2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
/ *
EndPwn "API"
Copyright 2018 EndPwn Project
Permission is hereby granted , free of charge , to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files ( the "Software" ) , to deal in the Software without restriction , including without limitation the rights to use , copy , modify , merge , publish , distribute , sublicense , and / or sell copies of the Software , and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so , subject to the following conditions :
The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software .
DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE ! Your bootstrap may overwrite changes to it , and you will lose your work !
EndPwn3 users : You can prevent this by creating a file in the same directory named DONTUPDATE
https : //github.com/endpwn/
* /
function evaluate ( str , exportsR ) {
var exports = { } ;
var ret = eval ( str ) ;
if ( exportsR ) Object . assign ( exportsR , exports ) ;
return ret ;
( ( ) => {
var internal = {
print : function ( t ) {
console . log ( ` %c[EPAPI]%c ${ t } ` , 'font-weight:bold;color:#c8f' , '' ) ;
} ,
warn : function ( t , e ) {
if ( typeof ( e ) == 'undefined' ) e = '' ; else e = ':\n\n' + e ;
console . warn ( ` %c[EPAPI]%c ${ t } ` , 'font-weight:bold;color:#c8f' , '' , e ) ;
} ,
error : function ( e , t ) {
if ( typeof ( t ) == 'undefined' ) t = 'uncaught exception' ;
console . error ( ` %c[EPAPI]%c ${ t } : \n \n ` , 'font-weight:bold;color:#c8f' , '' , e ) ;
} ,
alert : function ( b , t ) {
if ( typeof ( t ) == 'undefined' ) t = 'EPAPI' ; else t = 'EPAPI: ' + t ;
try {
wc . findFunc ( 'e.onConfirmSecondary' ) [ 1 ] . exports . show ( { title : t , body : b } ) ;
} catch ( e2 ) {
internal . error ( e2 , "Error occurred while attempting to pop the standard dialog box, falling back to alert()" ) ;
alert ( b , t ) ;
} ,
crashed : 0 ,
crash : function ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , 'Fatal error!' ) ;
if ( ! internal . crashed ) {
internal . crashed = 1 ;
if ( internal . brand ) {
internal . setSigmaColor ( '#f00' ) ;
internal . alert ( 'A fatal error occurred in EPAPI.\n\nThis usually means there is a bug in EPAPI or your bootstrap. It can also mean that Discord updated, breaking something important.\n\nCheck the console for details.\n\nIf you don\'t know what this means, contact your bootstrap maintainer.' , 'Fatal error!' ) ;
} ,
setwordmark : function ( html ) {
try {
return document . querySelector ( '[class*="wordmark"]' ) . innerHTML = html ;
catch ( e ) { }
} ,
setSigmaColor : function ( color ) {
setTimeout ( ( ) => internal . setwordmark ( ` <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="16" height="16" viewBox="0 0 16 16"><path fill=" ${ color } " d="M0,0L13,0L13,2L3,2L8,7.5L3,13L13,13L13,15L0,15L0,13L5,7.5L0,2L0,0Z"/></svg> ` ) , 2000 ) ;
} ,
// document-level events (internal)
events : {
// dispatched whenever Discord's internal event system dispatches an event
discordNativeEvent : function ( e ) {
return new CustomEvent ( 'ep-native' , { detail : e } ) ;
} ,
// dispatched whenever EPAPI is done initializing and loading plugins
onReady : function ( ) {
return new Event ( 'ep-ready' ) ;
} ,
// dispatched during early init, to signal that at least the global namespace is ready
// intended for use by bootstraps
onPrepared : function ( ) {
return new Event ( 'ep-prepared' ) ;
} ,
// dispatched whenever the user changes channel/guild in the ui
onChannelChange : function ( e ) {
return new CustomEvent ( 'ep-onchannelchange' , { detail : e . detail } ) ;
} ,
// dispatched whenever any message is received by the client
