diff --git a/LICENSE b/LICENSE index 2071b23..d159169 100644 --- a/LICENSE +++ b/LICENSE @@ -1,9 +1,339 @@ -MIT License + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + Version 2, June 1991 -Copyright (c) + Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA + Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies + of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. -Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: + Preamble -The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. + The licenses for most software are designed to take away your +freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public +License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free +software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This +General Public License applies to most of the Free Software +Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to +using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by +the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to +your programs, too. -THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. + When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not +price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you +have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for +this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it +if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it +in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things. + + To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid +anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights. +These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you +distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it. + + For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether +gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that +you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the +source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their +rights. + + We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and +(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy, +distribute and/or modify the software. + + Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain +that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free +software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we +want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so +that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original +authors' reputations. + + Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software +patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free +program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the +program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any +patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all. + + The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and +modification follow. + + GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE + TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COPYING, DISTRIBUTION AND MODIFICATION + + 0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains +a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed +under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below, +refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program" +means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law: +that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it, +either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another +language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in +the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you". + +Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not +covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of +running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program +is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the +Program (independent of having been made by running the Program). +Whether that is true depends on what the Program does. + + 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's +source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you +conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate +copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the +notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty; +and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License +along with the Program. + +You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and +you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee. + + 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion +of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and +distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1 +above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions: + + a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices + stating that you changed the files and the date of any change. + + b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in + whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any + part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third + parties under the terms of this License. + + c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively + when run, you must cause it, when started running for such + interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an + announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a + notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide + a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under + these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this + License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but + does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on + the Program is not required to print an announcement.) + +These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If +identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program, +and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in +themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those +sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you +distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based +on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of +this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the +entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it. + +Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest +your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to +exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or +collective works based on the Program. + +In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program +with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of +a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under +the scope of this License. + + 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it, +under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of +Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following: + + a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable + source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections + 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or, + + b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three + years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your + cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete + machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be + distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium + customarily used for software interchange; or, + + c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer + to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is + allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you + received the program in object code or executable form with such + an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.) + +The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for +making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source +code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any +associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to +control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a +special exception, the source code distributed need not include +anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary +form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the +operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component +itself accompanies the executable. + +If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering +access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent +access to copy the source code from the same place counts as +distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not +compelled to copy the source along with the object code. + + 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program +except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt +otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is +void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License. +However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under +this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such +parties remain in full compliance. + + 5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not +signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or +distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are +prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by +modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the +Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and +all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying +the Program or works based on it. + + 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the +Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the +original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to +these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further +restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein. +You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to +this License. + + 7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent +infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), +conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or +otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not +excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot +distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this +License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you +may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent +license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by +all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then +the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to +refrain entirely from distribution of the Program. + +If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under +any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to +apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other +circumstances. + +It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any +patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any +such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the +integrity of the free software distribution system, which is +implemented by public license practices. Many people have made +generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed +through that system in reliance on consistent application of that +system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing +to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot +impose that choice. + +This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to +be a consequence of the rest of this License. + + 8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in +certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the +original copyright holder who places the Program under this License +may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding +those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among +countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates +the limitation as if written in the body of this License. + + 9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions +of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will +be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to +address new problems or concerns. + +Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program +specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any +later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions +either of that version or of any later version published by the Free +Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of +this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software +Foundation. + + 10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free +programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author +to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free +Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes +make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals +of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and +of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally. + + NO WARRANTY + + 11. BECAUSE THE PROGRAM IS LICENSED FREE OF CHARGE, THERE IS NO WARRANTY +FOR THE PROGRAM, TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY APPLICABLE LAW. EXCEPT WHEN +OTHERWISE STATED IN WRITING THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND/OR OTHER PARTIES +PROVIDE THE PROGRAM "AS IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED +OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF +MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. THE ENTIRE RISK AS +TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE PROGRAM IS WITH YOU. SHOULD THE +PROGRAM PROVE DEFECTIVE, YOU ASSUME THE COST OF ALL NECESSARY SERVICING, +REPAIR OR CORRECTION. + + 12. IN NO EVENT UNLESS REQUIRED BY APPLICABLE LAW OR AGREED TO IN WRITING +WILL ANY COPYRIGHT HOLDER, OR ANY OTHER PARTY WHO MAY MODIFY AND/OR +REDISTRIBUTE THE PROGRAM AS PERMITTED ABOVE, BE LIABLE TO YOU FOR DAMAGES, +INCLUDING ANY GENERAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING +OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE THE PROGRAM (INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED +TO LOSS OF DATA OR DATA BEING RENDERED INACCURATE OR LOSSES SUSTAINED BY +YOU OR THIRD PARTIES OR A FAILURE OF THE PROGRAM TO OPERATE WITH ANY OTHER +PROGRAMS), EVEN IF SUCH HOLDER OR OTHER PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE +POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. + + END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS + + How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs + + If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest +possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it +free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms. + + To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest +to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively +convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least +the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found. + + + Copyright (C) + + This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + (at your option) any later version. + + This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + GNU General Public License for more details. + + You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + +Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail. + +If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this +when it starts in an interactive mode: + + Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author + Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'. + This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it + under certain conditions; type `show c' for details. + +The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate +parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may +be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be +mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program. + +You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your +school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if +necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names: + + Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program + `Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker. + + , 1 April 1989 + Ty Coon, President of Vice + +This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into +proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may +consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the +library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General +Public License instead of this License. diff --git a/dvd_reader.h b/dvd_reader.