import pylab as PL from matplotlib.ticker import EngFormatter from base64 import b64encode from api import Client from utils import handle_config import time import json import io import os from urllib.parse import quote from datetime import datetime from concurrent.futures import ThreadPoolExecutor, as_completed mpl_style = "dark_background" smoothness = 5 def make_svg(data, dtype): data_uri = "data:{};base64,{}".format(dtype, quote(str(b64encode(data), "ascii"))) return ''.format(data_uri) def make_smooth(data, window_size): ret = [] for i, _ in enumerate(data): block = data[i : i + window_size] ret.append(sum(block) / len(block)) return ret def stackplot(data, names, title=None, color="#eee", unit=None, smooth=0): fig = io.BytesIO() with labels = [] values = [] for k, v in names.items(): t = list(map(datetime.fromtimestamp, data["t"])) if smooth: data[v] = make_smooth(data[v], smooth) values.append(data[v]) labels.append(k) PL.stackplot(t, values, labels=labels) PL.legend() PL.grid(True, ls="--") PL.gcf().autofmt_xdate() PL.gca().margins(x=0) if title: PL.title(title) if unit: PL.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(EngFormatter(unit=unit)) PL.tight_layout() PL.savefig(fig, format="svg", transparent=True) PL.clf() return make_svg(fig.getvalue(), "image/svg+xml") def lineplot(data, names, title=None, color="#eee", unit=None, smooth=0): fig = io.BytesIO() with for k, v in names.items(): t = list(map(datetime.fromtimestamp, data["t"])) if smooth: data[v] = make_smooth(data[v], smooth) PL.plot(t, data[v], label=k) PL.legend() PL.grid(True, ls="--") PL.gcf().autofmt_xdate() PL.gca().margins(x=0) if title: PL.title(title) if unit: PL.gca().yaxis.set_major_formatter(EngFormatter(unit=unit)) PL.tight_layout() PL.savefig(fig, format="svg", transparent=True) PL.clf() return make_svg(fig.getvalue(), "image/svg+xml") def histogram(values, bins, title=None, color="#eee", unit=""): fig = io.BytesIO() with PL.hist(values, bins=bins, log=True) if title: PL.title(title) PL.grid(True, ls="--") PL.gca().xaxis.set_major_formatter(EngFormatter(unit=unit)) PL.gca().margins(x=0) PL.tight_layout() PL.savefig(fig, format="svg", transparent=True) PL.clf() return make_svg(fig.getvalue(), "image/svg+xml") def prc_label(label, idx, values): return "{} ({}, {:.2%}%)".format(label, values[idx], values[idx] / sum(values)) def byte_labels(label, idx, values): orig_values = list(values) suffix = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"] i = 0 while values[idx] > 1024 and i < len(suffix): values[idx] /= 1024 i += 1 val = "{:.2f} {}iB".format(values[idx], suffix[i]) return "{} ({}, {:.2%}%)".format(label, val, orig_values[idx] / sum(orig_values)) def byte_rate_labels(label, idx, values): orig_values = list(values) suffix = ["", "K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"] i = 0 while values[idx] > 1024 and i < len(suffix): values[idx] /= 1024 i += 1 val = "{:.2f} {}iB/s".format(values[idx], suffix[i]) return "{} ({})".format(label, val) def piechart(items, title=None, labelfunc=prc_label, sort=True): fig = io.BytesIO() labels = [] values = [] colors = [] if sort: items = sorted(items.items(), key=lambda v: v[1]) else: items = sorted(items.items()) for k, v in items: labels.append(k) if isinstance(v, tuple) and len(v) == 2: v, c = v colors.append(c) values.append(v) colors = colors or None for i, label in enumerate(labels): labels[i] = labelfunc(label, i, values[:]) with PL.pie(values, labels=labels, colors=colors, labeldistance=None) PL.legend() if title: PL.title(title) PL.tight_layout() PL.savefig(fig, format="svg", transparent=True) PL.clf() return