use core::cmp::Ordering; use csv::StringRecord; use fnv::{FnvHashMap, FnvHashSet}; use humantime::format_duration; use permutohedron::LexicalPermutation; use rstar::{PointDistance, RTree, RTreeObject, AABB}; use sha3::{Digest, Sha3_256}; use std::collections::VecDeque; use std::fs::File; use std::hash::{Hash, Hasher}; use std::io::Seek; use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write}; use std::path::PathBuf; use std::str::FromStr; use std::time::Instant; use structopt::StructOpt; use crate::common::{System, SystemSerde}; #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] pub struct RouteOpts { #[structopt(short, long = "range")] /// Jump Range pub range: Option, #[structopt( parse(from_os_str), short = "i", long = "path", default_value = "./stars.csv" )] /// Path to stars.csv /// /// Generate using ed_lrr_pp pub file_path: PathBuf, #[structopt( parse(from_os_str), long = "precomp_file", conflicts_with = "precompute" )] /// Path to precomputed route graph /// /// Generate using --precompute option pub precomp_file: Option, #[structopt( short = "c", long = "precompute", conflicts_with = "full_permute", conflicts_with = "permute", conflicts_with = "precomp_file" )] /// Precompute all routes for the specified jump range starting at the specified system and write the result to {system}_{range}.bin pub precompute: bool, #[structopt(short = "p", long = "permute", conflicts_with = "full_permute")] /// Permute intermediate hops to find shortest route pub permute: bool, #[structopt(short = "o", long = "primary")] /// Only route through the primary star of a system pub primary: bool, #[structopt(short = "f", long = "full_permute", conflicts_with = "permute")] /// Permute all hops to find shortest route pub full_permute: bool, #[structopt(short = "g", long = "factor")] /// Greedyness factor for A-Star (0=BFS, inf=Greedy) pub factor: Option, #[structopt( short, long, raw(possible_values = "&[\"bfs\", \"greedy\",\"astar\"]"), default_value = "bfs" )] /// Search mode /// /** - BFS is guaranteed to find the shortest route but very slow - Greedy is a lot faster but will probably not find the shortest route - A-Star is a good middle ground between speed and accuracy */ pub mode: Mode, /// Systems to route through pub systems: Vec, } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum Mode { BFS, Greedy, AStar, } impl FromStr for Mode { type Err = String; fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result { match s { "bfs" => Ok(Mode::BFS), "greedy" => Ok(Mode::Greedy), "astar" => Ok(Mode::AStar), _ => Err("Invalid Mode".to_string()), } } } fn dist2(p1: &[f32; 3], p2: &[f32; 3]) -> f32 { let dx = p1[0] - p2[0]; let dy = p1[1] - p2[1]; let dz = p1[2] - p2[2]; dx * dx + dy * dy + dz * dz } fn dist(p1: &[f32; 3], p2: &[f32; 3]) -> f32 { dist2(p1, p2).sqrt() } fn fcmp(a: f32, b: f32) -> Ordering { match (a, b) { (x, y) if x.is_nan() && y.is_nan() => Ordering::Equal, (x, _) if x.is_nan() => Ordering::Greater, (_, y) if y.is_nan() => Ordering::Less, (..) => a.partial_cmp(&b).unwrap(), } } impl System { pub fn dist2(&self, p: &[f32; 3]) -> f32 { dist2(&self.pos, p) } pub fn distp(&self, p: &System) -> f32 { dist(&self.pos, &p.pos) } pub fn distp2(&self, p: &System) -> f32 { self.dist2(&p.pos) } } impl PartialEq for System { fn eq(&self, other: &Self) -> bool { == } } impl Eq for System {} impl Hash for System { fn hash(&self, state: &mut H) {; } } impl RTreeObject for System { type Envelope = AABB<[f32; 3]>; fn envelope(&self) -> Self::Envelope { AABB::from_point(self.pos) } } impl PointDistance for System { fn distance_2(&self, point: &[f32; 3]) -> f32 { self.dist2(&point) } } fn hash_file(path: &PathBuf) -> Vec { let mut hash_reader = BufReader::new(File::open(path).unwrap()); let mut hasher = Sha3_256::new(); std::io::copy(&mut hash_reader, &mut hasher).unwrap(); hasher.result().iter().copied().collect() } struct LineCache { cache: Vec, file: BufReader, header: Option, } impl LineCache { pub fn new(path: &PathBuf) -> std::io::Result { let idx_path = path.with_extension("idx"); let t_load = Instant::now(); println!