/* EndPwn "API" Copyright 2018 EndPwn Project Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! Your bootstrap may overwrite changes to it, and you will lose your work! EndPwn3 users: You can prevent this by creating a file in the same directory named DONTUPDATE https://github.com/endpwn/ */ function evaluate(str, exportsR) { var exports = {}; var ret = eval(str); if (exportsR) Object.assign(exportsR, exports); return ret; } (() => { var internal = { print: function(t) { console.log(`%c[EPAPI]%c ${t}`, "font-weight:bold;color:#0cc", ""); }, warn: function(t, e) { if (typeof e == "undefined") e = ""; else e = ":\n\n" + e; console.warn( `%c[EPAPI]%c ${t}`, "font-weight:bold;color:#0cc", "", e ); }, error: function(e, t) { if (typeof t == "undefined") t = "uncaught exception"; console.error( `%c[EPAPI]%c ${t}:\n\n`, "font-weight:bold;color:#0cc", "", e ); }, alert: function(b, t) { if (typeof t == "undefined") t = "EPAPI"; else t = "EPAPI: " + t; try { wc .findFunc("e.onConfirmSecondary")[1] .exports.show({ title: t, body: b }); } catch (e2) { internal.error( e2, "Error occurred while attempting to pop the standard dialog box, falling back to alert()" ); alert(b, t); } }, crashed: 0, crash: function(e) { internal.error(e, "Fatal error!"); if (!internal.crashed) { internal.crashed = 1; if (internal.brand) { internal.setSigmaColor("#f00"); } internal.alert( "A fatal error occurred in EPAPI.\n\nThis usually means there is a bug in EPAPI or your bootstrap. It can also mean that Discord updated, breaking something important.\n\nCheck the console for details.\n\nIf you don't know what this means, contact your bootstrap maintainer.", "Fatal error!" ); } }, setwordmark: function(html) { try { return (document.querySelector( '[class*="wordmark"]' ).innerHTML = html); } catch (e) {} }, setSigmaColor: function(color) { setTimeout( () => internal.setwordmark( `` ), 2000 ); }, // document-level events (internal) events: { // dispatched whenever Discord's internal event system dispatches an event discordNativeEvent: function(e) { return new CustomEvent("ep-native", { detail: e }); }, // dispatched whenever EPAPI is done initializing and loading plugins onReady: function() { return new Event("ep-ready"); }, // dispatched during early init, to signal that at least the global namespace is ready // intended for use by bootstraps onPrepared: function() { return new Event("ep-prepared"); }, // dispatched whenever the user changes channel/guild in the ui onChannelChange: function(e) { return new CustomEvent("ep-onchannelchange", { detail: e.detail }); }, // dispatched whenever any message is received by the client onMessage: function(e) { return new CustomEvent("ep-onmessage", { detail: e.detail }); }, // dispatched whenever a message is received in the channel that the user is currently viewing onChannelMessage: function(e) { return new CustomEvent("ep-onchannelmessage", { detail: e.detail }); } }, // stuff asarpwn's i.js and main.js used to handle prepare: async function() { internal.print("loading RapidDOM..."); require("./rapiddom.js"); // undefine config and settings if running in lite mode and dont deal with require() if (internal.lite) { exports.config = undefined; } else { // only use the (now defunct) directory escape exploit if the bootstrap hasnt declared itself as native // TODO: once the exploit fix gets pushed out to stable we should probably start assuming native by default if (!internal.native) { // mutant hybrid require() for maximum compatibility, always defined now because some bootstraps have bad implementations internal.print("defining require..."); var r = DiscordNative.nativeModules.requireModule( "discord_/../electron" ).remote.require; window.require = m => { try { return DiscordNative.nativeModules.requireModule( "discord_/../" + m ); } catch (e) { return r(m); } }; } // here we import and define some stuff that usually gets defined by the bootstrap, just in case internal.print("requiring necessary modules..."); window.electron = require("electron").remote; window.app = electron.app; window.fs = require("original-fs"); // kinclude executes a file directly in the context of the page window.kinclude = function(p) { return evaluate(fs.readFileSync(p, "utf8").toString()); }; // krequire is a reimplementation of require(), only intended for loading plugins window.krequire = function(p) { /*var