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a99ed9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvd_reader.h @@ -0,0 +1,344 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Billy Biggs , + * Håkan Hjort , + * Björn Englund + * + * This file is part of libdvdread. + * + * libdvdread is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdread; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/** + * The DVD access interface. + * + * This file contains the functions that form the interface to to + * reading files located on a DVD. + */ + +/** + * The current version. + */ + +/** + * The length of one Logical Block of a DVD. + */ +#define DVD_VIDEO_LB_LEN 2048 + +/** + * Maximum length of filenames allowed in UDF. + */ +#define MAX_UDF_FILE_NAME_LEN 2048 + +typedef long int off_t; + +/** + * Opaque type that is used as a handle for one instance of an opened DVD. + */ +typedef struct dvd_reader_s dvd_reader_t; +typedef struct dvd_reader_device_s dvd_reader_device_t; + +/** + * Opaque type for a file read handle, much like a normal fd or FILE *. + */ +typedef struct dvd_file_s dvd_file_t; + +struct dvd_reader_stream_cb +{ + int ( *pf_seek ) ( void *p_stream, uint64_t i_pos); + int ( *pf_read ) ( void *p_stream, void* buffer, int i_read); + int ( *pf_readv ) ( void *p_stream, void *p_iovec, int i_blocks); +}; +typedef struct dvd_reader_stream_cb dvd_reader_stream_cb; + +/** + * Custom logger callback for DVDOpen[Stream]2 + * @param private Handle as provided in Open functions + * @param level Log level + * @param fmt Format string + * @param args Arguments list + * pf_log(priv, level, fmt, args); + */ +typedef enum +{ + DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_INFO, + DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_ERROR, + DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARN, + DVD_LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG, +} dvd_logger_level_t; + +typedef struct +{ + // void ( *pf_log ) ( void *, dvd_logger_level_t, const char *, va_list ); + void *pf_log; +} dvd_logger_cb; + +/** + * Public type that is used to provide statistics on a handle. + */ +typedef struct { + off_t size; /**< Total size of file in bytes */ + int nr_parts; /**< Number of file parts */ + off_t parts_size[9]; /**< Size of each part in bytes */ +} dvd_stat_t; + +/** + * Opens a block device of a DVD-ROM file, or an image file, or a directory + * name for a mounted DVD or HD copy of a DVD. + * The second form of Open function (DVDOpenStream) can be used to + * provide custom stream_cb functions to access the DVD (see libdvdcss). + * + * If the given file is a block device, or is the mountpoint for a block + * device, then that device is used for CSS authentication using libdvdcss. + * If no device is available, then no CSS authentication is performed, + * and we hope that the image is decrypted. + * + * If the path given is a directory, then the files in that directory may be + * in any one of these formats: + * + * path/VIDEO_TS/VTS_01_1.VOB + * path/video_ts/vts_01_1.vob + * path/VTS_01_1.VOB + * path/vts_01_1.vob + * + * @param path Specifies the the device, file or directory to be used. + * @param stream is a private handle used by stream_cb + * @param stream_cb is a struct containing seek and read functions + * @return If successful a a read handle is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned. + * + * dvd = DVDOpen(path); + * dvd = DVDOpenStream(stream, &stream_cb); + */ +dvd_reader_t *DVDOpen( const char * ); +dvd_reader_t *DVDOpenStream( void *, dvd_reader_stream_cb * ); + +/** + * Same as DVDOpen, but with private handle to be passed back on callbacks + * + * @param path Specifies the the device, file or directory to be used. + * @param priv is a private handle + * @param logcb is a custom logger callback struct, or NULL if none needed + * @param stream_cb is a struct containing seek and read functions + * @return If successful a a read handle is returned. Otherwise 0 is returned. + * + * dvd = DVDOpen2(priv, logcb, path); + * dvd = DVDOpenStream2(priv, logcb, &stream_cb); + */ +dvd_reader_t *DVDOpen2( void *, const dvd_logger_cb *, const char * ); +dvd_reader_t *DVDOpenStream2( void *, const dvd_logger_cb *, dvd_reader_stream_cb * ); + +/** + * Closes and cleans up the DVD reader object. + * + * You must close all open files before calling this function. + * + * @param dvd A read handle that should be closed. + * + * DVDClose(dvd); + */ +void DVDClose( dvd_reader_t * ); + +/** + * + */ +typedef enum { + DVD_READ_INFO_FILE, /**< VIDEO_TS.IFO or VTS_XX_0.IFO (title) */ + DVD_READ_INFO_BACKUP_FILE, /**< VIDEO_TS.BUP or VTS_XX_0.BUP (title) */ + DVD_READ_MENU_VOBS, /**< VIDEO_TS.VOB or VTS_XX_0.VOB (title) */ + DVD_READ_TITLE_VOBS /**< VTS_XX_[1-9].VOB (title). All files in + the title set are opened and read as a + single file. */ +} dvd_read_domain_t; + +/** + * Stats a file on the DVD given the title number and domain. + * The information about the file is stored in a dvd_stat_t + * which contains information about the size of the file and + * the number of parts in case of a multipart file and the respective + * sizes of the parts. + * A multipart file is for instance VTS_02_1.VOB, VTS_02_2.VOB, VTS_02_3.VOB + * The size of VTS_02_1.VOB will be stored in stat->parts_size[0], + * VTS_02_2.VOB in stat->parts_size[1], ... + * The total size (sum of all parts) is stored in stat->size and + * stat->nr_parts will hold the number of parts. + * Only DVD_READ_TITLE_VOBS (VTS_??_[1-9].VOB) can be multipart files. + * + * This function is only of use if you want to get the size of each file + * in the filesystem. These sizes are not needed to use any other + * functions in libdvdread. + * + * @param dvd A dvd read handle. + * @param titlenum Which Video Title Set should be used, VIDEO_TS is 0. + * @param domain Which domain. + * @param stat Pointer to where the result is stored. + * @return If successful 0, otherwise -1. + * + * int DVDFileStat(dvd, titlenum, domain, stat); + */ +int DVDFileStat(dvd_reader_t *, int, dvd_read_domain_t, dvd_stat_t *); + +/** + * Opens a file on the DVD given the title number and domain. + * + * If the title number is 0, the video manager information is opened + * (VIDEO_TS.[IFO,BUP,VOB]). Returns a file structure which may be + * used for reads, or 0 if the file was not found. + * + * @param dvd A dvd read handle. + * @param titlenum Which Video Title Set should be used, VIDEO_TS is 0. + * @param domain Which domain. + * @return If successful a a file read handle is returned, otherwise 0. + * + * dvd_file = DVDOpenFile(dvd, titlenum, domain); */ +dvd_file_t *DVDOpenFile( dvd_reader_t *, int, dvd_read_domain_t ); + +/** + * Closes a file and frees the associated structure. + * + * @param dvd_file The file read handle to be closed. + * + * DVDCloseFile(dvd_file); + */ +void DVDCloseFile( dvd_file_t * ); + +/** + * Reads block_count number of blocks from the file at the given block offset. + * Returns number of blocks read on success, -1 on error. This call is only + * for reading VOB data, and should not be used when reading the IFO files. + * When reading from an encrypted drive, blocks are decrypted using libdvdcss + * where required. + * + * @param dvd_file A file read handle. + * @param offset Block offset from the start of the file to start reading at. + * @param block_count Number of block to read. + * @param data Pointer to a buffer to write the data into. + * @return Returns number of blocks read on success, -1 on error. + * + * blocks_read = DVDReadBlocks(dvd_file, offset, block_count, data); + */ +ssize_t DVDReadBlocks( dvd_file_t *, int, size_t, unsigned char * ); + +/** + * Seek to the given position in the file. Returns the resulting position in + * bytes from the beginning of the file. The seek position is only used for + * byte reads from the file, the block read call always reads from the given + * offset. + * + * @param dvd_file A file read handle. + * @param seek_offset Byte offset from the start of the file to seek to. + * @return The resulting position in bytes from the beginning of the file. + * + * offset_set = DVDFileSeek(dvd_file, seek_offset); + */ +int32_t DVDFileSeek( dvd_file_t *, int32_t ); + +/** + * Reads the given number of bytes from the file. This call can only be used + * on the information files, and may not be used for reading from a VOB. This + * reads from and increments the currrent seek position for the file. + * + * @param dvd_file A file read handle. + * @param data Pointer to a buffer to write the data into. + * @param bytes Number of bytes to read. + * @return Returns number of bytes read on success, -1 on error. + * + * bytes_read = DVDReadBytes(dvd_file, data, bytes); + */ +ssize_t DVDReadBytes( dvd_file_t *, void *, size_t ); + +/** + * Returns the file size in blocks. + * + * @param dvd_file A file read handle. + * @return The size of the file in blocks, -1 on error. + * + * blocks = DVDFileSize(dvd_file); + */ +ssize_t DVDFileSize( dvd_file_t * ); + +/** + * Get a unique 128 bit disc ID. + * This is the MD5 sum of VIDEO_TS.IFO and the VTS_0?_0.IFO files + * in title order (those that exist). + * If you need a 'text' representation of the id, print it as a + * hexadecimal number, using lowercase letters, discid[0] first. + * I.e. the same format as the command-line 'md5sum' program uses. + * + * @param dvd A read handle to get the disc ID from + * @param discid The buffer to put the disc ID into. The buffer must + * have room for 128 bits (16 chars). + * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. + */ +int DVDDiscID( dvd_reader_t *, unsigned char * ); + +/** + * Get the UDF VolumeIdentifier and VolumeSetIdentifier + * from the PrimaryVolumeDescriptor. + * + * @param dvd A read handle to get the disc ID from + * @param volid The buffer to put the VolumeIdentifier into. + * The VolumeIdentifier is latin-1 encoded (8bit unicode) + * null terminated and max 32 bytes (including '\0') + * @param volid_size No more than volid_size bytes will be copied to volid. + * If the VolumeIdentifier is truncated because of this + * it will still be null terminated. + * @param volsetid The buffer to put the VolumeSetIdentifier into. + * The VolumeIdentifier is 128 bytes as + * stored in the UDF PrimaryVolumeDescriptor. + * Note that this is not a null terminated string. + * @param volsetid_size At most volsetid_size bytes will be copied to volsetid. + * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. + */ +int DVDUDFVolumeInfo( dvd_reader_t *, char *, unsigned int, + unsigned char *, unsigned int ); + +int DVDFileSeekForce( dvd_file_t *, int offset, int force_size); + +/** + * Get the ISO9660 VolumeIdentifier and VolumeSetIdentifier + * + * * Only use this function as fallback if DVDUDFVolumeInfo returns 0 * + * * this will happen on a disc mastered only with a iso9660 filesystem * + * * All video DVD discs have UDF filesystem * + * + * @param dvd A read handle to get the disc ID from + * @param volid The buffer to put the VolumeIdentifier into. + * The VolumeIdentifier is coded with '0-9','A-Z','_' + * null terminated and max 33 bytes (including '\0') + * @param volid_size No more than volid_size bytes will be copied to volid. + * If the VolumeIdentifier is truncated because of this + * it will still be null terminated. + * @param volsetid The buffer to put the VolumeSetIdentifier into. + * The VolumeIdentifier is 128 bytes as + * stored in the ISO9660 PrimaryVolumeDescriptor. + * Note that this is not a null terminated string. + * @param volsetid_size At most volsetid_size bytes will be copied to volsetid. + * @return 0 on success, -1 on error. + */ +int DVDISOVolumeInfo( dvd_reader_t *, char *, unsigned int, + unsigned char *, unsigned int ); + +/** + * Sets the level of caching that is done when reading from a device + * + * @param dvd A read handle to get the disc ID from + * @param level The level of caching wanted. + * -1 - returns the current setting. + * 0 - UDF Cache turned off. + * 1 - (default level) Pointers to IFO files and some data from + * PrimaryVolumeDescriptor are cached. + * + * @return The level of caching. + */ +int DVDUDFCacheLevel( dvd_reader_t *, int ); diff --git a/dvd_ripper.py b/dvd_ripper.