/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.ItemStack; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.inventory.ContainerType; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.recipe.Ingredient; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.IntTag; import com.github.steveice10.opennbt.tag.builtin.Tag; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ContainerSlotType; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.ItemStackRequest; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.StackRequestSlotInfoData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.inventory.stackrequestactions.*; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.ItemStackResponsePacket; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.*; import lombok.AllArgsConstructor; import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.Nullable; import org.geysermc.geyser.GeyserImpl; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.*; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.click.Click; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.click.ClickPlan; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.recipe.GeyserRecipe; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.recipe.GeyserShapedRecipe; import org.geysermc.geyser.inventory.recipe.GeyserShapelessRecipe; import org.geysermc.geyser.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.chest.DoubleChestInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.chest.SingleChestInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.furnace.BlastFurnaceInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.furnace.FurnaceInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.inventory.furnace.SmokerInventoryTranslator; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.InventoryUtils; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.ItemUtils; import java.util.*; @AllArgsConstructor public abstract class InventoryTranslator { public static final InventoryTranslator PLAYER_INVENTORY_TRANSLATOR = new PlayerInventoryTranslator(); private static final Map INVENTORY_TRANSLATORS = new EnumMap<>(ContainerType.class) { { /* Chest UIs */ put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X1, new SingleChestInventoryTranslator(9)); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X2, new SingleChestInventoryTranslator(18)); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X3, new SingleChestInventoryTranslator(27)); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X4, new DoubleChestInventoryTranslator(36)); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X5, new DoubleChestInventoryTranslator(45)); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_9X6, new DoubleChestInventoryTranslator(54)); /* Furnaces */ put(ContainerType.FURNACE, new FurnaceInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.BLAST_FURNACE, new BlastFurnaceInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.SMOKER, new SmokerInventoryTranslator()); /* Specific Inventories */ put(ContainerType.ANVIL, new AnvilInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.BEACON, new BeaconInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.BREWING_STAND, new BrewingInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.CARTOGRAPHY, new CartographyInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.CRAFTING, new CraftingInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.ENCHANTMENT, new EnchantingInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.HOPPER, new HopperInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.GENERIC_3X3, new Generic3X3InventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.GRINDSTONE, new GrindstoneInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.LOOM, new LoomInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.MERCHANT, new MerchantInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.SHULKER_BOX, new ShulkerInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.SMITHING, new SmithingInventoryTranslator()); put(ContainerType.STONECUTTER, new StonecutterInventoryTranslator()); /* Lectern */ put(ContainerType.LECTERN, new LecternInventoryTranslator()); } }; public static final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_SIZE = 36; public static final int PLAYER_INVENTORY_OFFSET = 9; public