exports = {}; evaluate(fs.readFileSync($api.data + '/plugins/' + p + (p.endsWith('.js') ? '' : '.js'), 'utf8').toString(), exports); return exports;*/ return require($api.data + "/plugins/" + p + (p.endsWith(".js") ? "" : ".js")); }; } window.kparse = function(p) { var exports = {}; evaluate(p, exports); return exports; }; // this part sets up webcrack, which is a very important part of EPAPI // created by bootsy, fixed for new webpack by dr1ft internal.print("initializing webcrack..."); function webcrack(n, b, d) { (mArr = d.m), (mCac = d.c), (mCar = []), Object.keys(mCac).forEach(function(n) { mCar[n] = mCac[n]; }), (findFunc = function(n) { results = []; if ("string" == typeof n) mArr.forEach(function(r, t) { -1 !== r.toString().indexOf(n) && results.push(mCac[t]); }); else { if ("function" != typeof n) throw new TypeError( "findFunc can only find via string and function, " + typeof n + " was passed" ); mArr.forEach(function(r, e) { n(r) && results.push(mCac[e]); }); } return results; }), (findCache = function(n) { if (((results = []), "function" == typeof n)) mCar.forEach(function(r, t) { n(r) && results.push(r); }); else { if ("string" != typeof n) throw new TypeError( "findCache can only find via function or string, " + typeof n + " was passed" ); mCar.forEach(function(r, t) { if ("object" == typeof r.exports) for (p in r.exports) if ( (p == n && results.push(r), "default" == p && "object" == typeof r.exports["default"]) ) for (p in r.exports["default"]) p == n && results.push(r); }); } return results; }), (window.wc = { get: d, modArr: mArr, modCache: mCac, modCArr: mCar, findFunc: findFunc, findCache: findCache }); } typeof webpackJsonp == "function" ? webpackJsonp([1e3], { webcrack: webcrack }, ["webcrack"]) : webpackJsonp.push([ [1e3], { webcrack: webcrack }, [["webcrack"]] ]); internal.print("defining helper functions..."); // shorthand methods that are used internally and in many plugins, maintained for compatibility and convenience window.$listen = (e, c) => { var listener = { name: e, callback: function() { try { c.apply(null, arguments); } catch (e) { internal.error( e, "An event listener threw an exception" ); } }, unregister: function() { document.removeEventListener(this.name, this.callback); } }; document.addEventListener(listener.name, listener.callback); return listener; }; window.$dispatch = e => document.dispatchEvent(e); window.$purge = e => { internal.warn( "$purge() is deprecated, use HTMLElement.purge() instead" ); e.innerHTML = ""; }; window.$_ = function(e, c, t, i) { internal.warn( "$_() is deprecated, use createElement() and RapidDOM instead" ); var elm = document.createElement(e); if (typeof c != "undefined") { elm.className = c; if (typeof t != "undefined") { elm.innerText = t; if (typeof i != "undefined") { elm.id = i; } } } return elm; }; window.$chan = exports.ui.getCurrentChannel; window.$guild = exports.ui.getCurrentGuild; window.$me = exports.internal.getId; // expose EPAPI as $api, which is what most plugins expect it to be known as window.$api = exports; // derive the date of creation from a discord snowflake id Date.fromSnowflake = id => new Date(id / 4194304 + 1420070400000); }, // set everything up and load plugins init: function() { if ( $(".guilds-wrapper .guilds") != null ? $(".guilds-wrapper .guilds").children.length > 0 : 0 ) { try { if (exports.localStorage.get("safemode")) { internal.print( "running in safe mode, aborting late-init and informing the user" ); exports.localStorage.remove("safemode"); internal.setSigmaColor("#ff0"); internal.alert( "EPAPI is running in safe mode. No plugins have been loaded and internal Discord data structures have been left unmodified.", "Safe Mode" ); return; } exports.localStorage.remove("safemode"); // actually start initializing... internal.print("Discord ready, initializing..."); // number of broken plugins var warning = 0; // use the ep-native event to dispatch other events $listen("ep-native", e => { switch (e.detail.type) { case "MESSAGE_CREATE": $dispatch(internal.events.onMessage(e)); break; case "CHANNEL_SELECT": $dispatch(internal.events.onChannelChange(e)); break; } }); // ep-onchannelmessage is like ep-onmessage, except it only fires when the user is currently viewing the channel the message originates from $listen("ep-onmessage", e => { if (e.detail.channel_id == $chan()) { $dispatch(internal.events.onChannelMessage(e)); } }); // register an event with discord's internal event system internal.print("registering Discord event handler..."); window.