onMessage : function ( e ) {
return new CustomEvent ( 'ep-onmessage' , { detail : e . detail } ) ;
} ,
// dispatched whenever a message is received in the channel that the user is currently viewing
onChannelMessage : function ( e ) {
return new CustomEvent ( 'ep-onchannelmessage' , { detail : e . detail } ) ;
} ,
// stuff asarpwn's i.js and main.js used to handle
prepare : async function ( ) {
internal . print ( 'loading RapidDOM...' ) ;
evaluate ( await ( await fetch ( 'https://endpwn.github.io/rapiddom/rapiddom.js?_=' + Date . now ( ) ) ) . text ( ) ) ;
// undefine config and settings if running in lite mode and dont deal with require()
if ( internal . lite ) {
exports . config = undefined ;
else {
// mutant hybrid require() for maximum compatibility, always defined now because some bootstraps have bad implementations
internal . print ( 'defining require...' ) ;
//if (typeof (require) == "undefined") {
var r = DiscordNative . nativeModules . requireModule ( "discord_/../electron" ) . remote . require ;
window . require = m => {
try {
return DiscordNative . nativeModules . requireModule ( "discord_/../" + m ) ;
catch ( e ) {
return r ( m ) ;
} ;
// here we import and define some stuff that usually gets defined by the bootstrap, just in case
internal . print ( 'requiring necessary modules...' ) ;
window . electron = require ( 'electron' ) . remote ;
window . app = electron . app ;
window . fs = require ( "original-fs" ) ;
// kinclude executes a file directly in the context of the page
window . kinclude = function ( p ) {
return evaluate ( fs . readFileSync ( p , 'utf8' ) . toString ( ) ) ;
// krequire is a reimplementation of require(), only intended for loading plugins
window . krequire = function ( p ) {
var exports = { } ;
evaluate ( fs . readFileSync ( $api . data + '/plugins/' + p + ( p . endsWith ( '.js' ) ? '' : '.js' ) , 'utf8' ) . toString ( ) , exports ) ;
return exports ;
window . kparse = function ( p ) {
var exports = { } ;
evaluate ( p , exports ) ;
return exports ;
2018-05-20 15:12:24 +00:00
// this part sets up webcrack, which is a very important part of EPAPI
// created by bootsy, fixed for new webpack by dr1ft
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
internal . print ( 'initializing webcrack...' ) ;
2018-05-20 15:12:24 +00:00
function webcrack ( n , b , d ) { mArr = d . m , mCac = d . c , mCar = [ ] , Object . keys ( mCac ) . forEach ( function ( n ) { mCar [ n ] = mCac [ n ] } ) , findFunc = function ( n ) { results = [ ] ; if ( "string" == typeof n ) mArr . forEach ( function ( r , t ) { - 1 !== r . toString ( ) . indexOf ( n ) && results . push ( mCac [ t ] ) } ) ; else { if ( "function" != typeof n ) throw new TypeError ( "findFunc can only find via string and function, " + typeof n + " was passed" ) ; mArr . forEach ( function ( r , e ) { n ( r ) && results . push ( mCac [ e ] ) } ) } return results } , findCache = function ( n ) { if ( results = [ ] , "function" == typeof n ) mCar . forEach ( function ( r , t ) { n ( r ) && results . push ( r ) } ) ; else { if ( "string" != typeof n ) throw new TypeError ( "findCache can only find via function or string, " + typeof n + " was passed" ) ; mCar . forEach ( function ( r , t ) { if ( "object" == typeof r . exports ) for ( p in r . exports ) if ( p == n && results . push ( r ) , "default" == p && "object" == typeof r . exports [ "default" ] ) for ( p in r . exports [ "default" ] ) p == n && results . push ( r ) } ) } return results } , window . wc = { get : d , modArr : mArr , modCache : mCac , modCArr : mCar , findFunc : findFunc , findCache : findCache } }
typeof webpackJsonp == 'function' ?
