/*-------------------------------------------------------------------------- * linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript * licensed under MIT License *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ exports.name = 'linq'; (function (root, undefined) { // ReadOnly Function var Functions = { Identity: function (x) { return x; }, True: function () { return true; }, Blank: function () { } }; // const Type var Types = { Boolean: typeof true, Number: typeof 0, String: typeof "", Object: typeof {}, Undefined: typeof undefined, Function: typeof function () { } }; // createLambda cache var funcCache = { "": Functions.Identity }; // private utility methods var Utils = { // Create anonymous function from lambda expression string createLambda: function (expression) { if (expression == null) return Functions.Identity; if (typeof expression === Types.String) { // get from cache var f = funcCache[expression]; if (f != null) { return f; } if (expression.indexOf("=>") === -1) { var regexp = new RegExp("[$]+", "g"); var maxLength = 0; var match; while ((match = regexp.exec(expression)) != null) { var paramNumber = match[0].length; if (paramNumber > maxLength) { maxLength = paramNumber; } } var argArray = []; for (var i = 1; i <= maxLength; i++) { var dollar = ""; for (var j = 0; j < i; j++) { dollar += "$"; } argArray.push(dollar); } var args = Array.prototype.join.call(argArray, ","); f = new Function(args, "return " + expression); funcCache[expression] = f; return f; } else { var expr = expression.match(/^[(\s]*([^()]*?)[)\s]*=>(.*)/); f = new Function(expr[1], "return " + expr[2]); funcCache[expression] = f; return f; } } return expression; }, isIEnumerable: function (obj) { if (typeof Enumerator !== Types.Undefined) { try { new Enumerator(obj); // check JScript(IE)'s Enumerator return true; } catch (e) { } } return false; }, // IE8's defineProperty is defined but cannot use, therefore check defineProperties defineProperty: (Object.defineProperties != null) ? function (target, methodName, value) { Object.defineProperty(target, methodName, { enumerable: false, configurable: true, writable: true, value: value }) } : function (target, methodName, value) { target[methodName] = value; }, compare: function (a, b) { return (a === b) ? 0 : (a > b) ? 1 : -1; }, dispose: function (obj) { if (obj != null) obj.dispose(); } }; // IEnumerator State var State = { Before: 0, Running: 1, After: 2 }; // "Enumerator" is conflict JScript's "Enumerator" var IEnumerator = function (initialize, tryGetNext, dispose) { var yielder = new Yielder(); var state = State.Before; this.current = yielder.current; this.moveNext = function () { try { switch (state) { case State.Before: state = State.Running; initialize(); // fall through case State.Running: if (tryGetNext.apply(yielder)) { return true; } else { this.dispose(); return false; } case State.After: return false; } } catch (e) { this.dispose(); throw e; } }; this.dispose = function () { if (state != State.Running) return; try { dispose(); } finally { state = State.After; } }; }; // for tryGetNext var Yielder = function () { var current = null; this.current = function () { return current; }; this.yieldReturn = function (value) { current = value; return true; }; this.yieldBreak = function () { return false; }; }; // Enumerable constuctor var Enumerable = function (getEnumerator) { this.getEnumerator = getEnumerator; }; // Utility Enumerable.Utils = {}; // container Enumerable.Utils.createLambda = function (expression) { return Utils.createLambda(expression); }; Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerable = function (getEnumerator) { return new Enumerable(getEnumerator); }; Enumerable.Utils.createEnumerator = function (initialize, tryGetNext, dispose) { return new IEnumerator(initialize, tryGetNext, dispose); }; Enumerable.Utils.extendTo = function (type) { var typeProto = type.prototype; var enumerableProto; if (type === Array) { enumerableProto = ArrayEnumerable.prototype; Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, "getSource", function () { return this; }); } else { enumerableProto = Enumerable.prototype; Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, "getEnumerator", function () { return Enumerable.from(this).getEnumerator(); }); } for (var methodName in enumerableProto) { var func = enumerableProto[methodName]; // already extended if (typeProto[methodName] == func) continue; // already defined(example Array#reverse/join/forEach...) if (typeProto[methodName] != null) { methodName = methodName + "ByLinq"; if (typeProto[methodName] == func) continue; // recheck } if (func instanceof Function) { Utils.defineProperty(typeProto, methodName, func); } } }; // Generator Enumerable.choice = function () // variable argument { var args = arguments; return new Enumerable(function () { return new IEnumerator( function () { args = (args[0] instanceof Array) ? args[0] : (args[0].getEnumerator != null) ? args[0].toArray() : args; }, function () { return this.yieldReturn(args[Math.floor(Math.random() * args.length)]); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.cycle = function () // variable argument { var args = arguments; return new Enumerable(function () { var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { args = (args[0] instanceof Array) ? args[0] : (args[0].getEnumerator != null) ? args[0].toArray() : args; }, function () { if (index >= args.length) index = 0; return this.yieldReturn(args[index++]); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.empty = function () { return new Enumerable(function () { return new IEnumerator( Functions.Blank, function () { return false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.from = function (obj) { if (obj == null) { return Enumerable.empty(); } if (obj instanceof Enumerable) { return obj; } if (typeof obj == Types.Number || typeof obj == Types.Boolean) { return Enumerable.repeat(obj, 1); } if (typeof obj == Types.String) { return new Enumerable(function () { var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( Functions.Blank, function () { return (index < obj.length) ? this.yieldReturn(obj.charAt(index++)) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); } if (typeof obj != Types.Function) { // array or array like object if (typeof obj.length == Types.Number) { return new ArrayEnumerable(obj); } // JScript's IEnumerable if (!(obj instanceof Object) && Utils.isIEnumerable(obj)) { return new Enumerable(function () { var isFirst = true; var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = new Enumerator(obj); }, function () { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else enumerator.moveNext(); return (enumerator.atEnd()) ? false : this.yieldReturn(enumerator.item()); }, Functions.Blank); }); } // WinMD IIterable if (typeof Windows === Types.Object && typeof obj.first === Types.Function) { return new Enumerable(function () { var isFirst = true; var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = obj.first(); }, function () { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else enumerator.moveNext(); return (enumerator.hasCurrent) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current) : this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); } } // case function/object : Create keyValuePair[] return new Enumerable(function () { var array = []; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { for (var key in obj) { var value = obj[key]; if (!