#lang racket/base (require racket/string (prefix-in easy: net/http-easy) "application-globals.rkt" "config.rkt" "../lib/url-utils.rkt" "whole-utils.rkt" "../lib/xexpr-utils.rkt") (provide search-fandom) (module+ test (require rackunit "test-utils.rkt") (define search-results-data '(#hasheq((ns . 0) (pageid . 219) (size . 1482) (snippet . "") (timestamp . "2022-08-21T08:54:23Z") (title . "Gacha Capsule") (wordcount . 214)) #hasheq((ns . 0) (pageid . 201) (size . 1198) (snippet . "") (timestamp . "2022-07-11T17:52:47Z") (title . "Badges") (wordcount . 181))))) (define (search-fandom wikiname query params) ;; constructing the URL where I want to get fandom data from... (define origin (format "https://~a.fandom.com" wikiname)) ;; the dest-URL will look something like https://minecraft.fandom.com/api.php?action=query&list=search&srsearch=Spawner&formatversion=2&format=json (define dest-url (format "~a/api.php?~a" origin (params->query `(("action" . "query") ("list" . "search") ("srsearch" . ,query) ("formatversion" . "2") ("format" . "json"))))) ;; HTTP request to dest-url for search results (log-outgoing dest-url) (define res (easy:get dest-url #:timeouts timeouts)) (define json (easy:response-json res)) (define search-results (jp "/query/search" json)) (generate-results-content-fandom wikiname query search-results)) ;;; generate content for display in the wiki page layout (define (generate-results-content-fandom wikiname query search-results) `(div (@ (class "mw-parser-output")) ;; header before the search results showing how many we found (p ,(format "~a results found for " (length search-results)) (strong ,query)) ;; *u*nordered *l*ist of matching search results (ul ,@(for/list ([result search-results]) (let* ([title (jp "/title" result)] [page-path (page-title->path title)] [timestamp (jp "/timestamp" result)] [wordcount (jp "/wordcount" result)] [size (jp "/size" result)]) ;; and make this x-expression... `(li (@ (class "my-result")) (a (@ (class "my-result__link") (href ,(format "/~a/wiki/~a" wikiname page-path))) ; using unquote to insert the result page URL ,title) ; using unquote to insert the result page title (div (@ (class "my-result__info")) ; constructing the line under the search result "last edited " (time (@ (datetime ,timestamp)) ,(list-ref (string-split timestamp "T") 0)) ,(format ", ~a words, ~a kb" wordcount (exact->inexact (/ (round (/ size 100)) 10)))))))))) (module+ test (parameterize ([(config-parameter 'feature_offline::only) "false"]) (check-not-false ((query-selector (attribute-selector 'href "/test/wiki/Gacha_Capsule") (generate-results-content-fandom "test" "Gacha" search-results-data))))))