final int size; public abstract void prepareInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory); public abstract void openInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory); public abstract void closeInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory); public abstract void updateProperty(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, int key, int value); public abstract void updateInventory(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory); public abstract void updateSlot(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, int slot); public abstract int bedrockSlotToJava(StackRequestSlotInfoData slotInfoData); public abstract int javaSlotToBedrock(int javaSlot); public abstract BedrockContainerSlot javaSlotToBedrockContainer(int javaSlot); public abstract SlotType getSlotType(int javaSlot); public abstract Inventory createInventory(String name, int windowId, ContainerType containerType, PlayerInventory playerInventory); /** * Used for crafting-related transactions. Will override in PlayerInventoryTranslator and CraftingInventoryTranslator. */ public int getGridSize() { return -1; } /** * Should be overwritten in cases where specific inventories should reject an item being in a specific spot. * For examples, looms use this to reject items that are dyes in Bedrock but not in Java. * * The source/destination slot will be -1 if the cursor is the slot * * @return true if this transfer should be rejected */ protected boolean shouldRejectItemPlace(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ContainerSlotType bedrockSourceContainer, int javaSourceSlot, ContainerSlotType bedrockDestinationContainer, int javaDestinationSlot) { return false; } /** * Should be overrided if this request matches a certain criteria and shouldn't be treated normally. * E.G. anvil renaming or enchanting */ protected boolean shouldHandleRequestFirst(StackRequestActionData action, Inventory inventory) { return false; } /** * If {@link #shouldHandleRequestFirst(StackRequestActionData, Inventory)} returns true, this will be called */ protected ItemStackResponsePacket.Response translateSpecialRequest(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ItemStackRequest request) { return rejectRequest(request); } public final void translateRequests(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, List requests) { boolean refresh = false; ItemStackResponsePacket responsePacket = new ItemStackResponsePacket(); for (ItemStackRequest request : requests) { ItemStackResponsePacket.Response response; if (request.getActions().length > 0) { StackRequestActionData firstAction = request.getActions()[0]; if (shouldHandleRequestFirst(firstAction, inventory)) { // Some special request that shouldn't be processed normally response = translateSpecialRequest(session, inventory, request); } else { response = switch (firstAction.getType()) { case CRAFT_RECIPE -> translateCraftingRequest(session, inventory, request); case CRAFT_RECIPE_AUTO -> translateAutoCraftingRequest(session, inventory, request); case CRAFT_CREATIVE -> // This is also used for pulling items out of creative translateCreativeRequest(session, inventory, request); default -> translateRequest(session, inventory, request); }; } } else { response = rejectRequest(request); } if (response.getResult() != ItemStackResponsePacket.ResponseStatus.OK) { // Sync our copy of the inventory with Bedrock's to prevent desyncs refresh = true; } responsePacket.getEntries().add(response); } session.sendUpstreamPacket(responsePacket); if (refresh) { InventoryUtils.updateCursor(session); updateInventory(session, inventory); } // We're done with our batch of inventory requests so this hack should be reset inventory.resetNextStateId(); } public ItemStackResponsePacket.Response translateRequest(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ItemStackRequest request) { ClickPlan plan = new ClickPlan(session, this, inventory); IntSet affectedSlots = new IntOpenHashSet(); for (StackRequestActionData action : request.getActions()) { GeyserItemStack cursor = session.getPlayerInventory().getCursor(); switch (action.getType()) { case TAKE: case PLACE: { TransferStackRequestActionData transferAction = (TransferStackRequestActionData) action; if (!