("Loading {}", path.to_str().unwrap()); let mut idx_reader = BufReader::new(File::open(idx_path)?); let cache = match bincode::deserialize_from(&mut idx_reader) { Ok(value) => value, err => err.unwrap(), }; let mut reader = BufReader::new(File::open(path)?); let header = Self::read_record(&mut reader); let ret = Self { file: reader, cache, header, }; println!("Done in {}!", format_duration(t_load.elapsed())); Ok(ret) } fn read_record(reader: &mut BufReader) -> Option { let mut line = String::new(); reader.read_line(&mut line).ok()?; let v: Vec<_> = line.trim_end().split(',').collect(); let rec = StringRecord::from(v); Some(rec) } pub fn get(&mut self, id: u32) -> Option { let pos = self.cache[id as usize];; let rec = Self::read_record(&mut self.file).unwrap(); let sys: SystemSerde = rec.deserialize(self.header.as_ref()).unwrap(); Some( } } pub struct Router { tree: RTree, scoopable: FnvHashSet, pub route_tree: Option>, cache: Option, range: f32, primary_only: bool, path: PathBuf, } impl Router { pub fn new(path: &PathBuf, range: f32, primary_only: bool) -> Self { let mut scoopable = FnvHashSet::default(); let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .from_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("Error opening {}: {}", path.to_str().unwrap(), e); std::process::exit(1); }); let t_load = Instant::now(); println!("Loading {}...", path.to_str().unwrap()); let systems: Vec = reader .deserialize::() .map(|res| res.unwrap()) .filter(|sys| { if primary_only { sys.distance == 0 } else { true } }) .map(|sys| { if sys.mult > 1.0f32 { scoopable.insert(; } else { for c in "KGBFOAM".chars() { if sys.star_type.starts_with(c) { scoopable.insert(; break; } } } }) .collect(); println!("Building RTree..."); let ret = Self { tree: RTree::bulk_load(systems), scoopable, route_tree: None, range, primary_only, cache: LineCache::new(path).ok(), path: path.clone(), }; println!( "{} Systems loaded in {}", ret.tree.size(), format_duration(t_load.elapsed()) ); ret } pub fn from_file(filename: &PathBuf) -> (PathBuf, Self) { let t_load = Instant::now(); let mut reader = BufReader::new(File::open(&filename).unwrap()); println!("Loading {}", filename.to_str().unwrap()); let (primary, range, file_hash, path, route_tree): ( bool, f32, Vec, String, FnvHashMap, ) = bincode::deserialize_from(&mut reader).unwrap(); let path = PathBuf::from(path); println!("Done in {}!", format_duration(t_load.elapsed())); if hash_file(&path) != file_hash { panic!("File hash mismatch!") } let cache = LineCache::new(&path).ok(); ( path.clone(), Self { tree: RTree::default(), scoopable: FnvHashSet::default(), route_tree: Some(route_tree), range, cache, primary_only: primary, path, }, ) } fn closest(&self, point: &[f32; 3]) -> &System { self.tree.nearest_neighbor(point).unwrap() } fn points_in_sphere(&self, center: &[f32; 3], radius: f32) -> impl Iterator { self.tree.locate_within_distance(*center, radius * radius) } fn neighbours(&self, sys: &System, r: f32) -> impl Iterator { self.points_in_sphere(&sys.pos, sys.mult * r) } fn valid(&self, sys: &System) -> bool { self.scoopable.contains(& } pub fn best_name_multiroute( &self, waypoints: &[String], range: f32, full: bool, mode: Mode, factor: f32, ) -> Vec { let mut best_score: f32 = std::f32::MAX; let mut waypoints = waypoints.to_owned(); let mut best_permutation_waypoints = waypoints.to_owned(); let first = waypoints.first().cloned(); let last = waypoints.last().cloned(); let t_start = Instant::now(); println!("Finding best permutation of hops..."); while waypoints.prev_permutation() {} loop { let c_first = waypoints.first().cloned(); let c_last = waypoints.last().cloned(); if full || ((c_first == first) && (c_last == last)) { let mut total_d = 0.0; for pair in { match pair { [src, dst] => { let (mut src, dst) = (self.name_to_systems(&src), self.name_to_systems(&dst)); src.sort_by_key(|&p| (p.mult * 10.0) as u8); let src = src.last().unwrap(); let dst = dst.last().unwrap(); total_d += src.distp2(dst); } _ => panic!