-- luacheck: globals client local awful = require("awful") local beautiful = require("beautiful") local gears = require("gears") local lain = require("lain") local wibox = require("wibox") local menu = require("modules/menu") local utils = require("modules/utils") local vars = require("modules/vars") local markup = lain.util.markup local modkey = vars.modkey -- Create a wibox for each screen and add it local taglist_buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function(t) t:view_only() end), awful.button({modkey}, 1, function(t) if client.focus then client.focus:move_to_tag(t) end end), awful.button({}, 3, awful.tag.viewtoggle), awful.button({modkey}, 3, function(t) if client.focus then client.focus:toggle_tag(t) end end), awful.button({}, 4, function(t) awful.tag.viewnext(t.screen) end), awful.button({}, 5, function(t) awful.tag.viewprev(t.screen) end) ) local tasklist_buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function(c) if c == client.focus then c.minimized = true else c:emit_signal( "request::activate", "tasklist", {raise = true} ) end end), awful.button({}, 3, function() awful.menu.client_list({ theme = { width = 256 } }) end), awful.button({}, 4, function() awful.client.focus.byidx(1) end), awful.button({}, 5, function() awful.client.focus.byidx(-1) end) ) local layout_buttons = gears.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() awful.layout.inc(1) end), awful.button({}, 3, function() awful.layout.inc(-1) end), awful.button({}, 4, function() awful.layout.inc(1) end), awful.button({}, 5, function() awful.layout.inc(-1) end) ) local function make_bar_icon(icon) local img = wibox.widget.imagebox(beautiful["bar_" .. icon], false) img.forced_height = 18 img.forced_width = 18 return img end -- Widgets local clock_icon = make_bar_icon("clock") local uclock = wibox.widget.textclock(markup(beautiful.widget_clock or beautiful.wibar_fg, "(UTC: %H) "), 1, "UTC") local clock = wibox.widget.textclock(markup(beautiful.widget_clock or beautiful.wibar_fg, "%H:%M:%S"), 1) lain.widget.cal({ attach_to = {clock}, week_start = 1, week_number = "left", followtag = true, icons = "", notification_preset = { font = vars.config.font, fg = beautiful.notification_fg, bg = beautiful.notification_bg, }, }) --[[local volume_icon = make_bar_icon("volume") local volume = lain.widget.alsa({ settings = function() if volume_now.status == "off" then volume_now.level = "MUTE" else volume_now.level = volume_now.level .. "%" end volume_icon.image = volume_now.status == "off" and beautiful.bar_volume_muted or beautiful.bar_volume widget:set_markup(markup(volume_now.status == "off" and beautiful.widget_volume_muted or beautiful.widget_volume, volume_now.level)) end, }) local volume_buttons = awful.util.table.join( awful.button({}, 1, function() -- left click os.execute(string.format("%s set %s toggle", volume.cmd, volume.togglechannel or volume.channel)) volume.update() end), awful.button({}, 4, function() -- scroll up os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%+", volume.cmd, volume.channel)) volume.update() end), awful.button({}, 5, function() -- scroll down os.execute(string.format("%s set %s 1%%-", volume.cmd, volume.channel)) volume.update() end) ) volume.widget:buttons(volume_buttons) volume_icon:buttons(volume_buttons)--]] local memory_icon = make_bar_icon("memory") local memory = lain.widget.mem({ settings = function() widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_memory or beautiful.wibar_fg, mem_now.used .. " MB, " .. mem_now.swapused .. " MB")) end }) local cpu_icon = make_bar_icon("cpu") local cpu = lain.widget.cpu({ settings = function() widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_cpu or beautiful.wibar_fg, cpu_now.usage .. "%")) end }) local cpu_temp_icon = make_bar_icon("cpu_temp") local cpu_temp = wibox.widget.textbox() awful.widget.watch( 'bash -c "cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/temp1_input"', 1, function(widget, stdout, stderr) widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_cpu or beautiful.wibar_fg, math.floor(tonumber(stdout) / 1000) .. "°C")) end, cpu_temp ) local gpu_icon = make_bar_icon("gpu") local gpu = wibox.widget.textbox() awful.widget.watch( 'bash -c "radeontop -d - -l 1"', 1, function(widget, stdout, stderr) local usage = math.floor(tonumber(stdout:match("gpu (.-)%%"))) local vram = math.floor(tonumber(stdout:match("vram .- (.