(checkNetId(session, inventory, transferAction.getSource()) && checkNetId(session, inventory, transferAction.getDestination()))) { if (session.getGeyser().getConfig().isDebugMode()) { session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("DEBUG: About to reject TAKE/PLACE request made by " + session.name()); dumpStackRequestDetails(session, inventory, transferAction.getSource(), transferAction.getDestination()); } return rejectRequest(request); } int sourceSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getSource()); int destSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getDestination()); boolean isSourceCursor = isCursor(transferAction.getSource()); boolean isDestCursor = isCursor(transferAction.getDestination()); if (shouldRejectItemPlace(session, inventory, transferAction.getSource().getContainer(), isSourceCursor ? -1 : sourceSlot, transferAction.getDestination().getContainer(), isDestCursor ? -1 : destSlot)) { // This item would not be here in Java return rejectRequest(request, false); } if (isSourceCursor && isDestCursor) { //??? return rejectRequest(request); } else if (isSourceCursor) { //releasing cursor int sourceAmount = cursor.getAmount(); if (transferAction.getCount() == sourceAmount) { //release all plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); } else { //release some for (int i = 0; i < transferAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, destSlot); } } } else if (isDestCursor) { //picking up into cursor GeyserItemStack sourceItem = plan.getItem(sourceSlot); int sourceAmount = sourceItem.getAmount(); if (cursor.isEmpty()) { //picking up into empty cursor if (transferAction.getCount() == sourceAmount) { //pickup all plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); } else if (transferAction.getCount() == sourceAmount - (sourceAmount / 2)) { //larger half; simple right click plan.add(Click.RIGHT, sourceSlot); } else { //pickup some; not a simple right click plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //first pickup all for (int i = 0; i < sourceAmount - transferAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, sourceSlot); //release extra items back into source slot } } } else { //pickup into non-empty cursor if (!InventoryUtils.canStack(cursor, plan.getItem(sourceSlot))) { //doesn't make sense, reject return rejectRequest(request); } if (transferAction.getCount() != sourceAmount) { int tempSlot = findTempSlot(inventory, cursor, false, sourceSlot); if (tempSlot == -1) { return rejectRequest(request); } plan.add(Click.LEFT, tempSlot); //place cursor into temp slot plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //pickup source items into cursor for (int i = 0; i < transferAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, tempSlot); //partially transfer source items into temp slot (original cursor) } plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //return remaining source items plan.add(Click.LEFT, tempSlot); //retrieve original cursor items from temp slot } else { if (getSlotType(sourceSlot).equals(SlotType.NORMAL)) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //release cursor onto source slot } plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //pickup combined cursor and source } } } else { //transfer from one slot to another int tempSlot = -1; if (!plan.getCursor().isEmpty()) { tempSlot = findTempSlot(inventory, cursor, false, sourceSlot, destSlot); if (tempSlot == -1) { return rejectRequest(request); } plan.add(Click.LEFT, tempSlot); //place cursor into temp slot } transferSlot(plan, sourceSlot, destSlot, transferAction.getCount()); if (tempSlot != -1) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, tempSlot); //retrieve original cursor } } break; } case SWAP: { SwapStackRequestActionData swapAction = (SwapStackRequestActionData) action; StackRequestSlotInfoData source = swapAction.getSource(); StackRequestSlotInfoData destination = swapAction.getDestination(); if (!