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a2454ff --- /dev/null +++ b/dvd_ripper.py @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +import cffi +import os +import sys +import time +from dvdnav import DVDNav +from dvdread import DVDRead +import subprocess as SP +import json +from vob_demux import demux +from ff_d2v import make_d2v +def loadlib(dll_path,*includes,**kwargs): + ffi = cffi.FFI() + for include in includes: + ffi.cdef(open(include).read(),kwargs) + return ffi,ffi.dlopen(dll_path) + +os.environ["DVDCSS_VERBOSE"]="2" +os.environ["DVDCSS_METHOD"]="disc" + +r=DVDRead(sys.argv[1]) +out_folder=os.path.join("out","_".join([r.disc_id,r.udf_disc_name or r.iso_disc_name]).replace(" ","_")) +del r +os.makedirs(out_folder,exist_ok=True) +d=DVDNav(sys.argv[1]) +for k,v in d.titles.items(): + v['duration']=v['duration'].total_seconds() + v['chapters']=[c.total_seconds() for c in v['chapters']] + d.titles[k]=v + with open(os.path.join(out_folder,f"{k}.json"),"w") as fh: + json.dump(v,fh) + for a in range(v['angles']): + a+=1 + outfile=os.path.join(out_folder,f"{k}_{a}.vob") + with open(outfile,"wb") as fh: + for block in d.get_blocks(k,a): + fh.write(block) + demux(outfile) + os.unlink(outfile) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dvd_types.h b/dvd_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d53ded9 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvd_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,266 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Björn Englund, Håkan Hjort + * + * This file is part of libdvdnav, a DVD navigation library. It is a modified + * file originally part of the Ogle DVD player project. + * + * libdvdnav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdnav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdnav; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/* + * Various useful structs and enums for DVDs. + */ + +/* + * DVD Menu ID + * (see dvdnav_menu_call()) + */ +typedef enum { + /* When used in VTS domain, DVD_MENU_Escape behaves like DVD_MENU_Root, + * but from within a menu domain, DVD_MENU_Escape resumes playback. */ + DVD_MENU_Escape = 0, + DVD_MENU_Title = 2, + DVD_MENU_Root = 3, + DVD_MENU_Subpicture = 4, + DVD_MENU_Audio = 5, + DVD_MENU_Angle = 6, + DVD_MENU_Part = 7 +} DVDMenuID_t; + +/* Domain */ +typedef enum { + DVD_DOMAIN_FirstPlay = 1, /* First Play Domain */ + DVD_DOMAIN_VTSTitle = 2, /* Video Title Set Domain */ + DVD_DOMAIN_VMGM = 4, /* Video Manager Domain */ + DVD_DOMAIN_VTSMenu = 8 /* Video Title Set Menu Domain */ +} DVDDomain_t; + +/* + * Structure containing info on highlight areas + * (see dvdnav_get_highlight_area()) + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t palette; /* The CLUT entries for the highlight palette + (4-bits per entry -> 4 entries) */ + uint16_t sx,sy,ex,ey; /* The start/end x,y positions */ + uint32_t pts; /* Highlight PTS to match with SPU */ + + /* button number for the SPU decoder/overlaying engine */ + uint32_t buttonN; +} dvdnav_highlight_area_t; + +/* The audio format */ +typedef enum { + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_AC3 = 0, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN_1 = 1, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_MPEG = 2, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_MPEG2_EXT = 3, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_LPCM = 4, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_UNKNOWN_5 = 5, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_DTS = 6, + DVD_AUDIO_FORMAT_SDDS = 7 +} DVDAudioFormat_t; + +/* the following types are currently unused */ + +// #if 0 + +// /* User operation permissions */ +// typedef enum { +// UOP_FLAG_TitleOrTimePlay = 0x00000001, +// UOP_FLAG_ChapterSearchOrPlay = 0x00000002, +// UOP_FLAG_TitlePlay = 0x00000004, +// UOP_FLAG_Stop = 0x00000008, +// UOP_FLAG_GoUp = 0x00000010, +// UOP_FLAG_TimeOrChapterSearch = 0x00000020, +// UOP_FLAG_PrevOrTopPGSearch = 0x00000040, +// UOP_FLAG_NextPGSearch = 0x00000080, +// UOP_FLAG_ForwardScan = 0x00000100, +// UOP_FLAG_BackwardScan = 0x00000200, +// UOP_FLAG_TitleMenuCall = 0x00000400, +// UOP_FLAG_RootMenuCall = 0x00000800, +// UOP_FLAG_SubPicMenuCall = 0x00001000, +// UOP_FLAG_AudioMenuCall = 0x00002000, +// UOP_FLAG_AngleMenuCall = 0x00004000, +// UOP_FLAG_ChapterMenuCall = 0x00008000, +// UOP_FLAG_Resume = 0x00010000, +// UOP_FLAG_ButtonSelectOrActivate = 0x00020000, +// UOP_FLAG_StillOff = 0x00040000, +// UOP_FLAG_PauseOn = 0x00080000, +// UOP_FLAG_AudioStreamChange = 0x00100000, +// UOP_FLAG_SubPicStreamChange = 0x00200000, +// UOP_FLAG_AngleChange = 0x00400000, +// UOP_FLAG_KaraokeAudioPresModeChange = 0x00800000, +// UOP_FLAG_VideoPresModeChange = 0x01000000 +// } DVDUOP_t; + +// /* Parental Level */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_1 = 1, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_2 = 2, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_3 = 3, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_4 = 4, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_5 = 5, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_6 = 6, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_7 = 7, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_8 = 8, +// DVD_PARENTAL_LEVEL_None = 15 +// } DVDParentalLevel_t; + +// /* Language ID (ISO-639 language code) */ +// typedef uint16_t DVDLangID_t; + +// /* Country ID (ISO-3166 country code) */ +// typedef uint16_t DVDCountryID_t; + +// /* Register */ +// typedef uint16_t DVDRegister_t; +// typedef enum { +// DVDFalse = 0, +// DVDTrue = 1 +// } DVDBool_t; +// typedef DVDRegister_t DVDGPRMArray_t[16]; +// typedef DVDRegister_t DVDSPRMArray_t[24]; + +// /* Navigation */ +// typedef int DVDStream_t; +// typedef int DVDPTT_t; +// typedef int DVDTitle_t; + +// /* Angle number (1-9 or default?) */ +// typedef int DVDAngle_t; + +// /* Timecode */ +// typedef struct { +// uint8_t Hours; +// uint8_t Minutes; +// uint8_t Seconds; +// uint8_t Frames; +// } DVDTimecode_t; + +// /* Subpicture stream number (0-31,62,63) */ +// typedef int DVDSubpictureStream_t; + +// /* Audio stream number (0-7, 15(none)) */ +// typedef int DVDAudioStream_t; + +// /* The audio application mode */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_AUDIO_APP_MODE_None = 0, +// DVD_AUDIO_APP_MODE_Karaoke = 1, +// DVD_AUDIO_APP_MODE_Surround = 2, +// DVD_AUDIO_APP_MODE_Other = 3 +// } DVDAudioAppMode_t; + +// /* Audio language extension */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT_NotSpecified = 0, +// DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT_NormalCaptions = 1, +// DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT_VisuallyImpaired = 2, +// DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT_DirectorsComments1 = 3, +// DVD_AUDIO_LANG_EXT_DirectorsComments2 = 4 +// } DVDAudioLangExt_t; + +// /* Subpicture language extension */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_NotSpecified = 0, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_NormalCaptions = 1, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_BigCaptions = 2, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_ChildrensCaptions = 3, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_NormalCC = 5, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_BigCC = 6, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_ChildrensCC = 7, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_Forced = 9, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_NormalDirectorsComments = 13, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_BigDirectorsComments = 14, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_LANG_EXT_ChildrensDirectorsComments = 15, +// } DVDSubpictureLangExt_t; + +// /* Karaoke Downmix mode */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_0to0 = 0x0001, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_1to0 = 0x0002, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_2to0 = 0x0004, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_3to0 = 0x0008, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_4to0 = 0x0010, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_Lto0 = 0x0020, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_Rto0 = 0x0040, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_0to1 = 0x0100, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_1to1 = 0x0200, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_2to1 = 0x0400, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_3to1 = 0x0800, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_4to1 = 0x1000, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_Lto1 = 0x2000, +// DVD_KARAOKE_DOWNMIX_Rto1 = 0x4000 +// } DVDKaraokeDownmix_t; +// typedef int DVDKaraokeDownmixMask_t; + +// /* Display mode */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_DISPLAY_MODE_ContentDefault = 0, +// DVD_DISPLAY_MODE_16x9 = 1, +// DVD_DISPLAY_MODE_4x3PanScan = 2, +// DVD_DISPLAY_MODE_4x3Letterboxed = 3 +// } DVDDisplayMode_t; + +// /* Audio attributes */ +// typedef struct { +// DVDAudioAppMode_t AppMode; +// DVDAudioFormat_t AudioFormat; +// DVDLangID_t Language; +// DVDAudioLangExt_t LanguageExtension; +// DVDBool_t HasMultichannelInfo; +// DVDAudioSampleFreq_t SampleFrequency; +// DVDAudioSampleQuant_t SampleQuantization; +// DVDChannelNumber_t NumberOfChannels; +// } DVDAudioAttributes_t; +// typedef int DVDAudioSampleFreq_t; +// typedef int DVDAudioSampleQuant_t; +// typedef int DVDChannelNumber_t; + +// /* Subpicture attributes */ +// typedef enum { +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE_NotSpecified = 0, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE_Language = 1, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_TYPE_Other = 2 +// } DVDSubpictureType_t; +// typedef enum { +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING_RunLength = 0, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING_Extended = 1, +// DVD_SUBPICTURE_CODING_Other = 2 +// } DVDSubpictureCoding_t; +// typedef struct { +// DVDSubpictureType_t Type; +// DVDSubpictureCoding_t CodingMode; +// DVDLangID_t Language; +// DVDSubpictureLangExt_t LanguageExtension; +// } DVDSubpictureAttributes_t; + +// /* Video attributes */ +// typedef struct { +// DVDBool_t PanscanPermitted; +// DVDBool_t LetterboxPermitted; +// int AspectX; +// int AspectY; +// int FrameRate; +// int FrameHeight; +// DVDVideoCompression_t Compression; +// DVDBool_t Line21Field1InGop; +// DVDBool_t Line21Field2InGop; +// int more_to_come; +// } DVDVideoAttributes_t; +// typedef int DVDVideoCompression_t; + +// #endif diff --git a/dvdcss.h b/dvdcss.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1bdfa5f --- /dev/null +++ b/dvdcss.h @@ -0,0 +1,10 @@ +typedef struct dvdcss_s * dvdcss_t; +typedef struct dvdcss_stream_cb dvdcss_stream_cb; +dvdcss_t dvdcss_open (const char *psz_target); +dvdcss_t dvdcss_open_stream (void *p_stream, dvdcss_stream_cb *p_stream_cb); +int dvdcss_close (dvdcss_t); +int dvdcss_seek (dvdcss_t, int i_blocks, int i_flags); +int dvdcss_read (dvdcss_t, void *p_buffer, int i_blocks, int i_flags); +int dvdcss_readv(dvdcss_t, void *p_iovec, int i_blocks, int i_flags); +const char* dvdcss_error (const dvdcss_t); +int dvdcss_is_scrambled (dvdcss_t); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dvdnav.h b/dvdnav.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..15a5edd --- /dev/null +++ b/dvdnav.h @@ -0,0 +1,718 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001 Rich Wareham + * + * This file is part of libdvdnav, a DVD navigation library. + * + * libdvdnav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdnav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdnav; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/* + * This is the main header file applications should include if they want + * to access dvdnav functionality. + */ + +// #include +// #include +// #include +// #include /* For vm_cmd_t */ +// #include + +// #include + +/********************************************************************* + * dvdnav data types * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Opaque data-type can be viewed as a 'DVD handle'. You should get + * a pointer to a dvdnav_t from the dvdnav_open() function. + * Never call free() on the pointer, you have to give it back with + * dvdnav_close(). + */ +typedef struct dvdnav_s dvdnav_t; + +/* Status as reported by most of libdvdnav's functions */ +typedef int32_t dvdnav_status_t; + +typedef dvd_reader_stream_cb dvdnav_stream_cb; + +/* + * Unless otherwise stated, all functions return DVDNAV_STATUS_OK if + * they succeeded, otherwise DVDNAV_STATUS_ERR is returned and the error may + * be obtained by calling dvdnav_err_to_string(). + */ +#define DVDNAV_STATUS_ERR 0 +#define DVDNAV_STATUS_OK 1 + +/********************************************************************* + * initialisation & housekeeping functions * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Logger callback definition + */ +typedef enum +{ + DVDNAV_LOGGER_LEVEL_INFO, + DVDNAV_LOGGER_LEVEL_ERROR, + DVDNAV_LOGGER_LEVEL_WARN, + DVDNAV_LOGGER_LEVEL_DEBUG, +} dvdnav_logger_level_t; + +typedef struct +{ + void *pf_log; +} dvdnav_logger_cb; + +/* + * These functions allow you to open a DVD device and associate it + * with a dvdnav_t. + */ + +/* + * Attempts to open the DVD drive at the specified path or using external + * seek/read functions (dvdnav_open_stream) and pre-cache the CSS-keys. + * libdvdread is used to access the DVD, so any source supported by libdvdread + * can be given with "path" or "stream_cb". Currently, using dvdnav_open, + * libdvdread can access : DVD drives, DVD image files, DVD file-by-file + * copies. Using dvdnav_open_stream, libdvdread can access any kind of DVD + * storage via custom implementation of seek/read functions. + * + * The resulting dvdnav_t handle will be written to *dest. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_open(dvdnav_t **dest, const char *path); +dvdnav_status_t +dvdnav_open_stream(dvdnav_t **dest, void *priv, dvdnav_stream_cb *stream_cb); + +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_open2(dvdnav_t **dest, + void *, const dvdnav_logger_cb *, + const char *path); +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_open_stream2(dvdnav_t **dest, + void *priv, const dvdnav_logger_cb *, + dvdnav_stream_cb *stream_cb); + +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_dup(dvdnav_t **dest, dvdnav_t *src); +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_free_dup(dvdnav_t * _this); + +/* + * Closes a dvdnav_t previously opened with dvdnav_open(), freeing any + * memory associated with it. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_close(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Resets the DVD virtual machine and cache buffers. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_reset(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Fills a pointer with a value pointing to a string describing + * the path associated with an open dvdnav_t. It assigns *path to NULL + * on error. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_path(dvdnav_t *self, const char **path); + +/* + * Returns a human-readable string describing the last error. + */ +const char* dvdnav_err_to_string(dvdnav_t *self); + +const char* dvdnav_version(void); + +/********************************************************************* + * changing and reading DVD player characteristics * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * These functions allow you to manipulate the various global characteristics + * of the DVD playback engine. + */ + +/* + * Sets the region mask (bit 0 set implies region 1, bit 1 set implies + * region 2, etc) of the virtual machine. Generally you will only need to set + * this if you are playing RCE discs which query the virtual machine as to its + * region setting. + * + * This has _nothing_ to do with the region setting of the DVD drive. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_set_region_mask(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t region_mask); + +/* + * Returns the region mask (bit 0 set implies region 1, bit 1 set implies + * region 2, etc) of the virtual machine. + * + * This has _nothing_ to do with the region setting of the DVD drive. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_region_mask(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *region_mask); + +/* + * Specify whether read-ahead caching should be used. You may not want this if your + * decoding engine does its own buffering. + * + * The default read-ahead cache does not use an additional thread for the reading + * (see read_cache.c for a threaded cache, but note that this code is currently + * unmaintained). It prebuffers on VOBU level by reading ahead several buffers + * on every read request. The speed of this prebuffering has been optimized to + * also work on slow DVD drives. + * + * If in addition you want to prevent memcpy's to improve performance, have a look + * at dvdnav_get_next_cache_block(). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_set_readahead_flag(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t read_ahead_flag); + +/* + * Query whether read-ahead caching/buffering will be used. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_readahead_flag(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *read_ahead_flag); + +/* + * Specify whether the positioning works PGC or PG based. + * Programs (PGs) on DVDs are similar to Chapters and a program chain (PGC) + * usually covers a whole feature. This affects the behaviour of the + * functions dvdnav_get_position() and dvdnav_sector_search(). See there. + * Default is PG based positioning. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_set_PGC_positioning_flag(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t pgc_based_flag); + +/* + * Query whether positioning is PG or PGC based. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_PGC_positioning_flag(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *pgc_based_flag); + + +/********************************************************************* + * reading data * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * These functions are used to poll the playback engine and actually get data + * off the DVD. + */ + +/* + * Attempts to get the next block off the DVD and copies it into the buffer 'buf'. + * If there is any special actions that may need to be performed, the value + * pointed to by 'event' gets set accordingly. + * + * If 'event' is DVDNAV_BLOCK_OK then 'buf' is filled with the next block + * (note that means it has to be at /least/ 2048 bytes big). 'len' is + * then set to 2048. + * + * Otherwise, buf is filled with an appropriate event structure and + * len is set to the length of that structure. + * + * See the dvdnav_events.h header for information on the various events. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_next_block(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t *buf, + int32_t *event, int32_t *len); + +/* + * This basically does the same as dvdnav_get_next_block. The only difference is + * that it avoids a memcopy, when the requested block was found in the cache. + * In such a case (cache hit) this function will return a different pointer than + * the one handed in, pointing directly into the relevant block in the cache. + * Those pointers must _never_ be freed but instead returned to the library via + * dvdnav_free_cache_block(). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_next_cache_block(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t **buf, + int32_t *event, int32_t *len); + +/* + * All buffers which came from the internal cache (when dvdnav_get_next_cache_block() + * returned a buffer different from the one handed in) have to be freed with this + * function. Although handing in other buffers not from the cache doesn't cause any harm. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_free_cache_block(dvdnav_t *self, unsigned char *buf); + +/* + * If we are currently in a still-frame this function skips it. + * + * See also the DVDNAV_STILL_FRAME event. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_still_skip(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * If we are currently in WAIT state, that is: the application is required to + * wait for its fifos to become empty, calling this signals libdvdnav that this + * is achieved and that it can continue. + * + * See also the DVDNAV_WAIT event. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_wait_skip(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Returns the still time from the currently playing cell. + * The still time is given in seconds with 0xff meaning an indefinite still. + * + * This function can be used to detect still frames before they are reached. + * Some players might need this to prepare for a frame to be shown for a + * longer time than usual. + */ +uint32_t dvdnav_get_next_still_flag(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Stops playback. The next event obtained with one of the get_next_block + * functions will be a DVDNAV_STOP event. + * + * It is not required to call this before dvdnav_close(). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_stop(dvdnav_t *self); + + +/********************************************************************* + * title/part navigation * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Returns the number of titles on the disk. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_number_of_titles(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *titles); + +/* + * Returns the number of parts within the given title. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_number_of_parts(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, int32_t *parts); + +/* + * Returns the number of angles for the given title. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_number_of_angles(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, int32_t *angles); + +/* + * Plays the specified title of the DVD from its beginning (that is: part 1). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_title_play(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title); + +/* + * Plays the specified title, starting from the specified part. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_part_play(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, int32_t part); + +/* + * Plays the specified title, starting from the specified program + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_program_play(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, int32_t pgcn, int32_t pgn); + +/* + * Stores in *times an array (that the application *must* free) of + * dvdtimes corresponding to the chapter times for the chosen title. + * *duration will have the duration of the title + * The number of entries in *times is the result of the function. + * On error *times is NULL and the output is 0 + */ +uint32_t dvdnav_describe_title_chapters(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, uint64_t **times, uint64_t *duration); + +/* + * Play the specified amount of parts of the specified title of + * the DVD then STOP. + * + * Currently unimplemented! + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_part_play_auto_stop(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, + int32_t part, int32_t parts_to_play); + +/* + * Play the specified title starting from the specified time. + * + * Currently unimplemented! + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_time_play(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t title, + uint64_t time); + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and jump to the specified menu. + * + * See also DVDMenuID_t from libdvdread + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_menu_call(dvdnav_t *self, DVDMenuID_t menu); + +/* + * Return the title number and part currently being played. + * A title of 0 indicates we are in a menu. In this case, part + * is set to the current menu's ID. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_current_title_info(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *title, + int32_t *part); + +/* + * Return the title number, pgcn and pgn currently being played. + * A title of 0 indicates, we are in a menu. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_current_title_program(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *title, + int32_t *pgcn, int32_t *pgn); + +/* + * Return the current position (in blocks) within the current + * title and the length (in blocks) of said title. + * + * Current implementation is wrong and likely to behave unpredictably! + * Use is discouraged! + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_position_in_title(dvdnav_t *self, + uint32_t *pos, + uint32_t *len); + +/* + * This function is only available for compatibility reasons. + * + * Stop playing the current position and start playback of the current title + * from the specified part. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_part_search(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t part); + + +/********************************************************************* + * program chain/program navigation * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and start playback from the last + * VOBU boundary before the given sector. The sector number is not + * meant to be an absolute physical DVD sector, but a relative sector + * in the current program. This function cannot leave the current + * program and will fail if asked to do so. + * + * If program chain based positioning is enabled + * (see dvdnav_set_PGC_positioning_flag()), this will seek to the relative + * sector inside the current program chain. + * + * 'origin' can be one of SEEK_SET, SEEK_CUR, SEEK_END as defined in + * fcntl.h. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_sector_search(dvdnav_t *self, + int64_t offset, int32_t origin); + +/* + returns the current stream time in PTS ticks as reported by the IFO structures + divide it by 90000 to get the current play time in seconds + */ +int64_t dvdnav_get_current_time(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and start playback of the title + * from the specified timecode. + * + * Currently implemented using interpolation. That interpolation is slightly + * inaccurate. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_time_search(dvdnav_t *self, + uint64_t time); + +/* + * Stop playing current position and play the "GoUp"-program chain. + * (which generally leads to the title menu or a higher-level menu). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_go_up(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and start playback at the + * previous program (if it exists). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_prev_pg_search(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and start playback at the + * first program. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_top_pg_search(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Stop playing the current position and start playback at the + * next program (if it exists). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_next_pg_search(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Return the current position (in blocks) within the current + * program and the length (in blocks) of current program. + * + * If program chain based positioning is enabled + * (see dvdnav_set_PGC_positioning_flag()), this will return the + * relative position in and the length of the current program chain. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_position(dvdnav_t *self, uint32_t *pos, + uint32_t *len); + + +/********************************************************************* + * menu highlights * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Most functions related to highlights take a NAV PCI packet as a parameter. + * While you can get such a packet from libdvdnav, this will result in + * errors for players with internal FIFOs because due to the FIFO length, + * libdvdnav will be ahead in the stream compared to what the user is + * seeing on screen. Therefore, player applications who have a NAV + * packet available, which is better in sync with the actual playback, + * should always pass this one to these functions. + */ + +/* + * Get the currently highlighted button + * number (1..36) or 0 if no button is highlighted. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_current_highlight(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *button); + +/* + * Returns the Presentation Control Information (PCI) structure associated + * with the current position. + * + * Read the general notes above. + * See also libdvdreads nav_types.h for definition of pci_t. + */ +pci_t* dvdnav_get_current_nav_pci(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Returns the DSI (data search information) structure associated + * with the current position. + * + * Read the general notes above. + * See also libdvdreads nav_types.h for definition of dsi_t. + */ +dsi_t* dvdnav_get_current_nav_dsi(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Get the area associated with a certain button. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_highlight_area(pci_t *nav_pci , int32_t button, int32_t mode, + dvdnav_highlight_area_t *highlight); + +/* + * Move button highlight around as suggested by function name (e.g. with arrow keys). + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_upper_button_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci); +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_lower_button_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci); +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_right_button_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci); +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_left_button_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci); + +/* + * Activate ("press") the currently highlighted button. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_button_activate(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci); + +/* + * Highlight a specific button. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_button_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci, int32_t button); + +/* + * Activate ("press") specified button. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_button_select_and_activate(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci, int32_t button); + +/* + * Activate ("press") a button and execute specified command. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_button_activate_cmd(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t button, vm_cmd_t *cmd); + +/* + * Select button at specified video frame coordinates. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_mouse_select(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci, int32_t x, int32_t y); + +/* + * Activate ("press") button at specified video frame coordinates. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_mouse_activate(dvdnav_t *self, pci_t *pci, int32_t x, int32_t y); + + +/********************************************************************* + * languages * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * The language codes expected by these functions are two character + * codes as defined in ISO639. + */ + +/* + * Set which menu language we should use per default. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_menu_language_select(dvdnav_t *self, + char *code); + +/* + * Set which audio language we should use per default. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_audio_language_select(dvdnav_t *self, + char *code); + +/* + * Set which spu language we should use per default. