package org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.downloader; import org.schabi.newpipe.extractor.localization.Localization; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Objects; import javax.annotation.Nonnull; import javax.annotation.Nullable; /** * An object that holds request information used when {@link Downloader#execute(Request) executing} * a request. */ public class Request { private final String httpMethod; private final String url; private final Map> headers; @Nullable private final byte[] dataToSend; @Nullable private final Localization localization; public Request(final String httpMethod, final String url, @Nullable final Map> headers, @Nullable final byte[] dataToSend, @Nullable final Localization localization, final boolean automaticLocalizationHeader) { this.httpMethod = Objects.requireNonNull(httpMethod, "Request's httpMethod is null"); this.url = Objects.requireNonNull(url, "Request's url is null"); this.dataToSend = dataToSend; this.localization = localization; final Map> actualHeaders = new LinkedHashMap<>(); if (headers != null) { actualHeaders.putAll(headers); } if (automaticLocalizationHeader && localization != null) { actualHeaders.putAll(getHeadersFromLocalization(localization)); } this.headers = Collections.unmodifiableMap(actualHeaders); } private Request(final Builder builder) { this(builder.httpMethod, builder.url, builder.headers, builder.dataToSend, builder.localization, builder.automaticLocalizationHeader); } /** * A http method (i.e. {@code GET, POST, HEAD}). */ public String httpMethod() { return httpMethod; } /** * The URL that is pointing to the wanted resource. */ public String url() { return url; } /** * A list of headers that will be used in the request.
* Any default headers that the implementation may have, should be overridden by these. */ public Map> headers() { return headers; } /** * An optional byte array that will be sent when doing the request, very commonly used in * {@code POST} requests.
* The implementation should make note of some recommended headers * (for example, {@code Content-Length} in a post request). */ @Nullable public byte[] dataToSend() { return dataToSend; } /** * A localization object that should be used when executing a request.
* Usually the {@code Accept-Language} will be set to this value (a helper * method to do this easily: {@link Request#getHeadersFromLocalization(Localization)}). */ @Nullable public Localization localization() { return localization; } public static Builder newBuilder() { return new Builder(); } public static final class Builder { private String httpMethod; private String url; private final Map> headers = new LinkedHashMap<>(); private byte[] dataToSend; private Localization localization; private boolean automaticLocalizationHeader = true; public Builder() { } /** * A http method (i.e. {@code GET, POST, HEAD}). */ public Builder httpMethod(final String httpMethodToSet) { this.httpMethod = httpMethodToSet; return this; } /** * The URL that is pointing to the wanted resource. */ public Builder url(final String urlToSet) { this.url = urlToSet; return this; } /** * A list of headers that will be used in the request.
* Any default headers that the implementation may have, should be overridden by * these. */ public Builder headers(@Nullable final Map> headersToSet) { this.headers.clear(); if (headersToSet != null) { this.headers.putAll(headersToSet); } return this; } /** * An optional byte array that will be sent when doing the request, very commonly used in * {@code POST} requests.
* The implementation should make note of some recommended headers * (for example, {@code Content-Length} in a post request). */ public Builder dataToSend(final byte[] dataToSendToSet) { this.dataToSend = dataToSendToSet; return this; } /** * A localization object that should be used when executing a request.
* Usually the {@code Accept-Language} will be set to this value (a helper * method to do this easily: {@link Request#getHeadersFromLocalization(Localization)}). */ public Builder localization(final Localization localizationToSet) { this.localization = localizationToSet; return this; } /** * If localization headers should automatically be included in the request. */ public Builder automaticLocalizationHeader(final boolean automaticLocalizationHeaderToSet) { this.automaticLocalizationHeader = automaticLocalizationHeaderToSet; return this; } public Request build() { return new Request(this); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Http Methods Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public Builder get(final String urlToSet) { this.httpMethod = "GET"; this.url = urlToSet; return this; } public Builder head(final String urlToSet) { this.httpMethod = "HEAD"; this.url = urlToSet; return this; } public Builder post(final String urlToSet, @Nullable final byte[] dataToSendToSet) { this.httpMethod = "POST"; this.url = urlToSet; this.dataToSend = dataToSendToSet; return this; } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Additional Headers Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ public Builder setHeaders(final String headerName, final List headerValueList) { this.headers.remove(headerName); this.headers.put(headerName, headerValueList); return this; } public Builder addHeaders(final String headerName, final List headerValueList) { @Nullable List currentHeaderValueList = this.headers.get(headerName); if (currentHeaderValueList == null) { currentHeaderValueList = new ArrayList<>(); } currentHeaderValueList.addAll(headerValueList); this.headers.put(headerName, headerValueList); return this; } public Builder setHeader(final String headerName, final String headerValue) { return setHeaders(headerName, Collections.singletonList(headerValue)); } public Builder addHeader(final String headerName, final String headerValue) { return addHeaders(headerName, Collections.singletonList(headerValue)); } } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Utils //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") @Nonnull public static Map> getHeadersFromLocalization( @Nullable final Localization localization) { if (localization == null) { return Collections.emptyMap(); } final String languageCode = localization.getLanguageCode(); final List languageCodeList = Collections.singletonList( localization.getCountryCode().isEmpty() ? languageCode : localization.getLocalizationCode() + ", " + languageCode + ";q=0.9"); return Collections.singletonMap("Accept-Language", languageCodeList); } /*////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Generated //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////*/ @Override public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } final Request request = (Request) o; return httpMethod.equals(request.httpMethod) && url.equals(request.url) && headers.equals(request.headers) && Arrays.equals(dataToSend, request.dataToSend) && Objects.equals(localization, request.localization); } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = Objects.hash(httpMethod, url, headers, localization); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(dataToSend); return result; } }