make_svg(fig.getvalue(), "image/svg+xml") hist = { "t": [], "dl": [], "ul": [], "dl_size": [], "ul_size": [], "dl_size_sess": [], "ul_size_sess": [], "connections": [], "bw_per_conn": [], "dht_nodes": [], } def update_qbt_hist(stats, limit=1024): global hist data = stats["qbt"]["status"] hist["t"].append(time.time()) hist["dl"].append(data["server_state"]["dl_info_speed"]) hist["ul"].append(data["server_state"]["up_info_speed"]) hist["dl_size"].append(data["server_state"]["alltime_dl"]) hist["ul_size"].append(data["server_state"]["alltime_ul"]) hist["dl_size_sess"].append(data["server_state"]["dl_info_data"]) hist["ul_size_sess"].append(data["server_state"]["up_info_data"]) hist["connections"].append(data["server_state"]["total_peer_connections"]) hist["dht_nodes"].append(data["server_state"]["dht_nodes"]) hist["bw_per_conn"].append( (data["server_state"]["dl_info_speed"] + data["server_state"]["up_info_speed"]) / data["server_state"]["total_peer_connections"] ) for k in hist: hist[k] = hist[k][-limit:] last_idx = 0 for i, (t1, t2) in enumerate(zip(hist["t"], hist["t"][1:])): if abs(t1 - t2) > (60 * 60): # 1h last_idx = i + 1 for k in hist: hist[k] = hist[k][last_idx:] return hist def collect_stats(): from collections import Counter PL.clf() cfg = handle_config() c = Client(cfg) series={} movies={} data = { "radarr": {"entries": c.radarr.movies(), "status": c.radarr.status()}, "sonarr": { "entries": c.sonarr.series(), "status": c.sonarr.status(), "details": {}, }, "qbt": {"status": c.qbittorent.status()}, } for show in data["sonarr"]["entries"]: series[show["id"]]=show for movie in data["radarr"]["entries"]: movies[movie["id"]]=movie torrent_states = {} torrent_categories = {} for torrent in data["qbt"]["status"]["torrents"].values(): state = c.qbittorent.status_map.get(torrent["state"], (torrent["state"], None))[ 0 ] category = torrent["category"] or "" torrent_states.setdefault(state, 0) torrent_categories.setdefault(category, 0) torrent_states[state] += 1 torrent_categories[category] += 1 vbitrates = [] abitrates = [] acodecs = [] vcodecs = [] qualities = [] formats = [] sizes = {"Shows": 0, "Movies": 0} radarr_stats = {"missing": 0, "available": 0} for movie in data["radarr"]["entries"]: if movie["hasFile"]: radarr_stats["available"] += 1 else: radarr_stats["missing"] += 1 sizes["Movies"] += movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("size", 0) vbr = movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("mediaInfo", {}).get("videoBitrate", None) abr = movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("mediaInfo", {}).get("audioBitrate", None) acodec = movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("mediaInfo", {}).get("audioCodec", None) vcodec = movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("mediaInfo", {}).get("videoCodec", None) fmt = movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("relativePath", "").split(".")[-1].lower() qual = ( movie.get("movieFile", {}).get("quality", {}).get("quality", {}).get("name") ) if qual: qualities.append(qual) if acodec: acodecs.append(acodec) if vcodec: if vcodec.lower() in ["x265", "h265", "hevc"]: vcodec = "H.265" if vcodec.lower() in ["x264", "h264"]: vcodec = "H.264" vcodecs.append(vcodec) if vbr: vbitrates.append(vbr) if abr: abitrates.append(abr) if fmt: formats.append(fmt) sonarr_stats = {"missing": 0, "available": 0} info_jobs = [] with ThreadPoolExecutor(16) as pool: for show in data["sonarr"]["entries"]: info_jobs.append(pool.submit(c.sonarr.series, show["id"])) for job, show in zip( as_completed(info_jobs), data["sonarr"]["entries"], ): info = job.result() data["sonarr"]["details"][show["id"]] = info for file in info["episodeFile"]: vbr = file.get("mediaInfo", {}).get("videoBitrate", None) abr = file.get("mediaInfo", {}).get("audioBitrate", None) acodec = file.get("mediaInfo", {}).get("audioCodec", None) vcodec = file.get("mediaInfo", {}).get("videoCodec", None) fmt = file.get("relativePath", "").split(".")