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_spu_language_select(dvdnav_t *self, + char *code); + + +/********************************************************************* + * obtaining stream attributes * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Return a string describing the title of the DVD. + * This is an ID string encoded on the disc by the author. In many cases + * this is a descriptive string such as `THE_MATRIX' but sometimes is singularly + * uninformative such as `PDVD-011421'. Some DVD authors even forget to set this, + * so you may also read the default of the authoring software they used, like + * `DVDVolume'. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_title_string(dvdnav_t *self, const char **title_str); + +/* + * Returns a string containing the serial number of the DVD. + * This has a max of 15 characters and should be more unique than the + * title string. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_serial_string(dvdnav_t *self, const char **serial_str); + +/* + * Get video aspect code. + * The aspect code does only change on VTS boundaries. + * See the DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE event. + * + * 0 -- 4:3, 2 -- 16:9 + */ +uint8_t dvdnav_get_video_aspect(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Get video resolution. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_video_resolution(dvdnav_t *self, uint32_t *width, uint32_t *height); + +/* + * Get video scaling permissions. + * The scaling permission does only change on VTS boundaries. + * See the DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE event. + * + * bit0 set = deny letterboxing, bit1 set = deny pan&scan + */ +uint8_t dvdnav_get_video_scale_permission(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Converts a *logical* audio stream id into language code + * (returns 0xffff if no such stream). + */ +uint16_t dvdnav_audio_stream_to_lang(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t stream); + +/* + * Returns the format of *logical* audio stream 'stream' + * (returns 0xffff if no such stream). + */ +uint16_t dvdnav_audio_stream_format(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t stream); + +/* + * Returns number of channels in *logical* audio stream 'stream' + * (returns 0xffff if no such stream). + */ +uint16_t dvdnav_audio_stream_channels(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t stream); + +/* + * Converts a *logical* subpicture stream id into country code + * (returns 0xffff if no such stream). + */ +uint16_t dvdnav_spu_stream_to_lang(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t stream); + +/* + * Converts a *physical* (MPEG) audio stream id into a logical stream number. + */ +int8_t dvdnav_get_audio_logical_stream(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t audio_num); + +/* + * Get audio attr + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_audio_attr(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t audio_mum, audio_attr_t *audio_attr); + +/* + * Converts a *physical* (MPEG) subpicture stream id into a logical stream number. + */ +int8_t dvdnav_get_spu_logical_stream(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t subp_num); + +/* + * Get spu attr + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_spu_attr(dvdnav_t *self, uint8_t audio_mum, subp_attr_t *subp_attr); + +/* + * Get active audio stream. + */ +int8_t dvdnav_get_active_audio_stream(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Get active spu stream. + */ +int8_t dvdnav_get_active_spu_stream(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Get the set of user operations that are currently prohibited. + * There are potentially new restrictions right after + * DVDNAV_CHANNEL_HOP and DVDNAV_NAV_PACKET. + */ +user_ops_t dvdnav_get_restrictions(dvdnav_t *self); + + +/********************************************************************* + * multiple angles * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * The libdvdnav library abstracts away the difference between seamless and + * non-seamless angles. From the point of view of the programmer you just set the + * angle number and all is well in the world. You will always see only the + * selected angle coming from the get_next_block functions. + * + * Note: + * It is quite possible that some tremendously strange DVD feature might change the + * angle number from under you. Generally you should always view the results from + * dvdnav_get_angle_info() as definitive only up to the next time you call + * dvdnav_get_next_block(). + */ + +/* + * Sets the current angle. If you try to follow a non existent angle + * the call fails. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_angle_change(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t angle); + +/* + * Returns the current angle and number of angles present. + */ +dvdnav_status_t dvdnav_get_angle_info(dvdnav_t *self, int32_t *current_angle, + int32_t *number_of_angles); + +/********************************************************************* + * domain queries * + *********************************************************************/ + +/* + * Are we in the First Play domain? + */ +int8_t dvdnav_is_domain_fp(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Are we in the Video management Menu domain? + */ +int8_t dvdnav_is_domain_vmgm(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Are we in the Video Title Menu domain? + */ +int8_t dvdnav_is_domain_vtsm(dvdnav_t *self); + +/* + * Are we in the Video Title Set domain? + */ +int8_t dvdnav_is_domain_vts(dvdnav_t *self); diff --git a/dvdnav.py b/dvdnav.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..fe8102c --- /dev/null +++ b/dvdnav.py @@ -0,0 +1,212 @@ +import cffi +import os +import functools +from datetime import timedelta +from tqdm import tqdm + +def loadlib(dll_path,*includes,**kwargs): + ffi = cffi.FFI() + for include in includes: + ffi.cdef(open(include).read(),kwargs) + return ffi,ffi.dlopen(dll_path) + +class DVDError(Exception): + pass + +class DVDNav(object): + def __init__(self,path,verbose=2,method="disc"): + os.environ["DVDCSS_VERBOSE"]=str(verbose) + os.environ["DVDCSS_METHOD"]=method + self.dvd=None + self.ffi,self.lib = loadlib("libdvdnav-4.dll", + "dvd_types.h", + "dvd_reader.h", + "ifo_types.h", + "nav_types.h", + "dvdnav_events.h", + "dvdnav.h") + self.path=path + self.titles={} + self.open(path) + + def __del__(self): + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_close(self.dvd)) + self.dvd=None + + def __repr__(self): + return " {vts.new_vtsN} ({vts.new_domain} {new_domain})") + if vts.new_domain==8: # back to menu + break + else: + progbar.write(f"[{title}|{angle}] Unhandled: {events.get(ev[0],ev[0])} {size[0]}") + + + def __check_error(self,ret): + if ret==self.lib.DVDNAV_STATUS_ERR: + if self.dvd: + err=self.ffi.string(self.lib.dvdnav_err_to_string(self.dvd)) + raise DVDError(err) + raise DVDError("Unknown error") + + def __get_titles(self): + titles=self.ffi.new("int32_t*",0) + p_times=self.ffi.new("uint64_t[]",512) + times=self.ffi.new("uint64_t**",p_times) + duration=self.ffi.new("uint64_t*",0) + titles=self.ffi.new("int32_t*",0) + self.lib.dvdnav_get_number_of_titles(self.dvd,titles) + num_titles=titles[0] + for title in range(0,num_titles+1): + if self.lib.dvdnav_get_number_of_parts(self.dvd,title,titles)==0: + continue + num_parts=titles[0] + self.lib.dvdnav_get_number_of_angles(self.dvd,title,titles) + num_angles=titles[0] + num_chapters=self.lib.dvdnav_describe_title_chapters(self.dvd,title,times,duration) + if duration[0]==0: + continue + chapters=[] + for t in range(num_chapters): + chapters.append(timedelta(seconds=times[0][t]/90000)) + self.titles[title]={ + 'parts':num_parts, + 'angles': num_angles, + 'duration': timedelta(seconds=duration[0]/90000), + 'chapters': chapters + } + + def __get_info(self): + s=self.ffi.new("char**",self.ffi.NULL) + self.lib.dvdnav_get_title_string(self.dvd,s) + self.title=str(self.ffi.string(s[0]),"utf8").strip() or None + self.lib.dvdnav_get_serial_string(self.dvd,s) + self.serial=str(self.ffi.string(s[0]),"utf8").strip() or None + self.__get_titles() + + def open(self,path): + audio_attrs=self.ffi.new("audio_attr_t*") + spu_attr=self.ffi.new("subp_attr_t*") + dvdnav=self.ffi.new("dvdnav_t**",self.ffi.cast("dvdnav_t*",0)) + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_open(dvdnav,bytes(path,"utf8"))) + self.dvd=dvdnav[0] + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_set_readahead_flag(self.dvd,1)) + self.__get_info() + for title in self.titles: + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_title_play(self.dvd,title)) + self.titles[title]['audio']={} + self.titles[title]['subtitles']={} + for n in range(255): + stream_id=self.lib.dvdnav_get_audio_logical_stream(self.dvd,n) + if stream_id==-1: + continue + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_get_audio_attr(self.dvd,stream_id,audio_attrs)) + alang=None + if audio_attrs.lang_type: + alang = str(audio_attrs.lang_code.to_bytes(2,'big'),"utf8") + channels = audio_attrs.channels+1 + codec = { + 0: 'ac3', + 2: 'mpeg1', + 3: 'mpeg-2ext', + 4: 'lpcm', + 6: 'dts' + }[audio_attrs.audio_format] + audio_type={ + 0: None, + 1: 'normal', + 2: 'descriptive', + 3: "director's commentary", + 4: "alternate director's commentary" + }[audio_attrs.code_extension] + self.titles[title]['audio'][n]={ + 'stream_id': stream_id, + 'lang':alang, + 'channels': channels, + 'codec': codec, + 'type': audio_type + } + for n in range(255): + stream_id=self.lib.dvdnav_get_spu_logical_stream(self.dvd,n) + if stream_id==-1: + continue + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_get_spu_attr(self.dvd,stream_id,spu_attr)) + slang = None + if spu_attr.type==1: + slang = str(spu_attr.lang_code.to_bytes(2,'big'),"utf8") + self.titles[title]['subtitles'][n]={ + 'stream_id': stream_id, + 'lang':slang + } + self.__check_error(self.lib.dvdnav_stop(self.dvd)) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/dvdnav_events.h b/dvdnav_events.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ebf07c2 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvdnav_events.h @@ -0,0 +1,230 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001 Rich Wareham + * + * This file is part of libdvdnav, a DVD navigation library. + * + * libdvdnav is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdnav is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdnav; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/* + * This header defines events and event types + */ + +/* + * DVDNAV_BLOCK_OK + * + * A regular data block from the DVD has been returned. + * This one should be demuxed and decoded for playback. + */ +#define DVDNAV_BLOCK_OK 0 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_NOP + * + * Just ignore this. + */ +#define DVDNAV_NOP 1 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_STILL_FRAME + * + * We have reached a still frame. The player application should wait + * the amount of time specified by the still's length while still handling + * user input to make menus and other interactive stills work. + * The last delivered frame should be kept showing. + * Once the still has timed out, call dvdnav_skip_still(). + * A length of 0xff means an infinite still which has to be skipped + * indirectly by some user interaction. + */ +#define DVDNAV_STILL_FRAME 2 + +typedef struct { + /* The length (in seconds) the still frame should be displayed for, + * or 0xff if infinite. */ + int length; +} dvdnav_still_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_SPU_STREAM_CHANGE + * + * Inform the SPU decoding/overlaying engine to switch SPU channels. + */ +#define DVDNAV_SPU_STREAM_CHANGE 3 + +typedef struct { + /* The physical (MPEG) stream number for widescreen SPU display. + * Use this, if you blend the SPU on an anamorphic image before + * unsqueezing it. */ + int physical_wide; + + /* The physical (MPEG) stream number for letterboxed display. + * Use this, if you blend the SPU on an anamorphic image after + * unsqueezing it. */ + int physical_letterbox; + + /* The physical (MPEG) stream number for pan&scan display. + * Use this, if you blend the SPU on an anamorphic image after + * unsqueezing it the pan&scan way. */ + int physical_pan_scan; + + /* The logical (DVD) stream number. */ + int logical; +} dvdnav_spu_stream_change_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_AUDIO_STREAM_CHANGE + * + * Inform the audio decoder to switch channels. + */ +#define DVDNAV_AUDIO_STREAM_CHANGE 4 + +typedef struct { + /* The physical (MPEG) stream number. */ + int physical; + + /* The logical (DVD) stream number. */ + int logical; +} dvdnav_audio_stream_change_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE + * + * Some status information like video aspect and video scale permissions do + * not change inside a VTS. Therefore this event can be used to query such + * information only when necessary and update the decoding/displaying + * accordingly. + */ +#define DVDNAV_VTS_CHANGE 5 + +typedef struct { + int old_vtsN; /* the old VTS number */ + DVDDomain_t old_domain; /* the old domain */ + int new_vtsN; /* the new VTS number */ + DVDDomain_t new_domain; /* the new domain */ +} dvdnav_vts_change_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE + * + * Some status information like the current Title and Part numbers do not + * change inside a cell. Therefore this event can be used to query such + * information only when necessary and update the decoding/displaying + * accordingly. + * Some useful information for accurate time display is also reported + * together with this event. + */ +#define DVDNAV_CELL_CHANGE 6 + +typedef struct { + int cellN; /* the new cell number */ + int pgN; /* the current program number */ + int64_t cell_length; /* the length of the current cell in sectors */ + int64_t pg_length; /* the length of the current program in sectors */ + int64_t pgc_length; /* the length of the current program chain in PTS ticks */ + int64_t cell_start; /* the start offset of the current cell relatively to the PGC in sectors */ + int64_t pg_start; /* the start offset of the current PG relatively to the PGC in sectors */ +} dvdnav_cell_change_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_NAV_PACKET + * + * NAV packets are useful for various purposes. They define the button + * highlight areas and VM commands of DVD menus, so they should in any + * case be sent to the SPU decoder/overlaying engine for the menus to work. + * NAV packets also provide a way to detect PTS discontinuities, because + * they carry the start and end PTS values for the current VOBU. + * (pci.vobu_s_ptm and pci.vobu_e_ptm) Whenever the start PTS of the + * current NAV does not match the end PTS of the previous NAV, a PTS + * discontinuity has occured. + * NAV packets can also be used for time display, because they are + * timestamped relatively to the current Cell. + */ +#define DVDNAV_NAV_PACKET 7 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_STOP + * + * Applications should end playback here. A subsequent dvdnav_get_next_block() + * call will restart the VM from the beginning of the DVD. + */ +#define DVDNAV_STOP 8 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_HIGHLIGHT + * + * The current button highlight changed. Inform the overlaying engine to + * highlight a different button. Please note, that at the moment only mode 1 + * highlights are reported this way. That means, when the button highlight + * has been moved around by some function call, you will receive an event + * telling you the new button. But when a button gets activated, you have + * to handle the mode 2 highlighting (that is some different colour the + * button turns to on activation) in your application. + */ +#define DVDNAV_HIGHLIGHT 9 + +typedef struct { + /* highlight mode: 0 - hide, 1 - show, 2 - activate, currently always 1 */ + int display; + + /* FIXME: these fields are currently not set */ + uint32_t palette; /* The CLUT entries for the highlight palette + (4-bits per entry -> 4 entries) */ + uint16_t sx,sy,ex,ey; /* The start/end x,y positions */ + uint32_t pts; /* Highlight PTS to match with SPU */ + + /* button number for the SPU decoder/overlaying engine */ + uint32_t buttonN; +} dvdnav_highlight_event_t; + + +/* + * DVDNAV_SPU_CLUT_CHANGE + * + * Inform the SPU decoder/overlaying engine to update its colour lookup table. + * The CLUT is given as 16 uint32_t's in the buffer. + */ +#define DVDNAV_SPU_CLUT_CHANGE 10 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_HOP_CHANNEL + * + * A non-seamless operation has been performed. Applications can drop all + * their internal fifo's content, which will speed up the response. + */ +#define DVDNAV_HOP_CHANNEL 12 + + +/* + * DVDNAV_WAIT + * + * We have reached a point in DVD playback, where timing is critical. + * Player application with internal fifos can introduce state + * inconsistencies, because libdvdnav is always the fifo's length + * ahead in the stream compared to what the application sees. + * Such applications should wait until their fifos are empty + * when they receive this type of event. + * Once this is achieved, call dvdnav_skip_wait(). + */ +#define DVDNAV_WAIT 13 diff --git a/dvdread.py b/dvdread.