(checkNetId(session, inventory, source) && checkNetId(session, inventory, destination))) { if (session.getGeyser().getConfig().isDebugMode()) { session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("DEBUG: About to reject SWAP request made by " + session.name()); dumpStackRequestDetails(session, inventory, source, destination); } return rejectRequest(request); } int sourceSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(source); int destSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(destination); boolean isSourceCursor = isCursor(source); boolean isDestCursor = isCursor(destination); if (shouldRejectItemPlace(session, inventory, source.getContainer(), isSourceCursor ? -1 : sourceSlot, destination.getContainer(), isDestCursor ? -1 : destSlot)) { // This item would not be here in Java return rejectRequest(request, false); } if (!isSourceCursor && destination.getContainer() == ContainerSlotType.HOTBAR || destination.getContainer() == ContainerSlotType.HOTBAR_AND_INVENTORY) { // Tell the server we're pressing one of the hotbar keys to save clicks Click click = InventoryUtils.getClickForHotbarSwap(destination.getSlot()); if (click != null) { plan.add(click, sourceSlot); break; } } if (isSourceCursor && isDestCursor) { //??? return rejectRequest(request); } else if (isSourceCursor) { //swap cursor if (InventoryUtils.canStack(cursor, plan.getItem(destSlot))) { //TODO: cannot simply swap if cursor stacks with slot (temp slot) return rejectRequest(request); } plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); } else if (isDestCursor) { //swap cursor if (InventoryUtils.canStack(cursor, plan.getItem(sourceSlot))) { //TODO return rejectRequest(request); } plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); } else { if (!cursor.isEmpty()) { //TODO: (temp slot) return rejectRequest(request); } if (sourceSlot == destSlot) { //doesn't make sense return rejectRequest(request); } if (InventoryUtils.canStack(plan.getItem(sourceSlot), plan.getItem(destSlot))) { //TODO: (temp slot) return rejectRequest(request); } plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //pickup source into cursor plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); //swap cursor with dest slot plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //release cursor onto source } break; } case DROP: { DropStackRequestActionData dropAction = (DropStackRequestActionData) action; if (!checkNetId(session, inventory, dropAction.getSource())) return rejectRequest(request); if (isCursor(dropAction.getSource())) { //clicking outside of window int sourceAmount = plan.getCursor().getAmount(); if (dropAction.getCount() == sourceAmount) { //drop all plan.add(Click.LEFT_OUTSIDE, Click.OUTSIDE_SLOT); } else { //drop some for (int i = 0; i < dropAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT_OUTSIDE, Click.OUTSIDE_SLOT); //drop one until goal is met } } } else { //dropping from inventory int sourceSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(dropAction.getSource()); int sourceAmount = plan.getItem(sourceSlot).getAmount(); if (dropAction.getCount() == sourceAmount && sourceAmount > 1) { //dropping all? (prefer DROP_ONE if only one) plan.add(Click.DROP_ALL, sourceSlot); } else { //drop some for (int i = 0; i < dropAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.DROP_ONE, sourceSlot); //drop one until goal is met } } } break; } case CONSUME: { // Tends to be called for UI inventories if (inventory instanceof CartographyContainer) { // TODO add this for more inventories? Only seems to glitch out the cartography table, though. ConsumeStackRequestActionData consumeData = (ConsumeStackRequestActionData) action; int sourceSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(consumeData.getSource()); if ((sourceSlot == 0 && inventory.getItem(1).isEmpty()) || (sourceSlot == 1 && inventory.getItem(0).isEmpty())) { // Java doesn't allow an item to be renamed; this is why one of the slots could remain empty for Bedrock // We check this now since setting the inventory slots here messes up shouldRejectItemPlace return rejectRequest(request, false); } if (sourceSlot == 1) { // Decrease the item count, but only after both slots are checked. // Otherwise, the slot 1 check will fail GeyserItemStack item = inventory.getItem(sourceSlot); item.setAmount(item.getAmount() - consumeData.getCount()); if (item.isEmpty()) { inventory.setItem(sourceSlot, GeyserItemStack.EMPTY, session); } GeyserItemStack itemZero = inventory.getItem(0); itemZero.setAmount(itemZero.getAmount() - consumeData.getCount()); if (itemZero.isEmpty()) { inventory.setItem(0, GeyserItemStack.EMPTY, session); } } affectedSlots.add(sourceSlot); } break; } case CRAFT_RECIPE: // Called by stonecutters 1.18+ case