/* * Copyright (c) 2019-2022 GeyserMC. http://geysermc.org * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. * * @author GeyserMC * @link https://github.com/GeyserMC/Geyser */ package org.geysermc.geyser.entity.type; import com.github.steveice10.mc.protocol.data.game.entity.metadata.type.IntEntityMetadata; import com.nukkitx.math.vector.Vector3f; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.data.entity.EntityData; import com.nukkitx.protocol.bedrock.packet.PlaySoundPacket; import lombok.Getter; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.EntityDefinitions; import org.geysermc.geyser.entity.type.player.PlayerEntity; import org.geysermc.geyser.level.block.BlockPositionIterator; import org.geysermc.geyser.level.block.BlockStateValues; import org.geysermc.geyser.level.physics.BoundingBox; import org.geysermc.geyser.registry.BlockRegistries; import org.geysermc.geyser.session.GeyserSession; import org.geysermc.geyser.translator.collision.BlockCollision; import org.geysermc.geyser.util.BlockUtils; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom; public class FishingHookEntity extends ThrowableEntity { private boolean hooked = false; private boolean inWater = false; @Getter private final long bedrockOwnerId; @Getter private long bedrockTargetId; private final BoundingBox boundingBox; public FishingHookEntity(GeyserSession session, int entityId, long geyserId, UUID uuid, Vector3f position, Vector3f motion, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, PlayerEntity owner) { super(session, entityId, geyserId, uuid, EntityDefinitions.FISHING_BOBBER, position, motion, yaw, pitch, 0f); this.boundingBox = new BoundingBox(0.125, 0.125, 0.125, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25); // In Java, the splash sound depends on the entity's velocity, but in Bedrock the volume doesn't change. // This splash can be confused with the sound from catching a fish. This silences the splash from Bedrock, // so that it can be handled by moveAbsoluteImmediate. setBoundingBoxHeight(128); this.bedrockOwnerId = owner.getGeyserId(); this.dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.OWNER_EID, this.bedrockOwnerId); } public void setHookedEntity(IntEntityMetadata entityMetadata) { int hookedEntityId = entityMetadata.getPrimitiveValue() - 1; Entity entity = session.getEntityCache().getEntityByJavaId(hookedEntityId); if (entity != null) { bedrockTargetId = entity.getGeyserId(); dirtyMetadata.put(EntityData.TARGET_EID, bedrockTargetId); hooked = true; } else { hooked = false; } } @Override protected void moveAbsoluteImmediate(Vector3f position, float yaw, float pitch, float headYaw, boolean isOnGround, boolean teleported) { boundingBox.setMiddleX(position.getX()); boundingBox.setMiddleY(position.getY() + boundingBox.getSizeY() / 2); boundingBox.setMiddleZ(position.getZ()); boolean touchingWater = false; boolean collided = false; for (BlockPositionIterator iter = session.getCollisionManager().collidableBlocksIterator(boundingBox); iter.hasNext(); iter.next()) { int blockID = session.getGeyser().getWorldManager().getBlockAt(session, iter.getX(), iter.getY(), iter.getZ()); BlockCollision blockCollision = BlockUtils.getCollision(blockID); if (blockCollision != null) { if (blockCollision.checkIntersection(iter.getX(), iter.getY(), iter.getZ(), boundingBox)) { // TODO Push bounding box out of collision to improve movement collided = true; } } double waterHeight = BlockStateValues.getWaterHeight(blockID); if (waterHeight != -1 && position.getY() <= (iter.getY() + waterHeight)) { touchingWater = true; } } if (!inWater && touchingWater) { sendSplashSound(session); } inWater = touchingWater; if (!collided) { super.moveAbsoluteImmediate(position, yaw, pitch, headYaw, isOnGround, teleported); } else { super.moveAbsoluteImmediate(this.position, yaw, pitch, headYaw, true, true); } } private void sendSplashSound(GeyserSession session) { if (!silent) { float volume = (float) (0.2f * Math.sqrt(0.2 * (motion.getX() * motion.getX() + motion.getZ() * motion.getZ()) + motion.getY() * motion.getY())); if (volume > 1) { volume = 1; } PlaySoundPacket playSoundPacket = new PlaySoundPacket(); playSoundPacket.setSound("random.splash"); playSoundPacket.setPosition(position); playSoundPacket.setVolume(volume); playSoundPacket.setPitch(1f + ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextFloat() * 0.3f); session.sendUpstreamPacket(playSoundPacket); } } @Override public void tick() { if (hooked || !isInAir() && !isInWater() || isOnGround()) { motion = Vector3f.ZERO; return; } float gravity = getGravity(); motion = motion.down(gravity); moveAbsoluteImmediate(position.add(motion), getYaw(), getPitch(), getHeadYaw(), isOnGround(), false); float drag = getDrag(); motion = motion.mul(drag); } @Override protected float getGravity() { if (!isInWater() && !isOnGround()) { return 0.03f; } return 0; } /** * @return true if this entity is currently in air. */ protected boolean isInAir() { int block = session.getGeyser().getWorldManager().getBlockAt(session, position.toInt()); return block == BlockStateValues.JAVA_AIR_ID; } @Override protected float getDrag() { return 0.92f; } }