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a34e922 --- /dev/null +++ b/dvdread.py @@ -0,0 +1,43 @@ +import cffi +import os +import functools +import binascii +from datetime import timedelta + +def loadlib(dll_path,*includes,**kwargs): + ffi = cffi.FFI() + for include in includes: + ffi.cdef(open(include).read(),**kwargs) + return ffi,ffi.dlopen(dll_path) + +class DVDRead(object): + def __init__(self,path): + self.dvd=None + self.ffi,self.lib = loadlib("libdvdread-8.dll", + "dvd_types.h", + "dvd_reader.h", + "ifo_types.h", + "ifo_read.h", + "ifo_print.h", + "nav_types.h", + "nav_read.h", + "nav_print.h") + self.path=path + self.titles={} + self.open(path) + + def __del__(self): + if self.dvd: + self.lib.DVDClose(self.dvd) + + def open(self,path): + # self.dvd_css=self.css_lib.dvdcss_open() + self.dvd=self.lib.DVDOpen(bytes(path,"utf8")) + vol_id=self.ffi.new("unsigned char[]",32) + self.lib.DVDDiscID(self.dvd,vol_id) + self.disc_id=str(binascii.hexlify(self.ffi.buffer(vol_id,16)[:]),"utf8") + self.lib.DVDUDFVolumeInfo(self.dvd,vol_id,32,self.ffi.NULL,0) + self.udf_disc_name=str(self.ffi.string(vol_id),"utf8") + self.lib.DVDISOVolumeInfo(self.dvd,vol_id,32,self.ffi.NULL,0) + self.iso_disc_name=str(self.ffi.string(vol_id),"utf8") + self.ffi.release(vol_id) \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/ff_d2v.py b/ff_d2v.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2262fb3 --- /dev/null +++ b/ff_d2v.py @@ -0,0 +1,173 @@ +import sys +import json +import os +import subprocess as SP +import itertools as ITT +from tqdm import tqdm + + +colorspace={ + "gbr": 0, + "bt709": 1, + "unknown": 2, + "fcc": 4, + "bt470bg": 5, + "smpte170m": 6, + "smpte240m": 7, + "ycgco": 8, + "bt2020nc": 9, + "bt2020c": 10, + "smpte2085": 11, + "chroma-derived-nc": 12, + "chroma-derived-c": 13, + "ictcp": 14, +} + +pict_types={ + 'I':0b01, + 'P':0b10, + 'B':0b11 +} + +def make_info(frames): + has_interlaced = any(frame['interlaced_frame'] for frame in frames) + new_gop='timecode' in frames[0].get('tags',{}) + info=0x000 + info|=1<<11 # always 1 + info|=0<<10 # 0=Closed GOP, 1=Open GOP + info|=(not has_interlaced)<<9 # Progressive + info|=new_gop<<8 + return info + +def make_flags(frames): + flags=[] + for frame in frames: + needs_prev=False + progressive=not int(frame['interlaced_frame']) + pt=pict_types[frame['pict_type']] + reserved=0b00 + tff=int(frame['top_field_first']) + rff=int(frame['repeat_pict']) + flag=0b0 + flag|=(not needs_prev)<<7 + flag|=progressive<<6 + flag|=pt<<4 + flag|=reserved<<2 + flag|=tff<<1 + flag|=rff + flags.append(f"{flag:02x}") + return flags + + +def make_line(frames,stream): + info=f"{make_info(frames):03x}" + matrix=colorspace[stream['color_space']] + file=0 + position=frames[0]['pkt_pos'] + skip=0 + vob=0 + cell=0 + flags=make_flags(frames) + return " ".join(map(str,[info,matrix,file,position,skip,vob,cell,*flags])) + + +def get_frames(path): + proc=SP.Popen([ + "ffprobe", + "-probesize", str(0x7fffffff), + "-analyzeduration", str(0x7fffffff), + "-v","fatal", + "-i",path, + "-select_streams","v:0", + "-show_frames", + "-print_format","compact" + ],stdout=SP.PIPE,stdin=SP.DEVNULL,bufsize=0) + data=None + for line in proc.stdout: + line=str(line,"utf8").strip().split("|") + line={line[0]: dict(v.split("=") for v in line[1:])} + yield line + ret=proc.wait() + if ret!=0: + exit(ret) + return data + +def get_streams(path): + proc=SP.Popen([ + "ffprobe", + "-probesize", str(0x7fffffff), + "-analyzeduration", str(0x7fffffff), + "-v","fatal", + "-i",path, + "-select_streams","v:0", + "-show_streams", + "-show_format", + "-print_format","json" + ],stdout=SP.PIPE,stdin=SP.DEVNULL,bufsize=0) + data=json.load(proc.stdout) + ret=proc.wait() + if ret!=0: + exit(ret) + return data['streams'],data['format'] + +def make_header(file): + return ["DGIndexProjectFile16","1",os.path.abspath(file)] + +def make_settings(stream): + pict_size="x".join(map(str,[stream["width"],stream["height"]])) + frame_rate = list(map(int,stream['r_frame_rate'].split("/"))) + frame_rate=(frame_rate[0]*1000)//frame_rate[1] + frame_rate=f"{frame_rate} ({stream['r_frame_rate']})" + header=[ + ("Stream_Type",0), # Elementary Stream + ("MPEG_Type",2), # MPEG-2 + ("iDCT_Algorithm",5), # 64-bit IEEE-1180 Reference + ("YUVRGB_Scale",int(stream["color_range"]!="tv")), + ("Luminance_Filter","0,0"), + ("Clipping","0,0,0,0"), + ("Aspect_Ratio",stream["display_aspect_ratio"]), + ("Picture_Size",pict_size), + ("Field_Operation",0), # Honor Pulldown Flags + ("Frame_Rate", frame_rate), + ("Location",f"0,0,0,0"), + ] + for k,v in header: + yield f"{k}={v}" + +def gen_d2v(path): + yield from make_header(path) + yield "" + streams,fmt=get_streams(path) + stream=[s for s in streams if s['codec_type']=='video'][0] + stream['index']=str(stream['index']) + yield from make_settings(stream) + yield "" + line_buffer=[] + frames=get_frames(path) + prog_bar=tqdm(frames,total=int(fmt['size']),unit_divisor=1024,unit_scale=True,unit="iB",dec="Writing d2v") + for line in prog_bar: + if 'frame' not in line: + continue + frame=line['frame'] + prog_bar.n=min(max(prog_bar.n,int(frame['pkt_pos'])),int(fmt['size'])) + prog_bar.update(0) + if frame['stream_index']!=stream['index']: + continue + if frame['pict_type']=="I" and line_buffer: + yield make_line(line_buffer,stream) + line_buffer.clear() + line_buffer.append(frame) + prog_bar.close() + yield None + +def make_d2v(path): + outfile=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] + outfile=os.path.extsep.join([outfile,"d2v"]) + a,b=ITT.tee(gen_d2v(path)) + next(b) + with open(outfile,"w") as fh: + for line,next_line in zip(a,b): + fh.write(line) + if next_line is None: # last line, append end marker + fh.write(" ff") + fh.write("\n") diff --git a/ifo_print.h b/ifo_print.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..69a28bf --- /dev/null +++ b/ifo_print.h @@ -0,0 +1,21 @@ +/* + * This file is part of libdvdread. + * + * libdvdread is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdread; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + + +void ifo_print(dvd_reader_t *dvd, int title); +void dvdread_print_time(dvd_time_t *dtime); diff --git a/ifo_read.h b/ifo_read.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..27fb306 --- /dev/null +++ b/ifo_read.h @@ -0,0 +1,215 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Björn Englund , + * Håkan Hjort + * + * This file is part of libdvdread. + * + * libdvdread is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdread; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/** + * handle = ifoOpen(dvd, title); + * + * Opens an IFO and reads in all the data for the IFO file corresponding to the + * given title. If title 0 is given, the video manager IFO file is read. + * Returns a handle to a completely parsed structure. + */ +ifo_handle_t *ifoOpen(dvd_reader_t *, int ); + +/** + * handle = ifoOpenVMGI(dvd); + * + * Opens an IFO and reads in _only_ the vmgi_mat data. This call can be used + * together with the calls below to read in each segment of the IFO file on + * demand. + */ +ifo_handle_t *ifoOpenVMGI(dvd_reader_t *); + +/** + * handle = ifoOpenVTSI(dvd, title); + * + * Opens an IFO and reads in _only_ the vtsi_mat data. This call can be used + * together with the calls below to read in each segment of the IFO file on + * demand. + */ +ifo_handle_t *ifoOpenVTSI(dvd_reader_t *, int); + +/** + * ifoClose(ifofile); + * Cleans up the IFO information. This will free all data allocated for the + * substructures. + */ +void ifoClose(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * The following functions are for reading only part of the VMGI/VTSI files. + * Returns 1 if the data was successfully read and 0 on error. + */ + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_PLT_MAIT(ifofile); + * + * Read in the Parental Management Information table, filling the + * ifofile->ptl_mait structure and its substructures. This data is only + * located in the video manager information file. This fills the + * ifofile->ptl_mait structure and all its substructures. + */ +int ifoRead_PTL_MAIT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_VTS_ATRT(ifofile); + * + * Read in the attribute table for the main menu vob, filling the + * ifofile->vts_atrt structure and its substructures. Only located in the + * video manager information file. This fills in the ifofile->vts_atrt + * structure and all its substructures. + */ +int ifoRead_VTS_ATRT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_TT_SRPT(ifofile); + * + * Reads the title info for the main menu, filling the ifofile->tt_srpt + * structure and its substructures. This data is only located in the video + * manager information file. This structure is mandatory in the IFO file. + */ +int ifoRead_TT_SRPT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_VTS_PTT_SRPT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the part of title search pointer table, filling the + * ifofile->vts_ptt_srpt structure and its substructures. This data is only + * located in the video title set information file. This structure is + * mandatory, and must be included in the VTSI file. + */ +int ifoRead_VTS_PTT_SRPT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_FP_PGC(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the first play program chain data, filling the + * ifofile->first_play_pgc structure. This data is only located in the video + * manager information file (VMGI). This structure is optional. + */ +int ifoRead_FP_PGC(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_PGCIT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the program chain information table for the video title set. Fills + * in the ifofile->vts_pgcit structure and its substructures, which includes + * the data for each program chain in the set. This data is only located in + * the video title set information file. This structure is mandatory, and must + * be included in the VTSI file. + */ +int ifoRead_PGCIT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_PGCI_UT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the menu PGCI unit table for the menu VOB. For the video manager, + * this corresponds to the VIDEO_TS.VOB file, and for each title set, this + * corresponds to the VTS_XX_0.VOB file. This data is located in both the + * video manager and video title set information files. For VMGI files, this + * fills the ifofile->vmgi_pgci_ut structure and all its substructures. For + * VTSI files, this fills the ifofile->vtsm_pgci_ut structure. + */ +int ifoRead_PGCI_UT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_VTS_TMAPT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the VTS Time Map Table, this data is only located in the video + * title set information file. This fills the ifofile->vts_tmapt structure + * and all its substructures. When pressent enables VOBU level time-based + * seeking for One_Sequential_PGC_Titles. + */ +int ifoRead_VTS_TMAPT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_C_ADT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the cell address table for the menu VOB. For the video manager, + * this corresponds to the VIDEO_TS.VOB file, and for each title set, this + * corresponds to the VTS_XX_0.VOB file. This data is located in both the + * video manager and video title set information files. For VMGI files, this + * fills the ifofile->vmgm_c_adt structure and all its substructures. For VTSI + * files, this fills the ifofile->vtsm_c_adt structure. + */ +int ifoRead_C_ADT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_TITLE_C_ADT(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the cell address table for the video title set corresponding to + * this IFO file. This data is only located in the video title set information + * file. This structure is mandatory, and must be included in the VTSI file. + * This call fills the ifofile->vts_c_adt structure and its substructures. + */ +int ifoRead_TITLE_C_ADT(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_VOBU_ADMAP(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the VOBU address map for the menu VOB. For the video manager, this + * corresponds to the VIDEO_TS.VOB file, and for each title set, this + * corresponds to the VTS_XX_0.VOB file. This data is located in both the + * video manager and video title set information files. For VMGI files, this + * fills the ifofile->vmgm_vobu_admap structure and all its substructures. For + * VTSI files, this fills the ifofile->vtsm_vobu_admap structure. + */ +int ifoRead_VOBU_ADMAP(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the VOBU address map for the associated video title set. This data + * is only located in the video title set information file. This structure is + * mandatory, and must be included in the VTSI file. Fills the + * ifofile->vts_vobu_admap structure and its substructures. + */ +int ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * okay = ifoRead_TXTDT_MGI(ifofile); + * + * Reads