CRAFT_RECIPE_AUTO: // Called by villagers case CRAFT_NON_IMPLEMENTED_DEPRECATED: // Tends to be called for UI inventories case CRAFT_RESULTS_DEPRECATED: // Tends to be called for UI inventories case CRAFT_RECIPE_OPTIONAL: // Anvils and cartography tables will handle this case CRAFT_LOOM: // Looms 1.17.40+ case CRAFT_REPAIR_AND_DISENCHANT: { // Grindstones 1.17.40+ break; } default: return rejectRequest(request); } } plan.execute(false); affectedSlots.addAll(plan.getAffectedSlots()); return acceptRequest(request, makeContainerEntries(session, inventory, affectedSlots)); } public ItemStackResponsePacket.Response translateCraftingRequest(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ItemStackRequest request) { int resultSize = 0; int timesCrafted; CraftState craftState = CraftState.START; int leftover = 0; ClickPlan plan = new ClickPlan(session, this, inventory); // Track all the crafting table slots to report back the contents of the slots after crafting IntSet affectedSlots = new IntOpenHashSet(); for (StackRequestActionData action : request.getActions()) { switch (action.getType()) { case CRAFT_RECIPE: { if (craftState != CraftState.START) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.RECIPE_ID; break; } case CRAFT_RESULTS_DEPRECATED: { CraftResultsDeprecatedStackRequestActionData deprecatedCraftAction = (CraftResultsDeprecatedStackRequestActionData) action; if (craftState != CraftState.RECIPE_ID) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.DEPRECATED; if (deprecatedCraftAction.getResultItems().length != 1) { return rejectRequest(request); } resultSize = deprecatedCraftAction.getResultItems()[0].getCount(); timesCrafted = deprecatedCraftAction.getTimesCrafted(); if (resultSize <= 0 || timesCrafted <= 0) { return rejectRequest(request); } break; } case CONSUME: { if (craftState != CraftState.DEPRECATED && craftState != CraftState.INGREDIENTS) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.INGREDIENTS; affectedSlots.add(bedrockSlotToJava(((ConsumeStackRequestActionData) action).getSource())); break; } case TAKE: case PLACE: { TransferStackRequestActionData transferAction = (TransferStackRequestActionData) action; if (craftState != CraftState.INGREDIENTS && craftState != CraftState.TRANSFER) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.TRANSFER; if (transferAction.getSource().getContainer() != ContainerSlotType.CREATIVE_OUTPUT) { return rejectRequest(request); } if (transferAction.getCount() <= 0) { return rejectRequest(request); } int sourceSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getSource()); int destSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getDestination()); if (isCursor(transferAction.getDestination())) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); craftState = CraftState.DONE; } else { if (leftover != 0) { if (transferAction.getCount() > leftover) { return rejectRequest(request); } if (transferAction.getCount() == leftover) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); } else { for (int i = 0; i < transferAction.getCount(); i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, destSlot); } } leftover -= transferAction.getCount(); break; } int remainder = transferAction.getCount() % resultSize; int timesToCraft = transferAction.getCount() / resultSize; for (int i = 0; i < timesToCraft; i++) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); } if (remainder > 0) { plan.add(Click.LEFT, 0); for (int i = 0; i < remainder; i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, destSlot); } leftover = resultSize - remainder; } } break; } default: return rejectRequest(request); } } plan.execute(false); affectedSlots.addAll(plan.getAffectedSlots()); return acceptRequest(request, makeContainerEntries(session, inventory, affectedSlots)); } public ItemStackResponsePacket.Response translateAutoCraftingRequest(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ItemStackRequest request) { final int gridSize = getGridSize(); if (gridSize == -1) { return rejectRequest(request); } int gridDimensions = gridSize == 4 ? 