webpackJsonp ( [ 1e3 ] , { webcrack : webcrack } , [ 'webcrack' ] ) :
webpackJsonp . push ( [ [ 1e3 ] , { webcrack : webcrack } , [ [ 'webcrack' ] ] ] ) ;
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
internal . print ( 'defining helper functions...' ) ;
// shorthand methods that are used internally and in many plugins, maintained for compatibility and convenience
window . $listen = ( e , c ) => {
var listener = {
name : e ,
callback : function ( ) {
try {
c . apply ( null , arguments ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , 'An event listener threw an exception' ) ;
} ,
unregister : function ( ) {
document . removeEventListener ( this . name , this . callback ) ;
document . addEventListener ( listener . name , listener . callback ) ;
return listener ;
} ;
window . $dispatch = e => document . dispatchEvent ( e ) ;
window . $purge = e => {
internal . warn ( '$purge() is deprecated, use HTMLElement.purge() instead' ) ;
e . innerHTML = '' ;
} ;
window . $ _ = function ( e , c , t , i ) {
internal . warn ( '$_() is deprecated, use createElement() and RapidDOM instead' ) ;
var elm = document . createElement ( e ) ;
if ( typeof ( c ) != 'undefined' ) {
elm . className = c ;
if ( typeof ( t ) != 'undefined' ) {
elm . innerText = t ;
if ( typeof ( i ) != 'undefined' ) {
elm . id = i ;
return elm ;
} ;
window . $chan = exports . ui . getCurrentChannel ;
window . $guild = exports . ui . getCurrentGuild ;
window . $me = exports . internal . getId ;
// expose EPAPI as $api, which is what most plugins expect it to be known as
window . $api = exports ;
// extension methods used in some older plugins, maintained for compatibility
String . prototype . replaceAll = function ( search , replacement ) { return this . split ( search ) . join ( replacement ) } ;
Array . prototype . contains = function ( s ) { return this . indexOf ( s ) != - 1 } ;
// derive the date of creation from a discord snowflake id
Date . fromSnowflake = ( id ) => new Date ( ( id / 4194304 ) + 1420070400000 ) ;
} ,
// set everything up and load plugins
init : function ( ) {
if ( $ ( ".guilds-wrapper .guilds" ) != null ? $ ( ".guilds-wrapper .guilds" ) . children . length > 0 : 0 ) {
try {
if ( exports . localStorage . get ( 'safemode' ) ) {
internal . print ( 'running in safe mode, aborting late-init and informing the user' ) ;
exports . localStorage . remove ( 'safemode' ) ;
internal . setSigmaColor ( '#ff0' ) ;
internal . alert ( 'EPAPI is running in safe mode. No plugins have been loaded and internal Discord data structures have been left unmodified.' , 'Safe Mode' ) ;
return ;
exports . localStorage . remove ( 'safemode' ) ;
// actually start initializing...
internal . print ( 'Discord ready, initializing...' )
// number of broken plugins
var warning = 0 ;
// use the ep-native event to dispatch other events
$listen ( 'ep-native' , ( e ) => {
switch ( e . detail . type ) {
$dispatch ( internal . events . onMessage ( e ) ) ;
break ;
$dispatch ( internal . events . onChannelChange ( e ) ) ;
break ;
} ) ;
// ep-onchannelmessage is like ep-onmessage, except it only fires when the user is currently viewing the channel the message originates from
$listen ( 'ep-onmessage' , e => {
if ( e . detail . channel _id == $chan ( ) ) {
$dispatch ( internal . events . onChannelMessage ( e ) ) ;
} ) ;
// register an event with discord's internal event system
internal . print ( 'registering Discord event handler...' ) ;
window . _ _logAllInternalEvents = false ;
exports . internal . dispatcher . default . register ( e => {
if ( ! internal . crashed ) {
if ( window . _ _logAllInternalEvents ) {
console . log ( e . type + '\n' , e ) ;
try {
$dispatch ( internal . events . discordNativeEvent ( e ) ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . crash ( e ) ;
} ) ;
// hook the discord internal event system
// TODO: registering with the event system is no longer necessary, we should probably unify this with the above chunk of code
exports . internal . dispatcher . default . dispatch _original = exports . internal . dispatcher . default . dispatch ;
exports . internal . dispatcher . default . dispatch = function ( e ) {
internal . hooks . filter ( x => x . type == e . type ) . forEach ( x => x . callback ( e ) ) ;
exports . internal . dispatcher . default . dispatch _original ( e ) ;
// add our avatar -- credit to block for finding this method
wc . findFunc ( "clyde" ) [ 0 ] . exports . BOT _AVATARS . EndPwn = "https://cdn.discordapp.com/avatars/350987786037493773/ae0a2f95898cfd867c843c1290e2b917.png" ;
// dont try loading plugins in lite mode
2018-05-20 21:36:05 +00:00
window . $pluginStore = { } ;
var loadOrder = { } ;
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
if ( internal . lite ) {
else {
// load styles
if ( fs . existsSync ( exports . data + '/styles' ) ) {
fs . readdirSync ( exports . data + '/styles' ) . forEach ( x => {
internal . print ( 'loading /styles/' + x ) ;
if ( x . endsWith ( '.css' ) ) {
var style = document . createElement ( "style" ) ;
style . type = "text/css" ;
style . innerHTML = fs . readFileSync ( exports . data + '/styles/' + x ) . toString ( ) ;
document . head . appendChild ( style ) ;
} ) ;
// load plugins...