("Invalid routing parameters!"), } } if total_d < best_score { best_score = total_d; best_permutation_waypoints = waypoints.to_owned(); } } if !waypoints.next_permutation() { break; } } println!("Done in {}!", format_duration(t_start.elapsed())); println!("Best permutation: {:?}", best_permutation_waypoints); self.name_multiroute(&best_permutation_waypoints, range, mode, factor) } pub fn name_multiroute( &self, waypoints: &[String], range: f32, mode: Mode, factor: f32, ) -> Vec { let mut coords = Vec::new(); for p_name in waypoints { let mut p_l = self.name_to_systems(p_name); p_l.sort_by_key(|&p| (p.mult * 10.0) as u8); let p = p_l.last().unwrap(); coords.push((p_name, p.pos)); } self.multiroute(coords.as_slice(), range, mode, factor) } pub fn multiroute( &self, waypoints: &[(&String, [f32; 3])], range: f32, mode: Mode, factor: f32, ) -> Vec { let mut route: Vec = Vec::new(); for pair in { match *pair { [src, dst] => { let block = match mode { Mode::BFS => self.route_bfs(&src, &dst, range), Mode::Greedy => self.route_greedy(&src, &dst, range), Mode::AStar => self.route_astar(&src, &dst, range, factor), }; if route.is_empty() { for sys in block.iter() { route.push(sys.clone()); } } else { for sys in block.iter().skip(1) { route.push(sys.clone()); } } } _ => panic!("Invalid routing parameters!"), } } route } fn name_to_systems(&self, name: &str) -> Vec<&System> { for sys in &self.tree { if sys.system == name { return self.neighbours(&sys, 0.0).collect(); } } eprintln!("System not found: \"{}\"", name); std::process::exit(1); } pub fn route_astar( &self, src: &(&String, [f32; 3]), dst: &(&String, [f32; 3]), range: f32, factor: f32, ) -> Vec { if factor == 0.0 { return self.route_bfs(src, dst, range); } println!("Running A-Star with greedy factor of {}", factor); let (src_name, src) = src; let (dst_name, dst) = dst; let start_sys = self.closest(src); let goal_sys = self.closest(dst); { let d = dist(src, dst); println!("Plotting route from {} to {}...", src_name, dst_name); println!( "Jump Range: {} Ly, Distance: {} Ly, Theoretical Jumps: {}", range, d, d / range ); } let total = self.tree.size() as f32; let mut prev = FnvHashMap::default(); let mut seen = FnvHashSet::default(); let t_start = Instant::now(); let mut found = false; let mut maxd = 0; let mut queue: Vec<(usize, usize, &System)> = Vec::new(); queue.push(( 0, // depth (start_sys.distp(goal_sys) / range) as usize, // h &start_sys, )); seen.insert(; while !(queue.is_empty() || found) { while let Some((depth, _, sys)) = queue.pop() { if depth > maxd { maxd = depth; print!( "[{}] Depth: {}, Queue: {}, Seen: {} ({:.02}%) \r", format_duration(t_start.elapsed()), depth, queue.len(), seen.len(), ((seen.len() * 100) as f32) / total ); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); } if == { found = true; break; } queue.extend( self.neighbours(&sys, range) .filter(|&nb| (self.valid(nb) || ( == .filter(|&nb| seen.insert( .map(|nb| { prev.insert(, sys); let d_g = (nb.distp(goal_sys) / range) as usize; (depth + 1, d_g, nb) }), ); queue.sort_by(|b, a| { let (a_0, a_1) = (a.0 as f32, a.1 as f32); let (b_0, b_1) = (b.0 as f32, b.1 as f32); let v_a = a_0 + a_1 * factor; let v_b = b_0 + b_1 * factor; fcmp(v_a, v_b) }); // queue.reverse(); } } println!(); println!(); if !found { eprintln!("No route from {} to {} found!", src_name, dst_name); return Vec::new(); } let mut v: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut curr_sys = goal_sys; loop { v.push(curr_sys.clone()); match prev.get(& { Some(sys) => curr_sys = *sys, None => { break; } } } v.reverse(); v } pub fn route_greedy( &self, src: &(&String, [f32; 3]), dst: &(&String, [f32; 3]), range: f32, ) -> Vec { println!("Running Greedy-Search"); let (src_name, src) = src; let (dst_name, dst) = dst; let start_sys = self.closest(src); let goal_sys = self.closest(dst); { let d = dist(src, dst); println!("Plotting route from {} to {}...", src_name, dst_name); println!