(value instanceof Function) && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { array.push({ key: key, value: value }); } } }, function () { return (index < array.length) ? this.yieldReturn(array[index++]) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }, Enumerable.make = function (element) { return Enumerable.repeat(element, 1); }; // Overload:function(input, pattern) // Overload:function(input, pattern, flags) Enumerable.matches = function (input, pattern, flags) { if (flags == null) flags = ""; if (pattern instanceof RegExp) { flags += (pattern.ignoreCase) ? "i" : ""; flags += (pattern.multiline) ? "m" : ""; pattern = pattern.source; } if (flags.indexOf("g") === -1) flags += "g"; return new Enumerable(function () { var regex; return new IEnumerator( function () { regex = new RegExp(pattern, flags); }, function () { var match = regex.exec(input); return (match) ? this.yieldReturn(match) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; // Overload:function(start, count) // Overload:function(start, count, step) Enumerable.range = function (start, count, step) { if (step == null) step = 1; return new Enumerable(function () { var value; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start - step; }, function () { return (index++ < count) ? this.yieldReturn(value += step) : this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; // Overload:function(start, count) // Overload:function(start, count, step) Enumerable.rangeDown = function (start, count, step) { if (step == null) step = 1; return new Enumerable(function () { var value; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start + step; }, function () { return (index++ < count) ? this.yieldReturn(value -= step) : this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; // Overload:function(start, to) // Overload:function(start, to, step) Enumerable.rangeTo = function (start, to, step) { if (step == null) step = 1; if (start < to) { return new Enumerable(function () { var value; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start - step; }, function () { var next = value += step; return (next <= to) ? this.yieldReturn(next) : this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); } else { return new Enumerable(function () { var value; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start + step; }, function () { var next = value -= step; return (next >= to) ? this.yieldReturn(next) : this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); } }; // Overload:function(element) // Overload:function(element, count) Enumerable.repeat = function (element, count) { if (count != null) return Enumerable.repeat(element).take(count); return new Enumerable(function () { return new IEnumerator( Functions.Blank, function () { return this.yieldReturn(element); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.repeatWithFinalize = function (initializer, finalizer) { initializer = Utils.createLambda(initializer); finalizer = Utils.createLambda(finalizer); return new Enumerable(function () { var element; return new IEnumerator( function () { element = initializer(); }, function () { return this.yieldReturn(element); }, function () { if (element != null) { finalizer(element); element = null; } }); }); }; // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(func, count) Enumerable.generate = function (func, count) { if (count != null) return Enumerable.generate(func).take(count); func = Utils.createLambda(func); return new Enumerable(function () { return new IEnumerator( Functions.Blank, function () { return this.yieldReturn(func()); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(start) // Overload:function(start, step) Enumerable.toInfinity = function (start, step) { if (start == null) start = 0; if (step == null) step = 1; return new Enumerable(function () { var value; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start - step; }, function () { return this.yieldReturn(value += step); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(start) // Overload:function(start, step) Enumerable.toNegativeInfinity = function (start, step) { if (start == null) start = 0; if (step == null) step = 1; return new Enumerable(function () { var value; return new IEnumerator( function () { value = start + step; }, function () { return this.yieldReturn(value -= step); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.unfold = function (seed, func) { func = Utils.createLambda(func); return new Enumerable(function () { var isFirst = true; var value; return new IEnumerator( Functions.Blank, function () { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; value = seed; return this.yieldReturn(value); } value = func(value); return this.yieldReturn(value); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.defer = function (enumerableFactory) { return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = Enumerable.from(enumerableFactory()).getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : this.yieldBreak(); }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Extension Methods /* Projection and Filtering Methods */ // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(func, resultSelector) // Overload:function(func, resultSelector) Enumerable.prototype.traverseBreadthFirst = function (func, resultSelector) { var source = this; func = Utils.createLambda(func); resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var nestLevel = 0; var buffer = []; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (true) { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { buffer.push(enumerator.current()); return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.current(), nestLevel)); } var next = Enumerable.from(buffer).selectMany(function (x) { return func(x); }); if (!next.any()) { return false; } else { nestLevel++; buffer = []; Utils.dispose(enumerator); enumerator = next.getEnumerator(); } } }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(func, resultSelector) // Overload:function(func, resultSelector) Enumerable.prototype.traverseDepthFirst = function (func, resultSelector) { var source = this; func = Utils.createLambda(func); resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumeratorStack = []; var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (true) { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { var value = resultSelector(enumerator.current(), enumeratorStack.length); enumeratorStack.push(enumerator); enumerator = Enumerable.from(func(enumerator.current())).getEnumerator(); return this.yieldReturn(value); } if (enumeratorStack.length <= 0) return false; Utils.dispose(enumerator); enumerator = enumeratorStack.pop(); } }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } finally { Enumerable.from(enumeratorStack).forEach(function (s) { s.dispose(); }); } }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.flatten = function () { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var middleEnumerator = null; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (true) { if (middleEnumerator != null) { if (middleEnumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(middleEnumerator.current()); } else { middleEnumerator = null; } } if (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (enumerator.current() instanceof Array) { Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator); middleEnumerator = Enumerable.from(enumerator.current()) .selectMany(Functions.Identity) .flatten() .getEnumerator(); continue; } else { return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } } return false; } }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator); } }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.pairwise = function (selector) { var source = this; selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); enumerator.moveNext(); }, function () { var prev = enumerator.current(); return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(selector(prev, enumerator.current())) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(seed,func) Enumerable.prototype.scan = function (seed, func) { var isUseSeed; if (func == null) { func = Utils.createLambda(seed); // arguments[0] isUseSeed = false; } else { func = Utils.createLambda(func); isUseSeed = true; } var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var value; var isFirst = true; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; if (!isUseSeed) { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(value = enumerator.current()); } } else { return this.yieldReturn(value = seed); } } return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(value = func(value, enumerator.current())) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(selector) // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.select = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); if (selector.length <= 1) { return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this, null, selector); } else { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.current(), index++)) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); } }; // Overload:function(collectionSelector) // Overload:function(collectionSelector) // Overload:function(collectionSelector,resultSelector) // Overload:function(collectionSelector,resultSelector) Enumerable.prototype.selectMany = function (collectionSelector, resultSelector) { var source = this; collectionSelector = Utils.createLambda(collectionSelector); if (resultSelector == null) resultSelector = function (a, b) { return b; }; resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var middleEnumerator = undefined; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (middleEnumerator === undefined) { if (!enumerator.moveNext()) return false; } do { if (middleEnumerator == null) { var middleSeq = collectionSelector(enumerator.current(), index++); middleEnumerator = Enumerable.from(middleSeq).getEnumerator(); } if (middleEnumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.current(), middleEnumerator.current())); } Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator); middleEnumerator = null; } while (enumerator.moveNext()); return false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(middleEnumerator); } }); }); }; // Overload:function(predicate) // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); if (predicate.length <= 1) { return new WhereEnumerable(this, predicate); } else { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (predicate(enumerator.current(), index++)) { return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); } }; // Overload:function(selector) // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.choose = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { var result = selector(enumerator.current(), index++); if (result != null) { return this.yieldReturn(result); } } return this.yieldBreak(); }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.ofType = function (type) { var typeName; switch (type) { case Number: typeName = Types.Number; break; case String: typeName = Types.String; break; case Boolean: typeName = Types.Boolean; break; case Function: typeName = Types.Function; break; default: typeName = null; break; } return (typeName === null) ? this.where(function (x) { return x instanceof type; }) : this.where(function (x) { return typeof x === typeName; }); }; // mutiple arguments, last one is selector, others are enumerable Enumerable.prototype.zip = function () { var args = arguments; var selector = Utils.createLambda(arguments[arguments.length - 1]); var source = this; // optimized case:argument is 2 if (arguments.length == 2) { var second = arguments[0]; return new Enumerable(function () { var firstEnumerator; var secondEnumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (firstEnumerator.moveNext() && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(selector(firstEnumerator.current(), secondEnumerator.current(), index++)); } return false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator); } }); }); } else { return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerators; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { var array = Enumerable.make(source) .concat(Enumerable.from(args).takeExceptLast().select(Enumerable.from)) .select(function (x) { return x.getEnumerator() }) .toArray(); enumerators = Enumerable.from(array); }, function () { if (enumerators.all(function (x) { return x.moveNext() })) { var array = enumerators .select(function (x) { return x.current() }) .toArray(); array.push(index++); return this.yieldReturn(selector.apply(null, array)); } else { return this.yieldBreak(); } }, function () { Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose); }); }); } }; // mutiple arguments Enumerable.prototype.merge = function () { var args = arguments; var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerators; var index = -1; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerators = Enumerable.make(source) .concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)) .select(function (x) { return x.getEnumerator() }) .toArray(); }, function () { while (enumerators.length > 0) { index = (index >= enumerators.length - 1) ? 0 : index + 1; var enumerator = enumerators[index]; if (enumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } else { enumerator.dispose(); enumerators.splice(index--, 1); } } return this.yieldBreak(); }, function () { Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose); }); }); }; /* Join Methods */ // Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) // Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.join = function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) { outerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector); innerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector); resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var outerEnumerator; var lookup; var innerElements = null; var innerCount = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { outerEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); lookup = Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, compareSelector); }, function () { while (true) { if (innerElements != null) { var innerElement = innerElements[innerCount++]; if (innerElement !== undefined) { return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(outerEnumerator.current(), innerElement)); } innerElement = null; innerCount = 0; } if (outerEnumerator.moveNext()) { var key = outerKeySelector(outerEnumerator.current()); innerElements = lookup.get(key).toArray(); } else { return false; } } }, function () { Utils.dispose(outerEnumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector) // Overload:function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.groupJoin = function (inner, outerKeySelector, innerKeySelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) { outerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(outerKeySelector); innerKeySelector = Utils.createLambda(innerKeySelector); resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); var lookup = null; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); lookup = Enumerable.from(inner).toLookup(innerKeySelector, Functions.Identity, compareSelector); }, function () { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { var innerElement = lookup.get(outerKeySelector(enumerator.current())); return this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.current(), innerElement)); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; /* Set Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.all = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); var result = true; this.forEach(function (x) { if (!predicate(x)) { result = false; return false; // break } }); return result; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.any = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); var enumerator = this.getEnumerator(); try { if (arguments.length == 0) return enumerator.moveNext(); // case:function() while (enumerator.moveNext()) // case:function(predicate) { if (predicate(enumerator.current())) return true; } return false; } finally { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } }; Enumerable.prototype.isEmpty = function () { return !this.any(); }; // multiple arguments Enumerable.prototype.concat = function () { var source = this; if (arguments.length == 1) { var second = arguments[0]; return new Enumerable(function () { var firstEnumerator; var secondEnumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (secondEnumerator == null) { if (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.current()); secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator(); } if (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.current()); return false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator); } }); }); } else { var args = arguments; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerators; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerators = Enumerable.make(source) .concat(Enumerable.from(args).select(Enumerable.from)) .select(function (x) { return x.getEnumerator() }) .toArray(); }, function () { while (enumerators.length > 0) { var enumerator = enumerators[0]; if (enumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } else { enumerator.dispose(); enumerators.splice(0, 1); } } return this.yieldBreak(); }, function () { Enumerable.from(enumerators).forEach(Utils.dispose); }); }); } }; Enumerable.prototype.insert = function (index, second) { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var firstEnumerator; var secondEnumerator; var count = 0; var isEnumerated = false; return new IEnumerator( function () { firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (count == index && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) { isEnumerated = true; return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.current()); } if (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) { count++; return this.yieldReturn(firstEnumerator.current()); } if (!isEnumerated && secondEnumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(secondEnumerator.current()); } return false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator); } }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.alternate = function (alternateValueOrSequence) { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var buffer; var enumerator; var alternateSequence; var alternateEnumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { if (alternateValueOrSequence instanceof Array || alternateValueOrSequence.getEnumerator != null) { alternateSequence = Enumerable.from(Enumerable.from(alternateValueOrSequence).toArray()); // freeze } else { alternateSequence = Enumerable.make(alternateValueOrSequence); } enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); if (enumerator.moveNext()) buffer = enumerator.current(); }, function () { while (true) { if (alternateEnumerator != null) { if (alternateEnumerator.moveNext()) { return this.yieldReturn(alternateEnumerator.current()); } else { alternateEnumerator = null; } } if (buffer == null && enumerator.moveNext()) { buffer = enumerator.current(); // hasNext alternateEnumerator = alternateSequence.getEnumerator(); continue; // GOTO } else if (buffer != null) { var retVal = buffer; buffer = null; return this.yieldReturn(retVal); } return this.yieldBreak(); } }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(alternateEnumerator); } }); }); }; // Overload:function(value) // Overload:function(value, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.contains = function (value, compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var enumerator = this.getEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (compareSelector(enumerator.current()) === value) return true; } return false; } finally { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } }; Enumerable.prototype.defaultIfEmpty = function (defaultValue) { var source = this; if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var isFirst = true; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { isFirst = false; return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } else if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; return this.yieldReturn(defaultValue); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.distinct = function (compareSelector) { return this.except(Enumerable.empty(), compareSelector); }; Enumerable.prototype.distinctUntilChanged = function (compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var compareKey; var initial; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { var key = compareSelector(enumerator.current()); if (initial) { initial = false; compareKey = key; return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } if (compareKey === key) { continue; } compareKey = key; return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } return this.yieldBreak(); }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(second) // Overload:function(second, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.except = function (second, compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var keys; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector); Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function (key) { keys.add(key); }); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { var current = enumerator.current(); if (!keys.contains(current)) { keys.add(current); return this.yieldReturn(current); } } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(second) // Overload:function(second, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.intersect = function (second, compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var keys; var outs; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector); Enumerable.from(second).forEach(function (key) { keys.add(key); }); outs = new Dictionary(compareSelector); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { var current = enumerator.current(); if (!outs.contains(current) && keys.contains(current)) { outs.add(current); return this.yieldReturn(current); } } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(second) // Overload:function(second, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual = function (second, compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var firstEnumerator = this.getEnumerator(); try { var secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator(); try { while (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) { if (!secondEnumerator.moveNext() || compareSelector(firstEnumerator.current()) !== compareSelector(secondEnumerator.current())) { return false; } } if (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) return false; return true; } finally { Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator); } } finally { Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator); } }; Enumerable.prototype.union = function (second, compareSelector) { compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var firstEnumerator; var secondEnumerator; var keys; return new IEnumerator( function () { firstEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); keys = new Dictionary(compareSelector); }, function () { var current; if (secondEnumerator === undefined) { while (firstEnumerator.moveNext()) { current = firstEnumerator.current(); if (!keys.contains(current)) { keys.add(current); return this.yieldReturn(current); } } secondEnumerator = Enumerable.from(second).getEnumerator(); } while (secondEnumerator.moveNext()) { current = secondEnumerator.current(); if (!keys.contains(current)) { keys.add(current); return this.yieldReturn(current); } } return false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(firstEnumerator); } finally { Utils.dispose(secondEnumerator); } }); }); }; /* Ordering Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.orderBy = function (keySelector) { return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, false); }; Enumerable.prototype.orderByDescending = function (keySelector) { return new OrderedEnumerable(this, keySelector, true); }; Enumerable.prototype.reverse = function () { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var buffer; var index; return new IEnumerator( function () { buffer = source.toArray(); index = buffer.length; }, function () { return (index > 0) ? this.yieldReturn(buffer[--index]) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.shuffle = function () { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var buffer; return new IEnumerator( function () { buffer = source.toArray(); }, function () { if (buffer.length > 0) { var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * buffer.length); return this.yieldReturn(buffer.splice(i, 1)[0]); } return false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.weightedSample = function (weightSelector) { weightSelector = Utils.createLambda(weightSelector); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var sortedByBound; var totalWeight = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { sortedByBound = source .choose(function (x) { var weight = weightSelector(x); if (weight <= 0) return null; // ignore 0 totalWeight += weight; return { value: x, bound: totalWeight }; }) .toArray(); }, function () { if (sortedByBound.length > 0) { var draw = Math.floor(Math.random() * totalWeight) + 1; var lower = -1; var upper = sortedByBound.length; while (upper - lower > 1) { var index = Math.floor((lower + upper) / 2); if (sortedByBound[index].bound >= draw) { upper = index; } else { lower = index; } } return this.yieldReturn(sortedByBound[upper].value); } return this.yieldBreak(); }, Functions.Blank); }); }; /* Grouping Methods */ // Overload:function(keySelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.groupBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) { var source = this; keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector); if (resultSelector != null) resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.toLookup(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector) .toEnumerable() .getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { return (resultSelector == null) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : this.yieldReturn(resultSelector(enumerator.current().key(), enumerator.current())); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(keySelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector,elementSelector,resultSelector,compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.partitionBy = function (keySelector, elementSelector, resultSelector, compareSelector) { var source = this; keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var hasResultSelector; if (resultSelector == null) { hasResultSelector = false; resultSelector = function (key, group) { return new Grouping(key, group); }; } else { hasResultSelector = true; resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); } return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var key; var compareKey; var group = []; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); if (enumerator.moveNext()) { key = keySelector(enumerator.current()); compareKey = compareSelector(key); group.push(elementSelector(enumerator.current())); } }, function () { var hasNext; while ((hasNext = enumerator.moveNext()) == true) { if (compareKey === compareSelector(keySelector(enumerator.current()))) { group.push(elementSelector(enumerator.current())); } else break; } if (group.length > 0) { var result = (hasResultSelector) ? resultSelector(key, Enumerable.from(group)) : resultSelector(key, group); if (hasNext) { key = keySelector(enumerator.current()); compareKey = compareSelector(key); group = [elementSelector(enumerator.current())]; } else group = []; return this.yieldReturn(result); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.buffer = function (count) { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { var array = []; var index = 0; while (enumerator.moveNext()) { array.push(enumerator.current()); if (++index >= count) return this.yieldReturn(array); } if (array.length > 0) return this.yieldReturn(array); return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; /* Aggregate Methods */ // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(seed,func) // Overload:function(seed,func,resultSelector) Enumerable.prototype.aggregate = function (seed, func, resultSelector) { resultSelector = Utils.createLambda(resultSelector); return resultSelector(this.scan(seed, func, resultSelector).last()); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.average = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); var sum = 0; var count = 0; this.forEach(function (x) { sum += selector(x); ++count; }); return sum / count; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.count = function (predicate) { predicate = (predicate == null) ? Functions.True : Utils.createLambda(predicate); var count = 0; this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (predicate(x, i))++count; }); return count; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.max = function (selector) { if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity; return this.select(selector).aggregate(function (a, b) { return (a > b) ? a : b; }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.min = function (selector) { if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity; return this.select(selector).aggregate(function (a, b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }); }; Enumerable.prototype.maxBy = function (keySelector) { keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); return this.aggregate(function (a, b) { return (keySelector(a) > keySelector(b)) ? a : b; }); }; Enumerable.prototype.minBy = function (keySelector) { keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); return this.aggregate(function (a, b) { return (keySelector(a) < keySelector(b)) ? a : b; }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.sum = function (selector) { if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity; return this.select(selector).aggregate(0, function (a, b) { return a + b; }); }; /* Paging Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.elementAt = function (index) { var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (i == index) { value = x; found = true; return false; } }); if (!found) throw new Error("index is less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of elements in source."); return value; }; Enumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (i == index) { value = x; found = true; return false; } }); return (!found) ? defaultValue : value; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.first = function (predicate) { if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).first(); var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { value = x; found = true; return false; }); if (!found) throw new Error("first:No element satisfies the condition."); return value; }; Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) { if (predicate) { if (typeof predicate === Types.Function || typeof Utils.createLambda(predicate) === Types.Function) return this.where(predicate).firstOrDefault(null, defaultValue); defaultValue = predicate; } defaultValue = defaultValue || null; var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { value = x; found = true; return false; }); return (!found) ? defaultValue : value; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.last = function (predicate) { if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).last(); var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { found = true; value = x; }); if (!found) throw new Error("last:No element satisfies the condition."); return value; }; // Overload:function(defaultValue) // Overload:function(defaultValue,predicate) Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) { if (predicate) { if (typeof predicate === Types.Function || typeof Utils.createLambda(predicate) === Types.Function) return this.where(predicate).lastOrDefault(null, defaultValue); defaultValue = predicate; } defaultValue = defaultValue || null; var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { found = true; value = x; }); return (!found) ? defaultValue : value; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.single = function (predicate) { if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).single(); var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { if (!found) { found = true; value = x; } else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element."); }); if (!found) throw new Error("single:No element satisfies the condition."); return value; }; // Overload:function(defaultValue) // Overload:function(defaultValue,predicate) Enumerable.prototype.singleOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; if (predicate != null) return this.where(predicate).singleOrDefault(null, defaultValue); var value; var found = false; this.forEach(function (x) { if (!found) { found = true; value = x; } else throw new Error("single:sequence contains more than one element."); }); return (!found) ? defaultValue : value; }; Enumerable.prototype.skip = function (count) { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); while (index++ < count && enumerator.moveNext()) { } ; }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(predicate) // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.skipWhile = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; var isSkipEnd = false; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (!isSkipEnd) { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (!predicate(enumerator.current(), index++)) { isSkipEnd = true; return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } continue; } else return false; } return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.take = function (count) { var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (index++ < count && enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } ); }); }; // Overload:function(predicate) // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.takeWhile = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext() && predicate(enumerator.current(), index++)) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(count) Enumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast = function (count) { if (count == null) count = 1; var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { if (count <= 0) return source.getEnumerator(); // do nothing var enumerator; var q = []; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (q.length == count) { q.push(enumerator.current()); return this.yieldReturn(q.shift()); } q.push(enumerator.current()); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.takeFromLast = function (count) { if (count <= 0 || count == null) return Enumerable.empty(); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var sourceEnumerator; var enumerator; var q = []; return new IEnumerator( function () { sourceEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (sourceEnumerator.moveNext()) { if (q.length == count) q.shift(); q.push(sourceEnumerator.current()); } if (enumerator == null) { enumerator = Enumerable.from(q).getEnumerator(); } return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(item) // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.indexOf = function (item) { var found = null; // item as predicate if (typeof (item) === Types.Function) { this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (item(x, i)) { found = i; return false; } }); } else { this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (x === item) { found = i; return false; } }); } return (found !== null) ? found : -1; }; // Overload:function(item) // Overload:function(predicate) Enumerable.prototype.lastIndexOf = function (item) { var result = -1; // item as predicate if (typeof (item) === Types.Function) { this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (item(x, i)) result = i; }); } else { this.forEach(function (x, i) { if (x === item) result = i; }); } return result; }; /* Convert Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.cast = function () { return this; }; Enumerable.prototype.asEnumerable = function () { return Enumerable.from(this); }; Enumerable.prototype.toArray = function () { var array = []; this.forEach(function (x) { array.push(x); }); return array; }; // Overload:function(keySelector) // Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.toLookup = function (keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector) { keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var dict = new Dictionary(compareSelector); this.forEach(function (x) { var key = keySelector(x); var element = elementSelector(x); var array = dict.get(key); if (array !== undefined) array.push(element); else dict.add(key, [element]); }); return new Lookup(dict); }; Enumerable.prototype.toObject = function (keySelector, elementSelector) { keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector); var obj = {}; this.forEach(function (x) { obj[keySelector(x)] = elementSelector(x); }); return obj; }; // Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector) // Overload:function(keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector) Enumerable.prototype.toDictionary = function (keySelector, elementSelector, compareSelector) { keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); elementSelector = Utils.createLambda(elementSelector); compareSelector = Utils.createLambda(compareSelector); var dict = new Dictionary(compareSelector); this.forEach(function (x) { dict.add(keySelector(x), elementSelector(x)); }); return dict; }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(replacer) // Overload:function(replacer, space) Enumerable.prototype.toJSONString = function (replacer, space) { if (typeof JSON === Types.Undefined || JSON.stringify == null) { throw new Error("toJSONString can't find JSON.stringify. This works native JSON support Browser or include json2.js"); } return JSON.stringify(this.toArray(), replacer, space); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(separator) // Overload:function(separator,selector) Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString = function (separator, selector) { if (separator == null) separator = ""; if (selector == null) selector = Functions.Identity; return this.select(selector).toArray().join(separator); }; /* Action Methods */ // Overload:function(action) // Overload:function(action) Enumerable.prototype.doAction = function (action) { var source = this; action = Utils.createLambda(action); return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { if (enumerator.moveNext()) { action(enumerator.current(), index++); return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; // Overload:function(action) // Overload:function(action) // Overload:function(func) // Overload:function(func) Enumerable.prototype.forEach = function (action) { action = Utils.createLambda(action); var index = 0; var enumerator = this.getEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (action(enumerator.current(), index++) === false) break; } } finally { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(separator) // Overload:function(separator,selector) Enumerable.prototype.write = function (separator, selector) { if (separator == null) separator = ""; selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); var isFirst = true; this.forEach(function (item) { if (isFirst) isFirst = false; else document.write(separator); document.write(selector(item)); }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.writeLine = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); this.forEach(function (item) { document.writeln(selector(item) + "
"); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.force = function () { var enumerator = this.getEnumerator(); try { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { } } finally { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } }; /* Functional Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.letBind = function (func) { func = Utils.createLambda(func); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = Enumerable.from(func(source)).getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.share = function () { var source = this; var sharedEnumerator; var disposed = false; return new DisposableEnumerable(function () { return new IEnumerator( function () { if (sharedEnumerator == null) { sharedEnumerator = source.getEnumerator(); } }, function () { if (disposed) throw new Error("enumerator is disposed"); return (sharedEnumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(sharedEnumerator.current()) : false; }, Functions.Blank ); }, function () { disposed = true; Utils.dispose(sharedEnumerator); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.memoize = function () { var source = this; var cache; var enumerator; var disposed = false; return new DisposableEnumerable(function () { var index = -1; return new