32 lines
825 B
32 lines
825 B
## Make /etc/hosts nicer to read, see `man hosts 5` to see the format
syntax "/etc/hosts" "^/etc/hosts$"
# IPv4
color yellow "^[0-9\.]+\s"
# IPv6
icolor green "^[0-9a-f:]+\s"
# interpunction
color normal "[.:]"
# comments
color brightblack "^#.*"
# rainbow indent
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{32}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{30}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{28}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{26}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{24}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{22}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{20}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{18}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{16}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{14}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{12}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{10}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{8}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{6}"
color ,brightblack "^[[:space:]]{4}"
color ,black "^[[:space:]]{2}"