if ( fs . existsSync ( exports . data + '/plugins' ) ) {
2018-05-20 21:36:05 +00:00
fs . readdirSync ( exports . data + '/plugins' ) . forEach ( x => {
if ( x . endsWith ( '.js' ) ) {
var plugin = krequire ( x ) ;
$pluginStore [ x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) ] = plugin . manifest ? plugin . manifest : { name : x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) , description : "Manifest is missing for this plugin." , author : "Unknown" } ;
loadOrder [ x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) ] = loadOrder [ x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) ] ? loadOrder [ x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) ] : ( ( plugin . manifest && plugin . manifest . prioirty ) ? plugin . manifest . prioirty : 0 ) ;
if ( plugin . manifest && plugin . manifest . loadAfter ) {
let la = plugin . manifest . loadAfter ;
if ( Array . isArray ( la ) ) {
internal . print ( '/plugins/' + x + ' depends on: ' + la . join ( ", " ) ) ;
la . forEach ( y => { loadOrder [ y ] ? loadOrder [ y ] = loadOrder [ y ] + 1 : loadOrder [ y ] = 1 } ) ;
} else {
internal . print ( '/plugins/' + x + '\'s loadAfter is not an array, ignoring...' ) ;
} ) ;
loadOrder = Object . keys ( loadOrder ) . sort ( function ( a , b ) { return - ( loadOrder [ a ] - loadOrder [ b ] ) } ) ;
loadOrder . forEach ( x => {
try {
var plugin = krequire ( x + ".js" ) ;
if ( plugin . start !== undefined ) {
internal . print ( 'loading /plugins/' + x ) ;
plugin . start ( ) ;
} else {
internal . print ( '/plugins/' + x + ' does not export start(), ignoring...' ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , x + ' failed to initialize properly' ) ;
warning ++ ;
} ) ;
/ * i f ( f s . e x i s t s S y n c ( e x p o r t s . d a t a + ' / p l u g i n s ' ) ) {
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
fs . readdirSync ( exports . data + '/plugins' ) . forEach ( x => {
if ( x . endsWith ( '.js' ) ) {
try {
var plugin = krequire ( x ) ;
2018-05-20 21:36:05 +00:00
$pluginStore [ x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) ] = plugin . manifest ? plugin . manifest : { name : x . replace ( ".js" , "" ) , description : "Manifest is missing for this plugin." , author : "Unknown" } ;
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
if ( plugin . start !== undefined ) {
internal . print ( 'loading /plugins/' + x ) ;
plugin . start ( ) ;
} else {
internal . print ( '/plugins/' + x + ' does not export start(), ignoring...' ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , x + ' failed to initialize properly' ) ;
warning ++ ;
} ) ;
2018-05-20 21:36:05 +00:00
} * /
2018-05-20 03:51:19 +00:00
// execute autoruns...