__logAllInternalEvents = false; exports.internal.dispatcher.default.register(e => { if (!internal.crashed) { if (window.__logAllInternalEvents) { console.log(e.type + "\n", e); } try { $dispatch( internal.events.discordNativeEvent(e) ); } catch (e) { internal.crash(e); } } }); // hook the discord internal event system // TODO: registering with the event system is no longer necessary, we should probably unify this with the above chunk of code exports.internal.dispatcher.default.dispatch_original = exports.internal.dispatcher.default.dispatch; exports.internal.dispatcher.default.dispatch = function(e) { internal.hooks .filter(x => x.type == e.type) .forEach(x => x.callback(e)); exports.internal.dispatcher.default.dispatch_original( e ); }; // add our avatar -- credit to block for finding this method wc.findFunc("clyde")[0].exports.BOT_AVATARS.EndPwn = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/350987786037493773/ae0a2f95898cfd867c843c1290e2b917.png"; // dont try loading plugins in lite mode if (internal.lite) { } else { // load styles if (fs.existsSync(exports.data + "/styles")) { fs .readdirSync(exports.data + "/styles") .forEach(x => { internal.print("loading /styles/" + x); if (x.endsWith(".css")) { var style = document.createElement( "style" ); style.type = "text/css"; style.innerHTML = fs .readFileSync( exports.data + "/styles/" + x ) .toString(); document.head.appendChild(style); } }); } // load plugins... if (fs.existsSync(exports.data + "/plugins")) { fs .readdirSync(exports.data + "/plugins") .forEach(x => { if (x.endsWith(".js")) { try { var plugin = krequire(x); if (plugin.start !== undefined) { internal.print( "loading /plugins/" + x ); plugin.start(); } else { internal.print( "/plugins/" + x + " does not export start(), ignoring..." ); } } catch (e) { internal.error( e, x + " failed to initialize properly" ); warning++; } } }); } // execute autoruns... if (fs.existsSync(exports.data + "/autorun")) { fs .readdirSync(exports.data + "/autorun") .forEach(x => { if (x.endsWith(".js")) { try { internal.print( "executing /autorun/" + x ); kinclude( exports.data + "/autorun/" + x ); } catch (e) { internal.error( e, x + " failed to execute properly" ); warning++; } } }); } } setTimeout(() => { if (window.jQuery) internal.crash( "EndPwn is not compatible with jQuery" ); }, 2000); // display a message if any plugins failed to load if (warning) internal.alert( `${warning} file${ warning > 1 ? "s" : "" } failed to load. Check the console for details.`, "Plugin failure" ); // print the about message to the console if (!internal.silent) exports.about(); // dispatch the ep-ready event, we're all done here $dispatch(internal.events.onReady()); } catch (ex) { internal.crash(ex); } } else { // discord isnt ready, wait a bit and try again internal.print("Discord not ready, waiting 1 second..."); setTimeout(arguments.callee, 1000); } }, hooks: [] }; exports = { // new version data version: { major: 5, minor: 6, revision: 46, // TODO: find a better way of incrementing/calculating the revision; the current way is fucking ridiculous (manually editing) toString: function() { return `v${this.major}.${this.minor}.${this.revision}`; } }, // the first ever export added to epapi, originally as a test -- kept in mainline because i havent had the heart to remove it xyzzy: "Nothing happened.", // display info // ugly code, should probably be made prettier at some point // oh no i made it even uglier about: function() { console.log( `%cLλmbda%c ${this.bootstrap.name ? this.bootstrap.name : "unknown"}${ this.bootstrap.version ? ` ${this.bootstrap.version}` : "" }${this.bootstrap.method ? ` (${this.bootstrap.method})` : ""} EPAPI ${this.version}${window.crispr ? `, CRISPR ${window.crispr.version}` : ""} https://xn--lmbda-2be.cf/ https://discord.gg/6dKCZxn`, "background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#c0ff80,#c080ff);-webkit-background-clip:text;-webkit-text-fill-color:transparent;font-size:48px;font-family:sans-serif", "" ); }, // get the lite status get lite() { return internal.lite; }, /* entrypoint arguments: bootstrap (object): bootstrap properties keys: name (string): name of bootstrap version (string or