# IntelliJ Idea Ultimate 2022.2 This is a crackfix for IntelliJ Idea 2022.2 Another Proud Upload by CracksHash.com ================================================== Instructions :- This agent will activate IDEs & some of plugins! /--/NOTE: IF YOU'VE ALREADY LOGGED IN INTO YOUR JB ACCOUNT, FIRST LOG OUT OF IT!\--\ /--/NOTE: IF YOU'VE ALREADY INSTALLED "IDE Eval Reset" PLUGIN, UNINSTALL IT FIRST!\--\ 1) Copy ja-netfilter-all folder to C:\ (So path of ja-netfilter.jar file should be C:\ja-netfilter-all\ja-netfilter.jar) 2) OPTION #1 (Recommended): Use Auto vmoptions configurer (if not works, use manuall way (OPTION #2 bellow)): macOS or Linux: execute "scripts/install.sh" Windows: double click to execute "scripts\install-current-user.vbs" (For current user) "scripts\install-all-users.vbs" (For all users) 2) OPTION #2: Locate .vmoptions file of desired JetBrains product: This is located in the bin directory of your JetBrains IDE. For example: C:\Program Files\JetBrains\IDEA\bin\idea64.exe.vmoptions Or, if you use Custom VM Options, the path would be, for example: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\JetBrains\IntelliJIdea2021.3\idea64.exe.vmoptions (Note: this file won't exist by default, either create it manually or use "Edit Custom VM Options..." inside IDE -> Configure menu if you have access to IDE) So if something doesn't work, make sure you change the right file (custom takes precedence over the one in the bin directory) add following line to the end of the .vmoptions file: -javaagent:C:\ja-netfilter-all\ja-netfilter.jar=jetbrains NOTE: JBR17 (Recent versions of JetBrains products): add these 2 lines to your vmoptions file: (for manual, without any whitespace chars) --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/jdk.internal.org.objectweb.asm.tree=ALL-UNNAMED 3) Run JetBrains product, Select "Activate ", Select "Activation Code", Enter corresponding code from "Activation Codes" folder, Click activate. Done! NOTE: don't care about the activation time (if an activation time is shown), it is a fallback license and will not expire NOTE: this license can activate Code With Me plugin! Boom! Now you can use the program without any interruptions. That's it, Enjoy now ;) VirusTotal - Setup - https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/aad01be6fe12a8eee55b8720aea20bfa6b7d13cab83ef7e8942a9f20da099315 Crack - hhttps://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/887687e5c24d13b29aa98d9d6678dc935a9971e6913d99c4cafed3e5bcffb86d Hybrid- Crack - https://www.hybrid-analysis.com/sample/887687e5c24d13b29aa98d9d6678dc935a9971e6913d99c4cafed3e5bcffb86d >>>>>>>>> CracksHash.com <<<<<<<<<<