if ( fs . existsSync ( exports . data + '/autorun' ) ) {
fs . readdirSync ( exports . data + '/autorun' ) . forEach ( x => {
if ( x . endsWith ( '.js' ) ) {
try {
internal . print ( 'executing /autorun/' + x ) ;
kinclude ( exports . data + '/autorun/' + x ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , x + ' failed to execute properly' ) ;
warning ++ ;
} ) ;
setTimeout ( ( ) => {
if ( window . jQuery )
internal . crash ( 'EndPwn is not compatible with jQuery' ) ;
} , 2000 ) ;
// display a message if any plugins failed to load
if ( warning )
internal . alert ( ` ${ warning } file ${ warning > 1 ? 's' : '' } failed to load. Check the console for details. ` , 'Plugin failure' ) ;
// print the about message to the console
if ( ! internal . silent )
exports . about ( ) ;
// dispatch the ep-ready event, we're all done here
$dispatch ( internal . events . onReady ( ) ) ;
catch ( ex ) {
internal . crash ( ex ) ;
} else {
// discord isnt ready, wait a bit and try again
internal . print ( 'Discord not ready, waiting 1 second...' ) ;
setTimeout ( arguments . callee , 1000 ) ;
} ,
hooks : [ ]
exports = {
// new version data
version : {
major : 5 ,
minor : 6 ,
revision : 43 , // TODO: find a better way of incrementing/calculating the revision; the current way is fucking ridiculous (manually editing)
toString : function ( ) {
return ` v ${ this . major } . ${ this . minor } . ${ this . revision } ` ;
} ,
// the first ever export added to epapi, originally as a test -- kept in mainline because i havent had the heart to remove it
xyzzy : 'Nothing happened.' ,
// display info
// ugly code, should probably be made prettier at some point
// oh no i made it even uglier
about : function ( ) {
if ( internal . lite ) {
console . log ( '%cΣndPwnᴸᴵᵀᴱ' , 'font-size:48px;font-family:sans-serif' ) ;
console . log ( ` EPAPI ${ this . version } \n https://endpwn.github.io/ \n https://discord.gg/8k3gEeE ` ) ;
console . log ( ` %cCλnergy%c
$ { this . bootstrap . name ? this . bootstrap . name : 'unknown' } $ { this . bootstrap . version ? ` ${ this . bootstrap . version } ` : '' } $ { this . bootstrap . method ? ` ( ${ this . bootstrap . method } ) ` : '' }
EPAPI $ { this . version } $ { window . crispr ? ` , CRISPR ${ window . crispr . version } ` : '' }
https : //endpwn.github.io/
https : //discord.gg/8k3gEeE`,
'background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#cf8,#c8f);-webkit-background-clip:text;-webkit-text-fill-color:transparent;font-size:48px;font-family:sans-serif' , '' ) ;
} ,
// get the lite status
get lite ( ) {
return internal . lite ;
} ,
/ *
entrypoint arguments :
bootstrap ( object ) : bootstrap properties
keys :
name ( string ) : name of bootstrap
version ( string or object ) : version of bootstrap
method ( string ) : name of stage 1 method in use
lite ( bool ) : disables node dependence ( for web browsers )
silent ( bool ) : dont display about ( ) after initialization
brand ( bool ) : enables the sigma wordmark replacement
secure ( bool ) : enables security features like permissions
all keys are optional , boolean values are assumed false if not provided
please do not call this method unless you are a bootstrap
* /
go : async function ( bootstrap , silent , brand , lite ) {
if ( location . hostname . indexOf ( 'discordapp' ) == - 1 && location . hostname . indexOf ( 'dr1ft.xyz' ) == - 1 ) return ;
try {
internal . print ( 'starting up...' )
// figure out which calling convention is being used
switch ( typeof bootstrap ) {
// new bootstrap using bootstrap properties object instead of separate arguments
case 'object' :
exports . bootstrap = bootstrap ;
internal . lite = bootstrap . lite ? true : false ;
internal . silent = bootstrap . silent ? true : false ;
internal . brand = bootstrap . brand ? true : false ;
break ;
// older bootstrap
case 'string' :
exports . bootstrap = {
name : bootstrap
} ;
internal . lite = lite ? true : false ; // dont use node integration
internal . silent = silent ? true : false ;
internal . brand = brand ? true : false ;
break ;
// really old bootstrap, or the bootstrap is doing something stupid we dont expect
default :
if ( window . _epmethod === undefined ) {
exports . method = 'unknown' ;
} else {
exports . method = _epmethod ;
break ;
internal . print ( 'detected calling convention' ) ;
// prepare the global namespace
