#lang racket/base (require racket/file racket/format racket/function racket/list racket/path racket/sequence racket/string net/url net/mime file/sha1 net/http-easy db json "archiver-database.rkt" "../lib/html-parsing/main.rkt" "../lib/mime-types.rkt" "../lib/syntax.rkt" "../lib/tree-updater.rkt" "../lib/url-utils.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt" "../lib/archive-file-mappings.rkt") (provide basename->name-for-query image-url->values hash->save-dir all-stages) (module+ test (require rackunit)) (define archive-root (anytime-path ".." "storage/archive")) (make-directory* archive-root) (define sources '#hasheq((style . 1) (page . 2))) (define (get-origin wikiname) (format "https://~a.fandom.com" wikiname)) (define (insert-wiki-entry wikiname) (define dest-url (format "https://~a.fandom.com/api.php?~a" wikiname (params->query '(("action" . "query") ("meta" . "siteinfo") ("siprop" . "general|rightsinfo|statistics|namespaces") ("format" . "json") ("formatversion" . "2"))))) (define data (response-json (get dest-url))) (define content-nss (sort (for/list ([(k v) (in-hash (jp "/query/namespaces" data))] #:do [(define id (hash-ref v 'id))] #:when (and (id . < . 2900) ; exclude maps namespace (hash-ref v 'content))) ; exclude non-content and talk namespaces id) <)) (define exists? (query-maybe-value* "select progress from wiki where wikiname = ?" wikiname)) (if (and exists? (not (sql-null? exists?))) (query-exec* "update wiki set sitename = ?, basepage = ?, license_text = ?, license_url = ? where wikiname = ?" (jp "/query/general/sitename" data) (second (regexp-match #rx"/wiki/(.*)" (jp "/query/general/base" data))) (jp "/query/rightsinfo/text" data) (jp "/query/rightsinfo/url" data) wikiname) (query-exec* "insert into wiki (wikiname, progress, sitename, basepage, license_text, license_url) values (?, 0, ?, ?, ?, ?)" wikiname (jp "/query/general/sitename" data) (second (regexp-match #rx"/wiki/(.*)" (jp "/query/general/base" data))) (jp "/query/rightsinfo/text" data) (jp "/query/rightsinfo/url" data))) (values (jp "/query/statistics/articles" data) content-nss)) (define (check-style-for-images wikiname path) (define content (file->string path)) (define urls (regexp-match* #rx"url\\(\"?'?([^)]*)'?\"?\\)" content #:match-select cadr)) (for/list ([url urls] #:when (not (or (equal? url "") (equal? url "'") (string-suffix? url "\"") (string-contains? url "/resources-ucp/") (string-contains? url "/fonts/") (string-contains? url "/drm_fonts/") (string-contains? url "//db.onlinewebfonts.com/") (string-contains? url "//bits.wikimedia.org/") (string-contains? url "dropbox") (string-contains? url "only=styles") (string-contains? url "https://https://") (regexp-match? #rx"^%20" url) (regexp-match? #rx"^data:" url)))) (cond [(string-prefix? url "https://") url] [(string-prefix? url "http://") (regexp-replace #rx"http:" url "https:")] [(string-prefix? url "//") (string-append "https:" url)] [(string-prefix? url "/") (format "https://~a.fandom.com~a" wikiname url)] [else (raise-user-error "While calling check-style-for-images, this URL had an unknown format and couldn't be saved:" url path)]))) (define (download-styles-for-wiki wikiname callback) (define save-dir (build-path archive-root wikiname "styles")) (make-directory* save-dir) (define theme (λ (theme-name) (cons (format "https://~a.fandom.com/wikia.php?controller=ThemeApi&method=themeVariables&variant=~a" wikiname theme-name) (build-path save-dir (format "themeVariables-~a.css" theme-name))))) ;; (Listof (Pair url save-path)) (define styles (list (theme "default") (theme "light") (theme "dark") (cons (format "https://~a.fandom.com/load.php?lang=en&modules=site.styles%7Cskin.fandomdesktop.styles%7Cext.fandom.PortableInfoboxFandomDesktop.css%7Cext.fandom.GlobalComponents.CommunityHeaderBackground.css%7Cext.gadget.site-styles%2Csound-styles&only=styles&skin=fandomdesktop" wikiname) (build-path save-dir "site.css")))) (for ([style styles] [i (in-naturals)]) (callback i (length styles) "styles...") (define r (get (car style))) (define body (response-body r)) (display-to-file body (cdr style) #:exists 'replace) ;; XXX: how the HELL do I deal with @import?? would need some kind of recursion here. how will the page server know where to look up the style file to be able to serve them again? do I add another link-stylesheet tag to the main page? what about the remaining stuck @import url? ) (callback (length styles) (length styles) "styles...") styles) (define (hash->save-dir wikiname hash) (build-path archive-root wikiname "images" (substring hash 0 1) (substring hash 0 2))) (define (image-url->values i) ;; TODO: handle case where there is multiple broken cb parameter on minecraft wiki ;; TODO: ensure it still "works" with broken & on minecraft wiki (define no-cb (regexp-replace #rx"\\cb=[0-9]+&?" i "")) ; remove cb url parameter which does nothing (define key (regexp-replace #rx"[&?]