2 : 3; Ingredient[] ingredients = new Ingredient[0]; ItemStack output = null; int recipeWidth = 0; int ingRemaining = 0; int ingredientIndex = -1; Int2IntMap consumedSlots = new Int2IntOpenHashMap(); int prioritySlot = -1; int tempSlot; int resultSize; int timesCrafted = 0; Int2ObjectMap ingredientMap = new Int2ObjectOpenHashMap<>(); CraftState craftState = CraftState.START; ClickPlan plan = new ClickPlan(session, this, inventory); requestLoop: for (StackRequestActionData action : request.getActions()) { switch (action.getType()) { case CRAFT_RECIPE_AUTO: { AutoCraftRecipeStackRequestActionData autoCraftAction = (AutoCraftRecipeStackRequestActionData) action; // TODO autoCraftAction#getTimesCrafted 1.17.10 ??? if (craftState != CraftState.START) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.RECIPE_ID; int recipeId = autoCraftAction.getRecipeNetworkId(); GeyserRecipe recipe = session.getCraftingRecipes().get(recipeId); if (recipe == null) { return rejectRequest(request); } if (!plan.getCursor().isEmpty()) { return rejectRequest(request); } //reject if crafting grid is not clear for (int i = 1; i <= gridSize; i++) { if (!inventory.getItem(i).isEmpty()) { return rejectRequest(request); } } if (recipe.isShaped()) { GeyserShapedRecipe shapedRecipe = (GeyserShapedRecipe) recipe; ingredients = shapedRecipe.ingredients(); recipeWidth = shapedRecipe.width(); output = shapedRecipe.result(); if (recipeWidth > gridDimensions || shapedRecipe.height() > gridDimensions) { return rejectRequest(request); } } else { GeyserShapelessRecipe shapelessRecipe = (GeyserShapelessRecipe) recipe; ingredients = shapelessRecipe.ingredients(); recipeWidth = gridDimensions; output = shapelessRecipe.result(); if (ingredients.length > gridSize) { return rejectRequest(request); } } break; } case CRAFT_RESULTS_DEPRECATED: { CraftResultsDeprecatedStackRequestActionData deprecatedCraftAction = (CraftResultsDeprecatedStackRequestActionData) action; if (craftState != CraftState.RECIPE_ID) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.DEPRECATED; if (deprecatedCraftAction.getResultItems().length != 1) { return rejectRequest(request); } resultSize = deprecatedCraftAction.getResultItems()[0].getCount(); timesCrafted = deprecatedCraftAction.getTimesCrafted(); if (resultSize <= 0 || timesCrafted <= 0) { return rejectRequest(request); } break; } case CONSUME: { ConsumeStackRequestActionData consumeAction = (ConsumeStackRequestActionData) action; if (craftState != CraftState.DEPRECATED && craftState != CraftState.INGREDIENTS) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.INGREDIENTS; if (ingRemaining == 0) { while (++ingredientIndex < ingredients.length) { if (ingredients[ingredientIndex].getOptions().length != 0) { ingRemaining = timesCrafted; break; } } } ingRemaining -= consumeAction.getCount(); if (ingRemaining < 0) return rejectRequest(request); int javaSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(consumeAction.getSource()); consumedSlots.merge(javaSlot, consumeAction.getCount(), Integer::sum); int gridSlot = 1 + ingredientIndex + ((ingredientIndex / recipeWidth) * (gridDimensions - recipeWidth)); Int2IntMap sources = ingredientMap.computeIfAbsent(gridSlot, k -> new Int2IntOpenHashMap()); sources.put(javaSlot, consumeAction.getCount()); break; } case TAKE: case PLACE: { TransferStackRequestActionData transferAction = (TransferStackRequestActionData) action; if (craftState != CraftState.INGREDIENTS && craftState != CraftState.TRANSFER) { return rejectRequest(request); } craftState = CraftState.TRANSFER; if (transferAction.getSource().getContainer() != ContainerSlotType.CREATIVE_OUTPUT) { return rejectRequest(request); } if (transferAction.getCount() <= 0) { return rejectRequest(request); } int javaSlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getDestination()); if (isCursor(transferAction.getDestination())) { //TODO if (timesCrafted > 1) { tempSlot = findTempSlot(inventory, GeyserItemStack.from(output), true); if (tempSlot == -1) { return rejectRequest(request); } } break requestLoop; } else if (inventory.getItem(javaSlot).getAmount() == consumedSlots.get(javaSlot)) { prioritySlot = bedrockSlotToJava(transferAction.getDestination()); break requestLoop; } break; } default: return rejectRequest(request); } } final int maxLoops = Math.min(64, timesCrafted); for (int loops = 0; loops < maxLoops; loops++) { boolean done = true; for (Int2ObjectMap.Entry entry : ingredientMap.int2ObjectEntrySet()) { Int2IntMap sources = entry.getValue(); if (sources.isEmpty()) continue; done = false; int gridSlot = entry.getIntKey(); if (!plan.getItem(gridSlot).isEmpty()) continue; int sourceSlot; if (loops == 0 && sources.containsKey(prioritySlot)) { sourceSlot = prioritySlot; } else { sourceSlot = sources.keySet().iterator().nextInt(); } int transferAmount = sources.remove(sourceSlot); transferSlot(plan, sourceSlot, gridSlot, transferAmount); } if (!done) { //TODO: sometimes the server does not agree on this slot? plan.add(Click.LEFT_SHIFT, 0, true); } else { break; } } inventory.setItem(0, GeyserItemStack.from(output), session); plan.execute(true); return acceptRequest(request, makeContainerEntries(session, inventory, plan.getAffectedSlots())); } /** * Handled in {@link PlayerInventoryTranslator} */ protected ItemStackResponsePacket.Response translateCreativeRequest(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, ItemStackRequest request) { return rejectRequest(request); } private void transferSlot(ClickPlan plan, int sourceSlot, int destSlot, int transferAmount) { boolean tempSwap = !plan.getCursor().isEmpty(); int sourceAmount = plan.getItem(sourceSlot).getAmount(); if (transferAmount == sourceAmount) { //transfer all plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //pickup source plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); //let go of all items and done } else { //transfer some //try to transfer items with least clicks possible int halfSource = sourceAmount - (sourceAmount / 2); //larger half int holding; if (!tempSwap && transferAmount <= halfSource) { //faster to take only half. CURSOR MUST BE EMPTY plan.add(Click.RIGHT, sourceSlot); holding = halfSource; } else { //need all plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); holding = sourceAmount; } if (!tempSwap && transferAmount > holding / 2) { //faster to release extra items onto source or dest slot? for (int i = 0; i < holding - transferAmount; i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, sourceSlot); //prepare cursor } plan.add(Click.LEFT, destSlot); //release cursor onto dest slot } else { for (int i = 0; i < transferAmount; i++) { plan.add(Click.RIGHT, destSlot); //right click until transfer goal is met } plan.add(Click.LEFT, sourceSlot); //return extra items to source slot } } } protected static ItemStackResponsePacket.Response acceptRequest(ItemStackRequest request, List containerEntries) { return new ItemStackResponsePacket.Response(ItemStackResponsePacket.ResponseStatus.OK, request.getRequestId(), containerEntries); } /** * Reject an incorrect ItemStackRequest. */ protected static ItemStackResponsePacket.Response rejectRequest(ItemStackRequest request) { return rejectRequest(request, true); } /** * Reject an incorrect ItemStackRequest. * * @param throwError whether this request was truly erroneous (true), or known as an outcome and should not be treated * as bad (false). */ protected static ItemStackResponsePacket.Response rejectRequest(ItemStackRequest request, boolean throwError) { if (throwError && GeyserImpl.getInstance().getConfig().isDebugMode()) { new Throwable("DEBUGGING: ItemStackRequest rejected " + request.toString()).printStackTrace(); } return new ItemStackResponsePacket.Response(ItemStackResponsePacket.ResponseStatus.ERROR, request.getRequestId(), Collections.emptyList()); } /** * Print out the contents of an ItemStackRequest, should the net ID check fail. */ protected void dumpStackRequestDetails(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, StackRequestSlotInfoData source, StackRequestSlotInfoData destination) { session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("Source: " + source.toString() + " Result: " + checkNetId(session, inventory, source)); session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("Destination: " + destination.toString() + " Result: " + checkNetId(session, inventory, destination)); session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("Geyser's record of source slot: " + inventory.getItem(bedrockSlotToJava(source))); session.getGeyser().getLogger().error("Geyser's record of destination slot: " + inventory.getItem(bedrockSlotToJava(destination))); } public boolean checkNetId(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, StackRequestSlotInfoData slotInfoData) { int netId = slotInfoData.getStackNetworkId(); // "In my testing, sometimes the client thinks the netId of an item in the crafting grid