object): version of bootstrap method (string): name of stage 1 method in use lite (bool): disables node dependence (for web browsers) silent (bool): dont display about() after initialization brand (bool): enables the sigma wordmark replacement secure (bool): enables security features like permissions native (bool): informs epapi that we have access to native require() all keys are optional, boolean values are assumed false if not provided please do not call this method unless you are a bootstrap */ go: async function(bootstrap, silent, brand, lite) { if ( location.hostname.indexOf("discordapp") == -1 && location.hostname.indexOf("dr1ft.xyz") == -1 ) return; try { internal.print("starting up..."); // figure out which calling convention is being used switch (typeof bootstrap) { // new bootstrap using bootstrap properties object instead of separate arguments case "object": exports.bootstrap = bootstrap; internal.lite = bootstrap.lite ? true : false; internal.silent = bootstrap.silent ? true : false; internal.brand = bootstrap.brand ? true : false; internal.native = bootstrap.native ? true : false; break; // older bootstrap case "string": exports.bootstrap = { name: bootstrap }; internal.lite = lite ? true : false; // dont use node integration internal.silent = silent ? true : false; internal.brand = brand ? true : false; break; // really old bootstrap, or the bootstrap is doing something stupid we dont expect default: if (window._epmethod === undefined) { exports.method = "unknown"; } else { exports.method = _epmethod; } break; } internal.print("detected calling convention"); // prepare the global namespace internal.print("preparing the global namespace..."); await internal.prepare(); // dispatch ep-prepared to let the bootstrap know that the global namespace is ready $dispatch(internal.events.onPrepared()); if (!internal.lite) { // determine the root path where plugins and files will be found exports.data = app.getPath("userData").replace(/\\/g, "/") + "/"; internal.print("data path " + exports.data); // icon by toxoid49b, tweaked by me if (internal.brand) { internal.setSigmaColor("#c080ff"); } } // start trying to init internal.print("starting init loop..."); setTimeout(internal.init, 0); // undefine the entrypoint to avoid getting double-called delete exports.go; } catch (ex) { // something bad happened, undefine $api and display a message internal.crash(ex); } }, // methods for committing data to settings.json settings: { // get a value in the settings.json object get: function(k) { if (internal.lite) internal.warn( "Something tried retrieving data from settings.json, but we are running in lite mode! Returning undefined..." ); else return JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(exports.data + "/settings.json", "utf8") )[k]; }, // set a value in the settings.json object set: function(k, v) { if (internal.lite) { internal.warn( "Something tried putting data into settings.json, but we are running in lite mode! Doing nothing..." ); } else { var o = JSON.parse( fs.readFileSync(exports.data + "/settings.json", "utf8") ); o[k] = v; fs.writeFileSync( exports.data + "/settings.json", JSON.stringify(o, null, 2) ); return v; } } }, // localStorage stuff localStorage: { // get a value from localStorage get: function(k) { return exports.internal.objectStorage.impl.get(k); }, // set a value in localStorage set: function(k, v) { return exports.internal.objectStorage.impl.set(k, v); }, // remove a value from localStorage remove: function(k) { return exports.internal.objectStorage.impl.remove(k); } }, // utility functions util: { // BUG: wrap and its sister function both fuck things up that use `this` // i know exactly why this happens, but not the slightest clue how to fix it // manual wrapping is necessary in some cases because of this // // trying to use these on any function that uses `this` will fuck that function // dont do it // intercept a function's arguments wrap: function(target1, callback) { // for security; we're evaluating an untrusted expression in the local scope here //var internal = {}; // get the original function var orig = evaluate(target1); // the stub we will overwrite the function with function stub() { // what we will pass to the original function var args; try { // call the wrapper and get our args args = callback.apply(null, arguments); } catch (e) { internal.error( e, "A