internal . print ( 'preparing the global namespace...' ) ;
await internal . prepare ( ) ;
// dispatch ep-prepared to let the bootstrap know that the global namespace is ready
$dispatch ( internal . events . onPrepared ( ) ) ;
if ( ! internal . lite ) {
// determine the root path where plugins and files will be found
exports . data = app . getPath ( 'userData' ) . replace ( /\\/g , "/" ) + '/' ;
internal . print ( 'data path ' + exports . data ) ;
// icon by toxoid49b, tweaked by me
if ( internal . brand ) {
internal . setSigmaColor ( '#0ff' ) ;
// start trying to init
internal . print ( 'starting init loop...' ) ;
setTimeout ( internal . init , 0 ) ;
// undefine the entrypoint to avoid getting double-called
delete exports . go ;
catch ( ex ) {
// something bad happened, undefine $api and display a message
internal . crash ( ex ) ;
} ,
// methods for committing data to settings.json
settings : {
// get a value in the settings.json object
get : function ( k ) {
if ( internal . lite )
internal . warn ( 'Something tried retrieving data from settings.json, but we are running in lite mode! Returning undefined...' ) ;
return JSON . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( exports . data + '/settings.json' , 'utf8' ) ) [ k ] ;
} ,
// set a value in the settings.json object
set : function ( k , v ) {
if ( internal . lite ) {
internal . warn ( 'Something tried putting data into settings.json, but we are running in lite mode! Doing nothing...' ) ;
else {
var o = JSON . parse ( fs . readFileSync ( exports . data + '/settings.json' , 'utf8' ) ) ;
o [ k ] = v ;
fs . writeFileSync ( exports . data + '/settings.json' , JSON . stringify ( o , null , 2 ) ) ;
return v ;
} ,
// localStorage stuff
localStorage : {
// get a value from localStorage
get : function ( k ) {
return exports . internal . objectStorage . impl . get ( k ) ;
} ,
// set a value in localStorage
set : function ( k , v ) {
return exports . internal . objectStorage . impl . set ( k , v ) ;
} ,
// remove a value from localStorage
remove : function ( k ) {
return exports . internal . objectStorage . impl . remove ( k ) ;
} ,
// utility functions
util : {
// BUG: wrap and its sister function both fuck things up that use `this`
// i know exactly why this happens, but not the slightest clue how to fix it
// manual wrapping is necessary in some cases because of this
// trying to use these on any function that uses `this` will fuck that function
// dont do it
// intercept a function's arguments
wrap : function ( target1 , callback ) {
// for security; we're evaluating an untrusted expression in the local scope here
var internal = { } ;
// get the original function
var orig = evaluate ( target1 ) ;
// the stub we will overwrite the function with
function stub ( ) {
// what we will pass to the original function
var args ;
try {
// call the wrapper and get our args
args = callback . apply ( null , arguments ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , 'A function wrapper threw an exception' ) ;
// dont completely break the function if there's a flaw in the wrapper
args = arguments ;
// returning undefined results in the function call being suppressed
if ( typeof ( args ) != 'undefined' ) {
// call the original function
return orig . apply ( null , args )
stub . original = orig ;
stub . callback = callback ;
callback = callback . bind ( stub ) ;
// do the overwriting thing
eval ( ` ${ target1 } =stub ` ) ;
} ,
// intercept a function's return value
wrapAfter : function ( target1 , callback ) {
var internal = { } ;
// get the original function
var orig = evaluate ( target1 ) ;
// the stub we will overwrite the function with
function stub ( ) {
// call the original argument
var r = orig . apply ( null , arguments ) ;
try {
// call the wrapper and return its return value
return callback ( r ) ;
catch ( e ) {
internal . error ( e , 'A function wrapper threw an exception' ) ;
// again, dont fuck stuff up if there's a flaw in the wrapper
return r ;
stub . original = orig ;
stub . callback = callback ;
callback = callback . bind ( stub ) ;
// overwrite that shit
eval ( ` ${ target1 } =stub ` ) ;
} ,
// extended findFunc that automatically narrows down results
findFuncExports : function ( s , e ) {
if ( s === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide a search string' ) ;