is 1, even though we never said it was. // I think it only happens when we manually set the grid but that was my quick fix" if (netId < 0 || netId == 1) return true; GeyserItemStack currentItem = isCursor(slotInfoData) ? session.getPlayerInventory().getCursor() : inventory.getItem(bedrockSlotToJava(slotInfoData)); return currentItem.getNetId() == netId; } /** * Try to find a slot that can temporarily store the given item. * Only looks in the main inventory and hotbar (excluding offhand). * Only slots that are empty or contain a different type of item are valid. * * @return java id for the temporary slot, or -1 if no viable slot was found */ //TODO: compatibility for simulated inventory (ClickPlan) private static int findTempSlot(Inventory inventory, GeyserItemStack item, boolean emptyOnly, int... slotBlacklist) { int offset = inventory.getId() == 0 ? 1 : 0; //offhand is not a viable temp slot HashSet itemBlacklist = new HashSet<>(slotBlacklist.length + 1); itemBlacklist.add(item); IntSet potentialSlots = new IntOpenHashSet(36); for (int i = inventory.getSize() - (36 + offset); i < inventory.getSize() - offset; i++) { potentialSlots.add(i); } for (int i : slotBlacklist) { potentialSlots.remove(i); GeyserItemStack blacklistedItem = inventory.getItem(i); if (!blacklistedItem.isEmpty()) { itemBlacklist.add(blacklistedItem); } } for (int i : potentialSlots) { GeyserItemStack testItem = inventory.getItem(i); if ((emptyOnly && !testItem.isEmpty())) { continue; } boolean viable = true; for (GeyserItemStack blacklistedItem : itemBlacklist) { if (InventoryUtils.canStack(testItem, blacklistedItem)) { viable = false; break; } } if (!viable) { continue; } return i; } //could not find a viable temp slot return -1; } protected final List makeContainerEntries(GeyserSession session, Inventory inventory, IntSet affectedSlots) { Map> containerMap = new HashMap<>(); // Manually call iterator to prevent Integer boxing IntIterator it = affectedSlots.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { int slot = it.nextInt(); BedrockContainerSlot bedrockSlot = javaSlotToBedrockContainer(slot); List list = containerMap.computeIfAbsent(bedrockSlot.container(), k -> new ArrayList<>()); list.add(makeItemEntry(session, bedrockSlot.slot(), inventory.getItem(slot))); } List containerEntries = new ArrayList<>(); for (Map.Entry> entry : containerMap.entrySet()) { containerEntries.add(new ItemStackResponsePacket.ContainerEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } ItemStackResponsePacket.ItemEntry cursorEntry = makeItemEntry(session, 0, session.getPlayerInventory().getCursor()); containerEntries.add(new ItemStackResponsePacket.ContainerEntry(ContainerSlotType.CURSOR, Collections.singletonList(cursorEntry))); return containerEntries; } private static ItemStackResponsePacket.ItemEntry makeItemEntry(GeyserSession session, int bedrockSlot, GeyserItemStack itemStack) { ItemStackResponsePacket.ItemEntry itemEntry; if (!itemStack.isEmpty()) { // As of 1.16.210: Bedrock needs confirmation on what the current item durability is. // If 0 is sent, then Bedrock thinks the item is not damaged int durability = 0; if (itemStack.getNbt() != null) { Tag damage = itemStack.getNbt().get("Damage"); if (damage instanceof IntTag) { durability = ItemUtils.getCorrectBedrockDurability(session, itemStack.getJavaId(), ((IntTag) damage).getValue()); } } itemEntry = new ItemStackResponsePacket.ItemEntry((byte) bedrockSlot, (byte) bedrockSlot, (byte) itemStack.getAmount(), itemStack.getNetId(), "", durability); } else { itemEntry = new ItemStackResponsePacket.ItemEntry((byte) bedrockSlot, (byte) bedrockSlot, (byte) 0, 0, "", 0); } return itemEntry; } protected static boolean isCursor(StackRequestSlotInfoData slotInfoData) { return slotInfoData.getContainer() == ContainerSlotType.CURSOR; } /** * Gets the {@link InventoryTranslator} for the given {@link ContainerType}. * Returns {@link #PLAYER_INVENTORY_TRANSLATOR} if type is null. * * @param type the type * @return the InventoryType for the given ContainerType. */ @Nullable public static InventoryTranslator inventoryTranslator(@Nullable ContainerType type) { if (type == null) { return PLAYER_INVENTORY_TRANSLATOR; } return INVENTORY_TRANSLATORS.get(type); } protected enum CraftState { START, RECIPE_ID, DEPRECATED, INGREDIENTS, TRANSFER, DONE } }