import sys import multiprocessing as MP import queue import ctypes import os from datetime import datetime from math import floor import click from tqdm import tqdm from click_default_group import DefaultGroup import requests as RQ from urllib.parse import urljoin from ed_lrr_gui import Router, Preprocessor, cfg from _ed_lrr import find_sys CONTEXT_SETTINGS = dict(help_option_names=["-h", "--help"]) stars_path = os.path.join(cfg["folders.data_dir"], "stars.csv") for folder in cfg["history.out_path"]: file = os.path.join(folder, "stars.csv") if os.path.isfile(file): stars_path = file break systems_path = os.path.join(cfg["folders.data_dir"], "systemsWithCoordinates.json") for file in cfg["history.systems_path"]: if os.path.isfile(file): systems_path = file break bodies_path = os.path.join(cfg["folders.data_dir"], "bodies.json") for file in cfg["history.bodies_path"][::-1]: if os.path.isfile(file): bodies_path = file break, context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS) @click.pass_context @click.version_option() def main(ctx): "Elite: Dangerous long range router, command line interface" MP.freeze_support() if ctx.invoked_subcommand != "config": os.makedirs(cfg["folders.data_dir"], exist_ok=True) if ctx.invoked_subcommand is None: ctx.invoke(gui) return return @main.command() @click.argument("option", default=None, required=False) @click.argument("value", default=None, required=False) def config(option, value): """Change configuration If "key" and "value" are both omitted the current configuration is printed """ def print_config(key): default = cfg.section(key).default() comment = cfg.section(key).comment value = cfg[key] is_default = value == default if ( isinstance(value, list) and all(isinstance(element, str) for element in value) and len(value) != 0 ): value = "[{}]".format(", ".join(map("'{}'".format, value))) key ="{}".format(key), fg="cyan") value ="{}".format(value), fg="green") default ="{}".format(default), fg="blue") comment ="{}".format(comment), fg="yellow") if is_default: print("{}: {} # {}".format(key, default, comment)) else: print("{}: {} (default: {}) # {}".format(key, value, default, comment)) if option is None and value is None: click.secho("Config path: {}".format(cfg.sources[0]), bold=True) print() for key in cfg: print_config(key) return if value is None: if option in cfg: print_config(option) else: print("Invalid option:", option) return cfg[option] = value cfg.sync() return @main.command() def explore(): "Open file manager in data folder" click.launch(cfg["folders.data_dir"], locate=True) @main.command() @click.option("--debug", help="Debug print", is_flag=True) def gui(debug): "Run the ED LRR GUI (default)" import ed_lrr_gui.gui as ED_LRR_GUI if (not debug) and == "nt": ctypes.windll.kernel32.FreeConsole() sys.stdin = open("NUL", "rt") sys.stdout = open("NUL", "wt") sys.stderr = open("NUL", "wt") sys.exit(ED_LRR_GUI.main()) @main.command() @click.option( "--url", "-u", help="Base URL", default="", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--folder", "-f", help="Target folder for downloads", default=cfg["folders.data_dir"], type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False), show_default=True, ) def download(url, folder): "Download EDSM dumps" os.makedirs(folder, exist_ok=True) for file_name in ["systemsWithCoordinates.json", "bodies.json"]: download_url = urljoin(url, file_name) download_path = os.path.join(folder, file_name) if os.path.isfile(download_path): try: if not click.confirm( "{} already exissts, overwrite?".format(file_name) ): continue except click.Abort: exit("Canceled!") size = RQ.head(download_url, headers={"Accept-Encoding": "None"}) size.raise_for_status() size = int(size.headers.get("Content-Length", 0)) with tqdm( total=size, desc="{}".format(file_name), unit="b", unit_divisor=1024, unit_scale=True, ascii=True, ) as pbar: with open(download_path, "wb") as of: resp = RQ.get( download_url, stream=True, headers={"Accept-Encoding": "gzip"} ) for chunk in resp.iter_content(1024 * 1024): of.write(chunk) pbar.update(len(chunk)) click.pause() @main.command() @click.option( "--systems", "-s", default=systems_path, metavar="", help="Path to stars.csv", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--bodies", "-b", default=bodies_path, metavar="", help="Path to bodies.json", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--output", "-o", default=stars_path, metavar="", help="Path to stars.csv", type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) def preprocess(systems, bodies, output): "Preprocess