if ( e === undefined ) e = s ;
var results = wc . findFunc ( s ) . filter ( x => x !== undefined && x . exports !== undefined && x . exports [ e ] !== undefined ) ;
if ( results . length == 0 )
throw Error ( 'findFuncExports() found no matches' ) ;
if ( results . length > 1 )
internal . warn ( 'findFuncExports() found more than one match' ) ;
return results [ 0 ] . exports ;
} ,
findConstructor : function ( s , e ) {
if ( s === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide a search string' ) ;
var results = e !== undefined ? wc . findFunc ( s ) . filter ( x => x !== undefined && x . exports !== undefined && x . exports [ e ] !== undefined ) : wc . findFunc ( s ) ;
if ( results . length == 0 )
throw Error ( 'findConstructor() found no matches' ) ;
if ( results . length > 1 )
internal . warn ( 'findConstructor() found more than one match' ) ;
return mArr [ results [ 0 ] . i ] ;
} ,
// discord internal modules exposed with webcrack, commented out lines' purposes have been forgotten
internal : {
get constants ( ) { return wc . findCache ( 'API_HOST' ) [ 0 ] . exports ; } ,
get dispatcher ( ) { return wc . findCache ( 'Dispatcher' ) . filter ( x => x . exports !== undefined && x . exports . Store === undefined && x . exports . default !== undefined ) [ 0 ] . exports ; } ,
//get evnt() { wc.findFunc('MESSAGE_CREATE')[1].exports },
get messageUI ( ) { return exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'receiveMessage' ) ; } ,
get messageCreation ( ) { return exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'createMessage' ) ; } ,
get notification ( ) { return exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'showNotification' , 'setTTSType' ) ; } ,
//get hguild() { wc.findFunc('leaveGuild')[0].exports },
//get lguild() { wc.findFunc('markGuildAsRead')[0].exports },
get objectStorage ( ) { return wc . findCache ( 'ObjectStorage' ) [ 0 ] . exports ; } ,
get user ( ) { return wc . findCache ( 'getUser' ) [ 0 ] . exports ; } ,
getId : ( ) => wc . findCache ( 'getId' ) [ 0 ] . exports . getId ( )
} ,
// discord internal events stuff
// $api.event.* is has no use outside of epapi internal things
// as such, it has been moved to an internal object
events : {
// $listen('ep-native') without all the fuss
listen : function ( type , callback ) {
if ( type === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide an event type' ) ;
if ( callback === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide a callback' ) ;
return $listen ( 'ep-native' , e => {
if ( e . detail . type == type ) {
callback ( e . detail ) ;
} ) ;
} ,
// forge an event and dispatch it
dispatch : function ( event ) {
if ( event . type === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide an event type' ) ;
return exports . internal . dispatcher . default . dirtyDispatch ( event ) ;
} ,
// intercept and modify an event before it can go anywhere
hook : function ( type , callback ) {
if ( type === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide an event type' ) ;
if ( callback === undefined ) throw Error ( 'must provide a callback' ) ;
var newHook = {
type : type ,
callback : callback ,
unregister : ( ) => {
var i = internal . hooks . indexOf ( newHook ) ;
if ( i > - 1 )
internal . hooks . splice ( i , 1 ) ;
} ;
internal . hooks . push ( newHook ) ;
return newHook ;
} ,
// discord api stuff
discord : {
// take a wild guess
rest : async function ( method , endpoint , body , c ) {
// the url we will be making our request to
var url = "https://discordapp.com/api/v6" + endpoint ;
// fetch() options
var options = {
headers : {
// get the token from localStorage as our auth header
'Authorization' : exports . internal . objectStorage . impl . get ( 'token' ) ,
'Content-type' : 'application/json'
} ,
method : method
} ;
// if the body isnt already a string go ahead and stringify it
if ( typeof ( body ) !== 'string' ) body = JSON . stringify ( body ) ;
// probably not the best way to handle this
if ( method !== 'GET' ) options . body = body ;
// fetch
var r = await fetch ( url , options ) ;
if ( ! r . ok )
throw Error ( await r . text ( ) ) ;
// urgh, theyre using callbacks
if ( c !== undefined ) {
// warn the dev
internal . warn ( "Using callbacks in REST calls is deprecated and may be removed in a future release." ) ;
// operate like EPAPI =<5.0