in the text data strings for the DVD. Fills the ifofile->txtdt_mgi + * structure and all its substructures. This data is only located in the video + * manager information file. This structure is mandatory, and must be included + * in the VMGI file. + */ +int ifoRead_TXTDT_MGI(ifo_handle_t *); + +/** + * The following functions are used for freeing parsed sections of the + * ifo_handle_t structure and the allocated substructures. The free calls + * below are safe: they will not mind if you attempt to free part of an IFO + * file which was not read in or which does not exist. + */ +void ifoFree_PTL_MAIT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_VTS_ATRT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_TT_SRPT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_VTS_PTT_SRPT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_FP_PGC(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_PGCIT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_PGCI_UT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_VTS_TMAPT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_C_ADT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_TITLE_C_ADT(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_VOBU_ADMAP(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP(ifo_handle_t *); +void ifoFree_TXTDT_MGI(ifo_handle_t *); + diff --git a/ifo_types.h b/ifo_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9a5834f --- /dev/null +++ b/ifo_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,683 @@ + +/** + * Common + * + * The following structures are used in both the VMGI and VTSI. + */ + + +/** + * DVD Time Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint8_t hour; + uint8_t minute; + uint8_t second; + uint8_t frame_u; /* The two high bits are the frame rate. */ +} dvd_time_t; + +/** + * Type to store per-command data. + */ +typedef struct { + uint8_t bytes[8]; +} vm_cmd_t; +#define COMMAND_DATA_SIZE 8U + + +/** + * Video Attributes. + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned char mpeg_version : 2; + unsigned char video_format : 2; + unsigned char display_aspect_ratio : 2; + unsigned char permitted_df : 2; + + unsigned char line21_cc_1 : 1; + unsigned char line21_cc_2 : 1; + unsigned char unknown1 : 1; + unsigned char bit_rate : 1; + + unsigned char picture_size : 2; + unsigned char letterboxed : 1; + unsigned char film_mode : 1; +} video_attr_t; + +/** + * Audio Attributes. + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned char audio_format : 3; + unsigned char multichannel_extension : 1; + unsigned char lang_type : 2; + unsigned char application_mode : 2; + + unsigned char quantization : 2; + unsigned char sample_frequency : 2; + unsigned char unknown1 : 1; + unsigned char channels : 3; + uint16_t lang_code; + uint8_t lang_extension; + uint8_t code_extension; + uint8_t unknown3; + union { + struct { + unsigned char unknown4 : 1; + unsigned char channel_assignment : 3; + unsigned char version : 2; + unsigned char mc_intro : 1; /* probably 0: true, 1:false */ + unsigned char mode : 1; /* Karaoke mode 0: solo 1: duet */ + } karaoke; + struct { + unsigned char unknown5 : 4; + unsigned char dolby_encoded : 1; /* suitable for surround decoding */ + unsigned char unknown6 : 3; + } surround; + } app_info; +} audio_attr_t; + + +/** + * MultiChannel Extension + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned int zero1 : 7; + unsigned int ach0_gme : 1; + + unsigned int zero2 : 7; + unsigned int ach1_gme : 1; + + unsigned int zero3 : 4; + unsigned int ach2_gv1e : 1; + unsigned int ach2_gv2e : 1; + unsigned int ach2_gm1e : 1; + unsigned int ach2_gm2e : 1; + + unsigned int zero4 : 4; + unsigned int ach3_gv1e : 1; + unsigned int ach3_gv2e : 1; + unsigned int ach3_gmAe : 1; + unsigned int ach3_se2e : 1; + + unsigned int zero5 : 4; + unsigned int ach4_gv1e : 1; + unsigned int ach4_gv2e : 1; + unsigned int ach4_gmBe : 1; + unsigned int ach4_seBe : 1; + uint8_t zero6[19]; +} multichannel_ext_t; + + +/** + * Subpicture Attributes. + */ +typedef struct { + /* + * type: 0 not specified + * 1 language + * 2 other + * coding mode: 0 run length + * 1 extended + * 2 other + * language: indicates language if type == 1 + * lang extension: if type == 1 contains the lang extension + */ + unsigned char code_mode : 3; + unsigned char zero1 : 3; + unsigned char type : 2; + uint8_t zero2; + uint16_t lang_code; + uint8_t lang_extension; + uint8_t code_extension; +} subp_attr_t; + + + +/** + * PGC Command Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_pre; + uint16_t nr_of_post; + uint16_t nr_of_cell; + uint16_t zero_1; + vm_cmd_t *pre_cmds; + vm_cmd_t *post_cmds; + vm_cmd_t *cell_cmds; +} pgc_command_tbl_t; +#define PGC_COMMAND_TBL_SIZE 8U + +/** + * PGC Program Map + */ +typedef uint8_t pgc_program_map_t; + +/** + * Cell Playback Information. + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned int block_mode : 2; + unsigned int block_type : 2; + unsigned int seamless_play : 1; + unsigned int interleaved : 1; + unsigned int stc_discontinuity: 1; + unsigned int seamless_angle : 1; + unsigned int zero_1 : 1; + unsigned int playback_mode : 1; /**< When set, enter StillMode after each VOBU */ + unsigned int restricted : 1; /**< ?? drop out of fastforward? */ + unsigned int cell_type : 5; /** for karaoke, reserved otherwise */ + uint8_t still_time; + uint8_t cell_cmd_nr; + dvd_time_t playback_time; + uint32_t first_sector; + uint32_t first_ilvu_end_sector; + uint32_t last_vobu_start_sector; + uint32_t last_sector; +} cell_playback_t; + +#define BLOCK_TYPE_NONE 0x0 +#define BLOCK_TYPE_ANGLE_BLOCK 0x1 + +#define BLOCK_MODE_NOT_IN_BLOCK 0x0 +#define BLOCK_MODE_FIRST_CELL 0x1 +#define BLOCK_MODE_IN_BLOCK 0x2 +#define BLOCK_MODE_LAST_CELL 0x3 + +/** + * Cell Position Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t vob_id_nr; + uint8_t zero_1; + uint8_t cell_nr; +} cell_position_t; + +/** + * User Operations. + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned int zero : 7; /* 25-31 */ + unsigned int video_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 24 */ + + unsigned int karaoke_audio_pres_mode_change : 1; /* 23 */ + unsigned int angle_change : 1; + unsigned int subpic_stream_change : 1; + unsigned int audio_stream_change : 1; + unsigned int pause_on : 1; + unsigned int still_off : 1; + unsigned int button_select_or_activate : 1; + unsigned int resume : 1; /* 16 */ + + unsigned int chapter_menu_call : 1; /* 15 */ + unsigned int angle_menu_call : 1; + unsigned int audio_menu_call : 1; + unsigned int subpic_menu_call : 1; + unsigned int root_menu_call : 1; + unsigned int title_menu_call : 1; + unsigned int backward_scan : 1; + unsigned int forward_scan : 1; /* 8 */ + + unsigned int next_pg_search : 1; /* 7 */ + unsigned int prev_or_top_pg_search : 1; + unsigned int time_or_chapter_search : 1; + unsigned int go_up : 1; + unsigned int stop : 1; + unsigned int title_play : 1; + unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1; + unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* 0 */ +} user_ops_t; + +/** + * Program Chain Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t zero_1; + uint8_t nr_of_programs; + uint8_t nr_of_cells; + dvd_time_t playback_time; + user_ops_t prohibited_ops; + uint16_t audio_control[8]; /* New type? */ + uint32_t subp_control[32]; /* New type? */ + uint16_t next_pgc_nr; + uint16_t prev_pgc_nr; + uint16_t goup_pgc_nr; + uint8_t pg_playback_mode; + uint8_t still_time; + uint32_t palette[16]; /* New type struct {zero_1, Y, Cr, Cb} ? */ + uint16_t command_tbl_offset; + uint16_t program_map_offset; + uint16_t cell_playback_offset; + uint16_t cell_position_offset; + pgc_command_tbl_t *command_tbl; + pgc_program_map_t *program_map; + cell_playback_t *cell_playback; + cell_position_t *cell_position; + int ref_count; +} pgc_t; +#define PGC_SIZE 236U + +/** + * Program Chain Information Search Pointer. + */ +typedef struct { + uint8_t entry_id; + unsigned int block_mode : 2; + unsigned int block_type : 2; + unsigned int zero_1 : 4; + uint16_t ptl_id_mask; + uint32_t pgc_start_byte; + pgc_t *pgc; +} pgci_srp_t; +#define PGCI_SRP_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Program Chain Information Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_pgci_srp; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + pgci_srp_t *pgci_srp; + int ref_count; +} pgcit_t; +#define PGCIT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Menu PGCI Language Unit. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t lang_code; + uint8_t lang_extension; + uint8_t exists; + uint32_t lang_start_byte; + pgcit_t *pgcit; +} pgci_lu_t; +#define PGCI_LU_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Menu PGCI Unit Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_lus; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + pgci_lu_t *lu; +} pgci_ut_t; +#define PGCI_UT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Cell Address Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t vob_id; + uint8_t cell_id; + uint8_t zero_1; + uint32_t start_sector; + uint32_t last_sector; +} cell_adr_t; + +/** + * Cell Address Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_vobs; /* VOBs */ + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + cell_adr_t *cell_adr_table; /* No explicit size given. */ +} c_adt_t; +#define C_ADT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * VOBU Address Map. + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t last_byte; + uint32_t *vobu_start_sectors; +} vobu_admap_t; +#define VOBU_ADMAP_SIZE 4U + + + + +/** + * VMGI + * + * The following structures relate to the Video Manager. + */ + +/** + * Video Manager Information Management Table. + */ +typedef struct { + char vmg_identifier[12]; + uint32_t vmg_last_sector; + uint8_t zero_1[12]; + uint32_t vmgi_last_sector; + uint8_t zero_2; + uint8_t specification_version; + uint32_t vmg_category; + uint16_t vmg_nr_of_volumes; + uint16_t vmg_this_volume_nr; + uint8_t disc_side; + uint8_t zero_3[19]; + uint16_t vmg_nr_of_title_sets; /* Number of VTSs. */ + char provider_identifier[32]; + uint64_t vmg_pos_code; + uint8_t zero_4[24]; + uint32_t vmgi_last_byte; + uint32_t first_play_pgc; + uint8_t zero_5[56]; + uint32_t vmgm_vobs; /* sector */ + uint32_t tt_srpt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vmgm_pgci_ut; /* sector */ + uint32_t ptl_mait; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_atrt; /* sector */ + uint32_t txtdt_mgi; /* sector */ + uint32_t vmgm_c_adt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vmgm_vobu_admap; /* sector */ + uint8_t zero_6[32]; + + video_attr_t vmgm_video_attr; + uint8_t zero_7; + uint8_t nr_of_vmgm_audio_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + audio_attr_t vmgm_audio_attr; + audio_attr_t zero_8[7]; + uint8_t zero_9[17]; + uint8_t nr_of_vmgm_subp_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + subp_attr_t vmgm_subp_attr; + subp_attr_t zero_10[27]; /* XXX: how much 'padding' here? */ +} vmgi_mat_t; + +typedef struct { + unsigned int zero_1 : 1; + unsigned int multi_or_random_pgc_title : 1; /* 0: one sequential pgc title */ + unsigned int jlc_exists_in_cell_cmd : 1; + unsigned int jlc_exists_in_prepost_cmd : 1; + unsigned int jlc_exists_in_button_cmd : 1; + unsigned int jlc_exists_in_tt_dom : 1; + unsigned int chapter_search_or_play : 1; /* UOP 1 */ + unsigned int title_or_time_play : 1; /* UOP 0 */ +} playback_type_t; + +/** + * Title Information. + */ +typedef struct { + playback_type_t pb_ty; + uint8_t nr_of_angles; + uint16_t nr_of_ptts; + uint16_t parental_id; + uint8_t title_set_nr; + uint8_t vts_ttn; + uint32_t title_set_sector; +} title_info_t; + +/** + * PartOfTitle Search Pointer Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_srpts; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + title_info_t *title; +} tt_srpt_t; +#define TT_SRPT_SIZE 8U + + +/** + * Parental Management Information Unit Table. + * Level 1 (US: G), ..., 7 (US: NC-17), 8 + */ +#define PTL_MAIT_NUM_LEVEL 8 +typedef uint16_t pf_level_t[PTL_MAIT_NUM_LEVEL]; + +/** + * Parental Management Information Unit Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t country_code; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint16_t pf_ptl_mai_start_byte; + uint16_t zero_2; + pf_level_t *pf_ptl_mai; /* table of (nr_of_vtss + 1), video_ts is first */ +} ptl_mait_country_t; +#define PTL_MAIT_COUNTRY_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Parental Management Information Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_countries; + uint16_t nr_of_vtss; + uint32_t last_byte; + ptl_mait_country_t *countries; +} ptl_mait_t; +#define PTL_MAIT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Video Title Set Attributes. + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t last_byte; + uint32_t vts_cat; + + video_attr_t vtsm_vobs_attr; + uint8_t zero_1; + uint8_t nr_of_vtsm_audio_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + audio_attr_t vtsm_audio_attr; + audio_attr_t zero_2[7]; + uint8_t zero_3[16]; + uint8_t zero_4; + uint8_t nr_of_vtsm_subp_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + subp_attr_t vtsm_subp_attr; + subp_attr_t zero_5[27]; + + uint8_t zero_6[2]; + + video_attr_t vtstt_vobs_video_attr; + uint8_t zero_7; + uint8_t nr_of_vtstt_audio_streams; + audio_attr_t vtstt_audio_attr[8]; + uint8_t zero_8[16]; + uint8_t zero_9; + uint8_t nr_of_vtstt_subp_streams; + subp_attr_t vtstt_subp_attr[32]; +} vts_attributes_t; +#define VTS_ATTRIBUTES_SIZE 542U +#define VTS_ATTRIBUTES_MIN_SIZE 356U + +/** + * Video Title Set Attribute Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_vtss; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + vts_attributes_t *vts; + uint32_t *vts_atrt_offsets; /* offsets table for each vts_attributes */ +} vts_atrt_t; +#define VTS_ATRT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Text Data. (Incomplete) + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t last_byte; /* offsets are relative here */ + uint16_t offsets[100]; /* == nr_of_srpts + 1 (first is disc title) */ +} txtdt_t; + +/** + * Text Data Language Unit. (Incomplete) + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t lang_code; + uint8_t zero_1; + uint8_t char_set; /* 0x00 reserved Unicode, 0x01 ISO 646, 0x10 JIS Roman & JIS Kanji, 0x11 ISO 8859-1, 0x12 Shift JIS Kanji */ + uint32_t txtdt_start_byte; /* prt, rel start of vmg_txtdt_mgi */ + txtdt_t *txtdt; +} txtdt_lu_t; +#define TXTDT_LU_SIZE 8U + +/** + * Text Data Manager Information. (Incomplete) + */ +typedef struct { + char disc_name[12]; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint16_t nr_of_language_units; + uint32_t last_byte; + txtdt_lu_t *lu; +} txtdt_mgi_t; +#define TXTDT_MGI_SIZE 20U + + +/** + * VTS + * + * Structures relating to the Video Title Set (VTS). + */ + +/** + * Video Title Set Information Management Table. + */ +typedef struct { + char vts_identifier[12]; + uint32_t vts_last_sector; + uint8_t zero_1[12]; + uint32_t vtsi_last_sector; + uint8_t zero_2; + uint8_t specification_version; + uint32_t vts_category; + uint16_t zero_3; + uint16_t zero_4; + uint8_t zero_5; + uint8_t zero_6[19]; + uint16_t zero_7; + uint8_t zero_8[32]; + uint64_t zero_9; + uint8_t zero_10[24]; + uint32_t vtsi_last_byte; + uint32_t zero_11; + uint8_t zero_12[56]; + uint32_t vtsm_vobs; /* sector */ + uint32_t vtstt_vobs; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_ptt_srpt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_pgcit; /* sector */ + uint32_t vtsm_pgci_ut; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_tmapt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vtsm_c_adt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vtsm_vobu_admap; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_c_adt; /* sector */ + uint32_t vts_vobu_admap; /* sector */ + uint8_t zero_13[24]; + + video_attr_t vtsm_video_attr; + uint8_t zero_14; + uint8_t nr_of_vtsm_audio_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + audio_attr_t vtsm_audio_attr; + audio_attr_t zero_15[7]; + uint8_t zero_16[17]; + uint8_t nr_of_vtsm_subp_streams; /* should be 0 or 1 */ + subp_attr_t vtsm_subp_attr; + subp_attr_t zero_17[27]; + uint8_t zero_18[2]; + + video_attr_t vts_video_attr; + uint8_t zero_19; + uint8_t nr_of_vts_audio_streams; + audio_attr_t vts_audio_attr[8]; + uint8_t zero_20[17]; + uint8_t nr_of_vts_subp_streams; + subp_attr_t vts_subp_attr[32]; + uint16_t zero_21; + multichannel_ext_t vts_mu_audio_attr[8]; + /* XXX: how much 'padding' here, if any? */ +} vtsi_mat_t; + +/** + * PartOfTitle Unit Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t pgcn; + uint16_t pgn; +} ptt_info_t; + +/** + * PartOfTitle Information. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_ptts; + ptt_info_t *ptt; +} ttu_t; + +/** + * PartOfTitle Search Pointer Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_srpts; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + ttu_t *title; + uint32_t *ttu_offset; /* offset table for each ttu */ +} vts_ptt_srpt_t; +#define VTS_PTT_SRPT_SIZE 8U + + +/** + * Time Map Entry. + */ +/* Should this be bit field at all or just the uint32_t? */ +typedef uint32_t map_ent_t; + +/** + * Time Map. + */ +typedef struct { + uint8_t tmu; /* Time unit, in seconds */ + uint8_t zero_1; + uint16_t nr_of_entries; + map_ent_t *map_ent; +} vts_tmap_t; +#define VTS_TMAP_SIZE 4U + +/** + * Time Map Table. + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t nr_of_tmaps; + uint16_t zero_1; + uint32_t last_byte; + vts_tmap_t *tmap; + uint32_t *tmap_offset; /* offset table for each tmap */ +} vts_tmapt_t; +#define VTS_TMAPT_SIZE 8U + +/** + * The following structure defines an IFO file. The structure is divided into + * two parts, the VMGI, or Video Manager Information, which is read from the + * VIDEO_TS.[IFO,BUP] file, and the VTSI, or Video Title Set Information, which + * is read in from the VTS_XX_0.[IFO,BUP] files. + */ +typedef struct { + /* VMGI */ + vmgi_mat_t *vmgi_mat; + tt_srpt_t *tt_srpt; + pgc_t *first_play_pgc; + ptl_mait_t *ptl_mait; + vts_atrt_t *vts_atrt; + txtdt_mgi_t *txtdt_mgi; + + /* Common */ + pgci_ut_t *pgci_ut; + c_adt_t *menu_c_adt; + vobu_admap_t *menu_vobu_admap; + + /* VTSI */ + vtsi_mat_t *vtsi_mat; + vts_ptt_srpt_t *vts_ptt_srpt; + pgcit_t *vts_pgcit; + vts_tmapt_t *vts_tmapt; + c_adt_t *vts_c_adt; + vobu_admap_t *vts_vobu_admap; +} ifo_handle_t; diff --git a/nav_print.h b/nav_print.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..445d454 --- /dev/null +++ b/nav_print.h @@ -0,0 +1,38 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 Billy Biggs , + * Håkan Hjort + * + * This file is part of libdvdread. + * + * libdvdread is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdread; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/** + * Pretty printing of the NAV packets, PCI and DSI structs. + */ + +/** + * Prints information contained in the PCI to stdout. + * + * @param pci Pointer to the PCI data structure to be printed. + */ +void navPrint_PCI(pci_t *); + +/** + * Prints information contained in the DSI to stdout. + * + * @param dsi Pointer to the DSI data structure to be printed. + */ +void navPrint_DSI(dsi_t *); diff --git a/nav_read.h b/nav_read.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..6a21917 --- /dev/null +++ b/nav_read.h @@ -0,0 +1,40 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Håkan Hjort . + * + * This file is part of libdvdread. + * + * libdvdread is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify + * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by + * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or + * (at your option) any later version. + * + * libdvdread is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the + * GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along + * with libdvdread; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., + * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/** + * Parsing of NAV data, PCI and DSI parts. + */ + +/** + * Reads the PCI packet data pointed to into th pci struct. + * + * @param pci Pointer to the PCI data structure to be filled in. + * @param bufffer Pointer to the buffer of the on disc PCI data. + */ +void navRead_PCI(pci_t *, unsigned char *); + +/** + * Reads the DSI packet data pointed to into dsi struct. + * + * @param dsi Pointer to the DSI data structure to be filled in. + * @param bufffer Pointer to the buffer of the on disc DSI data. + */ +void navRead_DSI(dsi_t *, unsigned char *); + diff --git a/nav_types.h b/nav_types.h new file mode 100644 index 0000000..12ab073 --- /dev/null +++ b/nav_types.h @@ -0,0 +1,235 @@ +/* + * Copyright (C) 2000, 2001, 2002 Håkan Hjort + * + * The data structures in this file should represent the layout of the + * pci and dsi packets as they are stored in the stream. Information + * found by reading the source to VOBDUMP is the base for the structure + * and names of these data types. + * + * VOBDUMP: a program for examining DVD .VOB files. + * Copyright 1998, 1999 Eric Smith + * + * VOBDUMP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it + * under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as + * published by the Free Software Foundation. Note that I am not + * granting permission to redistribute or modify VOBDUMP under the terms + * of any later version of the General Public License. + * + * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful (or at + * least amusing), but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied + * warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See + * the GNU General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License + * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, + * Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. + */ + +/* The length including the substream id byte. */ +#define PCI_BYTES 0x3d4 +#define DSI_BYTES 0x3fa + +#define PS2_PCI_SUBSTREAM_ID 0x00 +#define PS2_DSI_SUBSTREAM_ID 0x01 + +/* Remove this */ +#define DSI_START_BYTE 1031 + +/** + * PCI General Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t nv_pck_lbn; /**< sector address of this nav pack */ + uint16_t vobu_cat; /**< 'category' of vobu */ + uint16_t zero1; /**< reserved */ + user_ops_t vobu_uop_ctl; /**< UOP of vobu */ + uint32_t vobu_s_ptm; /**< start presentation time of vobu */ + uint32_t vobu_e_ptm; /**< end presentation time of vobu */ + uint32_t vobu_se_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of sequence end in vobu */ + dvd_time_t e_eltm; /**< Cell elapsed time */ + char vobu_isrc[32]; +} pci_gi_t; + +/** + * Non Seamless Angle Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t nsml_agl_dsta[9]; /**< address of destination vobu in AGL_C#n */ +} nsml_agli_t; + +/** + * Highlight General Information + * + * For btngrX_dsp_ty the bits have the following meaning: + * 000b: normal 4/3 only buttons + * XX1b: wide (16/9) buttons + * X1Xb: letterbox buttons + * 1XXb: pan&scan buttons + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t hli_ss; /**< status, only low 2 bits 0: no buttons, 1: different 2: equal 3: eual except for button cmds */ + uint32_t hli_s_ptm; /**< start ptm of hli */ + uint32_t hli_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of hli */ + uint32_t btn_se_e_ptm; /**< end ptm of button select */ + unsigned int zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int btngr_ns : 2; /**< number of button groups 1, 2 or 3 with 36/18/12 buttons */ + unsigned int zero2 : 1; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int btngr1_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 1 */ + unsigned int zero3 : 1; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int btngr2_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 2 */ + unsigned int zero4 : 1; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int btngr3_dsp_ty : 3; /**< display type of subpic stream for button group 3 */ + uint8_t btn_ofn; /**< button offset number range 0-255 */ + uint8_t btn_ns; /**< number of valid buttons <= 36/18/12 (low 6 bits) */ + uint8_t nsl_btn_ns; /**< number of buttons selectable by U_BTNNi (low 6 bits) nsl_btn_ns <= btn_ns */ + uint8_t zero5; /**< reserved */ + uint8_t fosl_btnn; /**< forcedly selected button (low 6 bits) */ + uint8_t foac_btnn; /**< forcedly activated button (low 6 bits) */ +} hl_gi_t; + + +/** + * Button Color Information Table + * Each entry beeing a 32bit word that contains the color indexs and alpha + * values to use. They are all represented by 4 bit number and stored + * like this [Ci3, Ci2, Ci1, Ci0, A3, A2, A1, A0]. The actual palette + * that the indexes reference is in the PGC. + * @TODO split the uint32_t into a struct + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t btn_coli[3][2]; /**< [button color number-1][select:0/action:1] */ +} btn_colit_t; + +/** + * Button Information + * + * NOTE: I've had to change the structure from the disk layout to get + * the packing to work with Sun's Forte C compiler. + * The 4 and 7 bytes are 'rotated' was: ABC DEF GHIJ is: ABCG DEFH IJ + */ +typedef struct { + unsigned int btn_coln : 2; /**< button color number */ + unsigned int x_start : 10; /**< x start offset within the overlay */ + unsigned int zero1 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int x_end : 10; /**< x end offset within the overlay */ + + unsigned int auto_action_mode : 2; /**< 0: no, 1: activated if selected */ + unsigned int y_start : 10; /**< y start offset within the overlay */ + unsigned int zero2 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int y_end : 10; /**< y end offset within the overlay */ + + unsigned int zero3 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int up : 6; /**< button index when pressing up */ + unsigned int zero4 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int down : 6; /**< button index when pressing down */ + unsigned int zero5 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int left : 6; /**< button index when pressing left */ + unsigned int zero6 : 2; /**< reserved */ + unsigned int right : 6; /**< button index when pressing right */ + vm_cmd_t cmd; +} btni_t; + +/** + * Highlight Information + */ +typedef struct { + hl_gi_t hl_gi; + btn_colit_t btn_colit; + btni_t btnit[36]; +} hli_t; + +/** + * PCI packet + */ +typedef struct { + pci_gi_t pci_gi; + nsml_agli_t nsml_agli; + hli_t hli; + uint8_t zero1[189]; +} pci_t; + + + + +/** + * DSI General Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t nv_pck_scr; + uint32_t nv_pck_lbn; /**< sector address of this nav pack */ + uint32_t vobu_ea; /**< end address of this VOBU */ + uint32_t vobu_1stref_ea; /**< end address of the 1st reference image */ + uint32_t vobu_2ndref_ea; /**< end address of the 2nd reference image */ + uint32_t vobu_3rdref_ea; /**< end address of the 3rd reference image */ + uint16_t vobu_vob_idn; /**< VOB Id number that this VOBU is part of */ + uint8_t zero1; /**< reserved */ + uint8_t vobu_c_idn; /**< Cell Id number that this VOBU is part of */ + dvd_time_t c_eltm; /**< Cell elapsed time */ +} dsi_gi_t; + +/** + * Seamless Playback Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t category; /**< 'category' of seamless VOBU */ + uint32_t ilvu_ea; /**< end address of interleaved Unit */ + uint32_t ilvu_sa; /**< start address of next interleaved unit */ + uint16_t size; /**< size of next interleaved unit */ + uint32_t vob_v_s_s_ptm; /**< video start ptm in vob */ + uint32_t vob_v_e_e_ptm; /**< video end ptm in vob */ + struct { + uint32_t stp_ptm1; + uint32_t stp_ptm2; + uint32_t gap_len1; + uint32_t gap_len2; + } vob_a[8]; +} sml_pbi_t; + +/** + * Seamless Angle Information for one angle + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t address; /**< offset to next ILVU, high bit is before/after */ + uint16_t size; /**< byte size of the ILVU pointed to by address */ +} sml_agl_data_t; + +/** + * Seamless Angle Information + */ +typedef struct { + sml_agl_data_t data[9]; +} sml_agli_t; + +/** + * VOBU Search Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint32_t next_video; /**< Next vobu that contains video */ + uint32_t fwda[19]; /**< Forwards, time */ + uint32_t next_vobu; + uint32_t prev_vobu; + uint32_t bwda[19]; /**< Backwards, time */ + uint32_t prev_video; +} vobu_sri_t; + +#define SRI_END_OF_CELL 0x3fffffff + +/** + * Synchronous Information + */ +typedef struct { + uint16_t a_synca[8]; /**< offset to first audio packet for this VOBU */ + uint32_t sp_synca[32]; /**< offset to first subpicture packet */ +} synci_t; + +/** + * DSI packet + */ +typedef struct { + dsi_gi_t dsi_gi; + sml_pbi_t sml_pbi; + sml_agli_t sml_agli; + vobu_sri_t vobu_sri; + synci_t synci; + uint8_t zero1[471]; +} dsi_t; diff --git a/vob_demux.py b/vob_demux.py new file mode 100644 index 0000000..eec2025 --- /dev/null +++ b/vob_demux.py @@ -0,0 +1,63 @@ +import sys +import os +import json +import subprocess as SP + + +def get_streams(path): + proc=SP.Popen([ + "ffprobe", + "-probesize", str(0x7fffffff), + "-analyzeduration", str(0x7fffffff), + "-v","fatal", + "-i",path, + "-show_streams", + "-show_format", + "-print_format","json" + ],stdout=SP.PIPE,stdin=SP.DEVNULL,bufsize=0) + data=json.load(proc.stdout) + ret=proc.wait() + if ret!=0: + return [],{} + return data['streams'],data['format'] + +types={ + 'mpeg2video': 'm2v', + 'ac3': 'ac3', + 'dvd_subtitle': 'sup', +} + +def demux(path): + folder=os.path.dirname(path) + basename=os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(path))[0] + streams,fmt=get_streams(path) + cmd=[ + "ffmpeg", + "-y", + "-strict","-2", + "-fflags","+genpts", + "-probesize", str(0x7fffffff), + "-analyzeduration", str(0x7fffffff), + "-i",path, + "-scodec","copy", + "-vcodec","copy", + "-acodec","copy", + ] + need_ffmpeg=False + for stream in streams: + codec=stream['codec_name'] + ext=types.get(codec,codec) + idx=stream['index'] + hex_id=stream['id'] + codec_name=stream['codec_long_name'] + outfile=os.path.join(folder,f"{basename}_{idx}_{hex_id}") + if codec=="dvd_subtitle": + SP.check_call([ + "mencoder",path,"-vobsuboutindex",str(idx),"-vobsubout", outfile,"-nosound","-ovc", "copy", "-o",os.devnull + ]) + continue + print(idx,hex_id,codec_name,codec) + cmd+=["-map",f"0:#{hex_id}",outfile+f".{ext}"] + need_ffmpeg=True + if need_ffmpeg: + SP.check_call(cmd) \ No newline at end of file