); } /** * @return the selected position with the position offset applied. */ private Vector3f applyOffsetToPosition(Vector3f position) { return position.add(0d, definition.height() * (isSmall ? 0.55d : 1d), 0d); } /** * @return an adjusted offset for the new small status. */ private Vector3f fixOffsetForSize(Vector3f position, boolean isNowSmall) { position = removeOffsetFromPosition(position); return position.add(0d, definition.height() * (isNowSmall ? 0.55d : 1d), 0d); } /** * @return the selected position with the position offset removed. */ private Vector3f removeOffsetFromPosition(Vector3f position) { return position.sub(0d, definition.height() * (isSmall ? 0.55d : 1d), 0d); } /** * Set the offset to a new value; if it changed, update the position, too. */ private void updateOffsetRequirement(boolean newValue) { if (newValue != positionRequiresOffset) { this.positionRequiresOffset = newValue; if (positionRequiresOffset) { this.position = applyOffsetToPosition(position); } else { this.position = removeOffsetFromPosition(position); } positionUpdateRequired = true; } } /** * Updates position without calling movement code. */ private void updatePosition() { MoveEntityAbsolutePacket moveEntityPacket = new MoveEntityAbsolutePacket(); moveEntityPacket.setRuntimeEntityId(geyserId); moveEntityPacket.setPosition(position); moveEntityPacket.setRotation(getBedrockRotation()); moveEntityPacket.setOnGround(isOnGround()); moveEntityPacket.setTeleported(false); session.sendUpstreamPacket(moveEntityPacket); } @Override public Vector3f getBedrockRotation() { return Vector3f.from(getYaw(), getYaw(), getYaw()); } }