c ( await r . text ( ) ) ;
else {
return await r . json ( ) ;
} ,
// mark a message read
ack : function ( channel , id ) {
return this . rest ( 'POST' , ` /channels/ ${ channel } /messages/ ${ id } /ack ` ) ;
} ,
sendMessage : function ( channel , text ) {
return this . rest ( 'POST' , ` /channels/ ${ channel } /messages ` , { content : text } ) ;
} ,
sendEmbed : function ( channel , ebd ) {
return this . rest ( 'POST' , ` /channels/ ${ channel } /messages ` , { embed : ebd }
) ;
} ,
getGuild : function ( id , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , ` /guilds/ ${ id } ` , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
getChannel : function ( id , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , '/channels/' + id , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
getUser : function ( id ) {
return exports . internal . user . getUser ( id ) ;
} ,
getCurrentUser : function ( ) {
return exports . internal . user . getCurrentUser ( ) ;
} ,
getGuildRoles : function ( id , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , ` /guilds/ ${ id } /roles ` , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
getGuildChannels : function ( id , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , ` /guilds/ ${ id } /channels ` , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
getGuildUser : function ( guildid , userid , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , ` /guilds/ ${ guildid } /members/ ${ userid } ` , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
getGuildUsers : function ( id , c ) {
return this . rest ( 'GET' , ` /guilds/ ${ id } /members?limit=1000 ` , '' , c ? e => c ( JSON . parse ( e ) ) : undefined ) ;
} ,
// ui stuff, including pulling data from the path for some reason
ui : {
// navigate
transitionTo : function ( path ) {
wc . findCache ( 'transitionTo' ) [ 0 ] . exports . transitionTo ( path ) ;
} ,
// focus discord
focus : function ( ) {
electron . getCurrentWindow ( ) . focus ( ) ;
} ,
// pull the channel id from the url
getCurrentChannel : function ( ) {
var p = window . location . pathname . split ( '/' ) ;
return p [ p . length - 1 ] ;
} ,
// pull the guild id from the url
getCurrentGuild : function ( ) {
var p = window . location . pathname . split ( '/' ) ;
return p [ p . length - 2 ] ;
} ,
// creates a fake message in the current channel (like clyde)
fakeMsg : function ( t , f ) {
var msg = exports . internal . messageCreation . createMessage ( this . getCurrentChannel ( ) , t ) ;
msg . author . avatar = 'EndPwn'
msg . author . bot = true ;
msg . author . discriminator = '0000' ;
msg . author . id = '1' ;
msg . author . username = 'EndPwn' ;
msg . state = 'SENT' ;
if ( typeof ( f ) != 'undefined' ) {
f ( msg ) ;
exports . internal . messageUI . receiveMessage ( this . getCurrentChannel ( ) , msg ) ;
} ,
hideChannels : function ( ) {
$ ( '[class^="channels"]' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
} ,
showChannels : function ( ) {
$ ( '[class^="channels"]' ) . style . display = '' ;
} ,
hideServers : function ( ) {
$ ( '.guilds-wrapper' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
} ,
showServers : function ( ) {
$ ( '.guilds-wrapper' ) . style . display = '' ;
} ,
/ * h i d e T o o l b a r : f u n c t i o n ( ) {
$ ( '.topic' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
$ ( '.header-toolbar' ) . style . display = 'none' ;
} ,
showToolbar : function ( ) {
$ ( '.topic' ) . style . display = '' ;
$ ( '.header-toolbar' ) . style . display = '' ;
} , * /
toggleUsers : function ( ) {
wc . findFunc ( 'toggleSection' ) [ 1 ] . exports . TOGGLE _USERS . action ( )
} ,
// display a dialog box
showDialog : function ( x ) { // for example, $api.ui.showDialog({title: 'Pwnt!', body: 'It works!'})
exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'e.onConfirmSecondary' , 'show' ) . show ( x ) ;
} ,
// display a banner at the top of the app
showNotice : function ( text , button ) {
exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'ActionTypes.NOTICE_SHOW' , 'show' ) . show ( "GENERIC" , text , button , ( ) => { } , 0 ) ;
} ,
// get profile notes for a user
getNote : function ( id ) {
return exports . util . findFuncExports ( 'getNote' , '_actionHandlers' ) . getNote ( id ) ;
} ,
get focused ( ) {
return electron . getCurrentWindow ( ) . isFocused ( ) ;
} ) ( ) ;