IEnumerator( function () { if (enumerator == null) { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); cache = []; } }, function () { if (disposed) throw new Error("enumerator is disposed"); index++; if (cache.length <= index) { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(cache[index] = enumerator.current()) : false; } return this.yieldReturn(cache[index]); }, Functions.Blank ); }, function () { disposed = true; Utils.dispose(enumerator); cache = null; }); }; /* Error Handling Methods */ Enumerable.prototype.catchError = function (handler) { handler = Utils.createLambda(handler); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { try { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; } catch (e) { handler(e); return false; } }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }); }; Enumerable.prototype.finallyAction = function (finallyAction) { finallyAction = Utils.createLambda(finallyAction); var source = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { return (enumerator.moveNext()) ? this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()) : false; }, function () { try { Utils.dispose(enumerator); } finally { finallyAction(); } }); }); }; /* For Debug Methods */ // Overload:function() // Overload:function(selector) Enumerable.prototype.log = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); return this.doAction(function (item) { if (typeof console !== Types.Undefined) { console.log(selector(item)); } }); }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(message) // Overload:function(message,selector) Enumerable.prototype.trace = function (message, selector) { if (message == null) message = "Trace"; selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); return this.doAction(function (item) { if (typeof console !== Types.Undefined) { console.log(message, selector(item)); } }); }; // private var OrderedEnumerable = function (source, keySelector, descending, parent) { this.source = source; this.keySelector = Utils.createLambda(keySelector); this.descending = descending; this.parent = parent; }; OrderedEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable(); OrderedEnumerable.prototype.createOrderedEnumerable = function (keySelector, descending) { return new OrderedEnumerable(this.source, keySelector, descending, this); }; OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenBy = function (keySelector) { return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, false); }; OrderedEnumerable.prototype.thenByDescending = function (keySelector) { return this.createOrderedEnumerable(keySelector, true); }; OrderedEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () { var self = this; var buffer; var indexes; var index = 0; return new IEnumerator( function () { buffer = []; indexes = []; self.source.forEach(function (item, index) { buffer.push(item); indexes.push(index); }); var sortContext = SortContext.create(self, null); sortContext.GenerateKeys(buffer); indexes.sort(function (a, b) { return sortContext.compare(a, b); }); }, function () { return (index < indexes.length) ? this.yieldReturn(buffer[indexes[index++]]) : false; }, Functions.Blank ); }; var SortContext = function (keySelector, descending, child) { this.keySelector = keySelector; this.descending = descending; this.child = child; this.keys = null; }; SortContext.create = function (orderedEnumerable, currentContext) { var context = new SortContext(orderedEnumerable.keySelector, orderedEnumerable.descending, currentContext); if (orderedEnumerable.parent != null) return SortContext.create(orderedEnumerable.parent, context); return context; }; SortContext.prototype.GenerateKeys = function (source) { var len = source.length; var keySelector = this.keySelector; var keys = new Array(len); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) keys[i] = keySelector(source[i]); this.keys = keys; if (this.child != null) this.child.GenerateKeys(source); }; SortContext.prototype.compare = function (index1, index2) { var comparison = Utils.compare(this.keys[index1], this.keys[index2]); if (comparison == 0) { if (this.child != null) return this.child.compare(index1, index2); return Utils.compare(index1, index2); } return (this.descending) ? -comparison : comparison; }; var DisposableEnumerable = function (getEnumerator, dispose) { this.dispose = dispose; Enumerable.call(this, getEnumerator); }; DisposableEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable(); // optimize array or arraylike object var ArrayEnumerable = function (source) { this.getSource = function () { return source; }; }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable(); ArrayEnumerable.prototype.any = function (predicate) { return (predicate == null) ? (this.getSource().length > 0) : Enumerable.prototype.any.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.count = function (predicate) { return (predicate == null) ? this.getSource().length : Enumerable.prototype.count.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAt = function (index) { var source = this.getSource(); return (0 <= index && index < source.length) ? source[index] : Enumerable.prototype.elementAt.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.elementAtOrDefault = function (index, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; var source = this.getSource(); return (0 <= index && index < source.length) ? source[index] : defaultValue; }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.first = function (predicate) { var source = this.getSource(); return (predicate == null && source.length > 0) ? source[0] : Enumerable.prototype.first.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; if (predicate != null) { return Enumerable.prototype.firstOrDefault.apply(this, arguments); } var source = this.getSource(); return source.length > 0 ? source[0] : defaultValue; }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.last = function (predicate) { var source = this.getSource(); return (predicate == null && source.length > 0) ? source[source.length - 1] : Enumerable.prototype.last.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault = function (predicate, defaultValue) { if (defaultValue === undefined) defaultValue = null; if (predicate != null) { return Enumerable.prototype.lastOrDefault.apply(this, arguments); } var source = this.getSource(); return source.length > 0 ? source[source.length - 1] : defaultValue; }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.skip = function (count) { var source = this.getSource(); return new Enumerable(function () { var index; return new IEnumerator( function () { index = (count < 0) ? 0 : count; }, function () { return (index < source.length) ? this.yieldReturn(source[index++]) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeExceptLast = function (count) { if (count == null) count = 1; return this.take(this.getSource().length - count); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.takeFromLast = function (count) { return this.skip(this.getSource().length - count); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.reverse = function () { var source = this.getSource(); return new Enumerable(function () { var index; return new IEnumerator( function () { index = source.length; }, function () { return (index > 0) ? this.yieldReturn(source[--index]) : false; }, Functions.Blank); }); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual = function (second, compareSelector) { if ((second instanceof ArrayEnumerable || second instanceof Array) && compareSelector == null && Enumerable.from(second).count() != this.count()) { return false; } return Enumerable.prototype.sequenceEqual.apply(this, arguments); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.toJoinedString = function (separator, selector) { var source = this.getSource(); if (selector != null || !