257 lines
7.3 KiB
257 lines
7.3 KiB
import httpclient, asyncdispatch, htmlparser, times
import sequtils, strutils, strformat, json, xmltree, uri
import regex
import ./types, ./parser, ./parserutils, ./formatters
agent = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/71.0.3578.98 Safari/537.36"
lang = "en-US,en;q=0.9"
cardAccept = "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3"
base = parseUri("https://twitter.com/")
apiBase = parseUri("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/")
timelineParams = "?include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&include_new_items_bar=false&reset_error_state=false"
showUrl = "i/profiles/show/$1" & timelineParams
timelineUrl = showUrl % "$1/timeline/tweets"
profilePopupUrl = "i/profiles/popup"
profileIntentUrl = "intent/user"
tweetUrl = "status"
videoUrl = "videos/tweet/config/$1.json"
tokenUrl = "guest/activate.json"
cardUrl = "i/cards/tfw/v1/$1"
pollUrl = cardUrl & "?cardname=poll2choice_text_only&lang=en"
guestToken = ""
tokenUses = 0
tokenMaxUses = 230
tokenUpdated: Time
tokenLifetime = initDuration(minutes=20)
template newClient() {.dirty.} =
var client = newAsyncHttpClient()
defer: client.close()
client.headers = headers
proc fetchHtml(url: Uri; headers: HttpHeaders; jsonKey = ""): Future[XmlNode] {.async.} =
var resp = ""
resp = await client.getContent($url)
return nil
if jsonKey.len > 0:
let json = parseJson(resp)[jsonKey].str
return parseHtml(json)
return parseHtml(resp)
proc fetchJson(url: Uri; headers: HttpHeaders): Future[JsonNode] {.async.} =
var resp = ""
resp = await client.getContent($url)
result = parseJson(resp)
return nil
proc getGuestToken(force=false): Future[string] {.async.} =
if getTime() - tokenUpdated < tokenLifetime and
not force and tokenUses < tokenMaxUses:
return guestToken
tokenUpdated = getTime()
tokenUses = 0
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Referer": $base,
"User-Agent": agent,
"Authorization": auth
url = apiBase / tokenUrl
json = parseJson(await client.postContent($url))
result = json["guest_token"].to(string)
guestToken = result
proc getVideo*(tweet: Tweet; token: string) {.async.} =
if tweet.video.isNone(): return
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Referer": $(base / getLink(tweet)),
"User-Agent": agent,
"Authorization": auth,
"x-guest-token": token
let url = apiBase / (videoUrl % tweet.id)
let json = await fetchJson(url, headers)
if json == nil:
if getTime() - tokenUpdated > initDuration(seconds=1):
tokenUpdated = getTime()
discard await getGuestToken(force=true)
await getVideo(tweet, guestToken)
tweet.video = some(parseVideo(json))
proc getVideos*(thread: Thread; token="") {.async.} =
if thread == nil: return
var gToken = token
if gToken.len == 0:
gToken = await getGuestToken()
var videoFuts: seq[Future[void]]
for tweet in thread.tweets.filterIt(it.video.isSome):
videoFuts.add getVideo(tweet, gToken)
await all(videoFuts)
proc getConversationVideos*(convo: Conversation) {.async.} =
var token = await getGuestToken()
var futs: seq[Future[void]]
futs.add getVideo(convo.tweet, token)
futs.add convo.replies.mapIt(getVideos(it, token))
futs.add getVideos(convo.before, token)
futs.add getVideos(convo.after, token)
await all(futs)
proc getPoll*(tweet: Tweet) {.async.} =
if tweet.poll.isNone(): return
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": cardAccept,
"Referer": $(base / getLink(tweet)),
"User-Agent": agent,
"Authority": "twitter.com",
"Accept-Language": lang,
let url = base / (pollUrl % tweet.id)
let html = await fetchHtml(url, headers)
if html == nil: return
tweet.poll = some(parsePoll(html))
proc getPolls*(thread: Thread) {.async.} =
if thread == nil: return
var polls = thread.tweets.filterIt(it.poll.isSome)
await all(polls.map(getPoll))
proc getConversationPolls*(convo: Conversation) {.async.} =
var futs: seq[Future[void]]
futs.add getPoll(convo.tweet)
futs.add getPolls(convo.before)
futs.add getPolls(convo.after)
futs.add convo.replies.map(getPolls)
await all(futs)
proc getProfileFallback(username: string; headers: HttpHeaders): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
let url = base / profileIntentUrl ? {"screen_name": username}
let html = await fetchHtml(url, headers)
if html == nil: return Profile()
result = parseIntentProfile(html)
proc getProfile*(username: string): Future[Profile] {.async.} =
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": "text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9",
"Referer": $(base / username),
"User-Agent": agent,
"X-Twitter-Active-User": "yes",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Accept-Language": lang
params = {
"screen_name": username,
"wants_hovercard": "true",
"_": $(epochTime().int)
url = base / profilePopupUrl ? params
html = await fetchHtml(url, headers, jsonKey="html")
if html == nil: return Profile()
if html.select(".ProfileCard-sensitiveWarningContainer") != nil:
return await getProfileFallback(username, headers)
result = parsePopupProfile(html)
proc getTimeline*(username: string; after=""): Future[Timeline] {.async.} =
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Referer": $(base / username),
"User-Agent": agent,
"X-Twitter-Active-User": "yes",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Accept-Language": lang
var url = timelineUrl % username
let cleanAfter = after.replace(re"[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]*", "$1")
if cleanAfter.len > 0:
url &= "&max_position=" & cleanAfter
let json = await fetchJson(base / url, headers)
if json == nil: return Timeline()
result = Timeline(
hasMore: json["has_more_items"].to(bool),
maxId: json.getOrDefault("max_position").getStr(""),
minId: json.getOrDefault("min_position").getStr(""),
if json["new_latent_count"].to(int) == 0: return
if not json.hasKey("items_html"): return
html = parseHtml(json["items_html"].to(string))
thread = parseThread(html)
vidsFut = getVideos(thread)
pollFut = getPolls(thread)
await all(vidsFut, pollFut)
result.tweets = thread.tweets
proc getTweet*(username: string; id: string): Future[Conversation] {.async.} =
let headers = newHttpHeaders({
"Accept": "application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01",
"Referer": $base,
"User-Agent": agent,
"X-Twitter-Active-User": "yes",
"X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",
"Accept-Language": lang,
"pragma": "no-cache",
"x-previous-page-name": "profile"
url = base / username / tweetUrl / id
html = await fetchHtml(url, headers)
if html == nil: return
result = parseConversation(html)
let vidsFut = getConversationVideos(result)
let pollFut = getConversationPolls(result)
await all(vidsFut, pollFut)