function wrapper threw an exception" ); // dont completely break the function if there's a flaw in the wrapper args = arguments; } // returning undefined results in the function call being suppressed if (typeof args != "undefined") { // call the original function return orig.apply(null, args); } } stub.original = orig; stub.callback = callback; callback = callback.bind(stub); // do the overwriting thing eval(`${target1}=stub`); }, // intercept a function's return value wrapAfter: function(target1, callback) { //var internal = {}; // get the original function var orig = evaluate(target1); // the stub we will overwrite the function with function stub() { // call the original argument var r = orig.apply(null, arguments); try { // call the wrapper and return its return value return callback(r); } catch (e) { internal.error( e, "A function wrapper threw an exception" ); // again, dont fuck stuff up if there's a flaw in the wrapper return r; } } stub.original = orig; stub.callback = callback; callback = callback.bind(stub); // overwrite that shit eval(`${target1}=stub`); }, // extended findFunc that automatically narrows down results findFuncExports: function(s, e) { if (s === undefined) throw Error("must provide a search string"); if (e === undefined) e = s; var results = wc .findFunc(s) .filter( x => x !== undefined && x.exports !== undefined && x.exports[e] !== undefined ); if (results.length == 0) throw Error("findFuncExports() found no matches"); if (results.length > 1) internal.warn( "findFuncExports() found more than one match" ); return results[0].exports; }, findConstructor: function(s, e) { if (s === undefined) throw Error("must provide a search string"); var results = e !== undefined ? wc .findFunc(s) .filter( x => x !== undefined && x.exports !== undefined && x.exports[e] !== undefined ) : wc.findFunc(s); if (results.length == 0) throw Error("findConstructor() found no matches"); if (results.length > 1) internal.warn( "findConstructor() found more than one match" ); return mArr[results[0].i]; } }, // discord internal modules exposed with webcrack, commented out lines' purposes have been forgotten internal: { get constants() { return wc.findCache("API_HOST")[0].exports; }, get dispatcher() { return wc .findCache("Dispatcher") .filter( x => x.exports !== undefined && x.exports.Store === undefined && x.exports.default !== undefined )[0].exports; }, //get evnt() { wc.findFunc('MESSAGE_CREATE')[1].exports }, get messageUI() { return exports.util.findFuncExports("receiveMessage"); }, get messageCreation() { return exports.util.findFuncExports("createMessage"); }, get notification() { return exports.util.findFuncExports( "showNotification", "setTTSType" ); }, //get hguild() { wc.findFunc('leaveGuild')[0].exports }, //get lguild() { wc.findFunc('markGuildAsRead')[0].exports }, get objectStorage() { return wc.findCache("ObjectStorage")[0].exports; }, get user() { return wc.findCache("getUser")[0].exports; }, getId: () => wc.findCache("getId")[0].exports.getId() }, // discord internal events stuff // $api.event.* is has no use outside of epapi internal things // as such, it has been moved to an internal object events: { // $listen('ep-native') without all the fuss listen: function(type, callback) { if (type === undefined) throw Error("must provide an event type"); if (callback === undefined) throw Error("must provide a callback"); return $listen("ep-native", e => { if (e.detail.type == type) { callback(e.detail); } }); }, // forge an event and dispatch it dispatch: function(event) { if (event.type === undefined) throw Error("must provide an event type"); return exports.internal.dispatcher.default.dirtyDispatch(event); }, // intercept and modify an event before it can go anywhere hook: function(type, callback) { if (type === undefined) throw Error("must provide an event type"); if (callback === undefined) throw Error("must provide a callback"); var newHook = { type: type, callback: callback, unregister: () => { var i = internal.hooks.indexOf(newHook); if (i > -1) internal.hooks.splice(i, 1); } }; internal.hooks.push(newHook); return newHook; } }, // discord api stuff discord: { // take a wild guess rest: async function(method, endpoint, body, c) { // the url we will be making our request to var url = "https://discordapp.com/api/v6" + endpoint; // fetch() options var options = { headers: { // get the token from localStorage as our auth header Authorization: exports.internal.objectStorage.impl.get( "token" ), "Content-type": "application/json" }, method: method }; // if the body isnt already a string go ahead and stringify it if (typeof body !