(source instanceof Array)) { return Enumerable.prototype.toJoinedString.apply(this, arguments); } if (separator == null) separator = ""; return source.join(separator); }; ArrayEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () { var source = this.getSource(); var index = -1; // fast and simple enumerator return { current: function () { return source[index]; }, moveNext: function () { return ++index < source.length; }, dispose: Functions.Blank }; }; // optimization for multiple where and multiple select and whereselect var WhereEnumerable = function (source, predicate) { this.prevSource = source; this.prevPredicate = predicate; // predicate.length always <= 1 }; WhereEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable(); WhereEnumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); if (predicate.length <= 1) { var prevPredicate = this.prevPredicate; var composedPredicate = function (x) { return prevPredicate(x) && predicate(x); }; return new WhereEnumerable(this.prevSource, composedPredicate); } else { // if predicate use index, can't compose return Enumerable.prototype.where.call(this, predicate); } }; WhereEnumerable.prototype.select = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); return (selector.length <= 1) ? new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource, this.prevPredicate, selector) : Enumerable.prototype.select.call(this, selector); }; WhereEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () { var predicate = this.prevPredicate; var source = this.prevSource; var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (predicate(enumerator.current())) { return this.yieldReturn(enumerator.current()); } } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }; var WhereSelectEnumerable = function (source, predicate, selector) { this.prevSource = source; this.prevPredicate = predicate; // predicate.length always <= 1 or null this.prevSelector = selector; // selector.length always <= 1 }; WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype = new Enumerable(); WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.where = function (predicate) { predicate = Utils.createLambda(predicate); return (predicate.length <= 1) ? new WhereEnumerable(this, predicate) : Enumerable.prototype.where.call(this, predicate); }; WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.select = function (selector) { selector = Utils.createLambda(selector); if (selector.length <= 1) { var prevSelector = this.prevSelector; var composedSelector = function (x) { return selector(prevSelector(x)); }; return new WhereSelectEnumerable(this.prevSource, this.prevPredicate, composedSelector); } else { // if selector use index, can't compose return Enumerable.prototype.select.call(this, selector); } }; WhereSelectEnumerable.prototype.getEnumerator = function () { var predicate = this.prevPredicate; var selector = this.prevSelector; var source = this.prevSource; var enumerator; return new IEnumerator( function () { enumerator = source.getEnumerator(); }, function () { while (enumerator.moveNext()) { if (predicate == null || predicate(enumerator.current())) { return this.yieldReturn(selector(enumerator.current())); } } return false; }, function () { Utils.dispose(enumerator); }); }; // Collections var Dictionary = (function () { // static utility methods var callHasOwnProperty = function (target, key) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(target, key); }; var computeHashCode = function (obj) { if (obj === null) return "null"; if (obj === undefined) return "undefined"; return (typeof obj.toString === Types.Function) ? obj.toString() : Object.prototype.toString.call(obj); }; // LinkedList for Dictionary var HashEntry = function (key, value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; this.prev = null; this.next = null; }; var EntryList = function () { this.first = null; this.last = null; }; EntryList.prototype = { addLast: function (entry) { if (this.last != null) { this.last.next = entry; entry.prev = this.last; this.last = entry; } else this.first = this.last = entry; }, replace: function (entry, newEntry) { if (entry.prev != null) { entry.prev.next = newEntry; newEntry.prev = entry.prev; } else this.first = newEntry; if (entry.next != null) { entry.next.prev = newEntry; newEntry.next = entry.next; } else this.last = newEntry; }, remove: function (entry) { if (entry.prev != null) entry.prev.next = entry.next; else this.first = entry.next; if (entry.next != null) entry.next.prev = entry.prev; else this.last = entry.prev; } }; // Overload:function() // Overload:function(compareSelector) var Dictionary = function (compareSelector) { this.countField = 0; this.entryList = new EntryList(); this.buckets = {}; // as Dictionary> this.compareSelector = (compareSelector == null) ? Functions.Identity : compareSelector; }; Dictionary.prototype = { add: function (key, value) { var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key); var hash = computeHashCode(compareKey); var entry = new HashEntry(key, value); if (callHasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) { var array = this.buckets[hash]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (this.compareSelector(array[i].key) === compareKey) { this.entryList.replace(array[i], entry); array[i] = entry; return; } } array.push(entry); } else { this.buckets[hash] = [entry]; } this.countField++; this.entryList.addLast(entry); }, get: function (key) { var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key); var hash = computeHashCode(compareKey); if (!callHasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return undefined; var array = this.buckets[hash]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { var entry = array[i]; if (this.compareSelector(entry.key) === compareKey) return entry.value; } return undefined; }, set: function (key, value) { var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key); var hash = computeHashCode(compareKey); if (callHasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) { var array = this.buckets[hash]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (this.compareSelector(array[i].key) === compareKey) { var newEntry = new HashEntry(key, value); this.entryList.replace(array[i], newEntry); array[i] = newEntry; return true; } } } return false; }, contains: function (key) { var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key); var hash = computeHashCode(compareKey); if (!callHasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return false; var array = this.buckets[hash]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (this.compareSelector(array[i].key) === compareKey) return true; } return false; }, clear: function () { this.countField = 0; this.buckets = {}; this.entryList = new EntryList(); }, remove: function (key) { var compareKey = this.compareSelector(key); var hash = computeHashCode(compareKey); if (!callHasOwnProperty(this.buckets, hash)) return; var array = this.buckets[hash]; for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { if (this.compareSelector(array[i].key) === compareKey) { this.entryList.remove(array[i]); array.splice(i, 1); if (array.length == 0) delete this.buckets[hash]; this.countField--; return; } } }, count: function () { return this.countField; }, toEnumerable: function () { var self = this; return new Enumerable(function () { var currentEntry; return new IEnumerator( function () { currentEntry = self.entryList.first; }, function () { if (currentEntry != null) { var result = { key: currentEntry.key, value: currentEntry.value }; currentEntry = currentEntry.next; return this.yieldReturn(result); } return false; }, Functions.Blank); }); } }; return Dictionary; })(); // dictionary = Dictionary var Lookup = function (dictionary) { this.count = function () { return dictionary.count(); }; this.get = function (key) { return Enumerable.from(dictionary.get(key)); }; this.contains = function (key) { return dictionary.contains(key); }; this.toEnumerable = function () { return dictionary.toEnumerable().select(function (kvp) { return new Grouping(kvp.key, kvp.value); }); }; }; var Grouping = function (groupKey, elements) { this.key = function () { return groupKey; }; ArrayEnumerable.call(this, elements); }; Grouping.prototype = new ArrayEnumerable(); // module export exports.Enumerable = Enumerable; window.Enumerable = Enumerable; })(this);