$" no-cb "")) ; remove extra separator if necessary (define hash (sha1 (string->bytes/utf-8 key))) (cons key hash)) ;; 1. Download list of wiki pages and store in database, if not done yet for that wiki (define (if-necessary-download-list-of-pages wikiname callback) (define wiki-progress (query-maybe-value* "select progress from wiki where wikiname = ?" wikiname)) ;; done yet? (unless (and (real? wiki-progress) (wiki-progress . >= . 1)) ;; Count total pages (define-values (num-pages namespaces) (insert-wiki-entry wikiname)) ;; Download the entire index of pages (for*/fold ([total 0]) ([namespace namespaces] [redir-filter '("nonredirects" "redirects")]) (let loop ([apcontinue ""] [basenames null]) (cond [apcontinue (define url (format "https://~a.fandom.com/api.php?~a" wikiname (params->query `(("action" . "query") ("list" . "allpages") ("apnamespace" . ,(~a namespace)) ("apfilterredir" . ,redir-filter) ("aplimit" . "500") ("apcontinue" . ,apcontinue) ("format" . "json") ("formatversion" . "2"))))) ;; Download the current listing page (define res (get url)) (define json (response-json res)) ;; Content from this page (define current-basenames (for/list ([page (jp "/query/allpages" json)]) (title->basename (jp "/title" page)))) (when ((length current-basenames) . > . 0) ;; Report (if (equal? redir-filter "nonredirects") (callback (+ (length basenames) (length current-basenames) total) num-pages (last current-basenames)) (callback total num-pages (last current-basenames)))) ;; Loop (loop (jp "/continue/apcontinue" json #f) (append basenames current-basenames))] [else ;; All done with this (loop)! Save those pages into the database ;; SQLite can have a maximum of 32766 parameters in a single query (begin0 ;; next for*/fold (if (equal? redir-filter "nonredirects") (+ (length basenames) total) total) ; redirects don't count for the site statistics total (call-with-transaction (get-slc) (λ () (for ([slice (in-slice 32760 basenames)]) (define query-template (string-join #:before-first "insert or ignore into page (wikiname, redirect, basename, progress) values " (make-list (length slice) "(?1, ?2, ?, 0)") ", ")) (apply query-exec* query-template wikiname (if (equal? redir-filter "redirects") 1 sql-null) slice)))))]))) ;; Record that we have the complete list of pages (query-exec* "update wiki set progress = 1 where wikiname = ?" wikiname))) ;; 2. Download each page via API and: ;; * Save API response to file (define max-page-progress 1) (define (save-each-page wikiname callback) ;; prepare destination folder (define save-dir (build-path archive-root wikiname)) (make-directory* save-dir) ;; gather list of basenames to download (that aren't yet complete) (define basenames (query-list* "select basename from page where wikiname = ? and progress < ? and redirect is null" wikiname max-page-progress)) ;; counter of complete/incomplete basenames (define already-done-count (query-value* "select count(*) from page where wikiname = ? and progress = ?" wikiname max-page-progress)) (define not-done-count (query-value* "select count(*) from page where wikiname = ? and progress < ?" wikiname max-page-progress)) (define total-count (+ already-done-count not-done-count)) ;; set initial progress (callback already-done-count total-count "") ;; loop through basenames and download (for ([basename basenames] [i (in-naturals (add1 already-done-count))]) (define name-for-query (basename->name-for-query basename)) (define dest-url (format "https://~a.fandom.com/api.php?~a" wikiname (params->query `(("action" . "parse") ("page" . ,name-for-query) ("prop" . "text|headhtml|langlinks") ("formatversion" . "2") ("format" . "json"))))) (define r (get dest-url)) (define body (response-body r)) (define filename (string-append basename ".json")) (define save-path (cond [((string-length basename) . > . 240) (define key (sha1 (string->bytes/latin-1 basename))) (query-exec* "insert into special_page (wikiname, key, basename) values (?, ?, ?)" wikiname key basename) (build-path save-dir (string-append key ".json"))] [#t (build-path save-dir (string-append basename ".json"))])) (display-to-file body save-path #:exists 'replace) (query-exec* "update page set progress = 1 where wikiname = ? and basename = ?" wikiname basename) (callback i total-count basename)) ;; save redirects as well (save-redirects wikiname callback (+ already-done-count (length basenames)) total-count) ;; saved all pages, register that fact in the database (query-exec* "update wiki set progress = 2 where wikiname = ?" wikiname)) ;; 2.5. Download each redirect-target via API and save mapping in database (define (save-redirects wikiname callback already-done-count total-count) (define basenames (query-list* "select basename from page where wikiname = ? and progress < ? and redirect = 1" wikiname max-page-progress)) ;; loop through basenames, in slices of 50 (MediaWiki API max per request), and download (for ([basename basenames] [i (in-naturals (add1 already-done-count))]) (define dest-url (format "https://~a.fandom.com/api.php?