== "string") body = JSON.stringify(body); // probably not the best way to handle this if (method !== "GET") options.body = body; // fetch var r = await fetch(url, options); if (!r.ok) throw Error(await r.text()); // urgh, theyre using callbacks if (c !== undefined) { // warn the dev internal.warn( "Using callbacks in REST calls is deprecated and may be removed in a future release." ); // operate like EPAPI =<5.0 c(await r.text()); } else { return await r.json(); } }, // mark a message read ack: function(channel, id) { return this.rest( "POST", `/channels/${channel}/messages/${id}/ack` ); }, sendMessage: function(channel, text) { return this.rest("POST", `/channels/${channel}/messages`, { content: text }); }, sendEmbed: function(channel, ebd) { return this.rest("POST", `/channels/${channel}/messages`, { embed: ebd }); }, getGuild: function(id, c) { return this.rest( "GET", `/guilds/${id}`, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); }, getChannel: function(id, c) { return this.rest( "GET", "/channels/" + id, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); }, getUser: function(id) { return exports.internal.user.getUser(id); }, getCurrentUser: function() { return exports.internal.user.getCurrentUser(); }, getGuildRoles: function(id, c) { return this.rest( "GET", `/guilds/${id}/roles`, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); }, getGuildChannels: function(id, c) { return this.rest( "GET", `/guilds/${id}/channels`, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); }, getGuildUser: function(guildid, userid, c) { return this.rest( "GET", `/guilds/${guildid}/members/${userid}`, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); }, getGuildUsers: function(id, c) { return this.rest( "GET", `/guilds/${id}/members?limit=1000`, "", c ? e => c(JSON.parse(e)) : undefined ); } }, // ui stuff, including pulling data from the path for some reason ui: { // navigate transitionTo: function(path) { wc.findCache("transitionTo")[0].exports.transitionTo(path); }, // focus discord focus: function() { electron.getCurrentWindow().focus(); }, // pull the channel id from the url getCurrentChannel: function() { var p = window.location.pathname.split("/"); return p[p.length - 1]; }, // pull the guild id from the url getCurrentGuild: function() { var p = window.location.pathname.split("/"); return p[p.length - 2]; }, // creates a fake message in the current channel (like clyde) fakeMsg: function(t, f) { var msg = exports.internal.messageCreation.createMessage( this.getCurrentChannel(), t ); msg.author.avatar = "EndPwn"; msg.author.bot = true; msg.author.discriminator = "0000"; msg.author.id = "1"; msg.author.username = "EndPwn"; msg.state = "SENT"; if (typeof f != "undefined") { f(msg); } exports.internal.messageUI.receiveMessage( this.getCurrentChannel(), msg ); }, hideChannels: function() { $('[class^="channels"]').style.display = "none"; }, showChannels: function() { $('[class^="channels"]').style.display = ""; }, hideServers: function() { $(".guilds-wrapper").style.display = "none"; }, showServers: function() { $(".guilds-wrapper").style.display = ""; }, /*hideToolbar: function () { $('.topic').style.display = 'none'; $('.header-toolbar').style.display = 'none'; }, showToolbar: function () { $('.topic').style.display = ''; $('.header-toolbar').style.display = ''; },*/ toggleUsers: function() { wc.findFunc("toggleSection")[1].exports.TOGGLE_USERS.action(); }, // display a dialog box showDialog: function(x) { // for example, $api.ui.showDialog({title: 'Pwnt!', body: 'It works!'}) exports.util .findFuncExports("e.onConfirmSecondary", "show") .show(x); }, // display a banner at the top of the app showNotice: function(text, button) { exports.util .findFuncExports("ActionTypes.NOTICE_SHOW", "show") .show("GENERIC", text, button, () => {}, 0); }, // get profile notes for a user getNote: function(id) { return exports.util .findFuncExports("getNote", "_actionHandlers") .getNote(id); }, get focused() { return electron.getCurrentWindow().isFocused(); } } }; if (typeof module != "undefined") module.exports = exports; })();