( "Jump Range: {} Ly, Distance: {} Ly, Theoretical Jumps: {}", range, d, d / range ); } let total = self.tree.size() as f32; let mut prev = FnvHashMap::default(); let mut seen = FnvHashSet::default(); let t_start = Instant::now(); let mut found = false; let mut maxd = 0; let mut queue: Vec<(f32, f32, usize, &System)> = Vec::new(); queue.push((-goal_sys.mult, start_sys.distp2(goal_sys), 0, &start_sys)); seen.insert(; while !(queue.is_empty() || found) { while let Some((_, _, depth, sys)) = queue.pop() { if depth > maxd { maxd = depth; print!( "[{}] Depth: {}, Queue: {}, Seen: {} ({:.02}%) \r", format_duration(t_start.elapsed()), depth, queue.len(), seen.len(), ((seen.len() * 100) as f32) / total ); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); } if == { found = true; break; } queue.extend( self.neighbours(&sys, range) .filter(|&nb| (self.valid(nb) || ( == .filter(|&nb| seen.insert( .map(|nb| { prev.insert(, sys); (-nb.mult, nb.distp2(goal_sys), depth + 1, nb) }), ); queue.sort_by(|a, b| fcmp(a.0, b.0).then(fcmp(a.1, b.1))); queue.reverse(); } } println!(); println!(); if !found { eprintln!("No route from {} to {} found!", src_name, dst_name); return Vec::new(); } let mut v: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut curr_sys = goal_sys; loop { v.push(curr_sys.clone()); match prev.get(& { Some(sys) => curr_sys = *sys, None => { break; } } } v.reverse(); v } pub fn precompute(&mut self, src: &str) { let mut sys_l = self.name_to_systems(src); sys_l.sort_by_key(|&sys| (sys.mult * 10.0) as u8); let sys = sys_l.last().unwrap(); println!("Precomputing routes starting at {} ...", sys.system); let total = self.tree.size() as f32; let mut prev = FnvHashMap::default(); let mut seen = FnvHashSet::default(); let t_start = Instant::now(); let mut depth = 0; let mut queue: VecDeque<(usize, &System)> = VecDeque::new(); let mut queue_next: VecDeque<(usize, &System)> = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_front((0, &sys)); seen.insert(; while !queue.is_empty() { print!( "[{}] Depth: {}, Queue: {}, Seen: {} ({:.02}%) \r", format_duration(t_start.elapsed()), depth, queue.len(), seen.len(), ((seen.len() * 100) as f32) / total ); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); while let Some((d, sys)) = queue.pop_front() { queue_next.extend( self.neighbours(&sys, self.range) // .filter(|&nb| self.valid(nb)) .filter(|&nb| seen.insert( .map(|nb| { prev.insert(,; (d + 1, nb) }), ); } std::mem::swap(&mut queue, &mut queue_next); depth += 1; } self.route_tree = Some(prev); let ofn = format!( "{}_{}{}.router", src.replace("*", "").replace(" ", "_"), self.range, if self.primary_only { "_primary" } else { "" } ); println!("\nSaving to {}", ofn); let mut out_fh = BufWriter::new(File::create(&ofn).unwrap()); // (range, path, route_tree) let data = ( self.primary_only, self.range, hash_file(&self.path), String::from(self.path.to_str().unwrap()), self.route_tree.as_ref().unwrap(), ); bincode::serialize_into(&mut out_fh, &data).unwrap(); } fn get_systems_by_ids(&mut self, path: &PathBuf, ids: &[u32]) -> FnvHashMap { println!("Processing {}", path.to_str().unwrap()); let mut ret = FnvHashMap::default(); if let Some(c) = &mut self.cache.as_mut() { let mut missing = false; for id in ids { match c.get(*id) { Some(sys) => { ret.insert(*id, sys); } None => { println!("ID {} not found in cache", id); missing = true; break; } } } if !missing { return ret; } } let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .from_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { println!("Error opening {}: {}", path.to_str().unwrap(), e); std::process::exit(1); }); reader .deserialize::() .map(|res| res.unwrap()) .filter(|sys| ids.contains(& .map(|sys| { ret.insert(,; }) .last() .unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("Error: No systems matching {:?} found!", ids); std::process::exit(1); }); ret } fn get_system_by_name(path: &PathBuf, name: &str) -> System { let mut reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new() .from_path(path) .unwrap_or_else(|e| { eprintln!("Error opening {}: {}", path.to_str().unwrap(), e); std::process::exit(1); }); let sys = reader .deserialize::() .map(|res| res.unwrap()) .find(|sys| sys.system == name) .unwrap_or_else(|| { eprintln!