EDSM dumps" with click.progressbar( length=100, label="", show_percent=True, item_show_func=lambda v: v, width=50 ) as pbar: preproc = Preprocessor(systems, bodies, output) preproc.start() state = {} pstate = {} while not (preproc.queue.empty() and preproc.is_alive() == False): try: event = preproc.queue.get(True, 0.1) state.update(event) if state != pstate: prc = (state["status"]["done"] / state["status"]["total"]) * 100 pbar.pos = prc pbar.update(0) pbar.current_item = state["status"]["message"] pstate = state.copy() except queue.Empty: pass pbar.pos = 100 pbar.update(0) print(state.get("result")) print("DONE!") click.pause() @main.command() @click.option( "--path", "-i", required=True, metavar="", help="Path to stars.csv", default=stars_path, type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--precomp_file", "-pf", metavar="", help="Precomputed routing graph to use", type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), ) @click.option( "--range", "-r", default=cfg["route.range"], metavar="", help="Jump range (Ly)", type=click.FloatRange(min=0), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--prune", "-d", default=(cfg["route.prune.steps"], cfg["route.prune.min_improvement"]), metavar=" ", help="Prune search branches", nargs=2, type=click.Tuple([click.IntRange(min=0), click.FloatRange(min=0)]), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--permute", "-p", type=click.Choice(["all", "keep_first", "keep_last", "keep_both"]), default=None, help="Permute hops to find shortest route", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--primary/--no-primary", "+ps/-ps", is_flag=True, default=cfg["route.primary"], help="Only route through primary stars", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--factor", "-g", metavar="", default=cfg["route.greediness"], help="Greedyness factor for A-Star", show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--mode", "-m", default=cfg["route.mode"], help="Search mode", type=click.Choice(["bfs", "a-star", "greedy"]), show_default=True, ) @click.argument("systems", nargs=-1) def route(**kwargs): "Compute a route" if len(kwargs["systems"]) < 2: exit("Need at least two systems to plot a route") if kwargs["prune"] == (0, 0): kwargs["prune"] = None def to_string(state): if state: return "{prc_done:.2f}% [N:{depth} Q:{queue_size} D:{d_rem:.2f} Ly] {system}".format( **state ) keep_first, keep_last = { "all": (False, False), "keep_first": (True, False), "keep_last": (False, True), "keep_both": (True, True), None: (False, False), }[kwargs["permute"]] print("Resolving systems...") t = matches = find_sys(kwargs["systems"], kwargs["path"]) kwargs["systems"] = [str(matches[key][1]["id"]) for key in kwargs["systems"]] print("Done in", - t) args = [ kwargs["systems"], kwargs["range"], kwargs["prune"], kwargs["mode"], kwargs["primary"], kwargs["permute"] != None, keep_first, keep_last, kwargs["factor"], None, kwargs["path"], ] with click.progressbar( length=100, label="Computing route", show_percent=False, item_show_func=to_string, width=50, ) as pbar: router = Router(*args) t = router.start() state = {} pstate = {} while not (router.queue.empty() and router.is_alive() == False): try: event = router.queue.get(True, 0.1) state.update(event) if state != pstate: pbar.current_item = state.get("status") if pbar.current_item: pbar.pos = pbar.current_item["prc_done"] pbar.update(0) pstate = state.copy() except queue.Empty: pass pbar.pos = 100 pbar.update(0) for n, jump in enumerate(state.get("return", []), 1): jump["n"] = n if jump["body"].index(jump["system"]) == -1: jump["where"] = "[{body}] in [{system}]".format(**jump) else: jump["where"] = "[{body}]".format(**jump) if jump["distance"] > 0: print("({n}) {where}: {star_type} ({distance} Ls)".format(**jump)) else: print("({n}) {where}: {star_type}".format(**jump)) print("Done in", - t) @main.command() @click.option( "--path", "-i", required=True, help="Path to stars.csv", default=stars_path, type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) @click.option( "--range", "-r", required=True, help="Jump range (Ly)", type=click.FloatRange(min=0) ) @click.option("--primary", "-ps", help="Only route through primary stars") @click.option( "--output", "-o", required=True, help="Output path", default="./stars.idx", type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=False), show_default=True, ) @click.argument("systems", nargs=-1) def precompute(*args, **kwargs): "Precompute routing graph" print("PreComp:", args, kwargs) if __name__ == "__main__": main()