77 lines
2.3 KiB
77 lines
2.3 KiB
# SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only
import asyncdispatch, strutils, sequtils, uri, options, sugar
import jester, karax/vdom
import router_utils
import ".."/[types, formatters, api]
import ../views/[general, status]
export uri, sequtils, options, sugar
export router_utils
export api, formatters
export status
proc createStatusRouter*(cfg: Config) =
router status:
get "/@name/status/@id/?":
cond '.' notin @"name"
cond not @"id".any(c => not c.isDigit)
let prefs = cookiePrefs()
# used for the infinite scroll feature
if @"scroll".len > 0:
let replies = await getReplies(@"id", getCursor())
if replies.content.len == 0:
resp Http404, ""
resp $renderReplies(replies, prefs, getPath())
let conv = await getTweet(@"id", getCursor())
if conv == nil:
echo "nil conv"
if conv == nil or conv.tweet == nil or conv.tweet.id == 0:
var error = "Tweet not found"
if conv != nil and conv.tweet != nil and conv.tweet.tombstone.len > 0:
error = conv.tweet.tombstone
resp Http404, showError(error, cfg)
title = pageTitle(conv.tweet)
ogTitle = pageTitle(conv.tweet.user)
desc = conv.tweet.text
images = conv.tweet.photos
video = ""
if conv.tweet.video.isSome():
images = @[get(conv.tweet.video).thumb]
video = getVideoEmbed(cfg, conv.tweet.id)
elif conv.tweet.gif.isSome():
images = @[get(conv.tweet.gif).thumb]
video = getPicUrl(get(conv.tweet.gif).url)
elif conv.tweet.card.isSome():
let card = conv.tweet.card.get()
if card.image.len > 0:
images = @[card.image]
elif card.video.isSome():
images = @[card.video.get().thumb]
let html = renderConversation(conv, prefs, getPath() & "#m")
resp renderMain(html, request, cfg, prefs, title, desc, ogTitle,
images=images, video=video)
get "/@name/@s/@id/@m/?@i?":
cond @"s" in ["status", "statuses"]
cond @"m" in ["video", "photo"]
redirect("/$1/status/$2" % [@"name", @"id"])
get "/@name/statuses/@id/?":
redirect("/$1/status/$2" % [@"name", @"id"])
get "/i/web/status/@id":
redirect("/i/status/" & @"id")
get "/@name/thread/@id/?":
redirect("/$1/status/$2" % [@"name", @"id"])