("Error: System '{}' not found!", name); std::process::exit(1); }); } pub fn route_to(&mut self, dst: &str, systems_path: &PathBuf) -> Vec { let prev = self.route_tree.as_ref().unwrap(); let dst = Self::get_system_by_name(&systems_path, dst); if !prev.contains_key(& { eprintln!("System-ID {} not found",; std::process::exit(1); }; let mut v_ids: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut v: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut curr_sys: u32 =; loop { v_ids.push(curr_sys); match prev.get(&curr_sys) { Some(sys_id) => curr_sys = *sys_id, None => { break; } } } v_ids.reverse(); let id_map = self.get_systems_by_ids(&systems_path, &v_ids); for sys_id in v_ids { let sys = id_map.get(&sys_id).unwrap(); v.push(sys.clone()) } v } pub fn route_bfs( &self, src: &(&String, [f32; 3]), dst: &(&String, [f32; 3]), range: f32, ) -> Vec { println!("Running BFS"); let (src_name, src) = src; let (dst_name, dst) = dst; let start_sys = self.closest(src); let goal_sys = self.closest(dst); { let d = dist(src, dst); println!("Plotting route from {} to {}...", src_name, dst_name); println!( "Jump Range: {} Ly, Distance: {} Ly, Theoretical Jumps: {}", range, d, d / range ); } let total = self.tree.size() as f32; let mut prev = FnvHashMap::default(); let mut seen = FnvHashSet::default(); let t_start = Instant::now(); let mut depth = 0; let mut found = false; let mut queue: VecDeque<(usize, &System)> = VecDeque::new(); let mut queue_next: VecDeque<(usize, &System)> = VecDeque::new(); queue.push_front((0, &start_sys)); seen.insert(; while !(queue.is_empty() || found) { print!( "[{}] Depth: {}, Queue: {}, Seen: {} ({:.02}%) \r", format_duration(t_start.elapsed()), depth, queue.len(), seen.len(), ((seen.len() * 100) as f32) / total ); std::io::stdout().flush().unwrap(); while let Some((d, sys)) = queue.pop_front() { if == { found = true; break; } queue_next.extend( self.neighbours(&sys, range) .filter(|&nb| (self.valid(nb) || ( == .filter(|&nb| seen.insert( .map(|nb| { prev.insert(, sys); (d + 1, nb) }), ); } std::mem::swap(&mut queue, &mut queue_next); depth += 1; } println!(); println!(); if !found { eprintln!("No route from {} to {} found!", src_name, dst_name); return Vec::new(); } let mut v: Vec = Vec::new(); let mut curr_sys = goal_sys; loop { v.push(curr_sys.clone()); match prev.get(& { Some(sys) => curr_sys = *sys, None => { break; } } } v.reverse(); v } } pub fn route(opts: RouteOpts) -> std::io::Result<()> { if { if opts.precomp_file.is_some() { eprintln!("Error: Please specify exatly one system"); } else if opts.precompute { eprintln!("Error: Please specify at least one system"); } else { eprintln!("Error: Please specify at least two systems"); } std::process::exit(1); } let mut path = opts.file_path; let mut router: Router = if opts.precomp_file.is_some() { let ret = Router::from_file(&opts.precomp_file.clone().unwrap()); path = ret.0; ret.1 } else { Router::new(&path, opts.range.unwrap(), opts.primary) }; if opts.precompute { for sys in { router.route_tree = None; router.precompute(&sys); } std::process::exit(0); } let t_route = Instant::now(); let route = if router.route_tree.is_some() { router.route_to(, &path) } else if opts.permute || opts.full_permute { router.best_name_multiroute( &, opts.range.unwrap(), opts.full_permute, opts.mode, opts.factor.unwrap_or(1.0), ) } else { router.name_multiroute( &, opts.range.unwrap(), opts.mode, opts.factor.unwrap_or(1.0), ) }; println!("Route computed in {}\n", format_duration(t_route.elapsed())); if route.is_empty() { eprintln!("No route found!"); return Ok(()); } let mut total: f32 = 0.0; for (sys1, sys2) in route.iter().zip(route.iter().skip(1)) { let dist = sys1.distp(sys2); total += dist; println!( "{} [{}] ({},{},{}) [{} Ls]: {:.2} Ly", sys1.system, sys1.star_type, sys1.pos[0], sys1.pos[1], sys1.pos[2], sys1.distance, dist ); } let sys = route.iter().last().unwrap(); println!( "{} [{}] ({},{},{}) [{} Ls]: {:.2} Ly", sys.system, sys.star_type, sys.pos[0], sys.pos[1], sys.pos[2], sys.distance, 0.0 ); println!("Total: {:.2} Ly ({} Jumps)", total, route.len()); Ok(()) }