-)mb"))) widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_gpu or beautiful.wibar_fg, usage .. "%, " .. vram .. " MB")) end, gpu ) local gpu_temp_icon = make_bar_icon("gpu_temp") local gpu_temp = wibox.widget.textbox() awful.widget.watch( 'bash -c "cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input"', 1, function(widget, stdout, stderr) widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_gpu or beautiful.wibar_fg, math.floor(tonumber(stdout) / 1000) .. "°C")) end, gpu_temp ) local packages_icon = make_bar_icon("packages") local packages = wibox.widget.textbox() local packages_wrapper = wibox.widget({ { packages_icon, packages, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }) awful.widget.watch( 'bash -c "xbps-install -Mun | wc -l"', 900, function(widget, stdout, stderr) local count = tonumber(stdout) if count == 0 then packages_wrapper.visible = false widget:set_markup("") else packages_wrapper.visible = true widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_packages or beautiful.wibar_fg, count .. " pkg" .. (count > 1 and "s" or ""))) end end, packages ) --[[local net_up_icon = make_bar_icon("net_up") local net_down_icon = make_bar_icon("net_down") local net_down = wibox.widget.textbox() local net_up = lain.widget.net({ units = 1, settings = function() widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_net_up or beautiful.wibar_fg, utils.format_size(net_now.sent))) net_down:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_net_down or beautiful.wibar_fg, utils.format_size(net_now.received))) end, })--]] local music_icon = make_bar_icon("music") local music = wibox.widget.textbox() local music_wrapper = wibox.widget({ { music_icon, music, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }) awful.widget.watch( 'bash -c "~/.config/awesome/scripts/cmus-wrapper.sh"', 1, function(widget, stdout, stderr, _, code) if code ~= 0 or stderr:match("^cmus-remote:") or stdout == "" then music_wrapper.visible = false widget:set_markup("") else music_wrapper.visible = true local nowplaying local status = stdout:match("status (.-)\n") local duration = tonumber(stdout:match("duration (.-)\n")) local position = tonumber(stdout:match("position (.-)\n")) if status == "stopped" then nowplaying = "[stopped]" else if duration == -1 and stdout:find("stream ") then local stream = stdout:match("stream (.-)\n"):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") nowplaying = stream .. " [" .. utils.format_time(position) .. "]" else local artist = stdout:match("tag artist (.-)\n"):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") local title = stdout:match("tag title (.-)\n"):gsub("^%s*(.-)%s*$", "%1") nowplaying = artist .. " - " .. title .. " [" .. utils.format_time(position) .. "/" .. utils.format_time(duration) .. "]" end if status == "paused" then nowplaying = nowplaying .. " [" .. status .. "]" end end widget:set_markup(markup(beautiful.widget_music, gears.string.xml_escape(nowplaying))) end end, music ) awful.screen.connect_for_each_screen(function(s) -- Wallpaper utils.set_wallpaper(s) -- Each screen has its own tag table. awful.tag({ "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9" }, s, awful.layout.layouts[1]) -- Create a promptbox for each screen s.__promptbox = awful.widget.prompt() -- Create an imagebox widget which will contain an icon indicating which layout we're using. -- We need one layoutbox per screen. s.__layoutbox = awful.widget.layoutbox(s) s.__layoutbox:buttons(layout_buttons) -- Create a taglist widget s.__taglist = awful.widget.taglist({ screen = s, filter = awful.widget.taglist.filter.all, buttons = taglist_buttons }) -- Create a tasklist widget s.__tasklist = awful.widget.tasklist({ screen = s, filter = awful.widget.tasklist.filter.currenttags, buttons = tasklist_buttons, widget_template = { { { { id = "icon_role", widget = wibox.widget.imagebox, }, margins = 2, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, { { id = "text_role", widget = wibox.widget.textbox, }, left = 2, widget = wibox.container.margin, }, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal }, id = "background_role", widget = wibox.container.background, }, }) -- Create the wibox s.__bar = awful.wibar({ position = "top", screen = s }) -- Add widgets to the wibox s.__bar:setup({ layout = wibox.layout.align.horizontal, -- Left widgets { layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, menu.launcher, s.__taglist, { s.__layoutbox, margins = 2, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, s.__promptbox, }, -- Middle widgets s.__tasklist, -- Right widgets { music_wrapper, { { cpu_icon, cpu.widget, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { { cpu_temp_icon, cpu_temp, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { { gpu_icon, gpu, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { { gpu_temp_icon, gpu_temp, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { { memory_icon, memory.widget, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, --[[{ { net_down_icon, net_down, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { { net_up_icon, net_up.widget, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, },--]] packages_wrapper, --[[{ { volume_icon, volume.widget, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, },--]] { { clock_icon, uclock, clock, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, top = 2, bottom = 2, left = 4, right = 4, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, { wibox.widget.systray(), margins = 2, layout = wibox.container.margin, }, layout = wibox.layout.fixed.horizontal, }, }) end)