[-1].lower() qual = file.get("quality", {}).get("quality", {}).get("name") sizes["Shows"] += file.get("size", 0) if qual: qualities.append(qual) if acodec: acodecs.append(acodec) if vcodec: if vcodec.lower() in ["x265", "h265", "hevc"]: vcodec = "H.265" if vcodec.lower() in ["x264", "h264"]: vcodec = "H.264" vcodecs.append(vcodec) if vbr: vbitrates.append(vbr) if abr: abitrates.append(abr) if fmt: formats.append(fmt) for season in show.get("seasons", []): stats = season.get("statistics", {}) sonarr_stats["missing"] += ( stats["totalEpisodeCount"] - stats["episodeFileCount"] ) sonarr_stats["available"] += stats["episodeFileCount"] hist = update_qbt_hist(data) sonarr_stats["available"] = (sonarr_stats["available"], "#5f5") sonarr_stats["missing"] = (sonarr_stats["missing"], "#f55") radarr_stats["available"] = (radarr_stats["available"], "#5f5") radarr_stats["missing"] = (radarr_stats["missing"], "#f55") imgs = [ [ "Media", histogram([vbitrates], "auto", "Video Bitrate", unit="b/s"), histogram([abitrates], "auto", "Audio Bitrate", unit="b/s"), piechart(dict(Counter(vcodecs)), "Video codecs"), piechart(dict(Counter(acodecs)), "Audio codecs"), piechart(dict(Counter(formats)), "Container formats"), piechart(dict(Counter(qualities)), "Quality"), piechart(sizes, "Disk usage", byte_labels), piechart(sonarr_stats, "Episodes"), piechart(radarr_stats, "Movies"), ], [ "Torrents", piechart(torrent_states, "Torrents"), piechart(torrent_categories, "Torrent categories"), piechart( {"Upload": hist["ul"][-1]+0.0, "Download": hist["dl"][-1]+0.0}, "Bandwidth utilization", byte_rate_labels, sort=False, ), stackplot( hist, {"Download": "dl", "Upload": "ul"}, "Transfer speed", unit="b/s", smooth=smoothness, ), stackplot( hist, {"Download": "dl_size_sess", "Upload": "ul_size_sess"}, "Transfer volume (Session)", unit="b", ), stackplot( hist, {"Download": "dl_size", "Upload": "ul_size"}, "Transfer volume (Total)", unit="b", ), lineplot( hist, {"Connections": "connections"}, "Peers", unit=None, smooth=smoothness, ), lineplot( hist, {"Bandwidth per connection": "bw_per_conn"}, "Connections", unit="b/s", smooth=smoothness, ), lineplot(hist, {"DHT Nodes": "dht_nodes"}, "DHT", unit=None), ], ] calendar = {"movies":[],"episodes":[]} for movie in c.radarr.calendar(): calendar["movies"].append(movie) for episode in c.sonarr.calendar(): t = episode['airDateUtc'].rstrip("Z").split(".")[0] t = datetime.strptime(t, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") episode['hasAired']>t calendar["episodes"].append({"episode":episode,"series":series[episode["seriesId"]]}) return {"data": data, "images": imgs, "hist": hist,"calendar": calendar} if os.path.isfile("stats.json"): with open("stats.json", "r") as of: try: hist = json.load(of)["hist"] except Exception as e: print("Error loading history:", str(e)) def update(): print("Updating...") try: stats = collect_stats() except Exception as e: print("Error collectin statistics:", str(e)) stats = None if stats: with open("stats_temp.json", "w") as of: json.dump(stats, of) open("stats.lock", "w").close() if os.path.isfile("stats.json"): os.unlink("stats.json") os.rename("stats_temp.json", "stats.json") os.unlink("stats.lock") print("Done!") def loop(seconds): while True: update() time.sleep(seconds) if __name__=="__main__": update()