~a" wikiname (params->query `(("action" . "query") ("prop" . "links") ("titles" . ,(basename->name-for-query basename)) ("format" . "json") ("formatversion" . "2"))))) (define res (get dest-url)) (define json (response-json res)) (define dest-title (jp "/query/pages/0/links/0/title" json #f)) (callback i total-count basename) (cond [dest-title ;; store it (define dest-basename (title->basename dest-title)) (query-exec* "update page set progress = 1, redirect = ? where wikiname = ? and basename = ?" dest-basename wikiname basename)] [else ;; the page just doesn't exist (query-exec* "delete from page where wikiname = ? and basename = ?" wikiname basename)]))) ;; 3. Download CSS and: ;; * Save CSS to file ;; * Record style images to database (define (if-necessary-download-and-check-styles wikiname callback) (define wiki-progress (query-maybe-value* "select progress from wiki where wikiname = ?" wikiname)) (unless (and (number? wiki-progress) (wiki-progress . >= . 3)) (define styles (download-styles-for-wiki wikiname callback)) (define unique-image-urls (remove-duplicates (map image-url->values (flatten (for/list ([style styles]) (check-style-for-images wikiname (cdr style))))) #:key cdr)) (for ([pair unique-image-urls]) (query-exec* "insert or ignore into image (wikiname, url, hash, ext, source, progress) values (?, ?, ?, NULL, 1, 0)" wikiname (car pair) (cdr pair))) (query-exec* "update wiki set progress = 3 where wikiname = ?" wikiname))) ;; 4: From downloaded pages, record URLs of image sources and inline style images to database (define (check-json-for-images wikiname path) (define data (with-input-from-file path (λ () (read-json)))) (define page (html->xexp (preprocess-html-wiki (jp "/parse/text" data)))) (define tree (update-tree-wiki page wikiname)) null #;(remove-duplicates (for/list ([element (in-producer (query-selector (λ (t a c) (and (eq? t 'img) (get-attribute 'src a))) tree) #f)]) (image-url->values (get-attribute 'src (bits->attributes element)))))) ;; 5. Download image sources and style images according to database (define (save-each-image wikiname callback) (define source (hash-ref sources 'style)) ;; TODO: download entire wiki images instead? ;; gather list of basenames to download (that aren't yet complete) (define rows (query-rows* "select url, hash from image where wikiname = ? and source <= ? and progress < 1" wikiname source)) ;; counter of complete/incomplete basenames (define already-done-count (query-value* "select count(*) from image where wikiname = ? and source <= ? and progress = 1" wikiname source)) (define not-done-count (query-value* "select count(*) from image where wikiname = ? and source <= ? and progress < 1" wikiname source)) ;; set initial progress (callback already-done-count (+ already-done-count not-done-count) "") ;; loop through urls and download (for ([row rows] [i (in-naturals 1)]) ;; row fragments (define url (vector-ref row 0)) (define hash (vector-ref row 1)) ;; check #; (printf "~a -> ~a~n" url hash) (define r (get url)) (define declared-type (response-headers-ref r 'content-type)) (define final-type (if (equal? declared-type #"application/octet-stream") (let ([sniff-entity (message-entity (mime-analyze (response-body r)))]) (string->bytes/latin-1 (format "~a/~a" (entity-type sniff-entity) (entity-subtype sniff-entity)))) declared-type)) (define ext (with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? (λ _ (error 'save-each-image "no ext found for mime type `~a` in file ~a" final-type url))]) (bytes->string/latin-1 (mime-type->ext final-type)))) ;; save (define save-dir (hash->save-dir wikiname hash)) (make-directory* save-dir) (define save-path (build-path save-dir (string-append hash "." ext))) (define body (response-body r)) (display-to-file body save-path #:exists 'replace) (query-exec* "update image set progress = 1, ext = ? where wikiname = ? and hash = ?" ext wikiname hash) (callback (+ already-done-count i) (+ already-done-count not-done-count) (string-append (substring hash 0 6) "..." ext))) ;; saved all images, register that fact in the database (query-exec* "update wiki set progress = 4 where wikiname = ?" wikiname)) (define all-stages (list if-necessary-download-list-of-pages save-each-page if-necessary-download-and-check-styles ;; check-json-for-images save-each-image)) (module+ test (check-equal? (html->xexp "") '(*TOP* (img (@ (src "https://example.com/images?src=Blah.jpg&width=150"))))) #;(download-list-of-pages "minecraft" values) #;(save-each-page "minecraft" values) #;(check-json-for-images "chiki" (build-path archive-root "chiki" "Fiona.json")) #;(do-step-3 "gallowmere") #;(save-each-image "gallowmere" (hash-ref sources 'style) (λ (a b c) (printf "~a/~a ~a~n" a b c))) #;(for ([wikiname (query-list* "select wikiname from wiki")]) (println wikiname) (insert-wiki-entry wikiname)) #;(for ([wikiname (query-list* "select wikiname from wiki")]) (println wikiname) (do-step-3 wikiname) (save-each-image wikiname (hash-ref sources 'style) (λ (a b c) (printf "~a/~a ~a~n" a b c))))) ; (for ([stage all-stages]) (stage "create" (λ (a b c) (printf "~a/~a ~a~n" a b c))))