/* EndPwn Stage 2 Shared Copyright 2018 EndPwn Project Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. https://github.com/endpwn/ */ function __epprint(str) { console.log(`%c[EndPwn]%c ` + str, 'font-weight:bold;color:#0cc', ''); } (() => { // define this with a default value as a fallback var __goodies = { guilds: [], bots: [], users: {} }; function fetchGoodies() { // fetch goodies.json __epprint('fetching endpwn cutomizer data from server...'); fetch('https://endpwn.cathoderay.tube/goodies.json?_=' + Date.now()) .then(x => x.json()) .then(r => __goodies = r); } // Fetch goodies now and every half hour fetchGoodies(); setInterval(fetchGoodies, 1800000); // early init payload document.addEventListener('ep-prepared', () => { // disable that obnoxious warning about not pasting shit in the console __epprint('disabling self xss warning...'); $api.util.findFuncExports('consoleWarning').consoleWarning = e => { }; // fuck sentry __epprint('fucking sentry...'); var sentry = wc.findCache('_originalConsoleMethods')[0].exports; window.console = Object.assign(window.console, sentry._originalConsoleMethods); // console sentry._wrappedBuiltIns.forEach(x => x[0][x[1]] = x[2]); // other stuff sentry._breadcrumbEventHandler = () => () => { }; // break most event logging sentry.captureBreadcrumb = () => { }; // disable breadcrumb logging // fetch the changelog __epprint('injecting changelog...'); fetch('https://endpwn.github.io/changelog.md?_=' + Date.now()).then(r => r.text()).then(l => { // we're racing discord's initialization procedures; try and hit a timing sweetspot setTimeout(function () { try { // get the changelog object var log = $api.util.findFuncExports('changeLog'); var data = l.split(';;'); // set the date if (log.changeLog.date <= data[0]) log.changeLog.date = data[0]; // prepend to the changelog body log.changeLog.body = data[1] + '\n\n' + log.changeLog.body; } catch (e) { // it failed, try again in 10 ms setTimeout(arguments.callee, 100); } }, 100); }); }); // post-init payload document.addEventListener('ep-ready', () => { // disable analytics __epprint('disabling analytics...'); $api.util.findFuncExports("AnalyticEventConfigs").default.track = () => { }; // enable experiments __epprint('enabling experiments menu...'); $api.util.findFuncExports('isDeveloper').__defineGetter__('isDeveloper', () => true); // apply custom discrims/bot tags/badges/server verif from EndPwn Customizer (endpwn.cathoderay.tube) __epprint('initializing endpwn cutomizer...'); // add the endpwn dev badge to the class obfuscation table wc.findFunc('profileBadges:"profileBadges')[0].exports['profileBadgeEndpwn'] = 'profileBadgeEndPwn'; // apply the css for endpwn dev badges var badgecss = document.createElement("style"); badgecss.type = "text/css"; badgecss.innerHTML = ".profileBadgeEndPwn{background-image:url(https://dr1ft.xyz/sigma_solid.svg);background-position:center;background-repeat:no-repeat;width:16px;height:16px}"; document.body.appendChild(badgecss); // hook getUser() so we can apply custom discrims/bot tags/badges $api.util.wrapAfter( "wc.findCache('getUser')[0].exports.getUser", x => { if (x === undefined || x === null) return; if (__goodies.bots.contains(x.id)) x.bot = true; if (__goodies.users[x.id] !== undefined) x.discriminator = __goodies.users[x.id]; return x; } ); // hook getGuild() so we can verify servers $api.util.wrapAfter( "wc.findCache('getGuild')[0].exports.getGuild", x => { if (x === undefined || x === null) return; if (__goodies.guilds.contains(x.id)) x.features.add('VERIFIED'); return x; } ); // check for epapi updates if ($api.lite || !fs.existsSync($api.data + '/DONTUPDATE')) (function () { __epprint('checking for EPAPI updates...'); // fetch the latest build of epapi fetch('https://endpwn.github.io/epapi/epapi.js?_=' + Date.now()).then(x => x.text()).then(x => { // check the version if (kparse(x).version > $api.version) { // if the version on the server is newer, pester the user $api.ui.showDialog({ title: 'EndPwn3: EPAPI Update Available', body: 'An update to EPAPI has been released. It is recommended that you restart your client in order to gain access to new features and maintain compatibility.', confirmText: 'Restart Now', cancelText: 'Later', // user pressed "Restart Now" onConfirm: () => { // refresh the page if we're running in a browser, reboot the app if we're running outside of lite mode reload(); }, // they pressed "Later", for some reason onCancel: () => { // bother them again in 6 hrs (* 60 min * 60 sec * 1000 ms) setTimeout(arguments.callee, 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000); } }); } else setTimeout(arguments.callee, 6 * 60 * 60 * 1000); }); })(); }); })();