local wezterm = require("wezterm"); local config = { font_size = 9.0, freetype_load_target = "Mono", color_scheme = "Tokyo Night", color_schemes = { everforest = { foreground = "#d3c6aa", background = "#2b3339", cursor_fg = "#3a454a", cursor_bg = "#d3c6aa", cursor_border = "#d3c6aa", selection_fg = "#9da9a0", selection_bg = "#7a8478", ansi = { "#323C41", "#e67e80", "#a7c080", "#dbbc7f", "#7fbbb3", "#d699b6", "#83c092", "#d3c6aa", }, brights = { "#3A454A", "#f85552", "#8da101", "#dfa000", "#3a94c5", "#df69ba", "#35a77c", "#9da9a0", }, tab_bar = { background = "#1e2327", active_tab = { bg_color = "#2b3339", fg_color = "#d3c6aa", }, inactive_tab = { bg_color = "#1e2327", fg_color = "#9da9a0", }, inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#1e2327", fg_color = "#d3c6aa", italic = false, }, new_tab = { bg_color = "#1e2327", fg_color = "#9da9a0", italic = false, }, new_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#1e2327", fg_color = "#d3c6aa", italic = false, }, }, }, ["Tokyo Night"] = { background = "#1a1b26", foreground = "#a9b1d6", cursor_fg = "#444b6a", cursor_bg = "#9da9a0", cursor_border = "#9da9a0", selection_fg = "#787c99", selection_bg = "#444b6a", ansi = { "#32344a", "#f7768e", "#9ece6a", "#e0af68", "#7aa2f7", "#ad8ee6", "#449dab", "#787c99", }, brights = { "#444b6a", "#ff7a93", "#b9f27c", "#ff9e64", "#7da6ff", "#bb9af7", "#0db9d7", "#acb0d0", }, tab_bar = { background = "#16161e", active_tab = { bg_color = "#1a1b26", fg_color = "#a9b1d6", }, inactive_tab = { bg_color = "#16161e", fg_color = "#787c99", }, inactive_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#16161e", fg_color = "#a9b1d6", italic = false, }, new_tab = { bg_color = "#16161e", fg_color = "#9da9a0", italic = false, }, new_tab_hover = { bg_color = "#16161e", fg_color = "#a9b1d6", italic = false, }, }, } }, window_padding = { left = 4, right = 4, top = 4, bottom = 4, }, use_fancy_tab_bar = false, tab_bar_at_bottom = true, launch_menu = {}, keys = { -- disable search (ctrl f = tab) {key = "f", mods = "CTRL|SHIFT", action = "DisableDefaultAssignment"}, -- launcher {key = "Space", mods = "CTRL|SHIFT", action = "ShowLauncher"}, }, mouse_bindings = { -- Change the default selection behavior so that it only selects text, -- but doesn't copy it to a clipboard or open hyperlinks. { event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="NONE", action=wezterm.action{ExtendSelectionToMouseCursor="Cell"} }, -- Don't automatically copy the selection to the clipboard -- when double clicking a word { event={Up={streak=2, button="Left"}}, mods="NONE", action="Nop", }, -- Ctrl-click will open the link under the mouse cursor { event={Up={streak=1, button="Left"}}, mods="CTRL", action="OpenLinkAtMouseCursor", }, }, } if wezterm.target_triple == "x86_64-pc-windows-msvc" then config.default_prog = {"D:/Programs/git-sdk-64/usr/bin/zsh", "-i"} config.default_cwd = "D:/Downloads" config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "Terminus (TTF)", "SijiNGWindows", "Unifont", "Noto Emoji", }) config.unix_domains = { { name = "unix", }, } config.default_gui_startup_args = {"connect", "unix"} table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "MSYS2", args = { "C:/msys64/msys2_shell.cmd", "-no-start","-defterm","-msys2", }, }) table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "MinGW64", args = { "C:/msys64/msys2_shell.cmd", "-no-start","-defterm","-mingw64", }, }) table.insert(config.launch_menu, { label = "cygwin", args = { "D:/Programs/cygwin/bin/bash", "--login", }, }) else config.font = wezterm.font_with_fallback({ "Terminus", "Siji", "Unifont", "Noto Emoji", }) end return config