from base import BaseTestCase, Tweet, Conversation, get_timeline_tweet from parameterized import parameterized # image = tweet + ' > div > div > a > div > img' # self.assert_true(self.get_image_url(image).split('/')[0] == 'http') timeline = [ [1, 'Test account', 'mobile_test', '10 Aug 2016', '763483571793174528', '.'], [3, 'Test account', 'mobile_test', '3 Mar 2016', '705522133443571712', 'LIVE on #Periscope…'], [6, 'mobile test 2', 'mobile_test_2', '1 Oct 2014', '517449200045277184', 'Testing. One two three four. Test.'] ] status = [ [20, 'jack', 'jack', '21 Mar 2006', 'just setting up my twttr'], [134849778302464000, 'The Twoffice', 'TheTwoffice', '11 Nov 2011', 'test'], [105685475985080322, 'The Twoffice', 'TheTwoffice', '22 Aug 2011', 'regular tweet'], [572593440719912960, 'Test account', 'mobile_test', '3 Mar 2015', 'testing test'] ] invalid = [ ['mobile_test/status/120938109238'], ['TheTwoffice/status/8931928312'] ] multiline = [ [400897186990284800, 'mobile_test_3', """ ♔ KEEP CALM AND CLICHÉ ON"""], [1718660434457239868, 'WebDesignMuseum', """ Happy 32nd Birthday HTML tags! On October 29, 1991, the internet pioneer, Tim Berners-Lee, published a document entitled HTML Tags. The document contained a description of the first 18 HTML tags: , <nextid>, <a>, <isindex>, <plaintext>, <listing>, <p>, <h1>…<h6>, <address>, <hp1>, <hp2>…, <dl>, <dt>, <dd>, <ul>, <li>,<menu> and <dir>. The design of the first version of HTML language was influenced by the SGML universal markup language. #WebDesignHistory"""] ] link = [ ['nim_lang/status/1110499584852353024', [ '…', '…', '…' ]], ['nim_lang/status/1125887775151140864', [ '…' ]], ['hiankun_taioan/status/1086916335215341570', [ '(…)' ]], ['archillinks/status/1146302618223951873', [ '…', '…' ]], ['archillinks/status/1146292551936335873', [ '…', '…' ]] ] username = [ ['Bountysource/status/1094803522053320705', ['nim_lang']], ['leereilly/status/1058464250098704385', ['godotengine', 'unity3d', 'nim_lang']] ] emoji = [ ['Tesla/status/1134850442511257600', '🌈❤️🧡💛💚💙💜'] ] retweet = [ [7, 'mobile_test_2', 'mobile test 2', 'Test account', '@mobile_test', '1234'], [3, 'mobile_test_8', 'mobile test 8', 'jack', '@jack', 'twttr'] ] class TweetTest(BaseTestCase): @parameterized.expand(timeline) def test_timeline(self, index, fullname, username, date, tid, text): self.open_nitter(username) tweet = get_timeline_tweet(index) self.assert_exact_text(fullname, tweet.fullname) self.assert_exact_text('@' + username, tweet.username) self.assert_exact_text(date, self.assert_text(text, tweet.text) permalink = self.find_element( + ' a') self.assertIn(tid, permalink.get_attribute('href')) @parameterized.expand(status) def test_status(self, tid, fullname, username, date, text): tweet = Tweet() self.open_nitter(f'{username}/status/{tid}') self.assert_exact_text(fullname, tweet.fullname) self.assert_exact_text('@' + username, tweet.username) self.assert_exact_text(date, self.assert_text(text, tweet.text) @parameterized.expand(multiline) def test_multiline_formatting(self, tid, username, text): self.open_nitter(f'{username}/status/{tid}') self.assert_text(text.strip('\n'), Conversation.main) @parameterized.expand(emoji) def test_emoji(self, tweet, text): self.open_nitter(tweet) self.assert_text(text, Conversation.main) @parameterized.expand(link) def test_link(self, tweet, links): self.open_nitter(tweet) for link in links: self.assert_text(link, Conversation.main) @parameterized.expand(username) def test_username(self, tweet, usernames): self.open_nitter(tweet) for un in usernames: link = self.find_link_text(f'@{un}') self.assertIn(f'/{un}', link.get_property('href')) @parameterized.expand(retweet) def test_retweet(self, index, url, retweet_by, fullname, username, text): self.open_nitter(url) tweet = get_timeline_tweet(index) self.assert_text(f'{retweet_by} retweeted', tweet.retweet) self.assert_text(text, tweet.text) self.assert_exact_text(fullname, tweet.fullname) self.assert_exact_text(username, tweet.username) @parameterized.expand(invalid) def test_invalid_id(self, tweet): self.open_nitter(tweet) self.assert_text('Tweet not found', '.error-panel') #@parameterized.expand(reply) #def test_thread(self, tweet, num): #self.open_nitter(tweet) #thread = self.find_element(f'.timeline > div:nth-child({num})') #self.assertIn(thread.get_attribute('class'), 'thread-line')